Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

Posting Instructions
Once you are registered for the class, you will be given an on-line account,
and received an e-mail from the site administrator, with an assigned username and password.
Use those to log in to the course website.
Give some careful consideration to the matters of the username and avatar which will appear w/ each of your postings:
After logging in, you may click on "my account" and change your username to something of your choice.
Think about whether you want your words associated w/ your (full/partial/symbolic/pseudo-) name,
and whether you will want it so associated in 1, 2, 5 years....the content will remain on-line long after you've left the College.
To upload your avatar--a picture of yourself/symbol of your way of thinking/habit of being--
go to "My account" --> "Edit" --> "Upload picture," and follow the instructions there.
ALWAYS LOG IN BEFORE you post, so that what you have written will appear automatically and immediately
(otherwise, due to the need for spam control, it will need to be individually vetted, and so delayed).

still open for conversation!
This on-line forum will remain open...our ESem still here for us collectively.
We hope you all will post here in the years to come.
On the last day of class, Mark and Anne said,
"We think that what we have accomplished together (all of us) is important. It's important because play is the lifeblood of being an authentic intellectual and it's also profoundly healthy. We've assembled a toolbox together--a full, rich array of strategies to use when you are stuck or feeling unconnected to reading, writing, or talking in class.
We think it's important that you each have connections to the city--multiple connections. And that there are 25 other people in your class who understand their connection to the city and on whom you can rely to nurture your connection to the city. Bryn Mawr is an amazing place and one of the amazing things about it is that you can really nourish yourself, socially, emotionally, culturally and spiritually through your connections to the city and to each other.
We hope you feel connected to one another, to at least some of the ideas that we've worked on together, to the notions of play we have explored, and to the city in which we've all played--critically, deeply, and in friendship.

Our online forum
This is a space for sharing your thoughts, questions, observations in your life and specifically in your field placements. At times you'll be responding to specific prompts, while at other times you'll be invited to use this as a kind of intellectual playspace to try out ideas, respond to others' postings, offer resources related to our work together...

We did so much/we did so little
We covered a lot of territory together this semester--for which I am grateful. And then today I saw this article, which reminded me of all the territory we DIDN'T cover.
So: what do you think of this account of the relationship between nature and culture??
Boys and Girls May Get Different Breast Milk. (Scientific American, via Salon, December 17, 2013).

Getting Started
Interested in developing a blended course, but unsure how or where to begin? Here are some tips distilled out the experiences of faculty who were developing courses for the NGLC study of blended learning in a liberal arts college setting.