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dfishervan's picture

Premed...Prepare: Premedical Education and its Impact on Undergraduate Education

Dakota Fisher-Vance

Biology and Society Senior Seminar

Professor Grobstein

16 October 2010

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Mentor table

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Evren's picture

The (Further) Disadvantages of an Elite Education

After American football and its military, the United States’ higher education system is perhaps the pride of the country. More indicative of the importance of this education system is that it is the envy of the rest of the world. There are boarding schools in foreign countries solely dedicated to get their students accepted into the top tier American colleges and universities. The Ivy League colleges and their peers are factories that take in “successful” students and churn out “successful” students that are wired to have “successful” careers and lead “successful” lives.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall, 2010: Session 6

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Session 6


Class is itself an experiment in a particular form of education: co-constructive inquiry

Learning by interacting, sharing observations and understandings to create, individually and collectively, new understandings and new questions that motivate new observations

LinKai_Jiang's picture

Co-constructive method for measuring student performance

           Co-constructive education liberates the students from having to worry about having an aim in mind. Students are free to explore knowledge and construct understandings on their own term. The hope is that this freedom will inspire new and creative ways of comprehending the world. One assumption behind this method of education is that knowledge is subjectively constructed. There is no single body of knowledge that necessarily grounds all understandings.

Ameneh's picture

Letting creativity trickle through the cracks

There is an abundance of things that can be said about the current state of education in the world. One area, however, has gathered a significant amount of interest - the area of creativity. Both the U.S and the U.K are re-evaluating their current systems of education to inculcate this very important factor. It is widely accepted that creativity is imperative for change and for progression. Just identifying this, however, is not enough. It leads to a plethora of questions that must be answered to decide what exactly should be changed in the system of education and how it should be done. The first step, then, is to define education and creativity.

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