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Notes for Day 4

Reading Middlesex:
Notes Towards Day Four of Critical Feminist Studies

I. Get up, introduce yourself to someone you don't know,
and tell each other where (one branch of) your family (tree) came from

Any interesting tales?

Paul Grobstein's picture

Education: Between Two Cultures

An interesting conversation has broken out, at several different places on Serendip and beyond, among (so far) two scientists, three humanists, and several college students of whom at least one has yet to declare an identity. Among the things that make it interesting, to me at least, is that it isn't actually about the two cultures per se (see also Two Cultures or One?), but rather about experiences teaching and learning in different contexts - with the intriguing suggestion that humanists might have something to learn in this regard from scientists and vice versa.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Put a Little Science in Your Life, Extended

Brian Greene in the June 1, 2008 NYTimes makes some very important points about science education. Those in turn have some important implications for thinking about science and how scientists present it to the world, some of which Greene makes explicit and others of which warrant some amplification.

One Student's picture

In Conversation with Richard Hornsey's "After the Bathhouse; or, In Praise of Awkwardness"

When I was shelving some journals today (yesterday, now), I stumbled across a special issue of English Language Notes (v. 45 no. 2, Fall/Winter 2007) entitled Queer Space (and there's a special issue of Social Text that I want to look at, too, called What's Queer About Queer Studies Now?). Richard Hornsey's piece "After the Bathhouse; or, In Praise of Awkwardness" raises some interesting questions for me. As I start writing, I've read about 7 of 12 pages. I will put summarizations of Hornsey's points in regular text and my own comments and reactions in italics.
M. Gallagher's picture

I'm in UR Internetz, Revolutionizin' UR Genres

I'm in UR Internetz, Revolutionizin' UR Genres


How many telegrams did you send when you had to dictate them over the phone to a  

   Western Union operator? How many emails do you send now that you can clatter them      

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