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The Breaking Project


An Evolving Anthology



Current Feature

Past, Present & Future

“Inhale the future. Exhale the past.”

Latest Breaking

by David A. Feingold, Ed.D
Aug 20 2015 - 5:13pm
by Medoza Ameen
Jan 22 2015 - 1:26pm
I Break A Lot, Wil Franklin

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... after a life of breaking with old ways, old friends and relationships, with home, with roots, with dreams, what does one become?  What does one fall back on? What is my shape, my color, my default?

Diversity, David Feingold

Diversity-themed video consisting of quotes, music background and artist's images. Dedicated to the memory of Professor Paul Grobstein, Bryn Mawr College.

Project Empowerment: A Video Documentary of Process and Reflection, Ivana Evans

Ivana's piece, "Project Empowerment," is a five-part video documentary in which she reflects upon and processes the experience of making her skin condition visible.

Unfortunately, breaking a stigma is not that easy. One friend that I told about my ASD told me I was lying. She argued with me, telling me that she knew I was joking and that there was no way I could possibly be Autistic, that I was far too “normal.” 

The Role of Smoking Cigarettes in the Education of a Young Jew, Jody Cohen

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She opens the Lucky Strikes and lights one, then another and another,
experimenting with how to do it until suddenly she’s
swaying in the buzzing morning heat.

Been a Long Time Leaving, Rob Goldberg

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Struggling to think of an apt high-school yearbook quote, I suggested Waylon Jennings’, “I’ve been a long-time leaving but I’ll be a long-time gone,” but my mother instead convinced me to use Dickens’, “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”  At the time I said something like, “I guess that’s a better quote Mom” and went on my way.  Now in the hindsight of 28 years of experience, my eyes involuntarily fill with tears every time I revisit this moment.  That one word “worst” covers a lot of ground.

Contents So Far . . .

Been a Long Time Leaving, Rob Goldberg
Walking Poem, Alice Lesnick and Emma Wipperman
Breaking Down, Samantha Matinez
Untitled, Jessye Cohen-Dan
Hungry Ghosts, Jody Cohen
Truth and Power in Education, Bharath Vallabha
Breaking in Six Degrees, Hallie Garrison