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Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

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Biology 103
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip

Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

Sujatha Sebastian

On September 28, 2000 the Food and Drug Administration after several years of research approved Mifepristone, better known as the "abortion pill", for distribution in the United States. The FDA's decision will have a definite impact on women's health care in the United States. There will be social and medical repercussions. The drug has caused controversy not only in antiabortion groups, but in Pro-Choice groups as well. Critics are worried that an abortion available in pill form will be "too easy". They are worried that use of the pill will be abused. What many people do not realize is that while Mifepristone will be beneficial to women's health care, it is not without side effects. In light of all the recent coverage that the "abortion pill" has been given in the media, and all the misinformation surrounding it, I decided researching that Mifepristone would be interesting and helpful. The purpose of my paper is to discover how Mifepristone works, how it is administered, and to look at its side effects. I want to demonstrate the benefit Mifepristone will be to women's health care, while showing that it is not an "easy" solution to abortion.

"Mifepristone, formerly known as RU-486, is a medical alternative to aspiration abortion."(1) It works by blocking progesterone from being absorbed into the uterus. When this happens the uterus sheds the endometrium (lining in the uterus, therefore inducing menstruation. (2 When Mifepristone is used as a method for abortion is it administered as part of a three step process. The first step is that 200 mg of Mifepristone is given orally in a doctor's office. Then within 24 to 48 hours the patient is given 400 mg a drug called Misoprostol either orally or in a suppository form. Misoprostol, which is a synthetic hormone, is used to get the cervix to soften and dilate as well as getting the uterus to relax. The embryo is then expelled.(2) This is supposed to happen approximately fours hours after the administration of the drug. The final step is an examination by a medical professional to make sure the abortion is complete. (2)

There are restrictions as to who can use this medical method of abortion. It is only intended for women to use up to nine weeks after their last menstruation period. Women who are under 18 or over 35, epileptic, diabetics, or suffering from heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach or intestinal disorders are ineligible. As are women who have taken steroids within the past 12 months, or deemed overweight or a heavy smoker. Women who have used an IUD or hormonal contraceptive within three months prior to conception are not allowed to take Mifepristone as well.(2)

Like any drug or medical method there are side effects to using Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is the number of side effects and degree of each that critics argue about. The FDA has determined that taking Mifepristone does cause various degrees of pain. Short term physical effects can be pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.(2) There are psychological side effects as well. In some cases products of the conception are visualized. (3)

The use of Mifepristone will have a definite impact on reproductive freedom in this country and the world. (3) It is seen as less invasive procedure which gives the woman more freedom and privacy. In the United States it has been reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that eighty-nine percent of the abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone will allow women another option to terminate a pregnancy in its early stages. (2) Twenty-four percent of the world's population lives in places where abortion is not legal. (3) As a result a significant population of women perform their own abortions or receive illegal abortions which kills them. The medical method of abortion would allow women in these areas of the world to receive a safe method of abortion.

A major issue that critics of Mifepristone have is that they feel that the drug will allow abortions to become "too easy". But the drug is only administered in a medical office and requires at least three visits. The last visit is an examination to see that the abortion is complete and that the mother is in good health. Before the patient is given Mifeprex tablets (Mifepristone) she must sign an agreement in which she acknowledges that there are side effects, that there is a three step process, and that 5 to 8 women out of every hundred do not have successful medical abortions and need surgical abortions . (5) Critics worry that the drug will cause an increase in the number of women who have abortions. Supporters of the drug cite the fact that in France, where the drug is manufactured and was first administered, there has not been an increase in the abortion rate. (2)

Mifepristone will change the way that abortions are administered. This method gives a woman more autonomy and does not require her to go through surgical procedure. It can also prevent pregnancy by taken as soon as a day after she has had intercourse. This new method will allow more women to have access to safe abortions. Mifepristone opens the door to a new area of medicine in which previously surgical procedures are now approached in a medical manner. Whether in support of or against Mifepristone one has to recognize the new technology the drug represents.

One of the problems I had when researching information was finding unbiased information. Both pro and anti Mifepristone groups used "research" and statistics to their benefit. Distinguishing the difference between opinion and fact was difficult. This is especially true because there is not a lot of accurate information about Mifepristone published by reliable sources. This is due to the fact that Mifepristone has just recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Mifepristone that will be beneficial to women's health care and medicine. But one must realize that it is not without side effects and cannot be seen as an "easy" solution to abortion.


WWW Sources

1), Mifepristone

2), The Facts about Mifepristone (RU 486)

3), Mifepristone

4), "Abortion Pill": A Woman's Right to Choose by, Kath Gelber

5)www.popcouncil.orgrhpdev/mifeprex/patient%5Fagreement.html,The Patient Agreement Mifeprex (Mifepristone) Tablets

6), RU486: The Hidden Effects by Lawrence F. Roberge

6), RU486 *Please note that some of the sources read during my research were from biased sources (the National Right to Life Committee web site for example). Facts were not used from these sources in my paper. These sources were instead used to discover the arguments anti-Mifepristone groups had and to see the false information they were publishing about the drug.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

08/06/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I took that pill and almost blead to death now i have have to say it's not as easy as it sounds it is very painful like child birth but more blooder atleast for me i now have endromitrious and may have to have my women parts removed i had nothing before i took those pills i'm 37 so i'm just saying better think it out before you take it because it's dangerious i have a son who is 18 it was easier for me to have him then go through childbirth than taking those pills becuse i'm still not well and it has been 7 months

10/10/2005, from a Reader on the Web

For what it's worth, I though I'd share my personal experience using Mifepristone almost a month ago.. After having made the difficult choice to abort, I learned of this pill as an alternative option to having the traditional surgical procedure. Of course, as anyone would, I opted to try the pill because it seemed -less- painful and was something I could do in the privacy of my own home. After having been given the first pill, Mifepristone, at the doctors office on a Friday afternoon, I finished out my day at work with minimal side-effects at that point. The Mifepristone made me slightly sick to my stomach, but compared to the ongoing morning sickness I'd been going through, it wasn't so bad. (ha ha) Misoprostol was the next step, given to me in the form of 4 tablets, to be inserted vaginally myself at home. I was also given a full bottle of Vicodin, as well as a bottle of 800mg Ibuprophen for the pain the doctor anticipated I would encounter (this worried me a little). Late Satuday afternoon, I'd say around 4:30pm, scared to death not knowing what to expect once everything started, and knowing I couldn't turn back now, I inserted the tablets and took 1 Vicodin as directed. About 30 minutes from the time I did this I began to have cramping comparable to what you would feel during a typical menstrual period.. but not for long. Within an hour I had severe cramping.. I'd been warned the pain could equal that of actual child-birth contractions, and this must have been it. (I've never had a child, so I can only imagine) I was to the point of feeling like I would pass out if the pain didn't let up when I passed the first, and largest, portion of what -was- the pregnancy.. Many people will tell you that all you'll see is blood and clots, and it's unlikely anything will look like actual tissue.. but mine sure did.. Large masses of gray tissue were expelled for the following numerous hours. Somewhere close to midnight that night I felt relief enough to know it was over.. or so I thought. 4 days after this, while I -should- have been feeling more or less back to normal, I began to experience increasing pain in my abdomen. I called and spoke with my doctor about this, but felt as though she didn't seem concerned at all. No more than 2 hours after hanging up the phone I developed a fever that shot through the roof out of nowhere, and my heart began beating unbelieveably TOO fast. The "increasing pain" in my abdomen now had me laying in bed, hardly able to move. I called my mother who left work and rushed to my home to get me. I couldn't even get out of bed to let her in when she arrived I hurt so bad. I ended up in the emergency room that afternoon with a heartbeat of 143 beats/min.. (Check your own and then you'll see just how high 143 is) and a 103 temperature I ended up fighting to keep away for the next 4 days. To make a long story short, that first afternoon I spent over 8 hours in a treatment room in the emergency area before they got my vitals under control and discovered the cause of everything.. The abortion pill I used began attacking my own body in a sense, and began a horrendous infection in my uterus. In the end I spent a week in the hospital on 3 of the most potent anti-biotics available, as well as some heavy-duty narcotic pain killers, while specialists from the surrounding hospitals kept watch over me constantly. It's now been almost a month since then, and I still have to have blood work done, as well as ultrasounds every now and then to keep monitoring my recovery. I have constant sharp pains in my abdomen and have been told the scar tissue left over from the infection may now keep me from becoming pregnant in the future.. It's all so much to deal with, and honestly, I don't think I've come to terms with everything yet. It still feels like a bad dream. Regardless of my experience with the pill and side effects it caused me, I can still step back and look at the broad picture of things.. The majority of women who use this method have no problems, and for them, this is a good way to go. I really do think it's a better choice for most, than to have the surgical abortion.. BUT - be warned.. It's not "easy" using the pill, and there's no way to know how you're body will react to it. I never knew I'd go through the things I did because of it. This is definitely not something to be looked at as the "new contraceptive" either, as some are saying. It's so risky, putting your body through something like this. It could take a toll on you that will effect the rest of your life. Like me.. Will I ever be able to have kids after everything that happened? Every woman out there should begin by being aware of how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy from the start. Such as life happens, and most protection only offers 99.9% effectiveness, we forget that's NOT 100%.. If you still become pregnant and choose to abort, do your homework.. read about all possibilities, and all side effects for each.. then decide what's best for you. I think the pill is a great option.. but be careful, it's certainly not without it's flaws.


Additional comments made prior to 2007
It has been almost 2 months since I had made the painful decision to get an abortion. I am only 18 years old so you could imagine hoe scary it was for me. After they examined me and told me how far I was they put me in this rome with a female doctor so I can take the oral pill that actually determines the pregnancy. When I took that pill, I felt fine until I had to get something in my stomach, I couldn't even eat my stomach was turning so bad. the doctor told me that I could insert the four pills vaginally anytime between then and 48 hours after the visit. I decided to insert them that night to get it over with and about an hour after it was literally hell. I was vomiting,bleeding perfusely, and experiencing pain more severe then I had ever felt before. To make a long story shorter, it has been about 2 months and I still haven't exactl stopped bleeding. I am young and afaid to go get checked because of it, and my life will never be the same. I had no choice my situation at the time wasn't what I wanted and now I will always regret it ... Reader on the web, 12 August 2007



I used the pill around february of '07. I was 6 1/2 weeks and I guess I didnt really know what I was getting myself into. I took the first pill which I had no side effects to. When I took the second one the next day, it was almost immediate cramping. Basically the worst cramps I had ever had. I was puking, had diarrea, and was in so much pain I was balled up on the couch crying. I guess I was a "lucky" one because my horrible cramps only lasted about an hour until I passed the birth tissue and then they subsided. Although I bled for a month after that (most of it not heavy), I completly regret it to this day. All I can ever think about is a perfectly beautiful child is now in a sewer somewhere. It's horrible, but thats how I think of it now. I wish I could go back and change things. I wish I never did it. All I hope is that it didnt hurt my chances of having a child in the future ... Reader on the web, 13 September 2007


Serendip Visitor's picture


when did your bleeding stopped????

Anonymous's picture

i want to know what happens

i want to know what happens to u if u dont go 4 the 2nd part of the treatment after takin the 1st pill?

Anonymous's picture

u have to go

I didn't know you have to go to a treatment after taking the first pill , its usually given to u by your doctor so you can take in your own house. As for me the first time I took it I really didn't know I was going to bleed or cramp so much. Minutes after taking the 4 pills I cramped like nothing. I ever experienced in my life( iguess I should have taken the iboprufen) . I was young and didn't know exactly what to expect but now im taking it again ( took 4 of 200 mg of iboprufen which the doc explained is similar to 800 mg and less expenseive) and it wasn't like last time. I didn't bleed like crazy from the first pill and I didn't get extreme cramps or bleed so much. I was terrified thinking I would experience the same pains from so long ago. To women out there making this choice be prepared knowledge is the key and preparation. Listen to yourself and don't go base your desicion on what everyone else tells you the choice is yours . You will be the one in labor or deciding to abort . I hate when people try to judge others for making this decision .who's the one who has to bring a child to this earth when she's not ready. Who's the one that has to suffer is it fair to the child to suffer as well. Sorry to ramble on but this topic upsets me.

layla's picture

abortion pill

Ok I feel like you should use protection. If you don't wanna have a baby. Num one babies are a blessing there are women out here who can't have kids and would give anything to have one. If you know that you are suffering then wrap it up. So u won't have to go through this again. I mean how mean how many times before enough ???

Serendip Visitor's picture

that would be great

that would be great advice...if only condoms were 100% effective, you idiot.

Minni's picture

Where and how

I'm 22 years old and live home with my family
i'm not totally sure if I'm actually pregnant yet. Will do a test tomorow.
But if I am positive, I don't want my family to know. And I don't want to see my gp about it either.
If I want to go ahead with an abortion does it have to be through my gp? Or can I
go elsewhere for the procedure? I know my gp wouldn't share my problem or information with anybody else, he is a professional, but he is also a good friend and associate of my dad. And I would not feel comfortable at all telling him. I'm sure he would not be comfortable wither. What else can I do? Where can I go?

Tory's picture

Are you from the UK? If so

Are you from the UK? If so yes. There is a number you can call and they can put you in touch with your local family planning clinic, you can get an abortion referall from there and they will help you out. I hope everything works out for you. Stay strong.

Nicole's picture

I took the second dose of

I took the second dose of pills yesterday, June 12 2010, at around 9:00. They dissolved by 9:30. At around 10 I threw up and had intense pain that felt like my uterus was exploding. After taking pain medication and laying in bed I felt a little better... I only had some minor cramps that felt like period cramps. Around 2 hours later I began to bleed. There was little blood on the pad but it kinda just gushed whenever I went to use the bathroom. It is now 1:30 the next day, and I am moderately bleeding and occasionally have cramps. What worries me is that I have no discernable blood clots, at one point i had a small amount of stringy blood-like matter on the pad but no blood clots like the rest of the women on this forum are talking about. I heard it can take 3 days to pass the pregnancy but I am just a little worried. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? Or if they experienced it with little to no clots? I am worried that the pill isn't working even though I am bleeding and have mild cramps every once in a while.

I am 19 years old
Doing this without my parents knowing
My boyfriend is around to help out.
I have no way of going to the clinic other than my bf driving me and he has to come to Jersey from Connecticut to do so and then we have to drive to Yonkers, Ny.

C.'s picture

Excruciatingly painful

I had this done in late 2006, when I was 19. While I chose the pill method over the surgical abortion because I considered it more humane and private, I was not prepared at all for the experience.

Like everyone else, I took the first pill at the doctor's office and later vaginally inserted the four other pills to induce a miscarriage. Within an hour I was experiencing the most painful cramps I could imagine and they just kept getting worse. I laid in bed with a maxi pad, writhing in pain for some time before I had diarrhea and had to move to the restroom. I spent the next few hours on the toilet, alternately vomiting into a trashcan, shitting and bleeding. My boyfriend was with me the whole time, wiping the sweat off my forehead and rubbing my back while I rested my head on his shoulder, completely lifeless from the pain. I have never given birth before, but these contractions felt like I was actually in labor.

Like several others have mentioned on this thread, something that you do not expect is to actually see the fetus. I was told to expect blood clots and some tissue, but I passed what looked essentially like a fetus in a light gray sack. If actually seeing the fetus will upset you (it certainly upset me), I would not recommend this procedure.

The worst of the cramps subsided within six hours of taking the four tablets, although milder cramps continued for days after the procedure, and I bled for a couple weeks. If I had to do it again, I'm not sure I would choose this method for abortion. It was excruciatingly painful and I was frightened because the doctor had not warned me of how bad it could get. I was not given any medication for the pain. If my boyfriend had not been with me throughout the experience, it would have been much more traumatic. I can't imagine going through that alone.

Anonymous's picture

I am very scared right now. I

I am very scared right now. I took the first pill yesterday 6/9/10 around 11 am, I went to work until around 6 pm, I then took two pain pills around 8:30 pm and 30 minutes later which was around 9 pm I took the three other pills. I had been up all night long stressed and waiting for something to happen, anything! So now it is 3 pm the next day. So 18 hours after taking the second dose of pills I have had no bleeding, barely any kind of cramping at all. Nothing has happened. I have read so much and heard how everything happens so soon after the second dose. Is this normal? Has anyone else had this problem or heard of someone taking so long to miscarry from this Abortion pill? Or did it just fail. I have a scheduled appointment for tomorrow and they even mentioned doing the surgical abortion just in case? Please help...any thoughts advice would be great!

Anonymous's picture


I got ur email asking for my experience. I took the first pill on April 16th (Friday) and then the 4 the next morning nothing happened either, barely any cramping and no bleeding. No pain, Saturday or Sunday so I called the doctor and made an appt for that next Friday and they did an ultrasound and it wasn't growing, just not coming out, they took blood to see if the hormone levels were dropping (which they weren't) and gave me another dose of 4 pills to see if it would happen. I went home and took them the next morning (Saturday) and felt nothing (had some bleeding) for probably 8 hrs and then had about an hour of horrible pain that almost ended me in the ER, but it subsided and the next day (Sunday), I felt great. I went for a checkup the next Friday, they gave me an ultrasound and found the 2nd dose didn't work and it was still there. I had the option to let them take blood again to check my hormone levels or do the surgery with no medication because I didn't have a driver to bring me home...I opted for the surgery because I wanted it over and it was very very painful for maybe 7-8 minutes and then I felt ok and drove home. I bled for maybe 2-3 days and then it stopped and I got my first regular period June 1st. They had never seen the pills not work twice so my situation is a rare one, but I would do the surgery if you have the option cuz it is a lot of emotional distress to drag it out. I hope this helps and I am so very sorry your in this situation.

Anonymous in Tx's picture

taking the pill

The same thing happened to me, if you aren't bleeding and feeling as if you are about to give birth -- the pill didn't work. Sometimes it just doesn't work. Call them or you can just wait for your follow up, they will go ahead & do the other procedure. I'm so sorry that this happened to you.

Anonymous's picture

abortion pill

heyy!! i just turned 20 in may and now found out i am 7weeks preg. me n my bf hav been togetehr for 2yrs now. wer both students and in uni.

never tho id becum preg. but i am got an app with the dr on monday as we cant keep the child cuz wer nt ready for a child and wudnt wnt the baby having an upseting life!!!

i think i will b gettin the abortion pill but u dnt wnt my family finding out wat ive dun

i was hopeing just to tell my mum its a bad period! is there any way of them finding out?

so if anyone had an abortion done without family members knwing

can u please let me knw thank u so much!!

and reading some of these storys has helpd me understand it becuase im underweight and my periods are soo bad ive been so scared to knw wat the pains like!!!

Anonymous's picture

They can't find out unless

They can't find out unless you tell them I mean. I kept it from my family and everyone else my mother only found out because my sister found a letter on my bag of my appointment and I confessed. But otherwise there's no way they can know

Michelle1991's picture

My experience of the abortion pill

After finding this site just before i was due to take the first pill. i was so scared, i was thinking twice about it. The first pill i took it at 10:10, i was then told to insert a tablet in my anal to stop infections. i reached home at about 11:00 i didnt have any side effects untill later on in the evening at about 6:00 i was feeling really sick, i did try to look past it and nibble on some food. Cooking was a problem because most things made me feel sick either because of the smell or i just went totally off the food, so soup it was with a slice of bread =). I never managed to eat it all, but managed to keep it all down. i had some friends round, so that kept my mind of things.

The next day i felt abit sick in the morning, so i stayed in bed untill it passed. At 1:30 i was due at the clinic for the next stage in the abortion. i was then seen by the nurse. i was given a pill for any side effects that might happen, and i had to insert another tablet in my anal this was a painkiller. i then had the 4 other tablets inserted then went home. in my opinion if you are not strong hearted i would advise you ask a friend to come look after you. i arrived home at about 3:00, after sorting the dog out ect i ran upstairs and put my pj's on ready for the next couple of hours to hit me. at first i felt like a build up of pressure in my pelvis then i started getting normal period pains. i was on my own at the time so i didnt worry untill the pain started to increase. thats when i started to panic, i think with me getting worked up made things worse. i ended up crying and ringing every friend i thought was free at the time to come look after me. i managed to get my next door neighbour to come round a sort everything out. the pain didnt getting any better but i was prying that if i stayed calm it wont feel so bad. I decided that i needed to go loo (this was at 5:45)and as soon as i sat down, i felt a huge gush, and the bleeding started. i realised that i needed alot more pads for the evening. so i walked to the shop hopeing maybe a bit of exercise might help the cramps. it took longer than usual to walk but i just didnt push myself.

At the moment i am sat on my laptop writing this, and watching a film. the pain has actually died down to a manageable dull pain. My advice for all the women or couples going or will be going through this, is to stay calm yea some of the comments on here are actually scary but believe in yourself that you will be ok. Have someone to watch over you i had someone for the worst part (well what i think it is..we still have all night xD)then i was on my own. yes its upsetting and emotional but be strong.

Good luck to all the people reading this now, you will be fine


Anonymous's picture

Not Bad At All...Dont believe these reviews!

I took the abortion pill when I was 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I am 25 and exercise daily, non smoker and non drinker. With the first pill I felt cramping within a few hours but did not need any pain medication for it. Inserted the second dose of pills later. I took a Vicodin 30 minutes before I took the pill, and took tylenol. I had a heating pad on my stomach and watched movies to keep my mind off things. I went to sleep and passed blood when I woke up and urinated. I slept through it all to be honest, I took a vicodin every 4 hours and ate a BRAT (Bananas, rice, apples, toast) diet to prevent an upset stomach. I felt no pain, just very mild cramps. I bled for 3 days passing clots and blood. (I made sure to wear a maxi pad and nothing ever got on my clothes or furniture) A day later I started my period for five days. Now I am back to my normal 28 day cycle. Do not believe these reviews!! These reviews terrified me and brought me to tears. Do what is best for you! I will say that I believe it was easier for me because I wasn't very far along. The longer you wait to take the pill in pregnancy, the less likely it is to work. So if you want to take the pill, take it as soon as possible. I would definitely take the pill again over having a procedure done. I was able to return to work the next day just fine. Good luck with your choice :)

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thanks for this iv been

Thanks for this iv been reading all the reviews and its scared the life out of me iv got one child that is one years of age and had a very pain full child birth and some of the stories on here are relating it to that which is scary! Iv just read yours and makin me feel a bit better about it, I am 7 weeks an not ready for another one right now I took my pill yesterday an I'm going for mine 4 tomorrow morn were I have to stay in hospital all day I'm scared to death!!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thanks for this iv been

Thanks for this iv been reading all the reviews and its scared the life out of me iv got one child that is one years of age and had a very pain full child birth and some of the stories on here are relating it to that which is scary! Iv just read yours and makin me feel a bit better about it, I am 7 weeks an not ready for another one right now I took my pill yesterday an I'm going for mine 4 tomorrow morn were I have to stay in hospital all day I'm scared to death!!!

Anonymous's picture

Just took the abortion pill

Took the 2nd set of 4 pills last night at 9:45PM, dissolved and swallowed at 10:15. My stomach was already feeling sick while the pills were dissolving, and soon afterwards I got really bad diarrhea and chills. Throughout the whole night I had really bad cramping, I would alternate between sitting on the toilet and lying on some towels in bed, there was no comfortable position for me to be in. Occasionally there would be splurts and huge gushes of blood coming out. The diarrhea and cramping didn't subside until around 4AM when it became bearable enough to sleep peacefully. Afternoon the next day, I only have some minor cramping and bleeding. Feeling weak now, but I'm glad I got the worst of it over - that was not easy to go through.

Anonymous's picture


I am suspose to go get the abortion pill on Wednsday. I just found out I was pregnant yesterday 6/3/2010. So it's not even 24 hours. I have a 14, 8, 2, and 1 year old. I was using Nuvaring and have no idea what went wrong. I had an abortion before and swore I would never have another one, thats how I ending up keeping the last two. This time I really did everything the doctor told me, used the birth control correctly. This is so crazy. I'm gonna do this, I can't afford another kid, as I am a single mother. Also I am going to look in to a final form of birth control. Thank you for all your stories. I hope my experience is not so bad.

Serendip Visitor's picture

FYI- Wait until you are about

FYI- Wait until you are about 6weeks exactly or the doc will send you home and you have to come back. The doc has to see the yolk sac before you can get the pill and the yolk sac is formed at the end of 6 weeks. I went too early about 5 weeks in and I had to reschedule. Good Luck!

Serendip Visitor's picture

The earlier the better.........

You do not have to wait until you are six weeks!!! I just got the pill and I think I am only about 2weeks pregnant!!!I am so early that I had to have a vaginal ultrasound just so they can see the baby! I went to the doctor on Thursday and the doctor gave me sum liquid to drink that will stop the growth of the fetus!!! Tuesday night I have to inject the pills in my vagina! So far I am fine!! The hardest part is watching what I eat!!! Folic Acid is in everything even bread!!! Besides not eating foods that contains folic acid I am fine!!!!

Anonymous's picture

I just don't understand how

I just don't understand how anyone could go through with abortion. I know your not finacial stable,but you could always give the baby up for adoption. So many people would love to have your little one that can't get pregnant. It took me and my husband 5 years too become pregnant and I wouldn't give this baby up for anything. God willing this baby will stay until he/she is supposed to come out. My mom had an abortion when she was younger and she has regreted it all of her life. I personally would never have an abortion unless it was life threating. Everyone has a right to there own bodies,but just think of all the couples out there that would love to have what you are going to abort.

Jay's picture


Keep your opinion to your self ! It's hard enough for these women to make the choice with out idiots like you posting things like this ! Fair enough you may have had it hard but if you don't like abortion! Don't come on here reading about it, then ranting and raving ! Thankyou

Anonymous's picture

i just took this pill on

i just took this pill on Saturday it wasnt that bad at all you will just fine.. I am sure goodluck...

Anonymous's picture

can you take the abortion

can you take the abortion pills when you are 12 weeks pregnant? i dont want it to be done surgically.

Serendip Visitor's picture

No,u cant take it and if you

No,u cant take it and if you tried u will land up in loads of problem. get it done surgically because the pill wont work this time.

Anonymous in Tx's picture


You can't take the pill after 8 weeks (I believe). Please have the procedure, it's not as bad as you may think...and if I had to go back, I would choose it instead of taking the pill (that did not work on me).

Anonymous's picture

Up to 9 weeks is what they

Up to 9 weeks is what they say at Planned Parenthood. The abortion pill can be dangerous or ineffective for later-term pregnancies. Most doctors won't give it to you past 9 weeks- and you need to be sure you're getting it from a reliable source so that you don't get something fake (internet order pills) that could really harm you.

Anonymous's picture

e-mail me please

to the lady who sent me a message saying u had taken the 1st pill on 27th may 2010 and never went for the last pills, please please e-mail me, my addy is,

i need to talk privatly to you, please contact me asap xxx

Anonymous's picture

My Experience So Far

I, along with a lot of people, was terrified to take the second round of pills. The people at Planned Parenthood warned me that it would be very unpleasant and, for some, similar to childbirth. I took the first pill at the office on Friday morning. I agree with others that compared to the morning sickness I'd been experiencing, I couldn't really notice much difference in the way I felt. I started spotting (very brown) on Saturday and knew that I'd probably had the *induced* miscarriage. The whole day Sunday, I had no appetite and certain foods completely disgusted me. I decided to take the pill Sunday night after work at midnight, and I decided to be alone.

Unless you're a very independent and "strong" in terms of pain tolerance, I don't recommend being alone.

An hour and a half after I inserted the pills down there (four of them), I had almost fallen asleep when I suddenly woke up to what I can really only describe as whole body contractions. My whole body would tense, release, tense, release. I started shaking uncontrollably and my teeth were chattering.

HOWEVER, I wasn't really feeling any PAIN. It was an uncomfortable situation, but not a painful one. I took a percoset at that point that was described because I DID start to feel some stabbing pains in my uterus. I don't know if I would compare it to labor (I've never had a child) but it was definitely much stronger than normal period cramps. The shaking and strong contractions only lasted thirty minutes. I then passed some large clumps, which I hope included the embryo, and most of my symptoms subsided.

I slept very peacefully and felt relieved that everything was over with. I recommend doing it at night- although it will absolutely disrupt your sleep- which is good because you need to monitor your blood loss. You will lose a large amount of blood quickly, like the heaviest flow during your period except it will come faster. But as long as you have some pain killer (Motrin) NO ASPIRIN- NO ALCOHOL (these will thin your blood) you shouldn't experience anything unbearable.

All women are different, some will feel more pain, some less. I feel like the majority of women will have a similar experience to mine because my experience was, for the most part, exactly what the people at Planned Parenthood told me it would be like.

Ps. Don't fall asleep on a nice couch, like I did. I stained it after I feel asleep.

Pss. Right now, 24+ hours later, it feels like a normal period with cramping. I'm bleeding a decent amount but I'm not knock-down, drag-out sick. I'm actually leaving in a few minutes to go to the movies with friends.

Anonymous's picture


I wanted to add to this post that I didn't experience ANY nausea or diarrhea, probably because I was instructed to insert the pills like a tampon instead of swallowing them or dissolving them in my mouth (so they bypassed my digestive system, essentially). I recommend asking your doctor if you can insert the pills instead of swallowing them, because they will probably work faster and more effectively since they're dissolving directly at the source.

HOWEVER, I am NOT A DOCTOR, and for all I know, the pills that people who are instructed to let dissolve in their mouth could be different from the pills I was instructed to insert in my vagina. But I do recommend at least asking your doctor because I think my experience was less unpleasant since I didn't have any nausea or diarrhea.

That's all! It's been 8 days and I'm still bleeding somewhat heavily (like mid-period bleeding) and I have mild cramps. Other than that, I feel great- no depression, my skin's clearing up- basically I'm returning to pre-pregnancy state.

If anyone has questions about my experience or their experience, I'd love to help, so just respond to this post. This can be a lonely and difficult time, and it's good to have someone to chat with who's been through a similar experience.

Anonymous's picture


I went back to the clinic yesterday for my follow-up. I successfully passed the embryo, but my endometrial lining is thicker than it should be, and so I was given another four tablets of misprostol to take- this time orally (dissolving in cheeks). I did so last night, and my experience was nothing like the first time. I had, for the most part, no side effects except mild cramps and abdominal tenderness. I'm not bleeding any more than I was before, and so I wonder if this second dosage was even effective. I have to go back to the clinic a week from now, and I'll post another follow-up of that.

Obviously, I was disappointed and upset that I'd have to take the pills again. However, the experience was 25% of what I experienced the first time. I took a percoset (prescribed) BEFORE I took the misoprostol as opposed to when cramps started like I did the last time. Perhaps this is why? I waited the first time because that's what I was told to do "When you begin to feel cramps, you can take the pain medications."

It's probably not a bad idea to take the pain meds before.

Again, I am NOT a doctor OR a nurse. I have a degree in dietetics (nutrition) and that's as much medical education that I can claim. My advice is based solely on personal experience.

Anonymous's picture

Hi, I wanted to talk to you

Hi, I wanted to talk to you about your experience!!

Anonymous's picture

you can e-mail me at

you can e-mail me at

laur's picture

i am taking the pill on

i am taking the pill on friday . i am very nervous ... i am in a wedding on sat. and i leave for california on sunday for a new nanny job . how many days after the clinic do you take the second medicine and how long does the super heavy bleeding last?

Anonymous's picture

within 36 hours, or three

within 36 hours, or three days, is when I was told to take the second dose of misoprostol (the four little pills they probably gave you). I would devote at least a half of a day to rest, the heavy bleeding lasted 3-4 hours for me, then subsided to a heavy flow that I could manage while doing the things I normally do. Walking around later on in the day gave me cramps though, so I really think it's best to take the second round of pills when you have a day off, or a day to yourself. You should be fine to get back to your normal life the day after.

Anonymous's picture

wen should i stop bleeding?

I took the pill just ova a week ago, iv got a 1 yr old son and didn't feel ready 4 another baby. It's 1 of the most painful things iv eva gone through, it was neali as painful as childbirth. I didn't pass the pregnancy till 2 days after I took the second lot of pills and it was a big shock as I had thort it was already ova. I'm still bleeding and it doesn't seem 2 b getting any lighter and I dnt no how long I should expect 2 bleed now, I hope its not 2 much longer. If any1 could help me that would b gr8 x

Anonymous's picture

Amazingly Easy, Highly Recommend

My stats:
40 years, 3 kids, average weight, fit
I read these stories before taking the pill and was sick with fear. It wasn't bad at all.
Wednesday-took first pill. No symptoms.
Friday am: 7:30-took anti-nausea
8:30-took 2 prescription pain pills (didn't need for pain, but helped with anxiety)
9-took the 4 pills, grocery shopped, came home and vacuumed.
11-started feeling cramps
12-1-uterus cramping felt like something pulling on my stomach.
Sounds corny, but I told my uterus it was doing a good job. Breathe deep and relax and you'll be fine.
At some point between noon and one a gelatinous sac plopped out, about the size of a quarter. That
was by far the worst part. Fortunately, it was clear and there was nothing discernible as far as I could
see. I was 6 weeks, 2 days along when I took the first pill.

After reading all these horror stories, I promised myself I would post if I had an easy experience. I had no
nausea or diarrhea at all. The cramps weren't anything like I used to get in high school. I was surprised
when it was over, and I woke up today knowing I'm no longer pregnant. I have taken the morning after pill
and that made me sick. This pill didn't make me sick at all. I think most women have a similar experience.
Don't be afraid and don't tense up. Just relax your body. I had a support person, but he was much more
stressed out than me, so I easily could have done this on my own. I'm bleeding today, but not overly much.
I recommend getting overnight pads.

Although this was simple beyond belief, if you don't think you can handle seeing the sac (which I think most people don't see; I think I
did because there wasn't much blood or clotting) them this method is not for you. That part was unexpected and graphic. But today I am one super relieved person. I was on birth control pills when I got pregnant, so I'm looking into getting an IUD. Very sad, but the worst is over.

valentina's picture

>>>>> 31 y/o Full Disclosure of RU 486 Experience <<<<<<<

Same for me. I read every user review, clinical study, history of, pharma details, sneaky religious/pro-life propaganda and doctor's reports and was terrified of the pending doom of the RU 486 experience, however I feel it is extremely important for me to share. This site is VERY useful! Too bad it took me so many days to find it and read of some NON HORRIFIC experiences.

>>>>I'M PREGNANT!!?!?!?

I was just under four weeks pregnant. I know my body well and "just could tell" based on some symptoms. I am 31 years old, in a monogamous relationship and healthy despite the removal of an ovarian dermoid cyst in May. I was VERY AFRAID of a medical abortion based on what I read online, but the truth of the matter is the earlier your gestation, the easier the miscarriage will be. Procrastinating because of fear actually guarantees that the experience will be much more trying for you and your body. There was no sac visible on the ultrasound, too. That was a good sign, and I didn't want to wait two more weeks, pregnant, just to have a surgical abortion, especially after just having the cyst removed (which, due to the surgery's effect on my hormones, how this unplanned pregnancy happened!)

I took a home pregnancy test first thing Monday morning which was positive, albeit faint. My levels of HCG were enough to give me some symptoms - "full" feeling, bloated, tender breasts - but the difference, for me, when it comes to PMS was the feeling I got when I was eating over the weekend: it was like the food was going in but not filling me, as though it was being thrown into a giant empty barrel or something. Hard to describe but if you know what I mean, you know what this feels like.

I called my gyno and made an appointment for the following day. I also told my boyfriend, who is currently going through a divorce and has two children. Luckily we are able to openly discuss any matter, and we both agreed that this was not the time for us to start a family for many reasons, mostly because aside from the pending divorce and the inevitable challenges that will generate for the both of us, we are working on a huge project together which will hopefully provide for our future. Right now, a child would be born into a stressful and financially unstable situation, and this would compromise both of our careers, our relationship with one another and our budget to the point of disaster. This experience was helpful because it opened the doors for us to REALLY talk about family planning, and I think when you're in love and having sex with someone, that's a good thing to be on the same age about. It made me feel a lot better when he expressed that the future, perhaps, say, three years, would be a better time. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful and understanding partner.


When I went to the doctor on Tuesday, I was really freaked out by what I read online. And that she was leaving for vacation. I put a lot of pressure on myself to "get it over with". This also upset me. No matter how weird they were to discuss openly, I asked a lot of questions including what this could mean for my karma. She was very reassuring an unbiased. Based on the FLM (first day of my last menstrual) there was a good chance that the two-pill dose of Mifiprex could terminate the pregnancy on its own. She also thought I needed another day to talk to my boyfriend about the decision - I guess I seemed unsure - and gave me the Mifiprex to take with me. I don't know if this is protocol, but it sure helped me to feel more in control of what I was about to do. The decision was not easy, but I felt like I had to make a choice quickly because time was of the essence.

She also gave me a prescription for Vicodin and the Mifoprostol, instructed me to take the Mifiprex when I was ready and then, if I started bleeding and passing clots, to take a home pregnancy test which she provided. If it was negative, then I might not need to take the second pills. After another talk with my boyfriend after work, and again calmly weighing all of the reality of the situation and reassuring one another that we could get through this together, I took the first set of pills with my boyfriend there, at dinner. After swallowing them, I did get upset for a moment. Once you take the pills, there is no turning back due to fetal deformation. I also think this is why my doctor did not administer them in the office...I needed just a little more time.

The next day, Wednesday, I felt pretty "synthetic". I had a taste in the back of my throat from the pills and could feel them in my body. The "cramping" I was also experiencing before taking the pills, the feeling of your uterus moving and adjusting for the change, had stopped. I knew the pills had worked to terminate the pregnancy; I just didn't "feel" pregnant anymore. In my research I also found that the medicine is also used for acute psychosis, and I definitely felt "sedate" about what was going on, not panicking or very emotional at all. Just felt sort of spaced out and "icky", but not very "bad". I was hoping I would start bleeding but did not. At night, around 9pm Wednesday, I experienced awful stomach cramping that really only subsided when I laid very still. It was very painful, and even scary for a moment, but when I laid down it was much better. I did wish someone was with me then as I didn't know what was happening to me. I may not have eaten enough that day. Make sure you eat, even if you're worried to death!


I went to the pharmacy and bought pads for heavy bleeding, overnight pads, a box of tissues, medicine for nausea, Motrin, baby wipes and a heating pad. (I made the ultimate list of what I needed based on what I read online.) On Thursday day I ate light, nutrient-rich and protein based foods. My boyfriend picked me up from work and I was really nervous, even "joking" about what was going on. So scared. I was afraid of the pain I would be in. I Put the heating pad in the bathroom with a puke bucket, tissues, nausea-meds, lit a candle. Even put a pillow and blanket on the floor "just in case". At 6:00pm I took two Vicodin and two doses of the anti-nausea syrup I bought. I took a shower, figuring to wait for the pain meds to get to a therapeutic level in my body before taking the pills as so many experiences seem to talk about something happening within an hour, sometimes less. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.

I started to feel "loose" from the Vicodin and took the second pills, four Mifeprestone, at 6:45pm while my boyfriend went to the store. I am glad I took them alone so I could make peace with the little spirit and welcome it to return when we were both more prepared for it and could love and provide for it in a more healthy and loving way than right now would afford. If it makes you feel better with someone there, go for it. I am only sharing my own experience!

In about 40 minutes, I started to bleed but just a tiny bit. I was wearing a pad expecting a flood, but it barely filled it. I was uncomfortable in my abdomen, feeling cramping but nothing severe. I figured I would take two more Vicodin four hours after the last dose at 10pm if things got too bad, but they never seemed to. Having the painkillers in me and absorbed before the contractions (which is what is essentially happening to you) begin was VERY helpful and smart. I recommend doing this because if you get the meds to a therapeutic level and maintain that level you are MUCH better off than the pain starting and having to wait for them to "work". Think of it as stretching before exercising! You have to get your body ready for what is about to take place, which is a miscarriage. Not painless!

I used the heating pad and sat on the couch talking for a while. At around 9:30pm I felt like laying down with the heating pad and having my boyfriend rub my lower back would help a lot, and it did. The pain did remind me of a "high school" period, but it pain is dull and constant, sort of "Far away" thanks to the Vicodin. They were never terribly intense, even though I was expecting to be sitting on the toilet with the big D while vomiting into a bucket and bleeding, writhing in pain. This never happened! I was so relieved.


At 10pm I took one more Vicodin. That makes three total. I probably could have gotten away with taking 600mg (3 tablets) of ibuprofen but didn't know if things were going to "get worse" based on what I had read online. My bleeding was still minimal.

At 12:30pm I fell asleep, and at 1:30pm I woke up with the feeling of pressure like I had to make a bowel movement. But more intense, all throughout my lower half. It wasn't painful, just more like an all-encompassing pressure. As if my entire area of woman parts needed to poop...
I went to the toilet and urinated, and while I was trying to "push" what I thought would be a bowel movement out (I was upset that I was now alone and perhaps this was going to be the REALLY BAD part of the night) I ended up "pushing" out a small, apricot-sized clot of blood and tissue. I waited for "more" as most experiences I read had more "matter", but that was it. I was pretty surprised. I didn't overly analyze the clot as it was at the bottom of the bowl, but I think it was everything that needed to be expelled. I put on an overnight pad expecting it to be a really messy night's sleep, however woke up at 7am and the pad had minimal blood in it.

I did have slight menstrual-like cramping in the morning, but it wasn't bad at all. I did also have two loose bowel movements, one which I had to go into a diner and use the toilet (thank God I was close to one) before getting on the subway. I would suggest taking the next day off from work if you can, just to avoid an unpleasant "accident". I was really worried I was about to - on the sidewalk!!!

I got to work and had a bagel, stayed for a couple of hours but had an ever so slight fever and went home at 11:30am. Ate a light meal (and a chocolate milkshake) and laid down, napping on and off for a few hours in a quiet room with my boyfriend. This was very healing for the both of us! I experienced extremely minor cramps all day, even now, but it is 10pm on Friday and I am just having very light spotting now and feeling alright. My stomach is a little bit upset, but the medicine I have taken this week was strong so it is to be expected.

My research and experience leads me to relay that the sooner you take the Mifiprex and start that 48 hour clock before the second dose, the better off you are. There is an ENORMOUS difference between three to four weeks of gestation and, say, six weeks. (Most women discover they are pregnant at the fifth week based on early pregnancy symptoms and a missed period. I just happened to feel it earlier, before I missed a cycle.) According to my friend who is also a doula and helped me through this, the less your cervix and uterus have expanded and started to prepare, the less excruciating the miscarriage will be. It makes perfect sense.

I have a follow-up appointment with the doctor in two weeks but think "this was it". It was very easy considering the worst of it was the anxiety and pain I went through based on the fear of what would happen to me -- but never did. If you prepare yourself for pain and discomfort, mentally, and have everything you need while relying on support from someone you love and trust - family, friend, lover - I know you can handle it.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at redhookstar at gmail dot com.

Ms Louisiana 's picture

Hi there. It was a relief

Hi there. It was a relief reading your post. I'm 30, single& about 10-15 lbs overweight& I'm 7 wks. I took the 4 pills@ 6:20 pm, & it's 952 now& I don't feel any pain yet, just moderate cramps.I'm a little concerned that I didn't insert them far enough up there 2 do the job. I don't want to move around bc I was told to lay down for a few hrs until I get the overwhelming urges. I'm not sure what to do. Also every1 is speaking of a 1st pill u all had but I never received that. Only the 4 tiny misoprostol& narcotics. Help, someone tell me should I b worried??

Anonymous's picture

Don't worry

If you're feeling crampy, you're probably about to start bleeding. Not sure why you didn't take the first pill. My second set I took by dissolving them in my cheeks. The cramping is great. Mine was very slight. Take care!

lily's picture


hey , i am 18 years old and iam pragnent , i dont want to be a single mother , and for my child i want the best in this world like most of us :)but i am not ready to give it to him or her :( after all those comments i am so scared to do an abortion , and the kids father doesnt know that i am pragnent , cuz he hates me a lot , so i made my own deciison to tell him after the abortion :/ that i was pragnent. it might be wrong but right now i am having enough of stress and i dont want to hear bullshit from him ! if some one who went through the same might just talk with me , i will appreciate it :) here is my email:

Anonymous's picture

Dont listen to all these stories

Hi, i just wanna say i read these stories 2 weeks ago and i was terified to go for my abortion, i went to the docs he gave me a letter and a number to ring or you can book your appointment online, so i booked it online and when i went for my 1st visit to the hospital all they did was take a blood test and scan me,i was almost 9 weeks, then a doctor signed my form and gave me the 1st pill, i had to go back 2 days later, on 22nd May this year one day after my b-day i went for my second visit, they said i would have to stay there up to 6 hours, i went into a room had two pessries inserted into me and was told to go for a walk ect but to stay in the hospital grounds, a good couple of hours passed and nothing happened, i kept getting like weak contractions and was told if i needed the loo to take like this cardboard hat thing to put over the loo and to press the buzzer so the nurse cud check it, nothing happend for 3 hours, then i was having real strong contractions, had some pain killers but didnt really work, i had the urge to push sounds weird but its like wanting to bear down and start pushing, so i went to the loo and pushed and in the tray was a lot of blood and clots plus the fetus, i buzzed and the nurse took it away, she came back and said that was the hardest part and it was alomost over, i just had to wait for the rest, 15 mins later strong pains again, so went to the loo and pushed, sure enough the rest came out, the nurse checked it and told me it was all over, i was a little shakey and weak, my good friend took me home, i was still having pains for around 5 more hours but not very strong, please dont be scared its not as bad as every1 is putting, its 1 week on saturday sincei had it done so i know what im on about.

Anonymous's picture


I read all of these posts the night before my appointment at planned parenthood. I was ABSOLUTELY terrified! As I read and heard about how horrible the process was I was so scared and thought that maybe this is what I get for going through this. I went to my appointment on May 15, 2010. I was in the office for about four hours. I went in shaking and scared about the pain I was about to have. They called me back took my weight, pricked my finger and I had to pee in a cup and then sent back to the waiting room. I was called again to do the ultrasound. I was very early they could barely see anything. I was 4-5 weeks. They knew I was though from just the little sack they saw in the ultrasound and with positive blood and urine pregnancy tests. They then sent me in a room with about ten other girls that were there for the same reason. The whole time feeling embarresed and wondered how I could do this and the pain is going to be my ultimate punishment for being so foolish and not being responsible. They sent a nurse in that explained what would be happening and gave us our "bag full of goodies" which included condoms, pill birth control, doxycycline to avoid infection, the four wonder pills and directions. We then were called one by one to see the dr that administered the first pill and answered and questions. I took the pill and headed home. I did not feel any different and attended a friends baby shower and had dinner with friends. I needed to to get my mind off of all of this and what was going to happen the next day. You have to wait 24-48 hours to take the four pills. I waited until 8pm the following night. I started by taking one lortab and one of the nautious medications. I then put the pills in my cheeks and let them melt. They had no taste and after 30 minutes it was a chalky taste i just chewed the rest up and swallowed them. The pills made me really sleepy so I layed down for a nap. I woke up 2 hours later feeling a tad bit sick and felt like I could throw up. I didn't. I sat up and felt a gush and knew what it was. I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and that is when the bleeding started. Clots, pretty small, came out along with blood. I took a warm shower to relax and was still not feeling cramps. I went to lay back down and layed on my side and that is when I felt a small cramp in my side. I took my second prescribed lortab just because I was scared it might get worse. It never did. I then went back to bed and woke up every few hours to change my pad and check my bleeding. It was like a heavy period with clotting. I slept very well that night, better than I usually do. I continued to bleed the rest of that week and after 11 days that ended. I went today may 24, 2010 for my recheck at the clinic. I was scared because I did not experience pain that it did not happen or I did something wrong. The nurse asked me how it was and I told her my experience then she did the ultrasound. It was clear and my uterus was again empty!!! I feel horrible that I had to go through that and feel that I will always have guilt for what I did. I know it is wrong and will never or hope I never have to do it again. ANyone that is in my position, I know how you feel. It is so tough and I am not ready for another baby, I have a very energetic nine month old that needs all of my attention now. I know I made the right decision and am very thankful that it was not the horrible pain that I read about on here and expected. I HAD NO PAIN! I wish you all luck and know that everyone has the right to decide. It needs to be a well thought out decision and is one you cant change your mind about once it is done. I was pro life completely til I was put in the position myself.

Anonymous's picture

My question in did you

My question in did you experience any pain days later? I took the pills on Tues and it's now Friday and I am still cramping with little bleeding. It's almost like a bloating feeling and I wonder if it'll subside. I have two kids and this is almost like contractions but so much more uncomfortable....uggghhh!

Anonymous's picture

I am honestly taking this

I am honestly taking this posting to the heart, I just turned 20 on the 14th of may this month. I am completely stressed i have not started my period, also i am not ready at all to become a parent, well not yet at least. I am really considering going to planned parenthood today before its to late. I also just signed up for school. So I kinda think it is a test of life..
Well thank you for the inspiration.
-----the loved one--------

Anonymous's picture

Thank you for sharing your

Thank you for sharing your story. It was very helpful for me. I have a 3 year old and a 9 mo old both with some health issues. If I am pregnant this would be my first abortion. I'm just reading about it. I am very scared and feel extremely guilty if I'll have to go through this. I'll find out in just a few days. Thank you again for being brave enough to share your story, I'm sure this answers many women’s questions.

Anonymous's picture


Hi, please do not feel guilty, i have 3 children of my own my eldest is 17 and knew right away i didnt want any more children, just relax when u start getting the pains, dont be scared i know its easy for me to say that to you, please let me know how u get on.

Anonymous's picture

Awful but over relatively fast

I was no nervous to have a medical abortion, but I made up my mind that I didn't want a baby and didn't want a surgical abortion. In case you wanted to know I'm 28 yrs old and was 9 weeks pregnant. So I took the first pill in the doctor's office on Friday, and was terrified as to what would happen when i took the 2nd round of pills, finally it came time on Saturday to take the other pills, I put 2 in each cheek and they dissolved pretty fast within 10-15 minutes they were gone, 15 min after that cramps began, and about 15 min after that I was literally in the worst pain of my life, I had taken tylenol with codeine before hand but it didn't help, I took a vicodin that I had in the house but that didn't really help either. I was literally writhing in pain, considering having my boyfriend take me to the hospital, and considering suing planned parenthood for allowing me to go through this at home. I tried to lay in bed with a heating pad, then in the bathtub, then I just paced in the bathroom moaning and trying not to vommit from the pain,i was given anti nausea medicine so that helped, after about 2 hours, the pain had become strong pressure and then suddenly I felt a gush of goopy blood rush out of me and the cramps died down in seconds, it was the greatest relief ever, I almost cried from joy, that pain was nothing like menstrual cramps, and i get bad menstrual cramps, I imagine that pain is similar to the beginning of giving birth. Anyway so I cleaned up, no large clots, only the size of grapes, and I didn't see the fetus or anything, I was 9 weeks, the Dr. told me it would be 1/2 an inch or less. So for the next few hours I just kept getting surprised by little rushes of blood clots, but the cramps were like very light period cramps at that point, hardly noticable, now its sunday and i feel fine, tired but ok, and it was the first day i woke up without feeling pregnant, i had severe nausea the past 6 weeks. During the abortion when i had those 2 hours of almost unbearable pain i thought i had made a huge mistake, and thought i would never reccomend the abortion pill, but im happy i did it, and glad it was over faster than i thought, good luck everybody!