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Anne Dalke's picture

Welcome to "GIST": A Course about Gender, Information, Science and Technology, offered in Spring 2011 @ Bryn Mawr College. This is an interestingly different kind of place for writing, and may take some getting used to. The first thing to keep in mind is that this is not a place for "formal writing" or "finished thoughts." It's a place for thoughts-in-progress, for what you're thinking (whether you know it or not) on your way to what you think next. Imagine that you're not worrying about "writing" but instead that you're just talking to some people you've met. This is a "conversation" place, a place to find out what you're thinking yourself, and what other people are thinking, so you can help them think and they can help you think. The idea is that your "thoughts in progress" can help others with their thinking, and theirs can help you with yours.

We're glad you're here, and hope you'll come both to enjoy and value our shared imagining of the future evolution of ourselves as individuals and of our gendered, scientific, technological world. Feel free to comment on any post below, or to POST YOUR THOUGHTS HERE....

Hillary G's picture

Evolutionary Psychology

          One thing from the previous class that struck me was Clark's criticism of Evolutionary Psychology in relation to humans being natural-born cyborgs. Although he criticizes the field, I feel that in reality it supports his point. It seems evident to me that we have evolved to seek out the use of tools to improve our quality of life. First we created ways to sustain life using tools to kill or gather food, build shelter, and protect ourselves from the elements. After our survival needs were met we continued to search for and create ways to use technology to make our lives easier or better—otherwise we would still be living as cave people.

vgaffney's picture


 Hi everyone! I'm Victoria and I'm a junior English major at Haverford. The technology which has been most integral to my intellectual development is the computer. My ability to interact with a computer from a young age has allowed me to develop a basic proficiency with this technology. However I still feel significantly limited in my knowledge of computing-- I primarily use the computer for writing papers, research, social networking, etc. Last year I took "World of Computing" at Haverford, which allowed be to get a glimpse of the complexities of this technology. I learned basic html, worked with Alice (program designing software), used python, and learned other basics of computer science.

Ann Dixon's picture

Hello from the Serendip Tech-Head

Hello everyone, I'm a Bryn Mawr English major alum, and co-founded Serendip 17 years ago. I'm the shadow figure in the background making sure that the website works for you. Have fun this semester. Ann
kgould's picture

I am a horrible procrastinator

My name is Kate Gould, I'm a senior graduating in December of 2011 (medical leave), and I'm a thesis-writing English major.

I like video games and I guess the piece of technology that has been important to my development has been my father's Nintendo. 

From a young age I was inundated with computer games--my father is a mechanical engineer and loves all things tech. I guess by playing the Nintendo (and other games on the PC) since I was three or four, I've never been afraid of technology. It's all something that I want to try--and it's fun. Technology is fun--not scary or intimidating. I taught my mother how to use the computer when I was seven or eight years old. 

anonymous123's picture


 Hello my name is Tiffany and I'm a sophmore majoring in English at Bryn Mawr. The type of technology that has affected an aspect of my development would most definitely be my personal mobile phone, my beloved Blackberry.

I was extremely reluctant to buy a smartphone because there is social stigma attached to smartphone users - the zombie like texting fiends who walk into doors and fall into fountains. No really, youtube "woman falls in mall fountain." Smartphone users are typically horrible listeners because their attention is constantly glued to their phones. So the next time you have news to tell a friend be sure they're not on BBM or you might get a "No way! LOL" response when you tell them about your dog of nine years that just passed away.

MSA322's picture

Music everywhere

Hello everyone, I'm Muna and I'm a Sophomore, a Biology major and hoping to declare my double major in CompSci soon. The first thing that popped into my mind when thinking about my first favorite technology was the walkman, it always made me excited to be able to listen to my favorite music whenever i wanted. This then evolved to become my iPod which comes with me everywhere I go and I was often given the nickname "the iPodder".

Liz McCormack's picture

extensions and conversions

I am so pleased to meet all of you and I am looking forward to working with you this semester.  I've been at Bryn Mawr as a faculty member for nearly 15 years.  My area of research is experimental molecular physics which involves beam machines and lasers.  Technology and its developments have driven the acquisition of new knowledge in my area.  I couldn't do my work without it.  The infusion of new tools also creates a lot of the fun of doing science.  In my work I've enjoyed immensely the combination of manipulating stuff and imagining stuff as the most rewarding mode of doing science.  The manipulation of stuff is where technology has perhaps had its biggest impact.  New technologies extend our senses and capacities, while also, focusing, i

aybala50's picture


Hey guys, I'm Aybala. I'm a junior Psychology major and Education minor. I guess the form of technology that first pops into my head as having a great effect to my life is airplanes. As someone with a family split across the ocean, planes come in handy (or maybe not) in being able to see everyone I'm supposed to see.

shin1068111's picture


Hi Everyone. My name is Alex Shin. I'm a junior chemistry major from Haverford.

Riki's picture


Hi, my name is Riki, and I tend to procrastinate. More on this later.

phreNic's picture


 Hello, I am a McBride scholar with sophomore standing.  The piece of technology that has the most impact on me is the internet.  I grew up with a word processer and a library card.  The amount of information I am now able to access from home or even my phone is astounding.  At times it seems a bit too much, or at least too much trivial or incomplete information. 

rubikscube's picture

Robot car



kelliott's picture


 Hello all! My name is Kate Elliott and I am a sophomore Psych major and recently declared Film Studies minor from San Francisco, CA. I come from a family of artists and tech geeks, parents who have worked behind the scenes of film, dance, and theater. Though I wish to follow in their footsteps one way or another, I do not in any shape or form know how to use a light plot or work a dolly. However, I'm the go-to girl when it comes to anything cellphone. Or, at least I used to be. I was always one to buy the simplest phones out there--all I needed was a way to call someone and I was set. Now my phone, an iPhone, has the potential to carry practically my whole life, which is pretty intimidating.

Apocalipsis's picture

Introducing Apocalipsis, the iPhone Addict.

It came as a shock to me 5 years ago to realize that I have an addictive personality in regards to my relationship with technology. Although I can speak to my obsession with Tetris and various other forms of technological games, I must admit that the iPhone has become my second layer of skin heightening my senses. Everywhere I go, it goes. The iPhone has not only allowed me to be constantly connected to the world, but it also has become the platform through which I receive instant gratification. It supplies my demands. Although it is sad, I have no sense of direction. Sure, I can remember specific places, but ask me to go left, and sometimes I have to make an L shape with my left hand in order to not move right.

ekthorp's picture


Hi everyone. My name is Emma Thorp and I’m a freshman from Arlington, Virginia, right outside D.C. I’ll probably be an English major, which both excites and terrifies me. While there has obviously been a lot of technology that has influenced my life in significant ways, but my iPod is definitely my favorite one. I love it. It’s been so many places with me, from runs around my neighborhood to cross-country plane rides. Music is very important to me, and the ability to carry all of my music with me, wherever I go, whenever I want, is nothing short of miraculous. It goes everywhere with me.

Franklin20's picture


Hi!  My name is Michael Franklin (but I go by “MJ”) and I am a junior English major at Haverford.  I am especially interested in this class because throughout my studies here in the Bi-Co, I find myself gravitating towards issues of gender and sexuality, discussing these issues in numerous English classes, an education class, and an Anthropology of Gender class.  That said, I am very interested in exploring the interaction between gender and science/ technology.

MissArcher2's picture

Constant Connectivity

 Hi GIST, my name is Isabel and I'm a junior English major with a concentration in creative writing.















fawei's picture


 Hi, I'm Francine. I'm a sophomore and English major from somewhere on the other side of the world. 

The piece of technology that has had the most profound impact on me has got to be the computer. Having one has saved time, money and space that would not have been if I used paper for everything, since I enjoy drawing a lot. Digital drawing is one of the few things I am not poor-to-average at, so I have my laptops to thank for making that hobby accessible. Easy access to entertainment is also a big thing computers have, especially since coming to college where TV/books you want are not always available.

Oak's picture

Tech Intro

I suppose I will have to go with the rather overly-obvious answer and claim "The Internet" as my most formative technology (though it's tempting to claim the microwave oven and laud the joys of popcorn). More specifically, the parts of the internet used to communicate. The earliest memories of the internet that I am able to dredge up are of ICQ, a chatting program that I recall as being popular with my peers as a preteen. I also joined various forums as I grew up--I discovered that I could communicate with a whole lot of people, many of them very far away, and many of them way more interesting than my fellow preteens.

leamirella's picture


Growing up, I was always a performer. Throughout elementary school, I acted in plays and danced ballet. My career aspirations at this point were limited to anything that allowed me to be on stage, spotlight trained on me as I shared my talent with an audience. You might say that in my younger years, I was somewhat of an exhibitionist - I gained personal gratification from being watched. In fact, the larger the audience, the better. Many performances were documented on cameras and were both still and moving images. They're still at home, gathering dust. As I grew older though, this love for performance started to fade. Maybe it was because I was tired of it or maybe it was because I had reached adolescence and had turned into the angsty teenager that refused to listen to my superiors.