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To Conform or Not To?

Notes towards Day 22
Critical Feminist Studies

Gertrude Stein and Marilyn Hacker
The Lesbian Poet: To Conform Or Not To Conform?

(Okay, so that's not actually the title for the class,

Licking The Book of Salt

Notes towards Day 21
Critical Feminist Studies

The Book of Salt

"Powered sugar, cracker crumbs, salt...forgive my lack
of appreciation, my nonaffection for the snow." (225)

Reading Kindred

Notes towards Day 19 of
Critical Feminist Studies

Reading Kindred:
Science Fiction as "Feminist Didactic"?

"What his tongue can do": Tasting The Book of Salt

Notes towards Day 20 of

What his tongue can do:
Tasting The Book of Salt

"She wants to see the stretch marks on my tongue..."

I. announcements & coursekeeping

Judy Wicks on
"Building Local Living Economies," Thurs 8 p.m. Th 11/15 TGH
Carole Joffe on the Future of Abortion in the United States, 12:30-2, Fri 11/16, Dalton 300

Gertrude Stein on stage: Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights, 7:30 tonight, Fri, Sat, Goodhart

(not unrelatedly:) Finish The Book of Salt,

Continuing Our Discussion of Disability

Notes towards Day 18 of
Critical Feminist Studies

Continuing Our Discussion of Disability

I. the arrival of "Generous Feminism"!

II. continuing thoughts from Tuesday's discussion about feminist disability studies

'The strange ambiguity of existence made body"

Notes towards Day 14 of
Critical Feminist Studies

"The strange ambiguity of existence made body":
Nature and Culture, From
Sor Juana to Simone de Beauvoir--

sarahcollins's picture

Japanese feminism

For my project I’ve decided to read a selection of Japanese books and manga, (popular Japanese comics), as well as essays on feminism in modern Japan. I will be attempting to define and explore what feminism means in modern Japanese literature, how it differs from American feminism, and why. I think that examining what feminism means in this culture will let me both learn about a different kind of feminism as well as see American feminism through a new lens. It will let me examine whether, as Paula

llauher's picture

For the sake of privacy and comfort...

For the sake of privacy and comfort, my paper proposal has been emailed to Professor Dalke instead of posted on this forum. I hope that no one is offended by this choice. Because of my chosen topic and how personal it is, I fear backlash and harsh critique. If anyone protests to this choice, I would be willing to post it here. Please let me know if you would like to know what my topic is or have any questions or complaints.

Naming the Silence

Notes towards Day 13 of
Critical Feminist Studies

Naming the Silence:
Moving from Susan Stryker to Sor Juana

"...que se etienda que el callar no es no haber que decir,
sino no caber en las voces lo mucho que hay que decir/

One must name the silence, so that what it signifies may be understood."

cmcgowan's picture

I read somewhere that their periods attract bears

The quote used for the title of this paper is from the movie Anchorman when a man is trying to warn his friend about the dangers of women.  While the accuracy of this statement is questionable, it makes one wonder if a woman’s monthly period does actually pose a significant threat to the individual and/or society.

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