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The Dangers of Not Knowing how to Talk About Education

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000236 EndHTML:0000016359 StartFragment:0000002766 EndFragment:0000016323 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/evrencakir/Documents/Evren/2010-2011/Fall/Brain,%20Education%20&%20Inquiry/Third%20Paper.txt

Evren Çakır

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Willpower, the Brain, and Education

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000233 EndHTML:0000016044 StartFragment:0000002648 EndFragment:0000016008 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/evrencakir/Documents/Evren/2010-2011/Fall/Brain,%20Education%20&%20Inquiry/Second%20Paper

Evren Çakır

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Evren's picture

The (Further) Disadvantages of an Elite Education

After American football and its military, the United States’ higher education system is perhaps the pride of the country. More indicative of the importance of this education system is that it is the envy of the rest of the world. There are boarding schools in foreign countries solely dedicated to get their students accepted into the top tier American colleges and universities. The Ivy League colleges and their peers are factories that take in “successful” students and churn out “successful” students that are wired to have “successful” careers and lead “successful” lives.

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