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kbrown's picture

Gender and Sexuality Differences in the Brain

Gender and Sexuality Differences in the Brain:Should we study them?

Kara BrownApril 21, 2008            

Jessica Krueger's picture

The End of Man: Myth or Delightful Truth?

Given that I am entering the culmination of my Bryn Mawr education as a second semester senior, complete with the juggling of thesis and classwork which such an academic role entails, it should come as no surprise that my thoughts are never far from the end of times. Indulging in my fatalism is rapidly becoming my favorite form of procrastination, and whenever I have successfully dodged a volley of questions about my uncertain, post-graduation, future, I find myself visiting my favorite apocalyptic website, Exit Mundi, to give me hope that maybe the world will end tomorrow and I won’t have to worry about assignments, job searches or graduate school. “Giggle!” is by far my favorite end scenario: a world run by women due largely to the fragile nature of that which makes the stronger sex -- the Y-chromosome. Exit Mundi explains that the X-chromosome “hates” the Y and has consequently unleashed an uncompromising attack upon him, reducing him to a mere nubbin of genetic material.(6) But how can coils of genes resent, much less damage, each other? What is going on here? Is the Y-chromosome really under attack, and will this battle result in the eradication of the human male?

Mahvish Qureshi's picture

Why the Male Voice Dominates Auditory Hallucinations

Have you ever experienced hearing a voice in your head showing you right from wrong, your conscience, the real life Jiminy Cricket? Or have you had the slightly humiliating experience in a noisy crowd where you go ‘Yes!’ assuming someone has called out to you? These are a few examples that can be paralleled to the experience of auditory hallucinations heard by schizophrenic patients although the actual phenomenon is a much more complex one. The occurrence of auditory hallucinations, or false perceptions of voices, has fascinated many who have chosen to study it, and has

Christina Harview's picture

Seeking Out the Uncomfortable

Hello, reader. Today I will be talking about uncomfortable situations in life and how they can affect us positively if we allow them. Do not be afraid, however, to read on from this point—I have no intention of being the distributor of uncomfortable feelings (although that intent may change from this sentence to the next). Hopefully, after reading this paper, you will more often seek out the uncomfortable than avoid or ignore it. I want to provide a prescriptive redemption of uncomfortable situations. However, I am exploring discomfort from the point of view of the person feeling the emotion, not the person eliciting the emotion. I cannot endorse that we, as human beings,
AF's picture

A Gender-queer Generation

March 26, 2008

Emerging Genres

Professor Anne Dalke

Reading Notes from "Genre and Gender"

Reading Notes from Mary Eagleton,
"Genre and Gender"

feminist criticism looks at genre in terms of sexual difference
and asks if we can create a criticism which is non-essentialist and non-reductive...

the novel became a possible form for women; lyricism was too assertive/egotistic
literary history privileges male-cominated forms; female forms were seen as less literary
generic divisions are not neutral , impartial; aesthetic judgements are ideologically bound

MarieSager's picture

Middlesex: How and Why Callie Became Cal

“Sing now, O Muse, of the recessive mutation on my fifth chromosome! Sing how it bloomed two and a half centuries ago on the slopes of mount Olympus…Sing how it passed down through nine generations, gathering invisibly within the polluted pool of the Stephanides family. And sing how Providence … sent the gene flying again…” (p 4).

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