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Next Generation Science Standards - Activity LIsting

Many of our activities for helping middle school and high school students learn life sciences are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; The following listing provides brief descriptions of our NGSS-related resources. The tables described in the first item below summarize the alignment of our activities with NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas and Performance Expectations. These tables also summarize how each of these activities engages students in Scientific Practices and provides the opportunity to discuss Crosscutting Concepts. The Teacher Notes for each activity provide additional information concerning alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards.

A mistake in copying DNA can result in dwarfism.

In this minds-on activity, students analyze evidence about achondroplasia to learn how a mistake in DNA replication can result in a new mutation that affects a child’s characteristics.

This analysis and discussion activity reviews several basic genetics principles and helps to counteract several common misconceptions about genetics.

A Scientific Investigation – What types of food contain starch and protein?

Starch molecule

In the first part of this activity, students use basic information about the structure, functions, and synthesis of starch and proteins to understand why certain parts of plants or animals contain starch and/or proteins.

Then, students practice the scientific method by carrying out key components of a scientific investigation, including generating hypotheses, developing experimental methods, designing and carrying out experiments to test their hypotheses, and, if needed, using experimental results to revise their hypotheses. (NGSS)

Download Student Handout: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes: PDF format or Word format

Alcoholic Fermentation in Yeast – A Bioengineering Design Challenge


This multi-part minds-on, hands-on activity helps students to understand both alcoholic fermentation and the engineering design process. Students begin by learning about yeast and alcoholic fermentation. To test whether grains of yeast can carry out alcoholic fermentation, students compare CO2 production by grains of yeast in sugar water vs. two controls.

The last part of this activity presents the bioengineering design challenge where students work to find the optimum sucrose concentration and temperature to maximize rapid CO2 production. Structured questions guide the students through the basic engineering steps of specifying the design criteria, applying the relevant scientific background to the design problem, and then developing and systematically testing proposed design solutions.

Download Student Handout: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes: PDF format or Word format

Alignment of Activities with Next Generation Science Standards

Most of our activities for helping middle school and high school students learn life sciences are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; and The attached tables summarize our activities that are explicitly aligned with NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas and Performance Expectations. These tables also summarize how each of these activities engages students in Scientific Practices and provides the opportunity to discuss Crosscutting Concepts. Brief descriptions of these activities are compiled at /exchange/bioactivities/NGSS/listing. The Teacher Notes for each activity provide additional information concerning alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Carbon Cycles and Energy Flow through Ecosystems and the Biosphere

In this analysis and discussion activity, students learn that the biosphere requires a continuous inflow of energy, but does not need an inflow of carbon atoms.

To understand why, students apply fundamental principles of physics to photosynthesis, biosynthesis, and cellular respiration, the processes which are responsible for carbon cycles and energy flow through ecosystems.

Thus, students learn how ecological phenomena result from processes at the molecular, cellular and organismal levels.

Cell Membrane Structure and Function

Molecular view of diffusion

This activity includes two hands-on experiments and numerous analysis and discussion questions to help students understand how the characteristics and organization of the molecules in the cell membrane result in the selective permeability of the cell membrane.

In the hands-on experiments, students first evaluate the selective permeability of a synthetic membrane and then observe how a layer of oil can be a barrier to diffusion of an aqueous solution.

Students answer analysis and discussion questions to learn how the phospholipid bilayer and membrane proteins play key roles in the cell membrane function of regulating what gets into and out of the cell. Topics covered include ions, polar and nonpolar molecules; simple diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer; facilitated diffusion through membrane proteins; and active transport by membrane proteins.

An optional additional page introduces exocytosis and endocytosis.

Cells – How do they carry out the activities of life?

Organelles in animal and plant cells

This minds-on analysis and discussion activity begins with a video of an animal cell chasing and eating a bacterium. This introduces analyses of how different types of cells carry out the activities of life.

As part of these analyses, students learn about (1) the similarities and differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, (2) the functions of membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotic cells, (3) the relationship between structure and function for different types of animal cells, and (4) differences between plant and animal cells.

Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis – Important Concepts, Common Misconceptions, and Learning Activities

These Teacher Notes summarize basic concepts and information related to energy, ATP, cellular respiration, and photosynthesis. These Teacher Notes also review common misconceptions and suggest a sequence of learning activities designed to develop student understanding of important concepts and overcome any misconceptions.

The attached files describe the key concepts, common misconceptions and suggested learning activities (in Word and PDF formats).

Coronavirus Evolution and the Covid-19 Pandemic

In this analysis and discussion activity, students learn that the coronavirus responsible for the current pandemic very probably originated in bats. Students analyze how mutations and natural selection can produce a spillover infection.

Next, students learn how natural selection increased the frequency of a mutation that made the coronavirus more contagious.

Finally, students analyze how mutations contributed to the spread of the Omicron variant and its subvariants.

Coronaviruses – What They Are and How They Can Make You Sick

Cross section of Coronavirus

In the shorter version of the Student Handout, students learn how coronaviruses are replicated inside our cells, how white blood cells fight a coronavirus infection, and how a coronavirus infection can cause you to feel sick.

In the longer version of the Student Handout, students also learn how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to provide oxygen to the body’s cells, and they learn how a coronavirus infection can interfere with oxygen delivery, which can result in severe disease.

COVID-19 Vaccines – How do they work?

Graphs of antibody responses after exposure to coronavirus

Students learn that vaccination or a previous coronavirus infection reduces the risk of severe Covid-19.

They learn how the immune system responds to a coronavirus infection and analyze how this response differs after a first vs. second exposure to the coronavirus.

Then, students analyze the biological effects of an mRNA vaccine and develop an evidence-based explanation of how vaccination protects against severe Covid-19.


In this hands-on, minds-on activity, students extract DNA from Archaea or from their cheek cells.

In addition, students learn or review key concepts about the structure, function, and replication of DNA. For example, students learn that the genes in DNA give the instructions to make proteins, which influence our characteristics.

They also learn how the double helix structure of DNA and the base-pairing rules provide the basis for DNA replication.

This activity includes multiple analysis and discussion questions and hands-on or online modeling of DNA replication. (NGSS)

 Download Student Handout Archaea: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes Archaea: PDF format or Word format

Download Student Handout Cheek Cells: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes Cheek Cells: PDF format or Word format

DNA Function, Structure and Replication

DNA structure

In this analysis and discussion activity, students learn the basics of DNA function, structure, and replication.

The sequence of nucleotides in a gene determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein, which determines the structure and function of the protein. Different versions of a gene give the instructions to make different versions of a protein, which can result in different characteristics.

Since many different proteins are needed for a cell to be alive, each cell needs a complete copy of the DNA with all of the genes. Therefore, before a cell divides, it needs to make a copy of all its DNA. Students analyze DNA replication to understand how the double helix structure of DNA, the base-pairing rules, and DNA polymerase work together to produce two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

This activity can be used to introduce your students to key concepts about DNA or to review these concepts.

Ecology Concepts and Learning Activities

This overview summarizes major ecological concepts and recommends learning activities on topics such as food webs, energy flow through ecosystems, the carbon cycle, trophic pyramids, exponential and logistic population growth, species interactions in biological communities, succession, and effects of human activities on ecosystems. This overview also recommends introductory ecology readings. 

Enzymes Help Us Digest Food

In this hands-on, minds-on activity, students investigate the biological causes of Maria’s symptoms and Jayden’s symptoms. To explore the causes of these symptoms, students carry out two experiments and interpret the results, and they answer additional analysis and discussion questions.

Students learn about enzyme function and enzyme specificity as they figure out that Maria’s symptoms are due to lactase deficiency (resulting in lactose intolerance) and Jayden’s symptoms are due to sucrase deficiency.

In the final section, students are challenged to generalize their understanding of enzymes to interpret a video of an experiment with saliva, starch and iodine. This activity can be used in an introductory unit on biological molecules or later during a discussion of enzymes.

Download Student Handout: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes: PDF format or Word format

Evolution and Adaptations

Sketch of ocean ecosystemIn common experience, the term "adapting" usually refers to changes during an organism's lifetime.

In contrast, evolutionary biologists use the term "adaptation" to refer to a heritable trait that increases fitness.

To help students reconcile these different concepts, this activity introduces the concept of phenotypic plasticity (the ability of an organism to adapt to different environments within its lifetime).

Questions guide students in analyzing how the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of a characteristic (e.g. an animal’s color) can vary in different circumstances, how phenotypic plasticity can be a heritable trait that can optimize fitness in a variable environment, and how natural selection can influence the amount of phenotypic plasticity in a population.

Evolution by Natural Selection

Peppered moths on tree barkIn this minds-on, hands-on activity, students develop their understanding of natural selection by analyzing specific examples and carrying out a simulation. The questions in the first section introduce students to the basic process of natural selection, including key concepts and vocabulary.

The second section includes a simulation activity, data analysis, and questions to deepen students' understanding of natural selection, including the conditions that are required for natural selection to occur. 

In the third section, students interpret evidence concerning natural selection in the peppered moth and answer questions to consolidate a scientifically accurate understanding of the process of natural selection, including the role of changes in allele frequency. 

Download Student Handout: PDF format or Word format

Download Teacher Preparation Notes: PDF format or Word format

Food and Climate Change – How can we feed a growing world population without increasing global warming?

In this analysis and discussion activity, students learn how food production results in the release of three greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4). Students analyze carbon and nitrogen cycles to understand how agriculture results in increased CO2 and N2O in the atmosphere.

Students interpret data concerning the very different amounts of greenhouse gases released during the production of various types of food; they apply concepts related to trophic pyramids and learn about CH4 release by ruminants.

Finally, students propose, research, and evaluate strategies to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that will be released during future production of food for the world’s growing population.

The Student Handout is available in the first two attached files and as a Google doc designed for use in online instruction and distance learning. The Teacher Notes, available in the last two attached files, provide instructional suggestions and background information and explain how this activity is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Food Webs – How did the elimination and return of wolves affect other populations in Yellowstone?

To begin this hands-on, minds-on activity, students view a video about ecosystem changes that resulted when wolves were eliminated from Yellowstone National Park and later returned to Yellowstone. Then, students learn about food chains and food webs, and they construct and analyze a food web for Yellowstone. Finally, students use what they have learned to understand a trophic cascade caused by the elimination of wolves from Yellowstone.

This learning activity provides an introduction to the learning activities, Carbon Cycles and Energy Flow through Ecosystems and the Biosphere and Trophic Pyramids. All three of these activities are included in Food Webs, Energy Flow, Carbon Cycle and Trophic Pyramids, which is intended for classroom instruction.

Food Webs, Energy Flow, Carbon Cycles, and Trophic Pyramids

Food web with plants and animals

To begin this hands-on, minds-on activity, students view a video about changes in the ecosystem that resulted when wolves were eliminated from Yellowstone National Park and decades later returned to Yellowstone. Students learn about food chains and food webs, and they construct and analyze a food web for Yellowstone. Then, students use what they have learned to understand a trophic cascade caused by the elimination of wolves from Yellowstone.

Next, students learn that the biosphere requires a continuous inflow of energy, but does not need an inflow of carbon atoms. To understand why, students apply fundamental principles of physics to photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and biosynthesis, the processes which result in carbon cycles and energy flow through the biosphere.

Finally, students use the concepts they have learned to understand trophic pyramids and phenomena such as the relative population sizes for wolves vs. elk in Yellowstone. Thus, students learn how ecological phenomena result from processes at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels.