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alesnick's picture

Titagya - Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program Partnership: Ideas, Field Notes, Linkages

This web page is designed as a place to collect and generate ideas, experiences, and connections useful to developing a partnership between the Titagya program to build preschools and kindergartens in Northern Ghana and the Bryn Mawr/Haverford Education Program, at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. 

Paul Grobstein's picture

Cell death, human death, and evolution

"The quest for eternal life, or at least prolonged youthfulness, has now migrated from the outer fringes of alternative medicine to the halls of Harvard Medical School" ... Quest for a long life gains scientific respect

I wonder if the involved researchers at the Harvard Medical School and elsewhere are paying any attention to the broader implications of related research

Paul Grobstein's picture

Learning to live in/as an evolving system

Paul Krugman's The Politics of Spite is focused on a small issue (current Republican party practices) but speaks importantly to a much more general one, the use in politics of "scorched-earth tactics."  So too with a recent news article: Another Landlord Worry: Is the Elevator Kosher?  Describing a current controversy about shabbas practices, it quotes a New Yorker as saying “Just because there is one opinion doesn’t mean that it is everyone’s opinion. One of the wonderful things about Judaism is that there are competing opinions about everything.” 

Science Education Workshop - October 2009

Science as Open-Ended Transactional Inquiry
The Three Loops and their Implications for the Classroom

Workshop with the science faculty at Delaware Valley Friends School
Paul Grobstein
9 October 2009



dshetterly's picture

Dreaming Education

Image taken from:
Before this class...
            Part of what ma

Neurodiversity: Resources

Page under development
Suggestions for additions are welcomed in the forum below.
On Serendip
Learning "From the Inside": A Neurodiverse World, a book commentary
The Slippery Brain Sodality, a book club

Biology 398 Home Page

Biology in Society Senior Seminar

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2009

A discussion of the nature of biology, and science in general, and of their reciprocal relationship to broader social and cultural activities. Students will participate in on-line forum discussion of papers on this general subject, as well as lead discussions and write web papers on topics of particular interest to themselves.  Others are welcome to join in the conversation by way of background readings and on-line forums.  

Learning objectives:

Brain Stories's picture


Learning from "From the Inside":
A Neurodiverse World

Paul Grobstein
August 2009

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