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joycetheriot's blog

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Metacognitive Frameworks

Metacognition slide 

Metacognition slide



I presented a snapshot of my research this year to the faculty at my high school.

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Brain Drain

Brain DrainBrain Drain

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Finding Index

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Omar's Story

The morality conversation during Jessica's workshop was interesting. No matter what the subject I think all teachers try to infuse a "right and wrongness" sense of morality within our classroom; difficult in a room full of teens twittering volleys of harsh criticisms. 

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* Probing Deep Understanding*

Normal 0 false

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Joyce's Intro

Fortunately, my high school provided powerful science and math teachers that infused me with the idea of exploring the world according to science.  After earning a degree in Biology; I continued into graduate studies in Oceanography and Marine Science. Naturally, I wanted to use my knowledge to "save" people of the Philippines by joining the Peace Corps. I decided that my expertise in the Intertidal zone would transfer to demonstrating techniques for Mariculture.

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Joyce's Sudoku Journal

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Student Brains: Navigating the Jungle of Neuronal Networks

The Art of Changing the Brain by James Zull has been my "brain bible" (so to speak) this year. I keep it with me all the time to help me design strategies. Zull discusses the Neural Networks that our students develop and biologically keep all their lives so therefore teachers can't erase background knowledge. A possible tactic is to find out what they are thinking and how they explain a particular phenomenon and then help them make critical new connections.

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Working BIG head Thinking



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