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Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

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Biology 103
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip

Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

Sujatha Sebastian

On September 28, 2000 the Food and Drug Administration after several years of research approved Mifepristone, better known as the "abortion pill", for distribution in the United States. The FDA's decision will have a definite impact on women's health care in the United States. There will be social and medical repercussions. The drug has caused controversy not only in antiabortion groups, but in Pro-Choice groups as well. Critics are worried that an abortion available in pill form will be "too easy". They are worried that use of the pill will be abused. What many people do not realize is that while Mifepristone will be beneficial to women's health care, it is not without side effects. In light of all the recent coverage that the "abortion pill" has been given in the media, and all the misinformation surrounding it, I decided researching that Mifepristone would be interesting and helpful. The purpose of my paper is to discover how Mifepristone works, how it is administered, and to look at its side effects. I want to demonstrate the benefit Mifepristone will be to women's health care, while showing that it is not an "easy" solution to abortion.

"Mifepristone, formerly known as RU-486, is a medical alternative to aspiration abortion."(1) It works by blocking progesterone from being absorbed into the uterus. When this happens the uterus sheds the endometrium (lining in the uterus, therefore inducing menstruation. (2 When Mifepristone is used as a method for abortion is it administered as part of a three step process. The first step is that 200 mg of Mifepristone is given orally in a doctor's office. Then within 24 to 48 hours the patient is given 400 mg a drug called Misoprostol either orally or in a suppository form. Misoprostol, which is a synthetic hormone, is used to get the cervix to soften and dilate as well as getting the uterus to relax. The embryo is then expelled.(2) This is supposed to happen approximately fours hours after the administration of the drug. The final step is an examination by a medical professional to make sure the abortion is complete. (2)

There are restrictions as to who can use this medical method of abortion. It is only intended for women to use up to nine weeks after their last menstruation period. Women who are under 18 or over 35, epileptic, diabetics, or suffering from heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach or intestinal disorders are ineligible. As are women who have taken steroids within the past 12 months, or deemed overweight or a heavy smoker. Women who have used an IUD or hormonal contraceptive within three months prior to conception are not allowed to take Mifepristone as well.(2)

Like any drug or medical method there are side effects to using Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is the number of side effects and degree of each that critics argue about. The FDA has determined that taking Mifepristone does cause various degrees of pain. Short term physical effects can be pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.(2) There are psychological side effects as well. In some cases products of the conception are visualized. (3)

The use of Mifepristone will have a definite impact on reproductive freedom in this country and the world. (3) It is seen as less invasive procedure which gives the woman more freedom and privacy. In the United States it has been reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that eighty-nine percent of the abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone will allow women another option to terminate a pregnancy in its early stages. (2) Twenty-four percent of the world's population lives in places where abortion is not legal. (3) As a result a significant population of women perform their own abortions or receive illegal abortions which kills them. The medical method of abortion would allow women in these areas of the world to receive a safe method of abortion.

A major issue that critics of Mifepristone have is that they feel that the drug will allow abortions to become "too easy". But the drug is only administered in a medical office and requires at least three visits. The last visit is an examination to see that the abortion is complete and that the mother is in good health. Before the patient is given Mifeprex tablets (Mifepristone) she must sign an agreement in which she acknowledges that there are side effects, that there is a three step process, and that 5 to 8 women out of every hundred do not have successful medical abortions and need surgical abortions . (5) Critics worry that the drug will cause an increase in the number of women who have abortions. Supporters of the drug cite the fact that in France, where the drug is manufactured and was first administered, there has not been an increase in the abortion rate. (2)

Mifepristone will change the way that abortions are administered. This method gives a woman more autonomy and does not require her to go through surgical procedure. It can also prevent pregnancy by taken as soon as a day after she has had intercourse. This new method will allow more women to have access to safe abortions. Mifepristone opens the door to a new area of medicine in which previously surgical procedures are now approached in a medical manner. Whether in support of or against Mifepristone one has to recognize the new technology the drug represents.

One of the problems I had when researching information was finding unbiased information. Both pro and anti Mifepristone groups used "research" and statistics to their benefit. Distinguishing the difference between opinion and fact was difficult. This is especially true because there is not a lot of accurate information about Mifepristone published by reliable sources. This is due to the fact that Mifepristone has just recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Mifepristone that will be beneficial to women's health care and medicine. But one must realize that it is not without side effects and cannot be seen as an "easy" solution to abortion.


WWW Sources

1), Mifepristone

2), The Facts about Mifepristone (RU 486)

3), Mifepristone

4), "Abortion Pill": A Woman's Right to Choose by, Kath Gelber

5)www.popcouncil.orgrhpdev/mifeprex/patient%5Fagreement.html,The Patient Agreement Mifeprex (Mifepristone) Tablets

6), RU486: The Hidden Effects by Lawrence F. Roberge

6), RU486 *Please note that some of the sources read during my research were from biased sources (the National Right to Life Committee web site for example). Facts were not used from these sources in my paper. These sources were instead used to discover the arguments anti-Mifepristone groups had and to see the false information they were publishing about the drug.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

08/06/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I took that pill and almost blead to death now i have have to say it's not as easy as it sounds it is very painful like child birth but more blooder atleast for me i now have endromitrious and may have to have my women parts removed i had nothing before i took those pills i'm 37 so i'm just saying better think it out before you take it because it's dangerious i have a son who is 18 it was easier for me to have him then go through childbirth than taking those pills becuse i'm still not well and it has been 7 months

10/10/2005, from a Reader on the Web

For what it's worth, I though I'd share my personal experience using Mifepristone almost a month ago.. After having made the difficult choice to abort, I learned of this pill as an alternative option to having the traditional surgical procedure. Of course, as anyone would, I opted to try the pill because it seemed -less- painful and was something I could do in the privacy of my own home. After having been given the first pill, Mifepristone, at the doctors office on a Friday afternoon, I finished out my day at work with minimal side-effects at that point. The Mifepristone made me slightly sick to my stomach, but compared to the ongoing morning sickness I'd been going through, it wasn't so bad. (ha ha) Misoprostol was the next step, given to me in the form of 4 tablets, to be inserted vaginally myself at home. I was also given a full bottle of Vicodin, as well as a bottle of 800mg Ibuprophen for the pain the doctor anticipated I would encounter (this worried me a little). Late Satuday afternoon, I'd say around 4:30pm, scared to death not knowing what to expect once everything started, and knowing I couldn't turn back now, I inserted the tablets and took 1 Vicodin as directed. About 30 minutes from the time I did this I began to have cramping comparable to what you would feel during a typical menstrual period.. but not for long. Within an hour I had severe cramping.. I'd been warned the pain could equal that of actual child-birth contractions, and this must have been it. (I've never had a child, so I can only imagine) I was to the point of feeling like I would pass out if the pain didn't let up when I passed the first, and largest, portion of what -was- the pregnancy.. Many people will tell you that all you'll see is blood and clots, and it's unlikely anything will look like actual tissue.. but mine sure did.. Large masses of gray tissue were expelled for the following numerous hours. Somewhere close to midnight that night I felt relief enough to know it was over.. or so I thought. 4 days after this, while I -should- have been feeling more or less back to normal, I began to experience increasing pain in my abdomen. I called and spoke with my doctor about this, but felt as though she didn't seem concerned at all. No more than 2 hours after hanging up the phone I developed a fever that shot through the roof out of nowhere, and my heart began beating unbelieveably TOO fast. The "increasing pain" in my abdomen now had me laying in bed, hardly able to move. I called my mother who left work and rushed to my home to get me. I couldn't even get out of bed to let her in when she arrived I hurt so bad. I ended up in the emergency room that afternoon with a heartbeat of 143 beats/min.. (Check your own and then you'll see just how high 143 is) and a 103 temperature I ended up fighting to keep away for the next 4 days. To make a long story short, that first afternoon I spent over 8 hours in a treatment room in the emergency area before they got my vitals under control and discovered the cause of everything.. The abortion pill I used began attacking my own body in a sense, and began a horrendous infection in my uterus. In the end I spent a week in the hospital on 3 of the most potent anti-biotics available, as well as some heavy-duty narcotic pain killers, while specialists from the surrounding hospitals kept watch over me constantly. It's now been almost a month since then, and I still have to have blood work done, as well as ultrasounds every now and then to keep monitoring my recovery. I have constant sharp pains in my abdomen and have been told the scar tissue left over from the infection may now keep me from becoming pregnant in the future.. It's all so much to deal with, and honestly, I don't think I've come to terms with everything yet. It still feels like a bad dream. Regardless of my experience with the pill and side effects it caused me, I can still step back and look at the broad picture of things.. The majority of women who use this method have no problems, and for them, this is a good way to go. I really do think it's a better choice for most, than to have the surgical abortion.. BUT - be warned.. It's not "easy" using the pill, and there's no way to know how you're body will react to it. I never knew I'd go through the things I did because of it. This is definitely not something to be looked at as the "new contraceptive" either, as some are saying. It's so risky, putting your body through something like this. It could take a toll on you that will effect the rest of your life. Like me.. Will I ever be able to have kids after everything that happened? Every woman out there should begin by being aware of how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy from the start. Such as life happens, and most protection only offers 99.9% effectiveness, we forget that's NOT 100%.. If you still become pregnant and choose to abort, do your homework.. read about all possibilities, and all side effects for each.. then decide what's best for you. I think the pill is a great option.. but be careful, it's certainly not without it's flaws.


Additional comments made prior to 2007
It has been almost 2 months since I had made the painful decision to get an abortion. I am only 18 years old so you could imagine hoe scary it was for me. After they examined me and told me how far I was they put me in this rome with a female doctor so I can take the oral pill that actually determines the pregnancy. When I took that pill, I felt fine until I had to get something in my stomach, I couldn't even eat my stomach was turning so bad. the doctor told me that I could insert the four pills vaginally anytime between then and 48 hours after the visit. I decided to insert them that night to get it over with and about an hour after it was literally hell. I was vomiting,bleeding perfusely, and experiencing pain more severe then I had ever felt before. To make a long story shorter, it has been about 2 months and I still haven't exactl stopped bleeding. I am young and afaid to go get checked because of it, and my life will never be the same. I had no choice my situation at the time wasn't what I wanted and now I will always regret it ... Reader on the web, 12 August 2007



I used the pill around february of '07. I was 6 1/2 weeks and I guess I didnt really know what I was getting myself into. I took the first pill which I had no side effects to. When I took the second one the next day, it was almost immediate cramping. Basically the worst cramps I had ever had. I was puking, had diarrea, and was in so much pain I was balled up on the couch crying. I guess I was a "lucky" one because my horrible cramps only lasted about an hour until I passed the birth tissue and then they subsided. Although I bled for a month after that (most of it not heavy), I completly regret it to this day. All I can ever think about is a perfectly beautiful child is now in a sewer somewhere. It's horrible, but thats how I think of it now. I wish I could go back and change things. I wish I never did it. All I hope is that it didnt hurt my chances of having a child in the future ... Reader on the web, 13 September 2007


Anonymous's picture

needs advice.

hi am 19 and 6weeks preg i have a 2year old boy and my bf is not the dad he nos am preg but wants me to hav a abortion and i dnt no wot to do i no i wil regret it but he wil leave me and am sceard i dnt fink i can go through with it,

Anonymous's picture


im sori 2 hear ur in diz postion bt frm personal expiernce i wud keep ur unborn baby, wen i was 17 bk in nov 07 i lived wif my ex i found out i was 10 weeks preg n e sed 2 me if i kept it e was gna leave me i wnted 2 b wif him so i ad a surgical abortion- biggest regret eva cz wen i was 6 months preg wif our son e left me anyway n nw i regret my abortion even mre, do wot u wnt cz e'll probz leave anyway despite ur choice x

Anonymous's picture

i feel you sweety, but if you

i feel you sweety, but if you want anyone to actually take your comment seriously, stop talking ebonics.....

Anonymous's picture

hey leave him seriosly I got

hey leave him seriosly I got an abortion because of my bf and am still living with the regret a guy who cant stand up and be a dad yet a man isnt worth it u deserve somebody who loves u and ur kids

k*'s picture

The pill ruined my life.

I was 15 years old at the time, Im now 18. it was spring of 2007 when i got pregnant. My mom and boyfriend pretty much made the decision for me, only being 15 i didn't know what other choice i had. I wanted to have my baby but my mom and my boyfriend at the time made me think i would be alone.My mom made me the appointment, we drove out there on a friday and I sat in the waiting room for about 6 hours crying they gave me the option of the pill which i was relieved because i don't feel comfortable being drugged up with some guy doctor i don't know. So i got the pill took on at the doctors, then the next day i took the other. I started throwing up and the pain in my stomach was indescribable, They only gave me 15 darvocet for my pain, which did not help at all. I was in horrible pain for 12 hours, I didn't eat or drink anything and then it calmed down a little but i bled for almost 3 months and the doctors couldn't get me to stop. Im now anemic (which means i don't have enough blood in my body) Every time i have a period my cramps are so horrible i almost pass out and i just can't hardly take the fact that i don't have my kid. I just found out about a week ago im 5 weeks pregnant and an abortion is not an option to me. it ruined my life. I do not recommend the pill to anyone it was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. and they say you have to be 18 or older to get it, That's not true if you have money they will hand it right to you. I was 15. Im not saying it was there fault but, i really wished they would have taken a second to realize i was crying my eyes out. That's all i have to say..

Anonymous's picture

actually being anemic doesnt

actually being anemic doesnt mean you dont have enough blood in your body...considering if you didnt then that would be a problem with your cells which woudl be a TOtALLy different issue with which i think you would be dead by now...IT MEANS you do not have enough iron in your blood. all that means is that you bruise easily and arent as fast in making your blood clot when you get a cut.

Missy's picture


I'm 23..and I was 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant when I went into the doctors office to have an abortion. I was nervous, because I went in initially to get the surgical abortion. I knew that I had to have an abortion due to my medical conditions, it would have costed me my life to go thru with the pregnancy so since the baby (at 5 weeks does not have a heartbeat) I chose the abortion..--DO KNOW THAT I DON'T CARE WHAT THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE AGAINST MY DECISION HAVE TO SAY..THIS IS STRICTLY FOR THE LADIES WHO ARE GETTING READY TO TAKE THE PILL or ARE NERVOUS ABOUT TAKING THE PILLS..THANKS IN ADVANCE!--

I went into the doctor's office this past Thursday around 1p..of course they gave me a number and were pretty rude to alot of the other girls..but when they saw my documentation stating why I was having the abortion, due to my illness, they were plesant to me. I went in thinking I was going to get the surgical, because I had read SOOOOOO many horor stories, on here and other sites, about the pill! However, after sitting there and thinking about it..I decided on the pill.

--long story short--
I took pill 1 in the doctor's office..they gave me the 4 cytotec pills as well as 8 hydrocodone pills.. and a perscription for phenogren. I DID GET THE PERSCRIPTION FILLED B/C I DIDN'T THINK THEY WOULD GIVE ME A PERSCRIPTION FOR SOMETHING IF THEY DIDN'T THINK I WOULDN'T NEED IT--SO PLEASE GET YOUR PERSCRIPTIONS FILLED LADIES. At any rate..later that evening I felt fine..on Fri morning I felt sick, morning sickness and could not eat. Saturday (TODAY)around 5:45p I took 1 phenogren, about 20 minutes later 1 hydrocodone and an hour later I put 2 cyt pills on each side of my cheek to let them dissolve for 20 min.'s. NASTY TASTE. I started cramping about 5 min's later and then they came full force. Everyone is different, so I cannot determine what your experience will be like. I sat on the toilet for about 30 min's and then threw up 3x's. The cramps continued, so I took another Hydrocodone and 2 Naproxens..and fell asleep. FYI-YOU WILL EXPERIENCE SOME STRONG CRAMPS, but after reading these stories, I was over prepared for them, but they still were painful. I woke up and started cramping a little more, while passing clots. Mind you, I went through this ALONE, because no one knew I was expecting, not even my boyfriend-and we live together. I did this one hour after he left the house and he got back around 9, I just told him I had this stomach virus that's going around. SO, I DID NOT HAVE ANY SUPPORT..and I'm not sitting up in bed with mild cramps every 20 min.'s and of course bleeding but nothing I can't handle.

I am so glad that this site was here to scare me and prepare me for the worse because I would rather it be that way, versus the way the doctor's office made it seem..which was so simple..or that I wouldn't vomit due to the meds the perscribed..

GOOD LUCK LADIES..and please don't use this as the 'easy way out' my boyfriend and I were trying to have a baby, and then when I found out that it wouldn't be safe for me to have the baby, I was distraught. I go in for my 4 weeks check up in 4 weeks..I'll keep you ladies posted. BE BLESSED

Anonymous's picture

Just wanted to add that the

Just wanted to add that the heart begins to beat at weeks......

Christina's picture

Reply to Missy

Missy - just to correct you - the HEART is the FIRST thing to form in a fetus. Before the body, before the eyes, nose, toes, fingers, head. The HEART. So you trying to pacify yourself by saying that the heart is not beating is your way of making yourself feel better.

I also see that you've said that you wouldn't have made it if you had the baby - but I don't see that you've mentioned why -which is odd because you've told us so much about everything else - including your blood loss. So, again, I am guessing that you are making excuses.

Use protection. Avoid this in the future. God Bless you.

rdanfort's picture

Somewhere, a developmental biologist sheds a single tear

It's very difficult to talk about "which organ forms first" in a developing fetus without coming off as a moron.  This makes it a very unwise thing to be angry about.  Well, that,  and the total eclipse irrelevance of the heart to any of the concepts people typically bring into an ethical discussion of abortion.  Dang.

Christina's picture

Ignorance is bliss

My dear human relative - the heart is the first organ that forms. Read a book. You may learn something - you also may learn how to use punctuation.

rdanfort's picture

I'm not really sure what to make of your tone

Normally, that kind of patronizing affect would imply willful ignorance on my part, as if I found comfort in insisting that the heart did not form first.  Not only did I not give an opinion as to which organ "formed first," I was very clear to explain that I think the question is totally irrelevant.  So, you're being kind of weird.

The human embryo goes through a number of stages preceding "organ formation" that include the formation of proto-organs, differentiated layers of tissue, and other features that I'm happy to explain in more detail.  The line that you have drawn - between these extremely complicated processes of tissue specialization and the emergence of the (unbeating, partially devleoped) heart - is not conceptually useful.  It neither sheds light on the ethical issues accompanying reproductive freedom nor does it better inform developmental theory.  It may well be useful to clinicians as a visible indicator of embryonic progress, but as far as it goes.  As those features of the heart reach that size, many other organs are forming in ways less accessible to the eye.

Anonymous's picture

wow youre a HUGE bitch. how

wow youre a HUGE bitch. how dare you say she is making excuse whatever missy's reason to abort was WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAYS so what ever she wants to say is fine bc her main point of writing was to tell you how the process went...not for us to feel bad for her..go away wench!

Liz's picture

Although you are correct

Although you are correct about the heartbeat being the first thing, the heartbeat is not present until after the 8th week. As an ob/gyn assistant, I am more than sure about this. Also, she may not have been very clear as to why it was hazardous to her health, but there are many conditions that would make carrying a child to term dangerous or even mortal to a woman. Some very serious and others as simple as lowering bp and syncope episodes (fainting spells) which has caused people to die simply b/c they crash or fall down the stairs. I had that as a problem and was hopitalized for 2 months due to it. I almost lost my baby, my own life and my one year old baby's life who was in my arms as I fell down a flight of stairs.

Don't be so mean. most women go through enough with thoer decision.

Christina's picture

6th week...

It is not present on US or by the monitor until after the 8th week. It BEGINS on the 6th week.

Here is a website that will bring you up to speed on the topic.

Anonymous's picture

Actually... There was a

Actually... There was a heartbeat detected on mine and i was 5 weeks 2 days

Anonymous's picture

just a question is it only at

just a question is it only at 8 weeks or does it vary bc at 6 weeks mine had a heartbeat?

Christina's picture

Not enough knowledge...

For you to call me names doesn't take away the severity of the situation. I will tell you the truth, because I have NOTHING to hide. I had an abortion at a young age. I was one of those Pro-Choice losers because I thought it was MY body and it was just a blob of cells. Let me tell you, I never was MORE wrong. I now am Pro-Life and believe that it is taking the life of a human being.

I will tell you why: Recently, an abortion clinic around the corner from where I work was raided by the FBI for unsanitary conditions, blood on the floors, fetuses in bottles on display, non licensed professionals working there, no emergency equipment, etc ( I could go on, but it will be for a while). Nonetheless, I decided to find out EXACTLY what went on with abortions. What I found out broke my heart. I read testimonies from people who have worked with physicians who are performing abortions and have read that they physically SEE the pieces of the baby being ripped off and spit off into a little dish where they have to make sure it is all there before the procedure is completed.

I felt betrayed. NEVER was I told that when I went in for my abortion over 10 years ago. NEVER was I told that my baby was in fact a BABY and not a blob of cells. I did my research and learned the truth. If everyone did this, I can guarantee that most women will change their minds on the whole decision. I currently have one son who is 5 and just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. While this is not an ideal time for me - I WOULD NOT EVEN CONTEMPLATE an abortion because I know that this is MY BABY. My husband is so happy which just comforts me that much more.

We protect wildlife. We protect endangered animals. We protect rivers and trees. But, we cannot protect the life of a baby? A human being? I am not being mean - I am telling you of the truth of what really happens. If you cannot accept it, then I am sorry. I wish I knew the truth before I made that decision when I was 18 years old.

For those who are considering abortion, PLEASE READ AND LEARN FIRST! Educate yourself! I believe what tortures me the most is that SO many women use it as birth control. I have a friend who has had 6 abortions and ALWAYS says it was "for medical reasons". I know that is a lie. It is a disgrace and unfortunately, when we pass - we will have to answer for what we have done. I pray for all of you who are in this situation and are unsure of what to do. Understand that GOD is forgiving as long as you promise never to do it again. You are here because your mother loved you enough to have you.

If you felt I came off mean, I'm sorry. However, we all need to know the truth BEFORE we make hasty decisions. Use this website to see what your baby looks like even at 5 weeks of development. Good luck to ALL of you women and God bless!

pro choice's picture

Lady, please....Do not preach

Lady, please....Do not preach your beliefs upon all the impressionable young minds looking for advice on this message board. Save you Southern Baptist views for your church and your own children. If a woman feels the right choice for her is abortion then who the fuck are you to say different? Don't get me wrong, I do agree that second and third trimester abortions should be illegal, and I also agree abortions should NOT be used as birth control but I believe it is still well within the law for a young girl who is 6 weeks along to have an abortion in these great United States that we live in. Speaking of name calling, I am proud to say that I am one of those "Pro-choice losers" and I would like to say that if you have no worthwhile advice on actually taking the abortion pill then shut your face...moving on...This message board has held great advice for my g/f and myself. She just took the second phase of the pill about two hours ago and is in some pain. I will post and update of her experience in a few days. Thank you for the intelligent comments from women that have experienced this.

Christina's picture

Words from a man - it figures...

So... a MAN who is Pro-Choice - who would have guessed? I am not a "southern baptist" or whatever you called me - I am a CHRISTIAN. I made my mistake and have to live with it. I merely am trying to INFORM people BEFORE they make a decision.

If you were in the desert and were dying of thirst and you came to a pond of water would you drink? Of course! However, if that same pond of water read "could contain poison" Would you drink? Maybe, maybe not. YOU would have the opportunity to make an intelligent decision based upon the knowledge you have of what you're about to do. It is the same here. Why should women jump into abortion right away because it seems like the easy way out? AND because it does seem to be promoted that the baby IS just a blob of cells. And without education, how would you know that this is NOT the case? Do you know that the heart starts BEATING at 6 weeks? This website will show you what happens at each week - it is different than the last one provided.

EDUCATION is the key!!! If we educate ourselves on important decisions we make then we may end up not having anything to regret.

It's funny; when God or Pro-Life is brought up - all the sudden the person speaking about it is a jerk, a pushy person, righteous, arrogant and the such. Why is that? YOU have your opinions (which are thoughts given about a topic from your brain) and I offer my opinions along with PROOF. Check out the websites before you respond. I'm sure you, kind sir, have your reasons for asking your g/f to have an abortion, or for supporting it. Good thing you don't have to explain those to me. You will have to explain them to the LORD one day. I will pray for your forgiveness. Not for your ignorance to me - but for your ignorance in knowledge. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Jenny A's picture

End of day 2

Today was the day that I took the second pill and home and at the scheduled time. I will give an accurate breakdown of what I went thru and still and going thru as I watch late night tv. I went to my 11am appointment for my abortion pill yesterday for the local Planned Parenthood. Filled out paper work and waited about 30mins before they called mento the back. Took my weight, blood pressure. Asked some questions reguarding allergies and whatnot. I pee'd in a cup andbthey put me in a room for mento undress from the waist down for my vaginal ultrasound. When the nurse came back in she proceded with asking me if I'd like to know if it were twins, and if I wanted to see the fetus on the screen. She inserted a device like looked similar to a back massager w/o the awkwardly large head. Very simple and painless. While still on the table but after the ultrasound she took my blood. I got dressed and she put me in another room and showed me a video of 3 girls going thru the procedure, what to expect.. Etc. The nurse practioner came in very nice lady and went thru another series of questions and showed me the chart that I would be following the next day and after. Everythig was very organized and well put together. I was givin some pills for nausea, pills for antibiotic to begin taking that night with dinner and 2x a day therafter for 7 days. I also got the actual abortion pill that I would be taking the next day. I took the first pull there, and she a breakdown as to when to take each and ever pill and at the designated time. I got a percription for some pain meds and a lot of paperwork to read at home. My boyfriend came over that night and we went over the steps we were gonna be taking the following day. In the morning I ate very light I had no appetite. The antibiotic requires no dairy when you take it after eating. I had some bread and took the antibiotic. At noon I took the nausea meds and indicatedy my plan. 1230 I took the pain meds and at 130 I took the 4 pills which I placed in my cheek. The surpisingly didn't have any taste. I put on my heavy duty pad since I didn't know what to expect. After a half hour I swollowed the remains of the pill, but with in 25 mins I threw up all the water and bread I ate. Which the dr told me is normal. I took it easy and for 3 hours I had no symptoms except for the minor tightning in my lower abdominals. I went outside to enjoys what day I had left knowing I was gonna be cooped up in my room for who knows how long. My boyfriend had stepped out and picked me up some ritz crakers and oj and bananas for the large amounts of blood I'd be loosing. I began feeling small waves of cramps like a normal period. And by 5 I went ghost white and felt very weak with very strong cramps for the next hour I laid there with my heat pad and my bf rubbing my head as I sweat a cold sweat. As I started to fall asleep from being weak I began to feel better and before I knew it I felt myself leaking. It felt like inwas peeing but I knew better. I went to the bathroom and felt the steady flow of loosing blood. Kinda creepy, eerie feeling expecially with the occasional clots passing. Besides light cramping and my bum feeling ever so sore from sitting on the potty for and hour and a half there were no pains from expelling. I definatly suggest bringing a laptop, book and just your cell phone to keep you busy and not completly focused on why your there, trust me it helps. I went to my room and tried to relax watching tv and telling my experience to my bf and my best friend via txt. While I was up to it, my bf went and grabbed some food by this time it was a lil after 8. During my meal I took the second antibiotic and another pain pill for the cramps i was having. I went back to the bathroom to check my pad and the release any more remaining clots, I was there for maybe 15 mins. Came back to the room and watched some movie tv and fell asleep for an hour with my bf. That brings me to now. He just ledt to go home foe the night and I changed my very full pad. It's 120 am and all in all although this was an experience I never want to repeat again. It wasn't as bad as I had expected. I recommend the pill to women who have no problem wearing pads for one. And also, one who on a normal period is use to heavy cramps. I was blessed with having crazy intense cramps to which I vomit and go thru fever like chills which last 3-7 hours. Inwas use to the symptoms I experienced today. Although I don't have a comparasion to the asperation abortion I'd imagine it's a quick procedure with less heavy symptoms afterwards. In both cases you need to have someone with you. Helping you up, getting you drinks making you comfortable ect. Idk what I wouldve done if I didn't have a support system. I took the weekend off from work so I wouldn't have to worry about getting back to the grind, letting all my emotions and pain subside. Today I wouldve been 6 weeks and 29 days pregnant. I wouldve been due in late august. I will cherish the day I wouldve delivered for the rest of my life.

Anonymous's picture

I am 19 years old and like

I am 19 years old and like many 19 year olds did NOT plan to get pregnant it was just a mistake that happened.when I realized my period was about 5 days late I began to panic and rushed to the drug store and bought about 15 preganacy tests all of which came back positive I was in complete shock. when I told my boyfriend I was pregnant we both didn't know what to do. we thought about all of our options and aborting seemed like the only way out since we were both in school (yes I know that is so not even close to a good excuse for doing what we did) so we decided to abort medically. we went to a nearby clinic where we both waited for an excruciating 4 hours. I found out I was 3 weeks pregant and was given the first pill of the two step process and then given the 4 pills to take the next day at home. I cried the entire time I was in the clinic I knew what I was doing was so wrong I just felt like there was no other way. the next day I dissolved the pills in my mouth around 6pm and by 6:30 I had intense cramping. I have a fairly high pain tolerance. I was given a prescription for vicoden however I didn't get it filled. I went through the next 12 hours of the medical abortion with out any pain medication. the cramping was much more intense than any regular period. however they tell you at the clinic that its just like a bad period..liars. anyway by 7:30 that night I had passed a large clot which I assumed was the pregnancy because it was the only clot of reasonable size I had the entire night. the next day when I woke up I had some cramping but nothing compared to the night before. the following week I had continued cramping and bleeding but nothing that couldn't be handled. I went for my follow up exam 2 weeks after the abortion to see if it was successful,it was. today it has been 3 weeks and 3 days since my abortion and I have minimum bleeding just spotting and absolutely no cramping. and a lifetime of regret. my boyfriend and I told ourselves that we would not reget and try to forget our decision but unfortunately it still and always will be there on our conscience. taking the pill was scary and painful but it was an effective ''way out'' for me and my boyfriend.

Anonymous's picture

Smooth sailing

I was given the first pill on Friday and took the rest on Sunday. Like an idiot I swallowed them and forgot to let them disolve. So hopefully I'll see the desired results at my check up.
An hour later from taking the meds, I began bleeding and passing clots, I did have diarrhea, as well. Although, I took 1 dose of Tylenol with Vicodin, I did not need the rest. I had almost a bloated feeling and no other discomfort whatsoever. It's been 2 days and I'm still bleeding. It is definitely heavier than a period but nothing I can't handle. Had the surgical procedure years ago as a teenager and I firmly believe the pill was way easier physically and emotionally without comparison.

Sophie's picture

My long story - might offend some, but still my story.

Hi everyone.

I came across this website while searching for information regarding what periods are like after a medical abortions. I have gone into a lot of detail below, but it is my story and I like that I can share it. Maybe it will help someone and liberate me.

I have always had a fascination for the human body and am also very organised and decisive person. So, when my period didn't come on its due date, I already suspected I was pregnant. My breasts had been massively sore (more so than normal PMS) and I had been feeling hot and tired.
6 home pregnancy tests later confirmed I was likely pregnant. (Some were negative, some positive.)
I had been doing some research prior to this when my period had been late another time and (won't go into this too much as it quite controversial) but there are other ways of termination that are more natural. They are not medically discussed and there is not a lot of information about them, but there are some things that can be tried. One of the techniques used is taking massive doses of a particular vitamin. Please ladies, don't go down this track - continue reading. Be aware that I spent many hours ensuring that taking the high dosage of this vitamin would not impact my own health negatively.

Now, the research I had read advised that if you decided to go down this track that there was no turning back. Even if you did not miscarry, you still needed to follow up with an abortion due to the damage the vitamin can do on the foetus.
So, I took massive doses of this vitamin, waking myself every couple of hours over a 4 day period. It didn't work. I was still pregnant afterwards. I was a smoker at the time, and thinking my awesome 'natural' idea would work, had continued to drink and smoke throughout those few days.
My boyfriend advised he would stick by me whatever I chose, but ultimately, it was my choice. I researched all about adoption, medical and surgical abortions. I felt firstly, that due to my stupidity with the natural miscarriage methods - that bringing a child into the world, even for adoption would not be fair. I believe in God (doesn't make me perfect, I am still a sinner), and believe that an innocent baby will go to heaven. So, I figured that heaven has got to be better than being deformed. The other risk for adoption for me was the possibility of me changing my mind and keeping the child, and thus hurting the parents I might have picked, along with not being able to provide a child with the right life. The other issue was that last year I was raped by someone I loved. So mentally, I did not feel I was in the right place to also care for a child. Right. So, with the overdosing of vitamins, knowing my own weakness with wanting children, the smoking, the drinking, heaven, and mental health I made the decision to abort.

Then I had to decide whether I wanted a medical or surgical abortion. I researched this the most as there were horror stories out there for both procedures. I ended up deciding on the medical abortion for the following reasons. It meant I wasn't going to have a vacuum cleaner shoved up my whatsee and my poor determined baby sucked out down a tube. It meant that I would be at home when I passed the baby, and able to grieve without nurses and doctors around. I also wanted to get it done before 7 weeks, which is when the baby's heart has formed and brain is forming.

Just a side note to let you know something. While the nurses and doctors at the clinics will tell you that your baby can't feel anything at 10, 11, 12 13 etc weeks - what else do you think they are going to say? “Yes, your baby will feel this and it will hurt it a lot”? No. Of course they are not going to say that. So, I would recommend you are not in denial about what your baby can feel. There are plenty of websites that have factual evidence about what is formed at what week. They call it an embryo, but it is life. A life that, at 6 weeks has a heartbeat. At 7, has a brain forming. At 8 weeks your baby has eyelids, ears, and webbed fingers and toes. Yep its still tiny, but that doesn't mean it isn't forming. 9 weeks you can hear the heart on ultra sound, and the baby is starting to move. It has a couple of organs and has started to develop its genitals. 10 weeks. Fingers and toes are there and skeleton and spinal cord are developing. Baby is now called a "foetus". 11 weeks. Finger and toenail beds have started to grow, and there is increased movement. 12 weeks. Face is starting to look like a face, ears and eyes all in the right place - just tiny. Baby is now able to swallow and toe and fingernails are forming. Size of a little finger. I'll skip to 15 weeks as otherwise I’ll be here forever. Baby is able to sense light. As in squeezes eyes when light is shined through belly. Eyebrows and eyelashes are formed. Baby may be felt kicking (only just), makes sucking movements and sometimes hiccups when it swallows too much fluid.
So, my point of the above is not to rub it in, but to educate those who think it’s just a piece of tissue till 20 weeks+.

So, getting back to my story. I decided that regardless of the pain (yep was well aware that it was likely to hurt) I decided on the medical abortion. In New Zealand it is free and the following are details about the procedure.
After the confirmation at doctors, I was scheduled for an ultrasound which confirmed that a sac was present in my womb so yep, was definitely pregnant. I was then scheduled an appointment with a psychologist at the City's main hospital. The woman who I saw was an absolute idiot and knew far less about the procedure than I did. I asked her about the size of the foetus at 6 weeks and she ummed and ahhed and finally found a book. (I already knew how big it was but wanted to see what she would say..) She went through the usual questions to ensure that I had thought through the decision (pfft) and that I had not been pushed into it by anyone. So after she ummed and ahhed to my unwavering answers I was finally sent home and advised to come back in the following Monday for the procedure.
I wrote some poetry on the weekend and prayed a lot for the little thing inside me. I prayed for forgiveness for what I was about to do.
On the Monday I had an appointment with two doctors who were able to answer the questions I had relating to infection and post care. After they both signed off that it was in my "mental interests" to have an abortion I was escorted to a room with a lovely woman who gave me 1 pill to take in her presence. I was crying hard and she was very sweet. This pill was the Misoprostol which stops the baby 'forming' anymore. In un-PC terms - it kills it. Had minimal cramping with this but nothing that warranted pain killers. The following day I went in for the Mifepristone.
I waited in the room with approx 5 other women, each with equally anxious eyes.
I went into a room with a nurse who gave me 2 pandol to take along with 4 medium sized pills to be placed in my mouth - above my top lip. This is the new way (rather than vaginally) due to the drug being absorbed faster into the blood system (supposedly) and easier to ensure the whole lot is dissolved.
I squeezed the pills into my mouth and waited with my boyfriend for things to start. It must have been about 12pm. Within an hour (the pills had dissolved after about half an hour) I started cramping. But, it was bearable and I thought to myself, this isn't too painful.
Within the next half an hour I had thrown up 4 or 5 times and was lying on the floor in the bathroom in a foetal position screaming in agony. Literally screaming. I was crying so hard all the while throwing up nasty green bile (I hadn't eaten). I went into an almost trance. The pain was so great I almost passed out and struggle to remember what actually happened. My boyfriend filled in bits I was missing.
Now, I have a high pain threshold. I pierced my own ears (up the top) and belly button when I was 16, have dug gravel out numerous previous knee wounds, opened up my leg on an escalator and watched it get stitched without anaesthetic. So, I can quite comfortably say I am usually pretty good with pain. THIS WAS THE WORST PAIN OF MY WHOLE LIFE. NOTHING compared. Nothing even came close. Tattoos were like a feather compared to this. The nurse kept coming back in over and over while I screamed for something stronger. She ended up eventually getting 'authorisation" to give me a Patheden injection. After about 5 mins I was spacey, had stopped vomiting and felt like a person again. But get this. I was STILL hurting. Was manageable though. Even a massive injection in the butt didn't stop the pain.
I had been lying on the bed and felt movement - like when you know you need to change a tampon? so went to the loo and passed tissue into the cardboard bowl that was placed in the toilet. I suspected it was the foetus so the nurse washed it off and brought it back to me. It was about the size of an old 50c coin. It was a pale yellow colour and had the texture of a sponge and looked like, well lots of wet tissues together? And on one side of the circle was a little black tiny bean shape. My poor little baby.

I went home and passed the placenta in the shower so added that to the pregnancy tissue and froze it. (It is still tissue and so will decompose unless frozen.) Later in the week we buried it in a little treasure chest. I bled for another week or so, not heavily and with some pain but not unmanageable.

I used pads for the first time (YUCK) as per doctors orders, and researched why. When we uses tampons, we risk getting TSS etc due to cleanliness. There is always a risk that some bacteria could get on the tampon then we plug it into a nice warm moist environment and leave it for a few hours. After an abortion our uterus is wounded. It has had a placenta ripped off the walls and is heavily bleeding from chemicals, so it is highly susceptible to infection. Now, although the chance of infection is very low, the conditions are favourable, so as far as I was concerned it was not worth the risk no matter how gross pads are.

It’s now 4 months later and since then I have had 5 periods - with more pain than I pre-abortion. It’s been 4 months, but I still do not regret my choice. I thought long and hard and researched every viable option and made an informed decision from what I found. I do not however beat around the bush when it comes to what I did. I know that I killed a baby. It was my choice to end that life. It may have been scientifically been a group of replicating cells, but it had the POTENTIAL to be a little girl or boy. I took that potential away. That is why I call it a baby. To me it was not a foetus or embryo or tissue. It was a baby (in the making). And I ended that life. And I will live with that for the rest of my life. But I knew that from the start. And I accept that it was the right choice at that time, so I cannot beat myself up as there is nothing that can be done or changed. The hardest question I ask is whether I would do the same. Although I don't regret it, I am still working through whether I would change it if I could go back. Whether regardless of my financial state or that baby's possible deformities, that I should have taken responsibility for having sex when I was not ready to be a mother.
I am 23 and long to be a mother now. I understand part of that is wanting to replace the child I lost but it has also made me appreciate the value of life, and its preciousness.

A post above says they suspect some of these other posts as fake. Just because someone can't spell doesn't mean their stories are fake. I manage people and I have seen some terribly spelt emails. Yes, it may be from people overseas but from what I have researched, the dosages are the same worldwide, however EVERY woman is different. I had massive amounts of pain, and yes, I am real and can spell. My heart goes out to women who are scared, frightened and unsure. The best advice I can give is be totally sure about your decision. Investigate all options and don't be in denial about anything. Be prepared for pain - both physical and emotional, and if you don't think of it as a baby, then lucky you, but if you do - don't shy away from that. And, as far as I am concerned, these babies go to heaven. So, thank god for God.

I hope my baby will forgive me one day. And that I will forgive myself. But I chose this, and I accept that.

kandice's picture

your story......

I notice how you go, on and on, about how the fetus grows,and the number of weeks,etc. Although, in knowing all of the facts of a growing fetus, you STILL went through with your abortion. Dont try and inform women of the negatives and/or facts and risks of ANY abortion procedure ....and then ,ONLY AFTER your regrets and guilt, try to deture other women from whats best for THEM.

Anonymous's picture

Yet another religious piece of rubbish...

if i can just put something straight... for the record... in the time frame required for a medical abortion to be carried out the developing foetus cannot feel any pain as the nerves in its spine and brain have not yet become connected. You make the odd claim that medical doctors are bound to tell you it feels no pain because that what you want to hear, thats complete and utter crap and based on nothing more than your misguided and frankly worthless opinion. They serve the truth like it is, thats what they get paid for, thats what they spent 7 years in university for. May i just ask what your medical credentials are??? - i'm betting none...
To make a purely scientific comparison, it would feel no more pain than a plant, also a living thing that does not have any nerves. I feel your report has been tainted with your hocus-pocus religious views and is lacking in any firm substance.
I am sure your so called "god" can forgive you... considering all of the other atrocities that are committed in his name world wide and throughout time, what you did was small fry.

Anonymous's picture


november 2008 i had the abortion pill and it didnt go to plan i bledd for 17 weeks and suffered sever pains i still have pains and cramps like im having the baortion all over again is this healthy is any body else still suffering from there abortion and do you no if its healthy ???

Anonymous's picture

I found out last Sunday that

I found out last Sunday that I was 4 weeks pregnant. I talked to my boyfriend and we both decided that it would be best to have an abortion. I chose the medical abortion since it was so early in the pregnancy. I went that Friday and they gave me the pill in the office, 4 pills to take home. 24 hours later I took the 4 pills (2 in each cheek). I have to say that it took about an hour for me to even feel cramping. I did have diarrhea soon after I took the 4 pills. I started bleeding a few hours after, but not heavy at all. It's the third day of me taking everything. I have been bleeding but I wouldnt say heavy, just constant. There has been little tissue and tiny clots. I guess I'm just wanting to know if anyone else has taken the pills this early within the pregnancy? If so, how did it effect you?

Anonymous's picture



Anonymous's picture



Anonymous's picture

Reply to "I found out last Sunday That...."

I am 5-ish weeks pregnant and took the 1st pill yesterday around 10/10:30 am and took the 4 at 6pm last night. I had mild cramping. Around 9, I passed a bunch of blood on the toilet and I did the same thing 3-4 times. I have never bled or trickled on my pad, had no nausea or severe cramping and not to jinx myself, but it wasn't any worse than a natural miscarriage I had back in 2001. I'm not sure if this helps, but I hope it does. Hang in there.

Anonymous's picture

Abortion pill

I went through family planning, it was an office in Santa Monica. Lucky for me I have a girlfriend who went through this procedure. People can tell you what to expect but ultimately you are a unique slow flake so expect your own fingerprint on this. I knew I'd be losing blood so made an awesome soup loaded with bio available iron. Beets, carrots, lamb, bone marrow. It was delicious. I had a space heater in my bathroom, candles, friends to watch me overnight and the yeah yeah yeahs in my cd player. I also got raspberries which are good for the uterus, and some papaya.
Monday 2/22/2010, I went into the office, not the best experience of my life but the nurse practitioner was nice. I think they should tell you about the pain, they do a terrible job telling you what to expect, the Internet has more info. I had blood drawn and an ultra sound which confirmed that I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I'm 34 and in top physical shape. I go hiking, I do yoga, I drink rarely, don't smoke. I consume no caffeine so i figured it would be a breeze. I got home and that night was normal, no even nausea and in the am no morning sickness. Half an hour prior, I took 2 400 mg ibuprofen pills which the nurse practitioner gave to me and then half an hour later, I inserted two pills on boh sides of my cheeks. I would say within an hour I was bleeding with very light stomach discomfort. I sat on the toilet, candles going and space heater blasting because I like it warm. I rubbed my tummy, gave myself a lower back massage, and rubbed my inner and outer thighs to facilitate the process. I also prayed and said goodbye to the baby and sent healing energy to my body. As the night progressed, the pain got more and more intense. My friend gave me foot massages and rubbed my lower back which helped tremendously. I got up quite a few times to go to the bathroom and sometimes the pain was severe and I continued my 800 mg ibuprofen regen every 4 hours. Before I went to bed, I took 1 blue doxycycline pill (an atibiotic) and managed to sleep. I woke up the next day took my ibuprofen and later on the antibiotic as I'm supposed to take it every 12 hours to prevent an infection. I had a lot of energy, drank my iron soup and spent most of the day dancing to the yeah yeah yeahs. My follow up isn't until a couple of weeks so yesterday (Thursday) I went to anplace where you can get a free ultrasound.... I was curious. I don't understand most of what the lady was saying but the sac is gone and there's no baby. There is like a scar or something and maybe placenta... The thick lining and since I'm bleeding I guess that will pass and she said don't worry about the scar and just wait until my real appointment. Okay the drive home was horrible omg! Pain started. I have very mild bleeding but my breasts are still big and tender and my stomach is as if I'm still pregnant. I just woke up and the pain is still there. I called the office yesterday and they said lay down, take it easy and take painkillers. I have one 400 mg ibuprofen left. I never takenpainkillers, I'm a healthnut but tuis was extreme. So why am I having more pain? It seems like most of you have pain only for a day and then that's it. I hope I didn't over exert myself on Wednesday with the dancing and I hope his isn't an infection. The office said it was normal but onhis site no one is really saying anything about pain the 3rd or 4th day. If you know anything... Please help.

Anonymous's picture

Here's an update.... It's a

Here's an update.... It's a week and two days since I did it and I do not recommend this to my worst enemy. I am still in pain and cannot go anywhere. It comes and goes now. Saturday, the pain was so bad that I had to go to the ER. I am stubborn about the ibuprofen because I'm a healthnut. The doctor was amazing, I had the most thorough vaginal ultrasound ever... I have a fibroids which I already knew about and a retroverted uterus Which I did not know about. My question is this, maybe women who have fibroids and retroverted uteruses have a harder time with the pill? I can't even leave my place. I regret the pill. I'm going to counselling as soon as I can drive without being in excrutiating pain. I'm still drinking my soups... Doing castor and emu oil uterine massages and they are helping. The antibiotic wiped out the good and bad bacteria in my gut and I had painful gas and the worst feeling in my stomach and so I started taking hso's from garden of life and my bloating is down. I don't look pregnant anymore, but the pain comes and goes.... Down to 2 ibuprofens yesterday and none today. Feeling frustrated.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Still feeling pain and cramps day 4 after Misoprostol

It sounds like everyone pretty much went back to their daily activities after a day or two but I still feel extreme tenderness in my lower belly like in the uterus or cervix. I passed a relatively large clot (which felt like it was the embryo) and have been having more menstrual like clots pass since the procedure Thursday- first took Mifeprex then Friday Misoprostol (now its Tuesday) and I have some light flow and very bright red but small clots passing. I feel like the pill is still working by pushing everything out. But these cramps are more like contractions! I've never had a baby so don't know what labor feels like but this feels like what contractions feel like. They have gone on in waves and almost every hour or so on Sunday. I was on the subway and couldnt handle the bumps on the ride home I was in pain! And when I walk and step hard I feel the pain in my uterus like my poor women parts are being banged around. I stayed home Thurs - Monday and went to work today and I feeel like I still need time to rest and heal. I feel so open and sore down there and this post is the only one I can relate to in terms of pain felt after the pill - no one seems to talk about that or is it unique to us? I may have to go to doctor again to make sure something's not going on with my uterus. No fever, no extremes just uterine pain down there but debilitting pain that makes me cry....Can anybody share how longthis goes on or when it will go away? I cant imagine taking my Tylenol #3 every 4 hours for the rest of the week. I have tried to use it as a last resoirt but really it seems more like a first line therapy. It hurts so much!

Anonymous's picture

Abortion Pill experience

I conceived December 15th, 2009. Found out I was pregnant January 1st, 2010. Called Summit Medical (you have to call yourself and have to wait 24 hours before receiving abortion or abortion pill because they have to read a disclaimer to you about your rights). Scheduled an appointment for Saturday January 9, 2010 (pretty sure you can walk- in easily, appointment time meant nothing). Got there around 7, found out they actually open at like 6:30 or something so GET THERE EARLY and eat before you go!! Had to wait forever, the waiting room was already swamped. They finally called my name around like 11 am, talked to me about the abortion pill (very briefly – they will give you reading material but if you have questions ask and research online before you go! They won’t tell you much). Then I had to have a vaginal ultrasound (really uncomfortable for me, and they will show you the baby on the ultrasound if you want to see to confirm pregnancy). Then drew a hematocrit (fingerstick) and took my blood pressure. Also had to give a urine sample. Then after payment (was around 500$, I didn’t want to use my insurance for it). They took credit card. Then finally around like 1:30 pm they called me in with a group of 5 other girls to a room (what happened to privacy!?). They gave us instructions on how to take the misoprostol tablets and the mifeprex. After waiting another hour the doctor came in and told us to swallow the mifeprix pills in her presence, eat some crackers and lemonade they provided us. They gave us a followup appt card, the misoprostol vaginal inserts, doxycycline antibiotic prescription and written prescriptions for phenergan and hydrocodone. Make sure to bring pads in case you bleed after taking the mifeprex, although I didn’t. Make sure to fill your prescriptions on the way home!!! Get them filled, it is worth it!!!
Went home and took a phenergan just in case I felt nauseated (didn’t know what to expect) . Try to eat really light! All I ate/drank was water and saltine crackers until I threw up on day 2 after the vaginal inserts, then I ate more normal food. I felt totally fine day 1, no nausea, no bleeding, cramping, etc. Day 2 I took 2 hydrocodones and a phenergan 30 min before inserting vaginal tablets. They say to eat something with that, but make sure it is light, because I was throwing it back up a few hours later. Then I inserted the vaginal tablets as far as I could ( I don’t know if I reached the cervix or not). You have to lay flat for a while, which I did until I started cramping/vomiting. Finally started bleeding like 3-4 hours after insertion. One of the tablets fell out when I wiped but it was too soggy to try to put back in, but if you can put them back in DO!. Not a lot of bleeding for me at all. Really bad cramping started (take the hydrocodone and I also took Motrin!) Really intense cramping I can’t even describe, but yet I didn’t have much bleeding still. Then started feeling sick so I went to toilet and was bleeding some and then puked about 5 times (felt a little better) Finally went back to bedroom around 7 pm and had the most intense cramps for what felt like forever, but probably only about 20 min. Then felt better, had a burrito for dinner a few hours later around 9 pm, and took the hydrocodone/phenergan regularly. Monday did not feel that I had passed fetal tissue yet so I stayed home for work. Really I could have worked because I felt fine and the bleeding wasn’t’ that bad. Worst bleeding for me was on Wednesday and Thursday ( I worked but had to change my pad frequently (every 2-3 hours?) You cannot use a tampon, take a bath, have sex until they have confirmed that the fetus has passed. Like I said I was really skeptical because I didn’t feel like I bled as much as other people said they did online, but when I went back for my followup they said I was no longer pregnant and I could use a tampon. I bled a little/spotted and had more tissue (looked like long strings of tissue) not many clots, only really small ones (dimesize) for a few more weeks then thought it had stopped. During the 1st 2 weeks I used a heating pad a lot and that really helped, I would have a lot of back pain/cramping when I got home in the evenings after work.
Also, at the end of my 2 weeks of doxycycline I got a really nasty looking rash on my back and a little on my face/neck. I used Benadryl and a hydrocortisone cream. Looked like millions of whiteheads/blackheads. Cleared up after a few days, but just really nasty up close. Don’t know if this was a side effect of the doxy or not.
Went skiing last week and thought I had gotten my normal period but it’s been really light so I think it may be more spotting, plus I’ve still been having some stringy tissue.
Now looking back at the experience I kind of forget it even happened and I’m really glad I did it. I can’t really remember the pain anymore, which is good. For a while I wished I had just done the surgical abortion because there was so much unknown for me doing the pill, and with having to work it felt really uncertain and I wastn’ sure if I had aborted until 2 ½ weeks after the pills. It was a really scary experience and even though it turned out okay for me I’m not sure I would do it again, and definitely have someone with you that you can call during the 1st week and call an ambulance If you are worried, many really big risks associated with this method. I called the help line once and it wasn’t’ helpful at all, they just tell you to either call an ambulance or wait until the office opens – really helpful!?!?
Good luck!

Anonymous's picture

Followup 3 months later

Just wanted to comment on what I have been through in the last 3 months since taking the abortion pill, since there is not much talk about months after the experience.

I had light bleeding until January 26th (i took the abortion pill on January 9th), it was only heavy bleeding on the 13-15th, medium on 10-17th. I was always extremely regular and consistent when getting my periods previously and had never taken prescription birth control (used condoms).

I got my next period on the 10th of February and it lasted a week and was lighter than previous normal periods.

I had intercourse for the first time again on March 12th, and it was not very comfortable. Everything just felt like I was a virgin all over again and very tight down there. Don't know if that was from lack of use over the last few months or from the pill? got my period the next day which lasted a week.

Had intercourse again April 7th, somewhat more comfortable but still not like before the pill. Got my period today on april 8th.

I feel fine, have not had weird cramping, etc. Period consistency has seemed somewhat different than before pill - maybe I am still passing some tissue or old blood, it is just darker and more brownish colored still.

Has anyone else had discomfort with intercourse since taking the pill? Does it improve?

Good luck to all going through this.

Anonymous's picture

Mine was diferent

I had my procedure a little diferent of yours i dont know why they gave me only a week of taking doxycycline.
Had 4 tablets of misoprostol orally not vaginally.
I was 4 wks.
Didnt experience diarrea,vomiting ,headaches or fevers thanks God!
Had a cramps after i took misoprostol for about 1 hour the strongest ones..but not that higher as my period.
Now it has been a month and some days,i'm not bleeding anymore(had been bleeding for a month it just stopped a week ago)
But now i feel something weird pinching inside around my hips ,in some articulations areas like my thighs.Did someone experience that?

Sabri's picture

hey, I did it more than once

I did it when I was in an engg college studying in 2003. I never thought it was an abortion and that it was just a medical procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Both me and my boyfriend thought of going ahead with this because we were both studying and have no financial means and cannot
possibly dreamed of having a baby. I was 22 at that time.

I was only in the 20th-30th days of conception that time. I am very sensitive and can feel any slight changes taking place in my body which makes me visit the doctor even before I missed my period. And I had non whatsoever pains or problems at all and since I was very early, I could only see some blood like clots ( like menses) and nothing at all.
I took this decision and still support it because it is always better to terminate an unwanted pregnancy then the child to be born and have a life not being happy and feeling unwanted and having a hard life.

I even did not feel any regret because I seriously thought it was for the best of everybody--my parents, me and my bf and the unborn too. I did not not even cry over that. Somehow I am a very emotional girl and can cry very easily but this decision i took very calmly which is very surprising now that i thought of it.

I am 28 now and still not married now. I don know but I don't feel any remorse and seeing all this people saying they felt bad, I am wondering why don't I feel any remorse?

Of course, I would have done anything not to get pregnant that time. I know aged 22 seems like matured person but I was just like a teenager that time with whatever no thoughts of taking charge of my life and no thoughts of future.

I have tried to search the net for any long term effects and couldn't find one and if anybody have done it more than once, what are the effects for future babies?
I really want to have babies later and I know I will be a very good loving mother too.


Anonymous's picture

It is ok!

It really makes me upset when I read some of these posts. They talk about how horible the abortion pill is and how they would rather die? Look..Im only 19 years old, I'm in college and I have a good future ahead of me. I didn't want to have an abortion, but I could not give a child a good life right now. I took the abortion pill and it wasn't bad at all! I read these posts before and was scared to death, so scared that I almost backed out of taking the pill! It seems all the older women who took it had "SERIOS PROBLEMS" but I never experienced this. For younger teens having a baby is a big deal so it makes me mad that older adults who are old enough to be pregnant scare us who need this pill! I'm not saying they are lying but honestly mine was less painful then my period. However, I'm cursed with horrble periods! I bleed heavily and have bad cramps on a normal period.

Before the pill I ate 2 bananas and drank alot of orange juice (helps reduce cramping) then took my pain pill (loratab) 20 min before I took the pills. The pills kicked in within an hour and I began to bleed and cramp. The cramps didn't hurt that bad...I went to the grocery store, and even played in the snow that night with my friends!

I may have just been one of the "lucky" ones, or maybe I just expected the worst after reading all the scary posts on here. I would recommend the pill to any girl who has an accidental pregnancy that they cannot go through. I do not support abortions as a way of birth control, but I do believe no child should be born into a situation that is not ready for them. The abotion pill is private for young girls who want to keep it private from their parents, and is safe! Do not let these posts scare you off, it almost made me not go through with the abortion, which would have changed my life and future as well as bringing a child into an unhealthy life.

Anonymous's picture

i dont agree. i mean im 19

i dont agree. i mean im 19 also and the cramps that i had were horrible. i was laying on the bathroom floor in pain. i took 2 tylonol3 with codene right before i inserted the tablets. so maybe yours wasnt that bad because u took the meds 20 mins b4. cause my cramps lasted 4 like an hour i think. but it also might depend on if u take it but mouth or vaginally. cause mine was vaginally. but every ones body is different and everyone should write their own experience even if it does scare people. cause u should expect the worst pain, that way if its not bad you will feel better i guess.

Anonymous's picture

I just took the first set of

I just took the first set of pills this past thursday on the 18th.. and then the second set on friday the 19th at 1127 pm.. I have to honestly say.. I was fine.. I took the tylenol extra strength and Pms to help me sleep.. I stayed up bc i was uncomfortable but nothing to insane. It was mellow... and I was calm. Saturday morning..woke up fine. The pill honestly isnt as bad as everyone makes it seem. Everyone makes the surgical seem so much easier.. But I think not.. I havent been through it but my friends have and Yeah.. The pill was easy and private. Its sunday and I'm gonna go for a little jog. Ladies that are planning on taking it..don't get too worked up about it.. its not all the pain women make it out to be.. You can either go through this slight discomfort or deal with labor pains. I for one would rather deal with the minor cramps then to deal with contractions. Soooo all in all my experience with the pill wasnt bad.

Anonymous's picture



I read one story.. see above, given the phrasing, it seems like she is english which is quite interesting given the fact, I have been on some of these "support" sites and find the stories that turn out in a good way, well.. nothing IS GOOD about vomiting and bleeding. I meant that the abortion came out to be complete. A lot of these woman who do not want to remain anonymous are from Europe. Could it be that the "magnitude or strength" is greater than the ones here in the states? I am so terrified right now guys. I go in tomorrow to take the pill. These stories are scaring the shit out of me.. I am gravitating to the ones that are "good outcomes"

Anyway, I have two beautiful daughters (5 and 23 months). My hubby is incredibly supportive. I am a musician and after many LONG years, I have finally gotten back to my old self. dropped ALL my baby weight, actually, I am more fit than I have been since I was 25. I am down to my pre baby weight and then some.. My career is finally taking off again, We stand to make some very good money this year because we have been so VERY BROKE and so I feel this year was the year that we were going to get back on our feet. I am almost 40, I have had 2 HORRIFIC C sections (which by the way, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy). I almost died the second time because they couldn't stop my uterus from contracting. I began to notice my breathing was heavy and SLOW, I told my husband this while literally looking at my body part down below where the OB had just suctioned my daughters head out of me. All I know is that they gave me "special K".. yes, no LIE.. it's a RAVE drug.. an animal tranquilizer which made me TRIP MY BRAINS OUT.. My hubby turned into Alice and Wonderland and then starting growing pink helmets on his head. No, I have NEVER taken acid in my life but I can imagine that this what might be a "good trip".. to me, it was the most TERRIFYING and out of control feeling I have ever felt. I almost felt like this might be the point where I go INSANE. Why, you ask... They gave this to me to put me out because I was so overwhelmed and the fact, that I started to decline in my breathing was more than I could handle.. WHAT THEY DIDN'T do was to give me VERSED which was to help so I wouldn't remember my experience.. BUT I it was yesterday. I CANNOT relive that moment again, nor do I want to experience the physical pain of another c section. Believe me, I FOUGHT tooth and nail to have a natural birth with my second, in fact, I had seen the "business of born" by Rickie Lake.. PLEASE.. SEE THIS MOVIE.. It will change your life and the way you see your body.. Anyway, let's get to the point of my story. My husband and I have not been in a good place for a very long time.. struggling financially, emotionally and never have time to spend with each other anymore so we both decided to go see our individual therapists.. things seem like they are getting a little better but we are still NOT in the place where we want to be.. It was one night of "WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM".. if you get my drift.. 3 AM in the morning. kinda like going to the bathroom.. mechanical and for me, I should have been a blow up doll. I know he was trying to " be with me" but I SHOULD HAVE NOT HAD SEX. I didn't want it, I had a lot of resentment and anger and I am KICKING myself for giving in. At the time, I thought it would help. we didn't use any protection just "the method".. I thought I had just finished my period and when he went to work the next day, I woke up in a PANIC checked my menstrual calendar and freaked out when I discovered it has been two weeks to the day. The WORST time to have sex. I didn't really notice anything until a week ago I was constipated and eating everything in sight. We have had sex before and used the "pull out thing" a number of times.. I always get my period. I am not a lush but I enjoy cocktails or wine every night.. my ritual (2 drinks at the most), I take adderall for my adult ADD *which yes,, I have been diagnosed all my life* like I said, I am almost 40.. I am under a lot of stress... I know HOW you get pregnant DUH, it's just that I can't believe with all that I do and what I put in my body, I still got pregnant. This will be my FIFTH time with my husband..I have also had 2 miscarriages before I had my first and then right after she was born.. The thing was, I actually WANTED another baby then, right now, just CAN'T and I feel it in the core of my soul!
I am so SCARED to do this tomorrow.. can anyone give me GOOD SOUND ADVICE! I have told my husband it's his turn.. He is getting a vasectomy and I will not TOUCH him until he does.. I am going like a NUN bout this.. I can actually look at my husband and get knocked up.. I no longer will be self sabotaging and careless.. It's NOT WORTH IT!!!!


Ang's picture

Reply to your post

All i can say is I feel you on alot of things you've mentioned...i'm 26, my husband 40, we've been married for a little over 5 years now. this past year we haven't been in a very good place, as you mentioned you're not with your husband. as you also mentioned you said you could "look at my husband and get pregnant" I FEEL YOU ON THAT ONE TOO!! I am completely ashamed and embarrased to say that I have gotten pregnant 6 times in 5 years with my husband. As of a week ago, this will be the 7th time. I've had abortions every time. What won't i get?? What in God's name is it going to take for me to STOP this "self sabotaging and carelessness" (WELL PUT!!!!) and it def is NOT WORTH IT!!!! I am SOO FED UP and OVER this! I came to this website because I simply cannot have another vacuum abortion, i was seeking some sort of info, insight or anything about the medicine abortion because i've had the vacuum abortion 6 times before this and was awake EVERY SINGLE time and it has been worse every time thereafter. I am deathly afraid of needles so I refuse to get any type of sedation and end up wide awake with my legs in stirrups and VERY MUCH AWARE of every pain going on during the whole thing, and it's mind blowing to me how I could STILL allow this to happen to myself!! I know exactly when it happened and it was SOO not worth it! just like you said you didn't want the sex w/ ur husband at the time and are kicking urself now for giving in because now look, YOU'RE the one that has to go through EVERYTHING, i feel the same way!! I'm so mad at myself for constantly allowing him to do this, and even angrier that I'm stupid enough to really think his crummy faulty "pull out method" will actually work!! because obviously it hasn't!!! I'm so pissed that i'm in this damn situation again and while i'm up (have been ALL night because I'm so stressed and worried about this AGAIN) he's upstairs having a good nights sleep, carefree and stressfree. None of this is on him it's all on me and I'm so pissed that it's like this. Anyway, sorry for ranting, I have no one else to talk to (too embarrassed to tell anyone else that i'm yet again pregnant!) and you seemed to be dealing with alot of the issues that i am too. But I just wanted to wish you luck on your abortion, and find out how minimal or extravagant your pain was, etc during the whole procedure? Thanks!!

Anonymous's picture

Hey,,I dont know if you have

Hey,,I dont know if you have already taken the abortion pill. I just read this and felt for you. I am only 19 years old but I do have a 4 year old and I have taken the abortion pill. My son was 2 at the time. I couldnt take care of myself & my son as it was. So when I got pregnant the second time I freaked out. I knew I could not get the other abortions but when I heard about the pill I thought okay maybe I can do that. So I ended up doing it and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I still think about it alot and it bothers me very badly. I hope this doesnt bother you as bad as it does me.

hanifa's picture


were can buy the pills? because my girfriend prenant for 2 months

Anonymous's picture



Kira's picture

What to expect

I was reading these stories, and I thought I would tell mine, as it happened only last night. So January 27 2009 I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. After thinking it over with my boyfriend and my father we desided the best desion was for an abortion. I smoke often and drink sometimes. I also am not financely ready for a child. So this friday the 12th I went to planne parent hood and had the pill. Sitting in the waiting room wasn't as bad as I thought, there were about 12 other women there, all with their own stories. I took the first pill there and they gave me the other 4 pills there and the pain meds. I went home that night, scared out of my mind waiting or the 24 hours to pass. When the afternoon came I put off taking the other 4 pills until 3 in the afternoon. So I got ready, heating pads on, meds by my side, water and a trash can, just in case. Nothing happened for about 2 hours, no bleeding, mild cramping. Nothing I didn't think I could handle. Around 6 I took a shower thinking I would be okay, just to pst the time. About 20 mins into the shower, I begin to havew horrible cramps. And I don't mean to scare, but mine where so bad the only thing I could do was to scream to take away the pain. After screaming so long I threw up from being upset. What was going on was my placinta was detating itself from my body. After an hour of the cramps I felt fine, just tired. I went and layed on the couch, and fell asleep. When I woke up about 2 hours later, there was a little bleeding but not much. Up until this point I had very little bleeding. Around 11 pm I went to the bathroom again and when I wiped, there it was. My baby was on the paper that I wiped with. Now what they don't tell you is that when you're 9 weeks alone you can see everything. The hands the feet and the eyes. It hurt ke so much to see what I did to this poor child. I screamed for my boyfriend to come in and see what I saw. Then out of no where I feel the weirdest feeling. I looked in the tolite and there it was. The foippin placinta. Now honestly when that came out I thought it was my uteras. I know it sounds stupid, but it scared the shit outta me. For the next 2 hours I layed in the shower letting clot after clot come out. I wasn't really in pain for this, just more grossed out. It's now 6 in the morning and I'm still bleeding kinda heavy. Not much pain anymore. But the point o my story is the pain is not as bad as the pain I had looking at my child. I just couldn't flush my child, I felt more dirty than I did if I would have flushed it. My boyfriend and I plan on burying it, as suck as it sounds. Just feels right. Honestly I would get the in clinic abortion if I could do it over again. It's not worth the emothional pain that I'm going thru, having to see my child there, like it was nothing. I just wish that no one would ever have to go thru what I did. The physical pain was bad, but I could handle it. Just trying to let everyone else know, just do the inclinic abortion. It's not as... Tramatizing. I hope this helps someone, anyone that is going thru this. Just remember your not alone, there are other women out there going thu what your going thru.

Anonymous's picture

you dont tell the truth

at 9 weeks of pregnancy it is still a tiny tiny embryo, you WOULD NOT be able to see HANDS or FEET!!! ALSO, you DO NOT have a placenta at this stage in the pregnancy... it develops much later... you are a liar, probably some pro-life person on here trying to scare people, but not all of us are that uneducated to what happens during each trimester in pregnancy... geez...

Serendip Visitor's picture

Yes you can see everything

Oh yes you can! a nine week old fetus has hands and a face and fingers and looks like a complete human being. I also had the same experience at nine weeks and it was absolutely shocking and heartbreaking. If you are considering doing this, it is better to be prepared. At nine weeks it will look like a baby if you see it. I am not writing this to upset anyone--it was not being prepared for this that made it a traumatic experience for me.

mom's picture

Im in therapy...

In response to "What to expect"-your story is the only one similar to mine...The procedure itself went just fine and did not leave me in much physical pain-I felt like I was the one the pamphlet was based on...At any rate, I caught my "Glob" in my hand during a squatted rush to the bathroom, only to look down and see my 6 week 2 day (from menstrual period) fetus in my hand....eyes, buds...I placed it in a jar of water, because the thought of flushing it down the toilet made me throw up (my husband and I later put it in the creek by our home). Now-I am as pro-choice as they come...However, I have yet to come to terms with my decision ( I just feel so STUPID! I am an educated hard-working mother of 3...who DOES THIS???) at any rate, like a lot of you, I did my research and felt this was the right thing for me at the time, regardless of whether I feel that way now, at the moment I must have...THAT BEING SAID-the clinics do not tell you "by the way, you may see a fetus come out..." I got a spiel about seeing tissue and "matter"...Certainly they don't tell you this because it would deter many people who have made their decision based on the fact that surely it is not visible to the human eye. I urge you to get the surgical procedure. Although I am better now emotionally, I have some major issues related to this process and that tiny fetus image ingrained in my brain. From reading these posts, it seems most women do not see their fetus, but if you do, I promise you it will inflict major psychological much, that my therapist is writing an article describing my condition as "post traumatic stress syndrome." I am a naturalist and tree-hugger, but am on some MAJOR antidepressants...It has been 2 years since the procedure. PLEASE-If you do choose this method, don't get curious and dig through tissue, be prepared and be on the toilet ready to flush when your glob exits...I understand that I didn't feel that this baby was really a baby-but seeing it made it a reality, and more than a decision-I feel...well, i can't put it into words even still...Be safe, my women friends-make sure your decision is one you make for yourself, because no matter how it may feel nice to have a supportive partner, he will never understand how this will affect you. I am not saying you shouldnt abort-I would never make that decision for any woman, I am just pleading for you to do the surgical, and skip SEEING anything :)