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sarahcollins's picture

Japanese Feminism


Sarah Collins
Feminist Critical Studies

llauher's picture

The Transition of Feminism at Bryn Mawr College

Louisa “Weezie” Lauher

December 20, 2007

Critical Feminist Theory

Professor Anne Dalke

Final Paper





The Transition of Feminism at Bryn Mawr College





Final Evaluation

Critical Feminist Studies
Fall 2007
Student Course Evaluation

A "non-traditional" course in both content and format ... and so needing feedback for continuing evolution

How significant did you find the course for your education generally? Give a number, from 0 (not at all significant) to 10 (very significant), and provide any additional comments you think would be helpful.

How significant did you find the course for your understanding of feminism and of literature? Give a number, from 0 (not at all significant) to 10 (very significant) for each, and provide any additional comments that you think would be helpful.

Instructions for Preparing Your Final Portfolio

Critical Feminist Studies
Bryn Mawr College
Fall 2007

Anne Dalke (English House,
ext. 5308,

Instructions for Preparing your Final Portfolio

Feminist Drama, Continued

Notes towards Day 25
Critical Feminist Studies

Feminist Drama, Continued:
"How I Learned to Drive"

I. coursekeeping and announcements
Lucille Clifton reading in Ely Room @ 7:30 tonight (after supper w/ me....:)

Feminist Drama

Notes towards Day 24
Critical Feminist Studies

Feminist Drama:
"The Heidi Chronicles"

I. coursekeeping and announcements

"Vesuvius @ Home": Lesbian-Feminist Readings of Poetry and Life

Notes towards Day 23
Critical Feminist Studies

"Vesuvius @ Home":
Lesbian-Feminist Readings of Poetry and Life

"lesbian/feminist criticism...will ask how she came to be for-herself and
how she identified with and was able to use women's culture, a women's tradition;
llauher's picture

Bryn Mawr Boys

Louisa “Weezie” Lauher

November 21, 2007

Critical Feminist Theory

Paper Draft



Bryn Mawr Boys

Transgender Feminism at Bryn Mawr College

Introduction of Goals

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