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Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall 2010: Resources
Course Resource List
This list is an idiosyncratic sampling of materials on the web and elsewhere. Suggestions for additions to this list are welcome in the on-line forum at the bottom of the page.
General Serendip resources
- Making connections: the brain and the creation of optimal learning opportunities for students (1997)
- Brain and education resources: thinking about new directions (March, 2007)
- Brain and education resources (March, 2007)
- Parallel changes in thinking about the brain and education (updated March, 2007)
- Brain, science, and inquiry-based education (summer K-12 institute, 2010)
General resources elsewhere on the web
- International mind, brain, and education society
- Mind, brain, and education at Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Mind, brain, and education journal
- The Dana Foundation (Focus on neuroeducation)
- Genes to cognition online
- Brain, neurosciences, and education (American Educational Research Association special interest group)
- Brains. org: practical classroom applications of current brain research
- Education connection: applying brain science to teaching and learning
Some starting points for course inquiry
The current state of educational practice and policy
- The teachers' unions' last stand, NYTimes, 17 May 2010
- New report shows America's public schools fail over half the nation's black male students, Schott Foundation, 2008
- Lost opportunity: a 50 state report on the opportunity to learn in America, Schott Foundation, 2009
- States receive a reading list: new standards for education, NYTimes, 2 June 2010
- Eastern states dominate in winning school grants, NYTimes, 24 Aug 2010
- Don't drop out of school innovation, NYTimes, 19 Aug 2010
- Why I changed my mind [about choice and accountability] Diane Ravitch, Nation, 14 June 2010
- A new vision for school reform. The Nation, 14 June 2010
- Building a better teacher, NYTimes magazine, 2 March, 2010
- The case for $320,000 kindergarten teachers, NYTimes, 27 July 2010
- The disadvantages of an elite education, American Scholar, Summer, 2008
- The creativity crisis, Newsweek, 10 July 2010
- Why Johnny's college isn't what it used to be, NYTimes, 18 August, 2010
- Three books about education reform, Washington Post, 22 August 2010
- Why teach in a system that rewards test scores rather than passion? Seattle Times, 26 August 2010
- The big lie (thoughts about why school is not only about work force development, Practical Theory Blog, 9 August 2010
- Redesigning education: why can't we be in kindergarten for life? Codesign Blog, 4 May 2010
The brain and education, a contemporary sample of growth points
- Accept defeat: the neuroscience of screwing up, Wired, 21 Dec 2009
- First person plural, Atlantic, November 2008
- The moral life of babies, NYTimes, 5 May 2010
- How babies think, Scientific American, July 2010
- Mathematicians vs. Birds vs. Monty Hall, Chronicle of Higher Education, 17 March 2010
- The role of spontaneous thought in human cognition, to appear in Neuroscience of Decision Making (.pdf)
- We feel, therefore we learn: the relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education, Mind, Brain, and Education, 12 March 2007
- A few steps toward a science of mental life, Mind, Brain, and Education, 12 March 2007
- Generalist genes: genetic links between brain, mind, and education, Mind, Brain, and Education, 12 March 2007
- Does your language shape how you think?, NYTimes Magazine, 26 August 2010
- A default mode of brain activity. Neuroimage, 2007
Moving on ... future uses/intersections?
Brain and behavior
Brain and behavior challenges?
Additional perspectives
Brain and behavior books
Connections yet to be made/developed?
Additional routes to innovation in education |