Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Brain and Behavior

Deidre Bennett's picture

This Is Who I am


Diane OFee-Powers's picture

Meditation in the Classroom

Picture borrowed

Cheryl Brown's picture

about me


  My husband and I love to travel.  We especially enjoy taking cruises.  Our last cruise was

to Alaska. 


              Here I am at the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska.


I highly recommend visiting Alaska.  The scenery is awesome.    




Benjamin Zerante's picture

Getting Started


Bruce Williamson's picture



Here is that Langston's Ant suddenly purposeful. Teaching was a happy accident for me, since I did not plan on it. I had great teachers but:

Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Who I am !


This is not who I really am!

I am a person who loves God and enjoys being in His presence! This picture reminds me of Jesus's Majestic power and authority as well as His love for all of His people!


Robert McCormick's picture

my blog Reflections

If you succeed in gaining their love, your influence will be greater in some respects than that of parents themselves. You have the power to make them kind, benevolent, and humane, or, by your neglect, they may become the reverse of everything that is lovely, amiable, and generou


G. Samuel Hall, the first book published for teachers in the United States in 1892.


Teresa Albers's picture


Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 Session 4




The Web as an Educational Tool,
and Incentive for "Getting It Less Wrong"


The promise and possibilities

Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 Session 3


Science as loopy, story telling/revising rather than truth/facts

"I was intrigued when asked to decide rather or not the earth was round or flat. At first this seemed to be an easy question to answer based on what we are taught but by the end of the disscussion I was left questioning I had learned. We were given several more questions of this type and at the end I always questioned what I had been taught." .... Deidre

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