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What is a species?

3 wolvesIn this analysis and discussion activity, students learn that the concept of species is useful because organisms within a species are evolving relatively independently of other populations of organisms and thus can evolve a distinctive suite of adaptive characteristics.

Students confront the difficulties of defining a species and analyze data from various examples to appreciate that these difficulties arise from the realities of evolution.

How does evolution result in similarities and differences?

Earthword, mealworm,and cricket

In this hands-on, minds-on activity, students analyze the similarities and differences between bat and squirrel skeletons and between bat and insect wings.

Students learn about the two ways that evolution produces similarities: (1) inheritance from shared evolutionary ancestors (homologous characteristics) and (2) independent evolution of similar characteristics to accomplish the same function (analogous characteristics).

In the laboratory investigation, students observe the external anatomy and locomotion of earthworms, mealworms, and crickets. Students use these observations and the concepts they have learned to figure out which two of these animals are more closely related evolutionarily. (NGSS)

Download Student Handout: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes: PDF format or Word format

Coronavirus Evolution and the Covid-19 Pandemic

In this analysis and discussion activity, students learn that the coronavirus responsible for the current pandemic very probably originated in bats. Students analyze how mutations and natural selection can produce a spillover infection.

Next, students learn how natural selection increased the frequency of a mutation that made the coronavirus more contagious.

Finally, students analyze how mutations contributed to the spread of the Omicron variant and its subvariants.

What is natural selection?

This minds-on, analysis and discussion activity introduces students to the process of natural selection, including key concepts and vocabulary.

In addition, students analyze several examples to learn about the conditions that are needed for natural selection to occur.

(This activity is an expanded version of the first section of the hands-on activity Evolution by Natural Selection.)

Natural Selection and the Peppered Moth

Peppered moths on tree barkIn this minds-on analysis and discussion activity, students interpret evidence concerning natural selection in the peppered moth. The evidence includes (1) the genetic basis for the different color forms of peppered moths, (2) mortality differences between the color forms in different environments, and (3) a history of correlated changes in the environment and the proportion of moths with each color form.

This activity will help students to consolidate a scientifically accurate understanding of the process of natural selection. 

(This activity is very similar to the last section of the hands-on activity Evolution by Natural Selection.)

How have mutations and natural selection affected fur color in mice?

Four differently colored mice

In this analysis and discussion activity, students figure out how mutations and natural selection have resulted in matches between the fur colors of populations of rock pocket mice and their environments.

Next, students view a video that presents relevant research findings, and students answer the embedded multiple-choice questions.

Then, students answer multiple questions and analyze several scenarios to enhance their understanding of mutations and natural selection.

The Student Handout is available in the first two attached files and as a Google doc designed for use in online instruction and distance learning. The Teacher Notes, available in the last two attached files, provide instructional suggestions and background information and explain how this activity is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

How Eyes Evolved – Analyzing the Evidence

Human eye and octopus eye with lens and retina

This analysis and discussion activity focuses on two questions. How could something as complex as the human eye or the octopus eye have evolved by natural selection? How can scientists learn about the evolution of eyes, given that there is very little fossil evidence?

To answer these questions, students analyze evidence from comparative anatomy, mathematical modeling, and molecular biology. Students interpret this evidence to develop a likely sequence of intermediate steps in the evolution of complex eyes and to understand how each intermediate step contributed to increased survival and reproduction.

The Teacher Notes suggest additions to the Student Handout that can be used to introduce concepts such as the role of gene duplication in evolution and/or homology and analogy. 

Evolution and Adaptations

Sketch of ocean ecosystemIn common experience, the term "adapting" usually refers to changes during an organism's lifetime.

In contrast, evolutionary biologists use the term "adaptation" to refer to a heritable trait that increases fitness.

To help students reconcile these different concepts, this activity introduces the concept of phenotypic plasticity (the ability of an organism to adapt to different environments within its lifetime).

Questions guide students in analyzing how the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of a characteristic (e.g. an animal’s color) can vary in different circumstances, how phenotypic plasticity can be a heritable trait that can optimize fitness in a variable environment, and how natural selection can influence the amount of phenotypic plasticity in a population.

Resources for Teaching and Learning about Evolution

These Teacher Notes provide (1) suggestions for teaching evolution to students with religious concerns, (2) a review of major concepts and common misconceptions concerning natural selection, with recommended learning activities, (3) a review of major concepts and common misconceptions about species, descent with modification, and the evidence for evolution, with recommended learning activities, and (4) recommended general resources for teaching about evolution.

Using Molecular and Evolutionary Biology to Understand HIV/AIDS and Treatment

Structure of HIVThis analysis and discussion activity introduces students to the biology of HIV infection and treatment, including the molecular biology of the HIV virus lifecycle and the importance of understanding molecular biology and natural selection for developing effective treatments.

The questions in this activity challenge students to apply their understanding of basic molecular and cellular biology and natural selection and interpret information presented in prose and diagrams in order to understand multiple aspects of the biology of HIV/AIDS and treatment.

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