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Digital Humanities on Serendip

from leamirella's digital project, "Discovering Henrietta Lacks"

The Digital Humanities constitute a paradigm shift in the field of literary studies, attending to practices and qualities in any medium, reaching beyond print in modes of inquiry, research, publication, and dissemination. In this "massive theoretical shift in textual studies," print is absorbed into new hybrid, multimodal communication practices: time-based forms (film, sound, animation), visual traditions (graphics, design), spatial practices (architecture, geography), and curatorial practices (museums, galleries).

In the digital humanities, the single most important issue is a matter of scale, which changes the amount of text, contexts, and contents of questions. Distance becomes a condition of knowledge, encouraging focus on units smaller (devices, themes, tropes) or larger (genres, systems) than the text  (many thanks to Katherine Hayles  for the key elements of this summary).

Bryn Mawr Courses in the Digital Humanities

Literary Kinds, Emerging Genres (Fall 2011)

Literary Kinds: Thinking Through Genre, From Blogs to….? (Spring 2010)

Gender, Information, Science and Technology (Spring 2011)

Bookmarks: Technologies of Writing and Reading, Ancient to Contemporary

Open Faculty Discussion on Evolving Systems

Guest Exhibitions: Art and Science on Serendip

Roundtables for the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts

Sources beyond Serendip

Tri-Co Digital Humanities
A Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0
A Digital Humanities Manifesto
Beyond the Dissertation Monograph (MLA Newsletter, Spring 2010)
Planned Obsolesence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy
Stanford Humanities Laboratory: Crowds
Lewis Hyde, Common as Air: Revolution, Art and Ownership
Cathy Davidson, Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention will Transform the Way We Live, Work and Learn
Katherine Hayles, How We Think: Transforming Power and Digital Technologies