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aphorisnt's picture

360 Intro Fun Times

Hey, folks! So I think this is the part where I explain my user and avatar and whatnot.

Well my username is actually the one I used for twitter when I used twitter (which lasted about a week, but there you have it). I had no idea what to put as my username because I'm really bad at coming up with usernames–I can't do sudden creativity when put on the spot and under pressure, even if the pressure is imaginary–so I scoured the depths of my brain to come up with something interesting.

At that time, we'd been reading Oscar Wilde in my high school English class, so I had aphorisms and epigrams on the brain, and thus my username was born. I thought something to do with aphorisms would be kind of creative, and given the limited character form of expression that is twitter, something short and sweet like an aphorism seemed fitting. However, I am not Oscar Wilde (I only wish I could be that awesome), and I lack the ability to continually come up with witty sayings, hence the "isnt" portion.

lijia577's picture

An introduction


  My name is Jia and I am from China. There are a lot of interesting facts about me. For example, I was a shooting athlete previously and I am still considering continuing. I love animals and I have one puppy and one rabbit with only one ear... I stayed in the same school, which is actually a kindergarten, my primary school and middle school for 10 years. My high school is an odd place where all geek boys and girls surrounds me. I still remembered the silence in our first Art Class because no one could answer a question about Pablo Picasso or Henry Matisse. But my high school experience is indeed unforgettable.

  For the question of what I am looking for, I want to answer it in two aspects. I remembered my mom asked me a question: why do you want to study in US? My answer is diversity. For this specific reason, I chose Bryn Mawr College. I could argue that globalization is a trend and what one should do is to embrace it and make the most of it. Meanwhile, many problems do arise in this process so it is essential for one to understand it and to engage into this process. Personally, I am interested in people who are from different countries, with different stories and backgrounds.

Chandrea's picture


Hi, my name is Chandrea. I'm from the Greater Boston area. I'm looking forward to participating in candid discussions in this class and maybe even some debates! After our discussion about classification, I thought it was really interesting that most of us described ourselves based on our personalities. I described myself as Asian American, a Freshman, and part of the working class. I don't know why I did that, and I'm curious if this class will help me understand why I was so quick to describe myself in those ways. 

Stephen Cooney's picture

Introducing Steve Cooney

 Teaching is a second career for me after 20+ years in the construction industry.

I've taught at DVFS for 16 years, mostly math, 11 years as the department head, the last 2 years I've taught a hands-on physics course to 9th graders.

With a student population of bright, (average to above average IQ) LD students (ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Disgraphia, etc) our curriculum provides the kids with an activity to reinforce all of the lessons.  I use the curriculum to help them learn to use appropriate compensatory skills for their particular learning style.

Deborah Hazen's picture

Deb Hazen Introduction and Index Page


Deesha Lockett's picture


My name is Deesha Lockett. I live in Willow Grove, PA. I am married and the mother of four children. I am a former teacher of Ivy Leaf School in Philadelphia where I taught first grade. In September I will be teaching Kindergarten at Covenant Academy. I want to use inquiry in my classroom to keep my students motivated and excited about learning in as many subject areas as possible. Inquiry will help to address the different learning styles that students bring to the classroom.
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