Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

A Random Walk with Serendip

Randomness is cool and interesting... and randomness can be important too, from biological diversity to artistic innovation. Here, have fun with 10 random pages from Serendip. Does "mixing" them together create some new ideas? Feel free to return another day to find another random walk, or play Chance in Life and the World for a new perspective on randomness and order.


Carolina Beauty Shop Chapel Hill 1-1943 Medium Web view.jpg

Image taken from:


I would sit in the American Legion with Aunt Carolina and drink Shirley temples till I danced out with a slight sugar...

Desmond Hubbard

Tuesday, April 14th

NeuroBiology and Behavior


Moral Emotions v. Rationality


Since the first spark caveman used to create fire, humans have spread over the entire globe in a relatively short time span. During this time we began...

All healthy humans feel like they have some degree of free will, the ability to discern and consciously choose one of a number of possible options. Free will is here defined as a conscious and deliberate process by which an individual comes to choose between multiple options, absent of any involuntary causal determination. But how does free will fit in with neurophysiology and what we know about the brain?

We know that neurons form networks. The particular connections in and between...



Many people believe that the concept of the modern search engine (such as google) is very recent. However, forward thinkers were conceiving of something similar as early as 1878. In this year, a man named Henry B. Wheatley founded the Index Society in Great Britain, with the goal of creating a massive General Index from society members who individually wrote pages of reading notes to send to a central organizing body. The body of "indexers" had the task of...

          Although I want to respond to my first web event on active listening, I don’t think I will be able to. I’ve learned so much about communication and how communication is affected by privilege since that reflection that I have to move in another direction.

            This past week in the 360 has been an emotionally charged one – challenging, frustrating, belief shaking...

today's notetakers: 
kgould & tiffany

I. today's theme song
(supplied by leamirella, seconded by tangerines, Apo, spreston, smile, combining old music, new technology, ambiguous gender and sexual orientation):...

Monday, April 1, 2013


Today was the first day back to school after a week of spring break. Students have new seating assignments. One student asked Ms. Bard what they were learning today and she responded, “You will see!” The second bell did not ring yet, but many of the students already settled in and began on working on the do-now assignment. I noticed that many of the students finished before the five minute...

Personality is arguably one of humankind’s most complex and fascinating features. Unfortunately for academia, centuries of philosophical musings and psychological studies have shown that personality is also one of the hardest aspects of human nature to conceptualize, exacerbated by the fact that it is also difficult to give it a definition that everyone can agree upon. Putting disagreements aside for the purpose of the discussion at hand, in this essay term “personality”...

Throughout college, I chose all of my courses for one of three reasons: I need to take them for a requirement, the topic looks interesting, or the topic is something that I am already very interested in.  “Politics of Population” fell into the latter category for me. I was already fascinated by population policy within the context of public health, and was excited to further explore the...