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Paul Grobstein's picture

Put a Little Science in Your Life, Extended

Brian Greene in the June 1, 2008 NYTimes makes some very important points about science education. Those in turn have some important implications for thinking about science and how scientists present it to the world, some of which Greene makes explicit and others of which warrant some amplification.

Creativity, Brain, Indeterminacy

Creativity, the Mind, and the Brain:
From Van Gogh to Indeterminacy and Beyond
Geetanjali Vaidya
December 2007 
This paper was prepared as a senior thesis in biology at Bryn Mawr College, and is made available to encourage continuing explorations of the nature and significance of of creativity.   Comments and continuing discussion are welcome in the on-line forum at the end of this paper.  
Emily Alspector's picture

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Aside from the beautiful and charismatic style which makes the procession through The Diving Bell and the Butterfly absolutely enthralling, complete appreciation of this book requires an acknowledgement of the implausible efforts of its creator. It is rare that a book can be inspiring based not only on the content of the writing but also on the process of its creation. Jean-Dominique Bauby does not explicitly give details about his condition, nor about how he went about writing this book. This seems to be the main theme of the book: it is not why, but how. He does not want the reader to know much about his accident or the painstaking method of communication he has been forced to resort to, but

Anna G.'s picture

Book Commentary of Proust was a Neuroscientist

In a masterfully weaved tale, Jonah Lehrer discusses a variety of artistic masterpieces and the underlying neurobiology. Lehrer tells this story in hope that one day we will have what he dubs a 4th culture, where scientists and artists can talk and really understand and appreciate each other. In this short but sweet book, Lehrer discusses the artistic advances of eight different artists. Though they may have been viewed as eccentric or crazy in their own times, Lehrer discusses how their artistic insight pinpointed neurobiological facts that have later been uncovered.


akeefe's picture

Call Me Covered

Call Me Covered

Paul Grobstein's picture

Emergence: Biological, Literary, and ....

Evolution and Literature:
Notes on Change and Order

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