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Brain and Behavior

Angela Bryant's picture

Proposal for Brain and Behavior


        I am going to do my proposal on somthing I can use in my classroom . I just recieved a smart board in Febuary and I am being trained on different task I can work with my students. What I would like to use in my classroom for the stipend would work out find with my smartboard. I am going to use the $200 dollars buying a printer. I went online to and found a printer that I could use for my classroom. It is a Canon-Pixma All in One Photo Printer/Copier/scanner/fax. I can also go to Bestbuy store and purchase the same printer for the same amout of money.


Thank you for everything!


Ashley Dawkins's picture

Brain and Behavior Institute Critique 2007

The goal of this Institute was “to bring together college faculty and K-12 teachers to discuss current understandings of brain function in relation to behavior ... and the implications of those understandings for classroom teaching and education generally”.

Ashley Dawkins's picture

Brain and Behavior Institute Summary 2007

Monday July 9, 2007

One of the first things that we did today was get to know one another. Paul did this by simply polling the class to find out information like; urban schoolteachers v. suburban schoolteachers, and who teaches elementary, middle, and high school. The teachers then had a better sense of who was in the Institute with them. They all agreed that the mix of K-12 and all the diversity that they brought was a good thing and beneficial.
William Sgrillo's picture

Curiculum Proposal

joycetheriot's picture

Teacher Stories


Brain Drops

Brain Drops 

Paul Grobstein's picture

BBI 2007 Session 19


The Brain: Significance for Education?

Review and extension

Benjamin Zerante's picture

Global Warming Lesson

Global Warming: Which Story is Less Wrong? 

 Objective: SWBAT examine and analyze current data used to support different stories about global warming. After considering the information available, students will determine what they believe to be the most accurate summary of observations (including in this their own observations about global warming). Students will use the web as a primary resource in obtaining information and thinking about the topic.  


Mingh Whitfield's picture

The Middle East


The entire student body of LFS spends the better part of a month on an in depth study of one topic. Each grade spends class time focusing on the topic in a developmentally appropriate way. We also meet, share, and learn together as a school. The experience is called the "All School Theme". This year's topic is the Middle East.

BBI Teacher's picture

Randal Holly Home


Academic Year 2002-2003

Room 406

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