Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!


Riki's picture

Heritable Disease Hypotheses: Occam vs. Murphy

Heritable Disease Hypotheses: Occam vs. Murphy

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 6

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 6


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 5

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 5


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 4

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 4


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 3

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 3


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

"She's a woman": "Fact" or ... ?

Biology in Society Senior Seminar

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 3:
"She's a woman": "Fact" or ... ?

  • Are "woman" and "man" well-defined discrete categories?
  • Should we try and make them so?
  • Is biology relevant to such a discussion?
  • What does biology have to say?  How should it contribute?

Some thoughts from last session

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 2

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 2


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 1

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 1


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

Paul Grobstein's picture

Science and cultures/values

Biology in Society Senior Seminar

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Sessions 1,2: Science and Culture/Values


  • Is biology/science "objective", value-free, culture-independent, universal?
  • Should it be?
  • Is there a distinctive biology/science culture? set of values?
  • Should there be? 

BBC News Hour 26 August (1300 GMT) segment on medicine and religion 44:01-49:30)

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall 2010: Resources

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Course Resource List

This list is an idiosyncratic sampling of materials on the web and elsewhere.  Suggestions for additions to this list are welcome in the on-line forum at the bottom of the page.  

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