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Donna Morris's blog

Donna Morris's picture

Curriculum Development Proposal

As a result of me being a participant in The Brain and Behavior Summer

Institute 2007 I am submitting the following curriculum proposal:

I would like to do a Girl's Self Esteem Group,where they can tell there stories

and get the needed skills and concepts to enhance self esteem ,

assert themself effectively and hopefully change their stories .

This will help reduce the level of shame, guilt, and isolation.

The girls will learn coping skills and behaviors for

expressing and realizing their full potential.

The class will include:

Donna Morris's picture

Self Esteem



Teen girls need to have the skills and concepts to enhance self esteem

and assert themself effectively. This will help reduce the level of shame,

guilt, and isolation. The girls need to learn coping skills and behaviors for

expressing and realizing their full potential this includes:

Donna Morris's picture

My Story



I'm a educator with the School District of Philadelphia with a background

in Family and Consumer Science and Counseling.My love of children has led

me to my career as well as my other activities.I am active in ministry at my

Church as the Sunday School Superintendent and the Vacation Bible School

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