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EvoLit Final Web Event: Pestilence


(bubonic plague under a microscope)

1. The Rake

He had a powerful, rather emotional delivery, which carried to a great distance, and when he launched at the congregation his opening phrase in clear, emphatic tones: “Calamity has come upon you, my brethren, and, my brethren, you deserved it,” there was a flutter that extended to the crowd massed in the rain outside the porch.” (94)


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Taking Information Seriously: Sadie & Apo's Final Web Event

 Apo & I worked on our last web event together, using our skit and in-class performance as a basis for our larger conversation about the intersections of the course and our project. Apo posted the final web paper here.

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The Women of the Plague

 EvoLit Web Event 3


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"A Natural Disaster" - a Skit

When Apo first suggested the idea of a skit to our class, I wanted to work on it because I think these "web events" give us the opportunity to avoid writing a typical (and may I say, somewhat boring?) paper. Our first meeting was almost an hour long, as we discussed characters, the setting, and where we wanted the skit to go. We wrote independently, and met twice more to discuss the direction of the piece. The collaborative effort has been pretty rewarding; I've learned a lot from working with Apo and I hope she feels the same.

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What Dennett Got Wrong

Our universe is incredibly enormous, and in attempting to understand our s

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Ghosts in the Machine: Mary Shelley on Conceiving Ada

For the second webpaper, I have written an imaginary interview with Mary Shelley, discussing the film Conceiving Ada. Based on our experiences with the panels this week, I thought it would be interesting to use technology to contrast a historical perspective with an imaginative one.

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EvoLit Web Paper 1: How Should We Teach Evolution?

The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories

Professor Dalke


Webpaper #1

“How Should We Teach Evolution?”

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Interpretations of Gender in Two Communities: Transsexuals and Third-World Women


Professor McCormack


Webpaper #1

“Interpretations of Gender in Two Communities: Transsexuals and Third-World Women”

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