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Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

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Biology 103
2000 First Web Report
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Mifepristone..."The Abortion Pill": The Facts

Sujatha Sebastian

On September 28, 2000 the Food and Drug Administration after several years of research approved Mifepristone, better known as the "abortion pill", for distribution in the United States. The FDA's decision will have a definite impact on women's health care in the United States. There will be social and medical repercussions. The drug has caused controversy not only in antiabortion groups, but in Pro-Choice groups as well. Critics are worried that an abortion available in pill form will be "too easy". They are worried that use of the pill will be abused. What many people do not realize is that while Mifepristone will be beneficial to women's health care, it is not without side effects. In light of all the recent coverage that the "abortion pill" has been given in the media, and all the misinformation surrounding it, I decided researching that Mifepristone would be interesting and helpful. The purpose of my paper is to discover how Mifepristone works, how it is administered, and to look at its side effects. I want to demonstrate the benefit Mifepristone will be to women's health care, while showing that it is not an "easy" solution to abortion.

"Mifepristone, formerly known as RU-486, is a medical alternative to aspiration abortion."(1) It works by blocking progesterone from being absorbed into the uterus. When this happens the uterus sheds the endometrium (lining in the uterus, therefore inducing menstruation. (2 When Mifepristone is used as a method for abortion is it administered as part of a three step process. The first step is that 200 mg of Mifepristone is given orally in a doctor's office. Then within 24 to 48 hours the patient is given 400 mg a drug called Misoprostol either orally or in a suppository form. Misoprostol, which is a synthetic hormone, is used to get the cervix to soften and dilate as well as getting the uterus to relax. The embryo is then expelled.(2) This is supposed to happen approximately fours hours after the administration of the drug. The final step is an examination by a medical professional to make sure the abortion is complete. (2)

There are restrictions as to who can use this medical method of abortion. It is only intended for women to use up to nine weeks after their last menstruation period. Women who are under 18 or over 35, epileptic, diabetics, or suffering from heart, lung, kidney, liver, stomach or intestinal disorders are ineligible. As are women who have taken steroids within the past 12 months, or deemed overweight or a heavy smoker. Women who have used an IUD or hormonal contraceptive within three months prior to conception are not allowed to take Mifepristone as well.(2)

Like any drug or medical method there are side effects to using Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is the number of side effects and degree of each that critics argue about. The FDA has determined that taking Mifepristone does cause various degrees of pain. Short term physical effects can be pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue.(2) There are psychological side effects as well. In some cases products of the conception are visualized. (3)

The use of Mifepristone will have a definite impact on reproductive freedom in this country and the world. (3) It is seen as less invasive procedure which gives the woman more freedom and privacy. In the United States it has been reported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute that eighty-nine percent of the abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone will allow women another option to terminate a pregnancy in its early stages. (2) Twenty-four percent of the world's population lives in places where abortion is not legal. (3) As a result a significant population of women perform their own abortions or receive illegal abortions which kills them. The medical method of abortion would allow women in these areas of the world to receive a safe method of abortion.

A major issue that critics of Mifepristone have is that they feel that the drug will allow abortions to become "too easy". But the drug is only administered in a medical office and requires at least three visits. The last visit is an examination to see that the abortion is complete and that the mother is in good health. Before the patient is given Mifeprex tablets (Mifepristone) she must sign an agreement in which she acknowledges that there are side effects, that there is a three step process, and that 5 to 8 women out of every hundred do not have successful medical abortions and need surgical abortions . (5) Critics worry that the drug will cause an increase in the number of women who have abortions. Supporters of the drug cite the fact that in France, where the drug is manufactured and was first administered, there has not been an increase in the abortion rate. (2)

Mifepristone will change the way that abortions are administered. This method gives a woman more autonomy and does not require her to go through surgical procedure. It can also prevent pregnancy by taken as soon as a day after she has had intercourse. This new method will allow more women to have access to safe abortions. Mifepristone opens the door to a new area of medicine in which previously surgical procedures are now approached in a medical manner. Whether in support of or against Mifepristone one has to recognize the new technology the drug represents.

One of the problems I had when researching information was finding unbiased information. Both pro and anti Mifepristone groups used "research" and statistics to their benefit. Distinguishing the difference between opinion and fact was difficult. This is especially true because there is not a lot of accurate information about Mifepristone published by reliable sources. This is due to the fact that Mifepristone has just recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Mifepristone that will be beneficial to women's health care and medicine. But one must realize that it is not without side effects and cannot be seen as an "easy" solution to abortion.


WWW Sources

1), Mifepristone

2), The Facts about Mifepristone (RU 486)

3), Mifepristone

4), "Abortion Pill": A Woman's Right to Choose by, Kath Gelber

5)www.popcouncil.orgrhpdev/mifeprex/patient%5Fagreement.html,The Patient Agreement Mifeprex (Mifepristone) Tablets

6), RU486: The Hidden Effects by Lawrence F. Roberge

6), RU486 *Please note that some of the sources read during my research were from biased sources (the National Right to Life Committee web site for example). Facts were not used from these sources in my paper. These sources were instead used to discover the arguments anti-Mifepristone groups had and to see the false information they were publishing about the drug.



Continuing conversation
(to contribute your own observations/thoughts, post a comment below)

08/06/2005, from a Reader on the Web

I took that pill and almost blead to death now i have have to say it's not as easy as it sounds it is very painful like child birth but more blooder atleast for me i now have endromitrious and may have to have my women parts removed i had nothing before i took those pills i'm 37 so i'm just saying better think it out before you take it because it's dangerious i have a son who is 18 it was easier for me to have him then go through childbirth than taking those pills becuse i'm still not well and it has been 7 months

10/10/2005, from a Reader on the Web

For what it's worth, I though I'd share my personal experience using Mifepristone almost a month ago.. After having made the difficult choice to abort, I learned of this pill as an alternative option to having the traditional surgical procedure. Of course, as anyone would, I opted to try the pill because it seemed -less- painful and was something I could do in the privacy of my own home. After having been given the first pill, Mifepristone, at the doctors office on a Friday afternoon, I finished out my day at work with minimal side-effects at that point. The Mifepristone made me slightly sick to my stomach, but compared to the ongoing morning sickness I'd been going through, it wasn't so bad. (ha ha) Misoprostol was the next step, given to me in the form of 4 tablets, to be inserted vaginally myself at home. I was also given a full bottle of Vicodin, as well as a bottle of 800mg Ibuprophen for the pain the doctor anticipated I would encounter (this worried me a little). Late Satuday afternoon, I'd say around 4:30pm, scared to death not knowing what to expect once everything started, and knowing I couldn't turn back now, I inserted the tablets and took 1 Vicodin as directed. About 30 minutes from the time I did this I began to have cramping comparable to what you would feel during a typical menstrual period.. but not for long. Within an hour I had severe cramping.. I'd been warned the pain could equal that of actual child-birth contractions, and this must have been it. (I've never had a child, so I can only imagine) I was to the point of feeling like I would pass out if the pain didn't let up when I passed the first, and largest, portion of what -was- the pregnancy.. Many people will tell you that all you'll see is blood and clots, and it's unlikely anything will look like actual tissue.. but mine sure did.. Large masses of gray tissue were expelled for the following numerous hours. Somewhere close to midnight that night I felt relief enough to know it was over.. or so I thought. 4 days after this, while I -should- have been feeling more or less back to normal, I began to experience increasing pain in my abdomen. I called and spoke with my doctor about this, but felt as though she didn't seem concerned at all. No more than 2 hours after hanging up the phone I developed a fever that shot through the roof out of nowhere, and my heart began beating unbelieveably TOO fast. The "increasing pain" in my abdomen now had me laying in bed, hardly able to move. I called my mother who left work and rushed to my home to get me. I couldn't even get out of bed to let her in when she arrived I hurt so bad. I ended up in the emergency room that afternoon with a heartbeat of 143 beats/min.. (Check your own and then you'll see just how high 143 is) and a 103 temperature I ended up fighting to keep away for the next 4 days. To make a long story short, that first afternoon I spent over 8 hours in a treatment room in the emergency area before they got my vitals under control and discovered the cause of everything.. The abortion pill I used began attacking my own body in a sense, and began a horrendous infection in my uterus. In the end I spent a week in the hospital on 3 of the most potent anti-biotics available, as well as some heavy-duty narcotic pain killers, while specialists from the surrounding hospitals kept watch over me constantly. It's now been almost a month since then, and I still have to have blood work done, as well as ultrasounds every now and then to keep monitoring my recovery. I have constant sharp pains in my abdomen and have been told the scar tissue left over from the infection may now keep me from becoming pregnant in the future.. It's all so much to deal with, and honestly, I don't think I've come to terms with everything yet. It still feels like a bad dream. Regardless of my experience with the pill and side effects it caused me, I can still step back and look at the broad picture of things.. The majority of women who use this method have no problems, and for them, this is a good way to go. I really do think it's a better choice for most, than to have the surgical abortion.. BUT - be warned.. It's not "easy" using the pill, and there's no way to know how you're body will react to it. I never knew I'd go through the things I did because of it. This is definitely not something to be looked at as the "new contraceptive" either, as some are saying. It's so risky, putting your body through something like this. It could take a toll on you that will effect the rest of your life. Like me.. Will I ever be able to have kids after everything that happened? Every woman out there should begin by being aware of how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy from the start. Such as life happens, and most protection only offers 99.9% effectiveness, we forget that's NOT 100%.. If you still become pregnant and choose to abort, do your homework.. read about all possibilities, and all side effects for each.. then decide what's best for you. I think the pill is a great option.. but be careful, it's certainly not without it's flaws.


Additional comments made prior to 2007
It has been almost 2 months since I had made the painful decision to get an abortion. I am only 18 years old so you could imagine hoe scary it was for me. After they examined me and told me how far I was they put me in this rome with a female doctor so I can take the oral pill that actually determines the pregnancy. When I took that pill, I felt fine until I had to get something in my stomach, I couldn't even eat my stomach was turning so bad. the doctor told me that I could insert the four pills vaginally anytime between then and 48 hours after the visit. I decided to insert them that night to get it over with and about an hour after it was literally hell. I was vomiting,bleeding perfusely, and experiencing pain more severe then I had ever felt before. To make a long story shorter, it has been about 2 months and I still haven't exactl stopped bleeding. I am young and afaid to go get checked because of it, and my life will never be the same. I had no choice my situation at the time wasn't what I wanted and now I will always regret it ... Reader on the web, 12 August 2007



I used the pill around february of '07. I was 6 1/2 weeks and I guess I didnt really know what I was getting myself into. I took the first pill which I had no side effects to. When I took the second one the next day, it was almost immediate cramping. Basically the worst cramps I had ever had. I was puking, had diarrea, and was in so much pain I was balled up on the couch crying. I guess I was a "lucky" one because my horrible cramps only lasted about an hour until I passed the birth tissue and then they subsided. Although I bled for a month after that (most of it not heavy), I completly regret it to this day. All I can ever think about is a perfectly beautiful child is now in a sewer somewhere. It's horrible, but thats how I think of it now. I wish I could go back and change things. I wish I never did it. All I hope is that it didnt hurt my chances of having a child in the future ... Reader on the web, 13 September 2007


Anonymous's picture

Almost same story

Just wanted to let of all you know that I went back two weeks after I had the abortion and everything came out fine, I bleed like for two weeks, and now after two months I got my normal period. No tissue came out at the time of the abortion. The tissue came out a month after, and it was just pinkish, did not hurt, I just felt aukward. I don't know if my experience was not bad because I was only five weeks, ( in my count I was only like 3 weeks ) that was what they told me in the clinic. I did not have a traumatic experience. It has been almost 3 months since that, and I still think of it much.
I feel bad, I just think of my two boys and think of how much I love them, there everything in this world for me..........and then I think that if I had done what I did to the pregnancy that I ended, they would never be who they are right know, and then I think of what it could have been if I was still pregnant........But I guess this is the price that I have to pay, this will always be carried with me.........I truly belive that children are a gift, so please, please be careful, so you won't feel as I will fell for the rest of my life.......

Anonymous's picture


It’s been more then a year since I took the pills but I didn’t went to the second visit, is the second visit important?
Is there any chance that you can become sterile from doing this?

Anonymous's picture


I took the pill on July 11, 2009. Everything went as planned, but now I still have brownish vaginal discharge. I've had all my periods from then, but even when I am done with my period I'm still discharging this brownish, weird smelling stuff.I don't know what it is...can anyone help??

Anonymous's picture

I had a medical abortion 2

I had a medical abortion 2 years ago... I took the pill at the doctors office then went home and put the 4 pills in my vagina like I was told. The cramps I had were so terrible I thought I was going to pass out. However I was right at the maximum of 6 weeks (according to my doctor they do not do medical abortions after 6 weeks, due to the size of the fetus and the risks).

Today I went back and get a second medical abortion. I don't feel the need to tell you why I got a second one because that is my personal business and do not judge me because you have no clue why I am doing it. I took the first pill around noon and am i insert the 4 pills around 8 pm or so..

IMO: Surgical would be better for people who are scared of pain... I was told that medical is way more painful than surgical.. however I just want to get my done and over with so that is why I choose medical.

Anonymous's picture

Abortion Pill= not as easy as it sounds!

Lets just start out by saying... if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! There is no little pill that can give you the results that you would like, pain-free. In fact for me, it was anything but!

I found out I was pregnant, and immediately knew that keeping the baby was not an option at this time in my life. I had always been very careful and even began to think I was unable to have kids until it was confirmed that I was in fact 7 weeks pregnant. I went to the Family Planning Center and got a referral to the Mary Stope's Clinic in London. I did the phone interview and then had my appointment a couple days later to take the first tablet which blocks the hormone that is needed to sustain a pregnancy. They said that there may be spotting, but I had no discomfort or symptoms what so ever. 24 hours later, I returned to the clinic for the next 4 tablets that would ultimately abort the baby and cause me to miscarry. They said that I would have cramping similar to a heavy period, may feel nauseous and have diarrhea. I was prepared, but not as well as I thought I would be!

I inserted the 4 tablets (2 on each side of my cheeks), and the nurse said that I could leave and did not have to wait there for them to dissolve. My husband was in the car, I left and proceeded to drive home. I lived less than a half an hour away, and I knew that is when I would start experiencing the "mild discomfort."

Not even a half an hour later, my mouth began to fill with water and I began heaving, then throwing up violently. I threw up bile and the banana that I had before I went to the clinic. Thats when the cramping started. It was minor at first, so I proceeded to keep driving (as I was on the motorway) until I could not take it anymore! I pulled over on the shoulder and continued throwing up and scrunching myself into a ball because the pains were too much to take. At one point it was so bad I imagined myself running in front of a truck to end the pain. I just wanted to be put out of my misery, yes, it was that bad! I moved to the passenger seat and my husband drove. For a few seconds I felt like it was ending, then a few seconds it would start again. I didn't know what to do! I don't really remember the car ride home when he took over, to walking into the house.

About 4 hours later, the constant pain started to subside and would just come in waves, so at least I had a break in between the excruciating whirlwind of my insides being ripped out. I had taken the pills at 2:30 pm, and by 11:00 pm I only had minor cramping, and was able to sleep.

It has been 5 days now and I am still bleeding, clotting and have some tenderness in my lower abdominal area. I feel as though this should of subsided by now so I am going to the doctors on Monday to make sure there is no infection. It would be awful if later on I was unable to have kids when I was ready due to this procedure.

To anyone considering taking the "Abortion Pill" I would definitely lean towards the traditional suction method. I have had friends who had that done and they cannot believe that I went through so much with taking the pill. With the suction method, they were cleaning their houses that very night.. as for me, I could barely walk! Weigh your options girls, and above all use contraception!

Anonymous's picture

Oh my God! I'm laying in bed

Oh my God! I'm laying in bed in pain right now and it's two days later. Worried that I may have an infection or something. I should have done the traditional suction method like you said. This was awful. I feel like a guinea pig. This kind of pain is inhumane. My girlfriend did it and she's fine now but after i did it is when she told me hers felt like her insides were being ripped out. Starting with this pregnancy itself, it's been one mistake after the other including he pills and I'm done. If his pain doesn't subside I will have to go to the ER.

Anonymous's picture

the people on here who are

the people on here who are agianst abortions should not even put their 2 sense in any of these topics .. this is a site for girls who CAN NOT have a child at this time in thier lives and who are looking for guidance and experience of taking the pill such as myself .. i am 19 years old and have always thought i would never get an abortion if i were to become pregnant .. now that i am pregnant and can not go through with the pregnancy due to many reasons in my life i see that if you are not experiencing the situation hands on then you should keep your comments to yourself .. it is a very upsetting, stressful, heartbreaking and fearful experience for all women and by others who have never experienced this in their lives, giving these offending comments, are just making us feel worse about the situation .. i went to planned parenthood this past week and i am scheduled for an exam some time after thanksgiving .. i am not sure how far along i am but i would much rather take the pill rather then the surgical procedure .. i am very nervous about both procedures depending on which procedure i am going to have to follow through with .. if anybody has any comforting comments and stories from experience of what i should expect i would greatly appricate it .. after my procedure i will be sure to write back and give everyone else my opinion and experience of the pill

Anonymous's picture

Abortion Pill

I read some of the comments and I must say they seem to be people who are against abortions and are trying to scare others from having one. However, I have been pregnant more than once, and let me say that the experinces of those who say they had pain, fevers or infections are the same symptoms that a person who has a child experiences.

There will be heavy bleeding, as you are essentially "giving birth". The fetus has to pass through your body the same as it would have if you were full term. You will pass tissue, that is normal. Also, the bleeding for a longer period of time after the abortion is normal also. Your body is still opened and you will have a heavier and longer period. So, don't let these scare tactics fool you. If you feel that you are not ready for a child and believe that an abortion is what you want, then do it. I am 31 years old, and have 3 beautiful kids, but I am not able to support another child. This is my first and last abortion because I will make certain that I get a reliable form of birth control after this. You know what you can handle, and if you choose abortion, make sure you do so knowing the fully what you are doing, and do it with the knowledge that you will do everything in yoru power to prevent you having to get another abortion.

I just took the Misoprostol Tablets, so I will give you the update of my status and experience later. I can say with the Mifepristone pills there was no side effects, but the next morning was the first morning I did not have any morning sickness.

Anonymous's picture

thinking about abortion

=i'm 19 yrs old and is 11wks pregnant..i want to do a medical abortion..the reason being is that i have a1yr old son and i cannot afford to takecare of my son and a pregnancy at the same time muchless 2 babies..its very hard for me cause since d i became preg i started feeling extremly sick and lost weight too..the feeling i'm having is soo much worst than when i was preg wit my son..its very hard for me and all my hussy cares about is havin as many kids as he can and doesnt give a s*** about how i can anyone please tel me if i can stil do a medical abortion cause i cant get the chance to tlk to a doc in private cause my hussy always follow me to d docs office he doesnt allow me to go alone..and can u say where i can get these pills..thnk you..

Anonymous's picture

my experience

I came across your comments and concerns today and Im so thankful I did. I know the place your at right now is scary, we share those same fears. Making a decision like that isnt easy. I want to share with you my experience and give you some advice if I may. I have been through many struggles in my life, many have said I should write a book.I made a decision to use the pill this past year on June 1st. Instantly the pain set in and for 12 hours I had pain and bleeding like nothing else I have ever experienced. YOu see Im a mother of 3 already and I thought this baby was a mistake I made, something that would inconvience my life. I really thought I was going to die from the pain, I was so scared. Physical pain is something that when its all over with you dont feel it anymore, you remember that it hurt but the emotional pain you can relive over and over again just as fresh as the first moment you felt it. What Im getting at is this. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont regret that decision and if I can save just one girl from doing it that would be so wonderful. I was raised a Christian but I made a decision based on selfishness. God is the only one that gives life and the only one Who takes it away. Please please reconsider not going through with this. I look a my children now and what I did isnt any differint that killing one of them and that just tears me apart. I cry all the time and I have asked for forgivness over and over, but Im telling you regret is an awful thing. Just read the stories of the other girls, we all feel the same in the end,we know we were wrong. Look I know right now it seems like an option and for whatever reason you think you cant have this baby, just know that the choice to get rid of him or her would be far more painful. You were meant to be a mom. having a child is the best blessing a woman could ask for. Killing that child for me was like killing myself and in reality it was. This baby is half of you and I dont know where the father is or if thats the reason your doing this cause your alone but just know God dosent give you anything you cant handle. Im alone with 3 kids and Im doing it. Life is hard I know, but you need to decide what is real and what is it all intended to be for. Men will come and go, not saying there arent good ones, people will lie to you and hurt you, only your faith in the Lord and the strength He gives you are real. I will be praying for you. All I ask is that you pray about this too. please. Ask Jesus to guide your thoughts and give you the answer He wants you to make, you will be suprised. He will give you peace about this. Be strong, you are in my thoughts........Melissa

Anonymous's picture

still bleeding


Anonymous's picture

You need to we a doctor right

You need to we a doctor right away.

Anonymous's picture



Anonymous's picture

how was it ? im taking it

how was it ? im taking it some time next week :( im nervous

Anonymous's picture


October 4th 2009 was the day i offically decided to have an abortion. I was six weeks along and wasn't completely sure of all of my options but i knew calling planned parenthood would help and they could give me some choices to think about so i ended up choosing the abortion pill. my experience with it physically was hard i took the first pill at the doctors thinking shortly after wow there is really no going back now and i'm doing this. then i took the second set of pills wich were taken orally they show you how to buckle the pills in the sides of your cheeks until they disolve. (it took forever and they tasted of metal.)the way the woman had explained it to me at the doctors office i would have time before they kicked in well that was a horrible misunderstanding on my part because almost imediatly after they had disolved i started to cramp. mildly at first then after about 5 minutes it was severe and it came in waves of intense pain the way i would imagine child birth contractions do. The only way to make myself somewhat comfortable was to sit on the toilet with my legs as far apart as i could get them. i remember sweating and being horribly uncomfortable in my own skin as i was bleeding out the birth tissues feeling like i was going to throw up as i rocked back and forth on the toilet trying to keep moving just to distract myself from the pain every muscle in my body was tense. i was trying not to make a book out of this comment but whatever this is how it is. I would say this went on for a solid 5 hours. once the pain had subsided enough for me to move to the bed and lay down my muscles were still tense but the bleeding slowed and the cramps got lighter and the slight fever i had was breaking. i never expected the pain to be as bad as it was but i think part of my feeling sick and miserable was the disgust i had toward myself for actually going through with the abortion. when had made the decision it had really felt like i had no other option and that abortion was the best choice for me but now i thihnk i probably could have gone through with it but i have to forgive myself and move on wich should be easier now that the side effects of bleeding for 71/2 weeks after the night of the abortion is over.
nothing is easy about abortion weather its medical,surgical, or otherwise. the pill is a great way to go just be prepared to live with consequences.

Anonymous's picture

my expeirence

Hi im 24 i recently came up pregnant. I already have two kids a 2 and 3 year old. With both of my pregnancies i had preeclamsia is was not pleasent so when i came up pregnant again me and my husband thought of abortion.This was not easy for either of us especially me . I cried for days being scared not knowing whats gonna happen when i take the pills asking god to forgive me and to be by myside all the way through. So i finally took the 3 pills of 200mg which equels out to 600mg of mifeprex . i have no pain no bleeding. im gonna take the other 2 pills of 200mg each hich equels 400mg of misoprostol or what ever they r called. Im wondering why they are telling you guys to let them dissolve between your cheeks? my doc said to swollow them. Also whats up with the four how much mg are yous taking? THanks everyone

Someone with a freakin brain's picture

Christians telling lies

Its amazing how christians will lie, and go against what they allegedly stand for in order to get thier way.
Christianity is a hatefull religeon, and is about nothing but power and control. And being able to tell you how to live your life. You guys think God is going to appreciate your hatefull tactics and lies, not to mention death threats and other BS you guys us? Wake up, get a life, and get lost.

Anonymous's picture

not all Christians are like that.

I am a Christian. I believe in a right to choose. God is a forgiving God, and I believe he knows our hearts and intentions, and our motivations, he is omnipotent he knows you from beginning to end. Gods ways are not our ways. Jesus died on the cross for all of us, for our sins, our failures, our faults, and our mistakes. Don't let "Christianity" steer you away from Gods love and his purpose for you. In the end all of those commandments boil down to only a few things. Love him, Love yourself, and Love others. May He lead you where he wants to meet you.

Anonymous's picture

You cant base your life on

You cant base your life on what people say or do. many people will profess to be something, but people are not perfect. That is why we have to look to Jesus for answers, He is the only perfect one. I am a christian and if I based christianty on people I too would be very discouraged. God is real and knowing Him gives a peace that you cant explain. I have suffered so much in my life but I know that Heaven will be my home one day. Please dont be angry. Just by looking around you there has to be some kind of sense of God. yes there is so much pain, but there is so much sin. Im no saint by far, Ive done everything you could imagine including having an abortion but knowing that there is a God that loves me unconditionally is amazing. Its all about repentance......please try to understand that word, thats what its all about. This life is only temporary, there is an eternity. I ask you to let go of you didbelief and just try praying for 3 day. Just like Im talking to you right now talk to Jesus and ask Him for yourself if He is real. Dont let me be the one to tell you, let Him show you for Himself that he is real. Why not? Just pray and believe and he will show you. And one other thing, He does say in the Bible that many will come in my name, but they are as wolves in sheeps see He knows, this isnt anything new that you see. there are many hypocrites, but you have to have a personal relationship with Him. its not about the pastor or what religion tells you its about just you and Him.

Anonymous's picture

Get OFF this site

Get OFF this site anti-abortionist! People here are seeking out information on the different procedures. I don't go to mothers who want their babies, but can't financially and emotionally support them, and tell them to abort it. So get off this site where people know what's best for them and their future children!

Anonymous's picture



Anonymous's picture

Medication abortion experience

Hi, all!

I'm 20 years old and a third-year student at the University of Florida. I was 5 weeks and 5 days at the time of my opted medication abortion. Here's my experience...

Wednesday, 10:00 AM
I arrived at Planned Parenthood to undergo various physical and lab tests to receive the Mifiprex (mifipristone) and Cytotec (misoprostol). I felt so much more at ease... a painless vaginal ultrasound, a little bloodwork, a urine sample, and a meeting with a counselor culminated the duration of my time at the clinic. A doctor soon met with me and watched me take the Mifiprex. He explained how to take the Cytotec, as well as the anti-nausea medication, the antibiotics, and the Ibuprofen 800mg.

Thursday, 9:00 PM
I decided it was time to take the Cytotec. I had begun spotting earlier, so for some strange reason, I figured the process would continue with little or no discomfort, even after taking the four tablets of Cytotec; I placed them in my mouth, two in each cheek, and waited for them to dissolve. Any bits that were still solid soon became mush after taking a sip of water.

Thursday, 10:00 PM
I popped an 800mg Ibuprofen and the cramps began. Allow me to say that I have a fairly high level of pain tolerance and at first, the cramps felt much like a heavy menstrual period. The pain intensified shortly and were accompanied by nausea. I vomited a total of 6 times during the night... each time more vile and painful than the next. Definitely take the anti-nausea medication! I was too lazy to fill the prescription so I suffered greatly.

Thursday, 11:00 PM - Friday, 3:00 AM
Aside from the nausea, the cramps intensified even more into what I can only describe as probable pre-childbirth contractions. It was during this time that I passed the most and largest blood clots/tissue. I felt faint, dizzy, and experienced a slight fever and chills. I couldn't keep still so I moved frequently from the toilet to the bed. I pretty much experienced every possible symptom... including diahrrea, but that was the least of my worries. The cramps continued in waves... they were soooo frequent and relief was rare.

Friday, 4:00 AM
I was finally able to sleep. The cramps lessened to about a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 (MY pain meter). The worst was over.

Sunday, 12:00 PM
I feel 95% better! The abdominal soreness as a result of retching is subsiding slowly but surely, as well as the back pain. Cramps are few and far between... about a 1 or a 2 on my pain scale. My follow-up appointment is in a week and a few days, so I'll be sure to update... hopefully with news of a complete abortion.

If I were to give another young woman in my situation a bit of advice, here it is:
- Obtain the Mifiprex and Cytotec from a doctor's office or hospital. They're more likely to give you stronger pain medication, such as Vicodin. The Ibuprofen 800mg did nothing to ease my pain.
- Have a girlfriend or significant other with you while you endure the effects of the Cytotec. You'll want someone to either distract you or someone to squeeze. Both can only do more good than harm.
- Take the anti-nausea meds if offered! If not, definitely take Dramamine.
- Remember, every pregnancy is different, as is every abortion. If you prepare for the worst, you won't feel so overwhelmed.

I wish you all good health and happy experiences!

Anonymous's picture

Extreme Pain: Marijuana helped so much

20 yrs old
130 lbs

Just wanted to share my experience for those who smoke marijuana and were wondering if it would do any harm to smoke after taking misopropitol.

I just finished the process yesterday..went to my appointment on saturday where i was given a sonogram and told i was 6 weeks 3 days.

I took the first pill orally in the office and was given the 4 misopropitol to be taken 24 hours later. I also recieved antibiotics, pain pills to be taken with 800mg ibuprofin(i only had tylonol/but was told that was okay) and pills for the nausea. I had no strange symptoms with the first pill..just lack of appetite but i think that had to do with the anticipation of it all.

The next day at 11:00am i took the misopropitol letting the pills dissolve in my mouth. (30 min before, i took the nausea chewable, 2 tylonol and the pain pill i was given)

Didn't seem like it was going to be to bad..but about 45 minutes later, I felt very sick like i had diarhea and ran to the bathroom. I threw up but this was all to be expected so i didnt worry. I was in EXTREME pain that would come in and out..i would compare them to what women describe as contractions during labor. I soon got chills a slight fever and was pacing around sweating and moaning in pain(my bf told me he was worried at this point)..this went on for about 2 hours and couldnt take it any longer not knowing when i was going to feel this point i was only just starting to bleed slightly.

My boyfriend frantically researched and called pharmacies asking if misopropitol would react badly with marijuana. He was told marijuana was an illegal drug and they could not say.

I finally decided to smoke anyway. Right away I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I was no longer shaking, I had an appetite, I could keep my medicine down and i had very little pain. I soon after began to bleed and was on the toilet when i believe i passed the majority of the abortion.

I later found on the internet that marijuana could reduce the effects of didn't for me.

I am not recommending this to anyone as i am not a doctor, however, in my experience it was the only thing that helped with the 6 hours of ongoing abdominal pain and nausea. and i didn't need any more pain killers after that. I slept great last night and today I am feeling much better..a little cramping and some blood but I am no longer pregnant so the pills did work even after smoking.

Anonymous's picture

This is very interesting .

This is very interesting . First of all, your story had me rolling on the floor laughing. I have been taking ibuprofen and I'm a healthnut. I worry about what it's doing to my body and marijuana sounds much more natural to me. The problem is I can't stand smoke so I wouldn't be able to inhale but lucky for me, I live in LA and I see clinics all around. Hopefully my doctor will write me a prescription. It's been since Monday when I took the first pill and I'm stil in pain. I'm on 800 mg ibuprofen every four hours... I only took 2 doses today and I am now in pain. Thank you! I think it's a great reccommendation.

Anonymous's picture

This is my update on the

This is my update on the marijuana, I decided against it because I heard ibuprofen makes your stomach bleed, I thought that was aspirin, stomach cells are replaced. Marijuana kills brain cells and brain cells never come back. I'm doing castor oil and emu oil uterine massages, and eating lots of blueberries, deep breathing and meditation and visualization to deal with the pain and it's been over a week. I'm impatient and wondering if uterine fibroids makes a difference in the experience and I specifically asked the nurse practitioner and she said it shouldn't matter. If you have fibroids and took the pills, was your experience unusually painful? I also have a retroverted uterus, that I found out about when I went to the ER Saturday because the pain was unbearable. If you have a retroverted uterus, is the abortion pill more painful for you? Anyone? So far I can honestly say it was a horrible experience because I'm in bed after a week and a couple of days. I had absolutely no symtoms related to my fibroids prior to the abortion pill. I found out about the fibroids when I got the ultrasound done to confirm my pregnancy at the clinic and my periods were very seldom painful... I barely had cramps. Looking for answers... Anyone?

Anonymous's picture

honestly, dont be scared

im 18 and i took the pill a few days ago and i was very scared because of all the terrible stories i heard. so i took the first pill at the clinic then the second set of 4 pills 24 hours later. i did not start bleed until i took the 4 pills, and it took 2 hours after i took the 4 pills for the bleeding to start. before taking the 4 pills i took a anti nausea pill and then i took pain medicine right after i took the 4 pills. every 2 hours i would alternate between taking 800mg ibuprofen and the pain medicine that the clinic gave me. my exprience was totally fine. i did have cramping but nothing at all that wasnt completely bareable. there was a good amount of bleeding for about 6 hours after i took the 4 pills but most of it comes out when your on the toilet and it doesnt hurt at all! i honestly think some of the people on here who are against abortions make up fake stories to scare people which i by the way think is totally sickening! they dont know your situation and they are close minded disrespectful people who need to get a life. anyways, its been about 3 days sense i took the pill and im still bleeding a little less than my normal period but this should only last for about a week. i would for sure recommend the abortion pill over surgical, it seems much less painful and uncomfortable. the entire night after i took the pills i just watched movies and ate popcorn with my boyfriend, everything went smoothly and im assuming that most of the time it does, so dont be scared, really.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Awwww thank you I feel so

Awwww thank you I feel so much better. I start my pills 2marow at 12noon. Hope it goes very well!

Anonymous's picture

Reply to this.... I guess Fact!!!

Well to start with i am AGAINST ABORTIONS!!!! Not everybody's body is the same so by this person posting this message was just Dumb... How can you tell someone to kill their baby jus cause you did and you didnt experience the pain that you say is "bluffing"..... Not everybody Body reacts like the next person!!! I WOULDNT RECOMMEND "THE PILL" TO ANYONE.. It messes up your dream of ever having kids and to some hurts and leave you with regrets!! Every Independent woman dreams of haing their own child..... maybe not at the moment but they still dream!!

Anonymous's picture

Um no, your assumptions are

Um no, your assumptions are absurd. I'm so sorry to break it to you.

Reed's picture

If you are against abortions

If you are against abortions that is fine, but to refer to someone else posting their experiences as dumb is more of an idicator of your lack of intelligence than theirs.

Whilst the legislation and facility to terminate unwanted pregnancies exist then discussion surrounding options should be around facts not opinion. Taking the abortion pill does not 'mess up your dream of ever having a child' and it is incorrect to say 'every independant woman dreams of having their own child'. That is just a sweeping generalisation.

Still in Shock's picture

WORST PAIN EVER - Wish i had pain meds!

I took the abortion pill two days ago, the 'doctor' at planned parenthood did NOT give me the appropriate heads up on what would happen to me physically.

after the four pills dissolved in my cheeks...I fell asleep (it was midnight Friday night)... i didn't take pain medication because the doctor didn't say to...well i awoke to the the most horrific pain of my life...i made it to the bathroom and had diarrhea...the pain was sooo intense i was sweating and going in and out of consciousness! I was holding on to the sink, my eyes rolling around my head,and dry heaving. I literally couldn't stop the moaning... it was the only thing i could do, as the pain crippled me.

I thought i was having an allergic reaction to the medication and begged my boyfriend to call an ambulance. I was paralyzed from pain- moaning and crying hysterically. My boyfriend called the emergency room and they said these were normal side effects. He cleaned me, picked me up, layed me in bed, made me take the only thing we had (Dramamine) and an hour and a half later i fell asleep.

The next day i had no pain and light bleeding

Sunday (today)...I'm feeling almost fabulous....I'm completely still in shock from the pain i felt Friday night

Anonymous's picture

my experience

i read each of the comments on this page and noticed that there weren't may ladies that had attended the last follow up visit after taking the pills. i thought it appropriate then to share my experience.

i took the pills at 6 weeks. i had been warned that it would result in a very painful miscarriage. i was advised that i would feel contractions which are significnatly worse than period pains and that there would be heavy bleeding.

understandably i was petrified. however my current personal circumstances meant that i didn't really have a choice and so i took the tablets. i had all of the pills orally and had them two days apart.

it is true to say that i had severe abdominal pains but after taking the second lot of tablets, i didn't start bleeding heavily at all. i was worried that it wasn't working as the clots that i passed were only small too. to be honest the blood loss was just like a heavy period. i was assured by the nurse that this was normal.

i bled for two weeks and then the bleeding subsided. however after 3 days, i began to bleed again - extremely heavily. the blood gushed out and i was soaking a thick sanitary towel every hour. i also passed very big clots which did eventually decrease in size but it was distressing nonetheless.

i bled for a further week after that, so three and a half weeks in total, before i went for my follow up appointment. i was scared to go there because i was extremely worried that the pills may not have worked.

at the appointment however, the nurse told me that the pregnancy had completely gone but there was still some bleeding present. the nurse said that this was a good thing as my body was completely cleansing itself and that it would eventually stop. i asked if this was normal and she said yes, it's different for everyone.

i contitnue to bleed now still, one month after taking the pills but the bleeding has slowed and the clots have stopped. it feels very much like the end of a normal period. i am hopeful that it shall stop altogether soon.

i hope this helps people who are concerned and i would urge you to make sure that you attend your follwo up appointment after taking the pills.

Anonymous's picture

What to Do?

I am a parent of a teenage girl. I was unaware that my daughter had used "the abortion pill". I did however support her. She did the steps in taking the pills, but however she found out that she is still pregnant. This is good news for her dad and I, but we are concerned about the baby. Now, we are faced with terminating this baby or continuing. I need some help. Has this happen to anyone before?

Anonymous's picture

Reply to This Message

I have not been in this situation but i have heard of a situation of this kind... My opnion is to let your daughter keep her seed.... i want you to realized how i used the word "seed".... only god knows if the baby will pull thruogh or not!!! Give the baby a chance, GIVE YOUR DAUGHTER A CHANCE... let god handle what happens when it leaves the womb. I am STRONGLY AGAINST ABORTIONS!! Maybe you should do alot of research before its too late... I know it would probably bring joy to your life to have a grandchild(if you dont have any already)but a new coming baby is always a celebration... So if my advise helps... please consider it before something Happens!!!

Anonymous's picture

There is a high chance that

There is a high chance that the baby could now be disformed. When she went to the clinic to take the abortion pill she signed a form that said if she is still pregnant after taking the pill she must go back for a surgical abortion. I am very sorry.

Courtney's picture

Abortion Pill

I just wanted to comment on here for girls like myself who are thinking about taking the abortion pill.
My Stats:
I do not have any children, nor have I ever carried a child to full term. I have had one previous surgical abortion.
Basically, I found out I was pregnant with my boyfriend of 2 years. We both are very prestigious individuals in college and do not want to have children until we can afford them. Girls, please do not believe the trash that you see online. Just because you get pregnant does not mean that you are obligated to keep the child. Think about your choices, and the life that you have ahead of you. This is YOUR body and YOUR decision. Do not feel guilty for taking control. Anyways, I went to the clinic as soon as I found out. It was a women's health center in my area. There were protesters outside, but as those kind of people do not bother (only annoy) me I did not take notice of how many. I went into the clinic and had to fill out quite a few papers. The abortion pill was $425 (no discounts on that) but there were student, and military discounts if I had chosen the surgical abortion. The reduced rate with these discounts for a surgical abortion was $365. I went inside the waiting room and started to fill out paperwork. There were quite a few people in there, and even a girl I knew was sitting a few feet away from me. She decided to get a surgical abortion. After filling out the papers I was told to come back into another room to get an ultrasound. The nurse did the ultrasound and told me I was 6 weeks 3 days pregnant. After that I was taken into another room and another nurse pricked my finger and took my blood type. She then talked to me about birth control options and even convinced me to change the birth control I was on (and had gotten pregnant on) to a different yet similar pill. Both nurses were very nice. After that I was taken to yet another room where I sat and waited with another women for a doctor. On my way to the room I saw a room of other girls waiting to get surgical abortions. I remember being surprised that there were so many and happy that I had chosen the pill so that I didn't have to go through that. The other woman and I waited in the room until a nurse came in and explained how we would take the pills. We were told that we would take one pill (Mifeprex) today and that in 12-24 hours we needed to take the 4 other pills (Misoprostol) vaginally. Eventually the doctor came in and we had to swallow the pill in front of him. This was at 3:30. We were then free to leave. I followed my boyfriend home and decided to go get a footlong sub from Subway. About an hour after I took swallowed the pill I was feeling queasy (This may have been from the horrible morning sickness I had been suffering from) and I threw up and continued to throw up for a while. My boyfriend then decided that I needed to smoke. I personally do not smoke weed, nor do I take any other drugs, but I was feeling very sick at the time and accepted. Now all I can say is thank god. It made me feel SO much better and after about a week and a half of morning sickness and not being able to eat, I could actually eat the rest of my sub without feeling sick. The next day I woke up feeling fine. I was not bleeding nor cramping at all. I decided that I was going to that the 4 Misoprostol pills at 1:30 so at 1 I took 1 of the painkillers Naproxen that I received from the clinic. (these did barely anything and only lasted about 30 minutes at a time) and at 1:30 I inserted the 4 pills vaginally and laid down in bed for an hour. I was not feeling any cramps until about 2 hours later. My boyfriend had to leave to go to school at 2:30 and right after he left I started to feel the cramps. Now let me be very clear. THEY HURT. I felt like I was in labor. I was in the bathroom crying, screaming, and sobbing in pain for the next 3 hours. The naproxen did barely anything to help the pain and I had to take one every hour after the cramps started to get the least bit of relief. In short, it felt like someone was ripping my uterus out of my vagina. The blood was not bad for me, and it did not just whoosh out when I went to the bathroom. It came out in small-medium amounts and I never really looked at the clots because frankly there weren't that many. But I do remember that the cramps became very frequent and painful about 30 minutes before a clot came out. As I said this lasted about 3 hours, and then I slept for about 30 minutes. From then on, I bled quite profusely, and had to change my pad every 1-3 hours. I slept quite well that night, and this morning I have had no cramps, nor any stomach issues. I am still bleeding but it is not unbearable. After all of this, I would recommend that women who are looking at their options get a surgical abortion and ask to be put to sleep with an I.V. I do not remember that one at all, and it was quite a lot less painful than taking that pill. And it's cheaper! Good luck girls! xoxo

Anonymous's picture


I really would like someone's help on this page......Well i don't know about you guys but my periods are irregular. i had my period last month,i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a week and 3 days ago. A week after,in the evening i vomitted 5 times(didn't eat anything strange) and had all the other symptoms you're supposed to get when pregnant. i can't afford to be pregnant right and i've considered the pill but i'm also scared to do it cuz i don't know the risks of it. i'm afraid to tell anyone cuz i'm too ashamed. plus i'm not even sure if i'm pregnant cuz it's only been a week and a few days and i don't think you can tell if you're pregnant that early, or can you??????????????????????????????????
I need someone to tell what to do:
1. i need to know how i can know if i'm really pregnant without seeing a doctor just as yet.
2. if i'm not pregnant wat effects the pill will have on me.
3. at wat point in time should i take the pill.
4. And i would really like to know...HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE FEELING DURING 1 WEEK OF THE PREGNANCY?????????

Anonymous's picture

firstly go buy a pregnancy

firstly go buy a pregnancy test to see if you ARE actually pregnant. they wouldnt just give you these pills if you werent pregnant! and during the first week of pregnancy people dont usually know theyre pregnant so youd just feel normal

Anonymous's picture

It's not as bad as everyone says it is!!!!!!

I again recently got pregnant and used the 4 pills yesterday..I'm the most fertile person ever!! Me and my fiance use protection everytime but still I get pregnant. This is the third medical abortion I have done. I have NOT had any problems with it and none of them was at all painful. I know everyone is different but the stories on here where I read that it was "the worst pain the ever" doesn't even seem realistic. Truthfully out of all three Medical abortions this last one I had a tiny bit of cramping but nothing major at all I'd say about a 1 out of 10 measuring the pain...and considering that I took NO pain killers what so ever!!!! After I insert the 4 pills in my cheeks within 20 minutes I just feel like there's something ready to come out. When I sit on the toilet a couple blood clots come out with a bunch of blood. then maybe 30 minutes later another blood clot with a lot of blood coming out in the toilet. same thing maybe the next 4 times I use the toilet. Not much blood on the pad as it really goes straight in the toilet. The water in the toilet was so red that it was hard to even see the blood clots but could see them slightly at the bottom of the toilet. After about 4 hours after taking the 4 pills I go about my day normally. Today is day 2 and I have a little blood on the pad but not much. I think I let most all of it out yesterday in the toilet. With all three Medical abortions this is how it's been for me. So as we know many women are different and experience different things but I myself would recommend this to anyone over a surgical abortion which I have also had and it was horrible!! The surgical abortion was painful and made me throw up all day so I would not recommend the Surgical abortion at all!! Again with the Medical abortion I had no problems with it!!!!!! Hoped I helped some women's mind at's not always bad. I'm proof!!!

Anonymous's picture

October 9-10 2009 Don't go with the pill

I am really ashamed that I got my girlfriend pregnant and had to put her through this. Her and I are both the type to think "it'll never happen to us" but it did.

We have had a good amount of unprotected sex, I would always pull out at the very last moment, so she could've gotten pregnant from me not pulling out in time, or from the pre-come.

Anyways, I got her pregnant. She cried when the pregnancy test said positive. Cried. Because her parents told her that if she did get pregnant they would practically disown her.

We made the decision of having her take the pill, because it seemed less invasive, and because I would be there with her when she was going through with it.

She took them orally, 2 on each side of her cheek, and before the 30 minutes were up she had already puked and started cramping. I told her to spit out the rest because she is thin, and delicate/sensitive to stiumulants. A "lightweight" for drinking. I was afraid that they would be too much for her.

10-15 min after that I let her take the painkiller which was the generic version of Vicodin, and told her to split it in 2 pieces with her teeth so that it would work faster.

She sat in the toilet for a while, and then moved on to the showers, and sat down with her knees up while the warm/hot water soothed her and while she bled.

Now, this is all going on inside her dorm. Luckily it was friday night so there weren't many girls around (but one of them did come into the room to tell me she was throwing up initially) so that I could go in there with shorts and a t-shirt (so as to not make any girl that might walk in the bathroom uncomfortable) and sit next to her and comfort her all I could.

Now this is the scary part. At one point she was standing up and I was holding her up, then her knees buckled and she looked up, her eyes looking at the ceiling and her mouth open and would have collapsed hard if I hadn't been there. She did collapse but since I was holding her up I eased her down while saying her name and "what's happening" in a really worried tone of voice. I thought she was having a seizure or worse. I was really scared. She didn't say anything for a few seconds, later she said she felt like she fainted for a few seconds or something, she said that may have been the painkillers taking effect.

**********The pill is not easier, less painful, less traumatic. The only 'pro' is that you can have your significant other with you to support you while you suffer. But they can be there after the surgical way, which is easier, faster and potentially less traumatic than horrible cramps, bleeding out, throwing up.**************

Anonymous's picture

hey how did you get the pill

hey how did you get the pill without going to the dr? do you have to have a parent consent??

Anonymous's picture

My experience with the pill...

I am 19 years old and couldn't believe it when my doctor told me I was pregnant at a regular check up appointment. I was on birth control at the time. I left the doctor's office and immediately called my best friend as she listened to me cry like crazy. My boyfriend and I knew we had a big decision to make. We didn't make it right away and talked about every option but three weeks later, decided an abortion would be the best for where we were in our lives. I did my own research online and decided that I wanted to do the pill instead of the surgery. The clinic was fine with it but seemed like they wanted the surgery more because its more definite than the pill. Well, I had read all the horrifying stories about the pill and the awful years of regret people felt just to prepare myself.

I went to the clinic at 7 weeks and took my first pill in the office. My boyfriend took me to breakfast afterwards and I puked at the restaurant. I puked every time I ate so it wasn't the pill that caused it but I was concerned that it may not be as effect. The next day (24 hours later) I had to put the 4 pills between my gums and cheek and let them dissolve (about 30 minutes). The clinic had given my vicodin so I took that right before. Before these pills were even completely dissolved, they made me puke. It was the pills this time and I was freaking out that everything was not going to work right. I called the clinic and they said it was normal so I just laid around the house the rest of the day. It was not long before I felt the cramps. I kept a heating pad on my most of the time and I really did not think they were any worse than my normal period cramps (then again mine are pretty rough). It wasn't long before the blood came. I'm not going to lie to you... this part was awful and gross. I could just sit and huge globs of blood would just continually run out. I bled like this for 2 or 3 days I believe. Two weeks later, I went to my follow up and everything was just fine. I did however, bleed for a total of about 6 weeks maybe more. It was a long time but it was pretty light.

I would DEFINITELY recommend the pill to anyone that has to go through this. The emotions were rough at first, but its been a few months and I am just fine. I am not scarred for life and i do not wake up screaming in the middle of the night or anything. I am normal. I am at peace.

Honestly, the worst part about the whole thing was the stupid protestors outside the clinic. I have never hated someone so much in my life.. Appartently they think making you upset is their goal... If you have to experience what I did with these stupid ignorant people, I am sorry and do not let them get to you. They do not know your situation and do not care to hear it.

Anonymous's picture


got my periods on sep 3 and i had sex on 22 sep and i was supposed to get my periods on 1 oct. but i havnt got yet. plz can u help and guide me. nd is it easy to get an abortion pill???

Anonymous's picture


Im going tomoro for my first dose of the pills and im really scared and im 17. I cant believe ive been so stupid and i certainly wont let this happen again! i hope most of the stories ive read are exaggerated.....

D's picture

Abortion Pill - My Experience

I unfortunately had to take the abortion pill. It was the toughest choice I've had to make in my life but required in order to save my life. I was less than 6 weeks pregnant and decided to take the pill. I took the first pill mifepristone in the office at planned parenthood. I felt some very light cramps but nothing too serious. The next day, exactly 24 hours after the first pill, I placed the Misoprostol pills on the sides of my cheeks and let them sit for 30 minutes. It took effect pretty quickly, actually within 20 minutes of putting them in between my cheeks and gums I began to feel escalating cramps. It felt a bit like when something bothers your stomach and you have to go number 2. I went to the bathroom and I saw no blood on my panties but when I wiped I saw the first traces of blood. I took my pain killers and went through some pretty intense cramps that eventually faded. I had a few more waves of intense cramps but nothing too horrible. Luckily I slept through most of the day and my fiance was super helpful. I never soaked any of my pads and saw most of the blood come out when I sat on the toilet. I also only threw up once. Um, I'd say the worst part was the emotional pain of having to do this. I wanted to keep my baby so bad but due to my heart condition it's not an option in my life. So today is my second day after my 4 pills and the bleeding continues and its still a bit on the light side, the cramps are very light, and I'm no longer drained of my energy. I'm a bit worried that the bleeding wasn't heavy and the pain wasn't horrible as many said it would be. I'm hoping this worked! I now have to wait a long two weeks for my follow up. Wish me luck!

Oh and I keep reading about women putting the pills in vaginally, what's that all about? I never heard of that until today.

-positive-'s picture

Hi! I had just taken the meds

Hi! I had just taken the meds too and today is my second day as well. Basically i have had almost the same experience as you did. Not too much bleeding, or maybe not as much as i was expecting. Now I'm worried that the meds didnt take effect, and 2 weeks to know the results seem too long a wait:) I hope you can share the outcome as i believe it has been more than two weeks since you posted your experience, thus you could have already taken a pregnancy test or went to back for your check-up already. Hope I can get a response and hope you could share more of your experience over the past 2 weeks.. Thanks.

Anonymous's picture

i had

i had taken mefipristone and measprostal when i was pregnant 3 ago and i got bleeding and aboted... now my question is now i got pregnacy i want to take these pill which were help to abortion.. my question is it is not harm for my body and further safe pregant.. please answer to my quetsin plz...

sarah m.'s picture

please help!

hi im sarah im 17yrs old, i had the abortion pill about 4weeks ago wow let me tell u it was not fun! it was very painfull! but i couldnt handle having another baby i have 1 already and i just wouldnt be able to support it financially. it was a really hard desision but i had to do it not only because of me but because of my son. im a single parent so its hard enough on me already. well i actually had a question, i stopped bleeding about 2 weeks ago but i started bleeding again like a regular period and its only been 4weeks could it be my period already??

Cate's picture

My (truthful) Experience

First off, it can be infuriating to read various accounts and "stories" of abortion on the internet. I implore anyone who is looking for honest information to take everything, especially personal accounts, with a grain of salt. Be aware that many fanatical pro-life organizations have people contribute on sites such as this with scare tactics.

Also be aware people spouting medical fact that is virtually impossible. There is NO WAY to see a baby's heart beat at 5 weeks gestation. It's hard enough to see the gestational sac at 5 weeks. The heartbeat is not found until the end 6th week, and even then it requires a trained medical professional to find it.

And for those people seeking adoption try adoption sites please. It's way more complicated logistically and emotionally to think if I did not end my pregnancy I would hand my child over to you. In fact, for me, there is NO WAY I could carry a child full term and give it over. I feel for you, but this is a crude forum to express your personal opinions.

On to my experience. I knew I was pregnant almost immediately after implantation. I wanted this baby and NEVER, EVER thought of myself as some one who could have an abortion (on a moral basis). I am madly in love with the baby's father, I have plenty of money and support -- I have the criteria to keep a child. But REAL life is different. To have had this child would have meant to have compromised the current life of my son and to take him away from his biological father. Something even harder to me than abortion, so I choose to abort.

The decision is the hardest I ever made and I will live with regret forever.

I scoured the internet for information. After reading all the horror stories of medical abortion I was scared to death. Perhaps because I prepared for the worst possible scenario, the actual events were not too bad, physically.

I went to start the pill procedure when I was 2 days short of 5 weeks pregnant. Be warned you can be too early to have this option!! They have to see a visible gestation sac on an ultrasound. They did not. (Crazy because after reading some of these sites you'd think that odd since some people seem to think you have a viable child at this point) I went back 3 days later, past 5 weeks. Still no sac! No sac, no pills. This was torture. I wanted to begin the process as soon as possible. The second time I went back to the clinic was a Saturday and the place had a group of religious protesters standing around praying on rosary. If you can, avoid these places on the weekend. It seems you have a greater chance of having protesters. I never thought one way or another about such protesters. However after my experience of being prayed at and shouted at my perceptions changed. Because of these people, when I feel emotionally strong enough I will volunteer to be a "walker" (woman who help scared woman walk past these people into the building). Surely these righteous woman have better places to take their children to on a Saturday morning than an abortion clinic?? Great mothering.

Sorry. OK, so I went back 4 days later already completely exhausted by waiting and researching in the mean time. The clinic was disturbingly busy (every time) and somewhat cold, but the nursing staff were angels. You have your finger pricked, blood pressure take, have a briefing on the process, pay $450 and sign off on medical waivers. The doctor watched me take the pill. I felt nothing from this except about 2 hours later I had a bizarre twinge in my uterus. From reading on the FDA site there are NO real side effects from this pill. I was given four pill to take 24 hours later, vaginally, and some high dose aleve. No antibiotics.

The next morning I inserted the tablets and laid on my back for an hour (I took 3 aleve before doing so). Not knowing what was going to happen is nerve wracking! I got up, nothing. About 2 hours after I inserted the tablets I began to worry they wouldn't work because I was not bleeding. About a half hour later I felt a "whoosh" and when I went to the bathroom there was blood. This was hard emotionally. I cried; I still cry thinking about it. The blood was FAST in flow, very different from my period experience or after birth bleeding experience. I bled the rest of the day (and days after). I had a few small clots, but nothing bigger than a nickel. None of my clots hurt. In fact, I don't know if it is because I've experienced child birth or because I expected (and on some level felt I DESERVED) strong, strong pain, but the pain was bearable. Like strong period cramps. I also felt chilled, possibly with a low grade fever. This all passed by the evening.

What is hard and different in a medical abortion is the bleeding -- for days and days. It is a constant reminder of my actions.

If you are reading this and trying to figure out what to do, my heart is with you. This is just my experience, overall a simple one physically. Emotionally though abortion is HARD. Best of luck.

Dawn's picture

I came to this site because I

I came to this site because I am Pro-Life and wanted to research what different people's experiences are with taking this drug. I find it interesting that every negative experience is touted as a plant.

Just an observation, but the person who posted prior sarcastically said it was "great mothering" to take your children to an abortion clinic on a Saturday morning [to protest, I presume]. Where do you think this woman took her child that Saturday morning? Great mothering, indeed.

I am sad that she will regret the decision she made forever, but still feels compelled to lead another into that same clinic.