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Recipe for Salmon Dip

This is a term of endearment for Serendip. Salmon dip is a homophonic translation, which is to say that it carries over the sound of the word rather than its meaning. This phrase comes out of the belief that self-reflection constitutes some serious play. (Also the origin of the Twitter handle @notsalmondip). 



Salmon dip is a reference to the salmon run, when mature salmon return from the ocean to the gravel beds of rivers to reproduce or spawn. This returning to recreate is an important component of the digital ecosystem. It opens up a conversation about Serendip is interested in story revision about the implications of science for society and in revising the story of itself telling those same stories over time. It is interested in reflecting on how to better gather people together; this includes everything from negotiating the website to content warnings. 

Salmon dip is concerned with how it shares these stories as well as the stories themselves. It is committed to presenting its content in a form that is accessible and inclusive to all potential visitors; it welcomes comments on how to gather people together. Salmon dip embraces self reflection as a methodology. As a digital ecosystem it must navigate the ever changing tides of the internet and the technical platforms.

Serendip is always exploring itself. It is simultaneously exploring new connections between science and its implications for art, climate change, disability studies, literature, mental health, pedagogy, social justice, and technology.  


Other recipes for Salmon Dip:

Lemons, onions, fish, oh my!

Yes, salmon does the can can...

If salmon were fish and satin...

This is some serious caper...

Towards a warm salmon...

Spicy is as spicy does...

Present and refreshing...

The simple salmon...