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PW - BMC Education

Welcome to the Parkway-Bryn Mawr College Diablog!

2nd Period Cons
While one may argue that testing is important because it intends to standardize education for all, in reality, all that testing does is demonstrate how the American educational system is geared towards keeping the dominant groups in power. Testing favors those who come from an upper-middle class white family. Therefore, walking into a "standardized," some students have an inherent advantage over others. A standardized test should no longer be called a standardized test, but rather should be called something along the lines of, "A Test of Cultural Capital." Cultural capital, in the case of testing, is conforming to the white, upper-middle class culture.

Pro and Con Groups DON'T POST TO THIS
Thursday Debate for 2rd Period Class
BMC: Sonia, Ellen, Christine, Rachel, Ambrosia
Parkway: Kapri, Fredrique, Tiana, Rita, Donae, Briana
BMC: Raminta, Will, Emma, Alice, Eva,
Parkway: Moesha, Markeyce, Jerron, Angel, Zamir, Dairian, Kendall
Friday Debate for 3rd Period Class
BMC: Hannah, Grace, Brenna, Jess, Farrah
Parkway: Emani, Laniesha, Baseemah, Michael, Shadirah, Saleema, Asia, Kelly, Charnelle, William, Travon
BMC: Yecica, Lindsey, Sarah, Kelsey, Roldine
Parkway: Jasmine, Zaneerah, Quadirah, Stephon, Sereanna, Tracey, Brandy, Sharock, Randall, Brittney

Updated Groups
Group A: Alice Fischer BMC, Kelsey Harris BMC, Jasmine Brown PW, Sharock Griffen PW
Group B: Ambrosia Johnson BMC, Rachel Kutten BMC, Tracey Hinnant PW, Sereanna Hughes PW
Group C: Brenna Healy BMC, Sonia Giebel HC, Brandy Jones PW, Kelly Klot PW
Group D: Christine Calderon BMC, Grace Loudon BMC, Quadirah Lindsay PW, Laniesha Love PW
Group E: Emma Rosenblum BMC, William Garrett HC, William McAden PW, Charmice McClain PW
Group F: Eva Sarma BMC, Jess Garner BMC, Baseemah Mitchell t PW, Michael Montgomery PW
Group G: Ellen Vari BMC, Roldine Richard BMC, Emani Outterbridge PW, Brittney Palmer PW
Group H: Raminta Holden BMC, Farrah Khan BMC, Stephon Sessoms PW, Charnelle Suber PW
Group I: Lindsey Darvin BMC, Hannah Davis HC, Asia White PW, Zaneerah Wilson PW
Group J: Sarah Lovegren BMC, Yecica Urena BMC, Randall Wilson PW, Travon WilliamsPW

School Colors Discussion
The first discussion between Parkway West's Foundations in Education class and Bryn Mawr College's Sociology of Ed class will be regarding the movie School Colors. The BMC students have composed questions for each PW student to answer. Once the PW students answer in their prospective groups, their BMC groups members will respond. Each individual has to respond twice in their groups. Here are the questions:
1. One of the teachers at Berkeley High said: Why should we have integration in school when it doesn’t exist in society? Do you agree/disagree? Why?
2. What are your thoughts on tracking? What about the links between diversity and tracking?
3. Certain ways of speaking (white, middle class) are considered more “appropriate” than other ways of speaking. How should schools deal with this issue?
When answering the questions, make sure that you are clear about what question you are answering- you can also touch on more than one question.
Below I have an example of how a dialog should/could go.

PW-BMC Groups
These groups will remain the same for the duration of the semester. I have them labeled as group A, B, C etc. If you want to change your group name submit suggestions with the Subject/title being your initial group name and then the body being your new suggestion. Example: Subject- Group A, Body- 76ers. Whenever you see a post with the subject as your group name, you must respond to that post. This will remain the same during the semester. I will be checking in on each groups' replies to make sure that everyone is particiapting.
Group A: Alice Fischer BMC, Kelsey Harris BMC, Brady Jones PW, Michael Montgomery PW
Group B: Ambrosia Johnson BMC, Rachel Kutten BMC, Stephon Sessoms PW, Asia White PW
Group C: Brenna Healy BMC, Sonia Giebel HC, William McAden PW, Britney Palmer PW
Group D: Christine Calderon BMC, Grace Loudon BMC, Sharock Griffin PW, Travon Williams PW
Group E: Emma Rosenblum BMC, William Garrett HC, Jasmine Brown PW, Zaneera Wilson PW
Group F: Eva Sarma BMC, Jess Garner BMC, Kelly Klot PW, Angel Pavrette PW
Group G: Ellen Vari BMC, Roldine Richard BMC, Charnice McClain PW, Dairian Smith PW
Group H: Raminta Holden BMC, Farrah Khan BMC, Tracey Hinnant PW, Sereanna Hughes PW, Quadriah Lindsey PW
Group I: Lindsey Darvin BMC, Hannah Davis HC, Emani Outterbridge PW, Charnelle Suber PW
Group J: Sarah Lovegren BMC, Yecica Urena BMC, Kyndall Phillips PW, Laniesha Love PW

Welcome Parkway and Bryn Mawr students! Get excited to work together for the duration of this semester! Your first post for this semester is to write about your hopes for our shared learning for this semester. If you have been part of this partnership before- please let us know.