Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

A Random Walk with Serendip

Randomness is cool and interesting... and randomness can be important too, from biological diversity to artistic innovation. Here, have fun with 10 random pages from Serendip. Does "mixing" them together create some new ideas? Feel free to return another day to find another random walk, or play Chance in Life and the World for a new perspective on randomness and order.

Mental Illness and Feminism

            In my first Web Event, titled “Web Event #1: Fear and Self-Representation”, I discussed my personal struggles with fear in the classroom, as well as analyzed where fear comes from and how it interferes with self-representation. I came to the conclusion that my fear resulted in a “self-preserving” performance that did not represent who I truly am, but the person I was okay with...


“The sperm is inevitably characterized in a narrative of virility, aggression, and mobility.  Eggs are… well, your basic egg is usually described as a combination of Sleeping Beauty and a sitting duck.  Plump, round, and receptive, it waits—passive and helpless—for the sperm to throw itself upon her moist, quivering membranes.  The sperm push furiously at [the] inert egg until one of them finally penetrates deep into the warm, defenseless tissue.”


Weezie Lauher

September 28, 2007

Intro. to Critical Feminist Theory

Professor Dalke



When I entered Professor Dalke’s class on September 11th, I was apprehensive for more than one reason. I had missed the first two days of class due to registration and class-shopping issues, yes, but perhaps what I was most nervous about was my lack of understanding when it came to feminism and feminist theory. I came...

Welcome. Below find a list of web "events" emerging from InClass/Outclassed, a first-semester writing course offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2011. Students are exploring here their current understandings of class and education.

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each event. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you ... what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the...

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sara.gladwin & aybala50: "setting
the scene"
with The Perfect Gender

I. coursekeeping

* send me links for your "scene setting," please--including those already set;
I want to include them in the archive of class notes, for ease of reference now/later

* FrigginSushi is on for Thursday

* for Thursday, we will...

January 29th, 2013

Fieldwork Seminar

Field Notes #1


These are “field notes” from the first meeting for my Independent Study this semester, which is the culmination of my concentration in Peace, Conflict and Social Justice Studies. Pseudonyms were used. 


In this course, I have become intrigued by cultural attempts to access and control the “unconscious” parts of the nervous system. Non-western cultures have established methods which allow (or purport to allow) untraditional connections to be made in the nervous system, methods which allow the practitioner to transcend ordinary levels of consciousness and reach higher states of consciousness (i.e. meditation, yoga, Buteyo, martial arts). On a physiological level,...

Here is my reflection/explanation of my final project:


The focus for my final project was the relationship between gender and medium and its effect on the construction of social gender identity. The central question that ended up guiding me throughout the project was: what are the kinds of storytelling that suddenly become possible when we make the shift from a text-based medium to a highly visual one? As far as the question of medium was concerned, I was influence by...

Our presentation tracked some main themes that we feel have brought us to our final destination in the course. It was interesting to see that we all left with a different idea in our mind based on the same course and material that we have gone over. It highlighted for me the idea that human interpretation is so subjective that it is...