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The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain

1998 First Web Reports
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The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain
Alicia Ebbitt
Hallucinnogenic Drugs alter a person's perceptions of reality and may cause hallucinations and other alterations of the senses. Drugs classified as hallucinogens include: LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetime(DOM), N,N-dimethyltrptamine(DMT), psilocin, and mescaline. There are two aspects of these drugs that classify then as hallucinogens. They all have common side effects, including distortion of sensory perception, and other psychic and somatic effects. These drugs also exhibit cross-tolerance. This means that a user of hallucinogenic drugs develops a higher tolerance to hallucinogens, the more they are used and the shorter the time span is between the last usage.Hallucinogenic drugs have been used throughout history for a number of reasons. They have been used as medicinal agents as well as having served religious purposes. Hallucinogens such as mescaline have been used in Native American ritual ceremonies. There was extensive usage of hallucinogens in the 60's and 70's as part of the counter- culture hippie movement. During the "acid tests" of this era, hallucinogenic drugs were used for mind exploration (B.L. Jacobs, "How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work").
Hallucinogenic drugs cause both physical and psychological effects on humans. The physical effects of these drugs include: dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, appetite loss, sleeplessness, tremors, headaches, nausea, sweating, heart palpitations, blurring of vision, memory loss, trembling, and itching. A user of hallucinogenic drugs will also experience a number of psychological alterations in the brain. These drugs may cause hallucinations and illusions as well, as the amplification of sense, and the alterations of thinking and self-awareness. It is quite possible to have a bad reaction to hallucinogenic drugs. This is referred to as a "bad trip" and may cause panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, and loss of control. The long-term effects of these drugs can be quite dangerous. These long-term effects may include: flashbacks, mood swings, impaired thinking, unexpected outbursts of violence and eventually possibly depression that may lead to death or suicide.
Quite a lot of interest concerning hallucinogens has been generated by neurobiologists and other scientists. The effects that hallucinogenic drugs have on the brain are quite complicated and very interesting. Many users of hallucinogenic drugs have experienced whole personality changes which raises questions about the relationship between brain and behavior. Scientists are also curious as to how total alterations of the senses can occur as the result of hallucinogen usage. Many people that have used hallucinogens claim to have "seen sounds" or "heard colors". Scientists ask questions such as: How can a person under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs see things that aren't there? or How do flashbacks work? Another aspect of hallucinogenic drugs that interests scientists is that they are psychomimetic meaning that they mimic certain aspects of psychosis. Through the use of hallucinogenic drugs, one can induce temporary symptoms of psychosis.
As a result of the great interest in hallucinogens, many years of research have been done to try and determine exactly how the brain is affected by these drugs. Scientists have tried to determine if there is a specific site in the brain where hallucinogens act. This has been difficult to determine. Scientists still are unable to answer all questions about hallucinogenic drugs. However they have been able to determine certain areas of the brain that these drugs do act upon.
Early on in the reasearch on hallucinogens, it was determined that hallucinogenic drugs structurally resemble serotonin (5-HT) Serotonin is found in specific neurons in the brain that mediate chemical neurotransmission in the brain. Neurons containing serotonin can be found in the brain stem section of the brain. Axons of serotonergic neurons project to almost every part of the brain, affecting and communicating with all sections of the brain. Serotonin also acts at many receptor areas of neurons. Because hallucinogenic drugs are structurally similar to serotonin, it was theorized that hallucinogenic drugs may act upon serotonergic neurons (B.L. Jacobs, "How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work").
Scientists began to carefully study the serotonin system and found out that hallucinogens do in fact have some kind of effect on serotonin. Hallucinogenic drugs cause an increase in the level of brain serotonin, but they inhibit the rapid firing of neurons containing serotonin. This is a negative feedback system in which as the serotonin level rises, the activity of serotonergic neurons decreases. It was originally theorized that this effect of hallucinogenic drugs directly caused sense alteration and hallucinations. Several observations however have shown this theory not to be true. These observations include the following: Low doses of LSD effect behavior, but do not depress firing of serotonergic neurons, The behavioral effects of LSD outlast the alteration of the firing of the serotonergic neurons, Repeated dosage of LSD results in a decrease of behavioral changes, but still effects neuron firing, Other hallucinogens do not affect serotonergic neurons, When serotonin levels are depleted, the effectiveness of LSD is not eliminated (Ian Leicht, "Postulated Mechanisms of LSD").
It has now been determined that the effects of hallucinogenic drugs are actually caused by the effects that hallucinogenic drugs have on the post-synaptic activity of serotonergic neurons. Hallucinogenic drugs directly affect the serotonin receptors(specifically the serotonin receptor subtype, 5-HT2), which is what eventually results in a complex pattern of action potentials and activity. This was proven by the fact that the depletion of serotonin levels in animals does not result in a decrease of behavioral effects caused by hallucinogenic drugs (B.L. Jacobs, "How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work").
Hallucinations and other effects of hallucinogens are however very complicated experiences. They are not simply a part of a cause and effect system in the brain, where hallucinogenic drugs act on serotonin and cause hallucinations. Instead, hallucinogenic drugs act initially on the serotonin system, which sends into motion, a pattern of complex action potentials and activity. Other neurotransmitters may be involved in these activities as well. The effects that inputs and outputs have on each other in this system as well as the pattern of action potentials mediated by hallucinogenic drugs help to cause many of the complex changes that allow hallucinations to happen. (B.L. Jacobs, "How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work") Scientists continue to do research to determine the exact effects that hallucinogens have on the serotonin receptors and to answer any questions that they cannot yet answer.
WWW Sources
1) NIDA (National Institution Drug Abuse: LSD(Lysergic Acid Diethylamide).
2) Hallucinogenic Drugs in Psychiatric Research and Treatment: Perspectives and Prospects.
3) Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness.
4) Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, etc.).
5) Narcotics, Dangerous Drugs, and Marijuana.
6) Healthguide Online: Substance Abuse: Hallucinogens.
8) Los Angeles Police Department Drug Recognition Expert Unit: Hallucinogens.
9) Postulated Mechanisms of LSD.
10) B.L. Jacobs. 1987. How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work. "American Scientist". 75:385-92.
11) M.C. Bindal, S.P. Gupta, and P. Singh. 1983. QSAR Studies on Hallucinogens. "Chemical Reviews". 83:633-49.
Comments made prior to 2007
When you list the drugs in the beginning of your article you list lsd psilocin and mescaline. But "psilocin" is not actually the active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms. The correct term is "Psilocybin". Just thought I'd point that out ... Daniel, 19 February 2007
Hi All, I just want to ask if
Hi All, I just want to ask if anyone ever tried using medical cannabis as an alternative meds? I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, bone injuries, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about a marijuana strain from: Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don't even smoke. If this is true I cant find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy. Any personal experience or testimonial would be highly appreciated. Thanks
A-BOMB: "An Easy Trip?"
That is so very well written, thank you! You have such a good point and I can't agree more. I hope people start to realise the positive effects of psychedelics and not judge them too quickly because of the taboo that drugs have. I'm 16 and despite the fact that I've been so terrified in my bad trips, I've also learned a life lesson. I used to be a really mean person, but after I saw the horrors in these parallel dimensions or the DMT world, I began to love everything. Appreciate life for what it is, and be thankful for the things god has given me. I'm not complaining anymore over small things anymore. Psychedelics is truly a method to reveal the true world we live in. It increases your awareness so profoundly, that it will be life changing. This is not a drug and it's certainly not fun either, in my opinion. It can be fun, but it's not meant to be used as party drugs. The main purpose of psychedelics, is to be teached about certain things, see life from other angles, get a bigger view of what 'life' really is. Get a greater awareness of what the 'I' is and get to know yourself better. My first trip was a bad trip. I made an overdose of psilocybin with tons of lemon. A lemon TEK, I believe it's called. I locked my door in my room, and covered the curtains, so it was COMPLETELY DARK. After that, I've never been the same as I was before. I'm a much better person, now that I finally saw the meaning of everything. And no I'm not delusional, what you see on a mushroom trip is not an illusion. It's a tool to see the true reality. But I won't get deeper into that, due to the fact that the experiences are quite subjective, EVEN though there's many familiar experiences on ayahuasca and salvia, the two most powerful hallucinogens. Much love, Michael <3
RE: LSD and TBIs
Over the past few years, I have become more and more interested in the prospect of using psychedelic drugs as a tool for self-discovery. Since I started dating my boyfriend, he has done molly with me and I found out that four in one night is too much for me to handle. We also did mushrooms, and I was fine on that. I'm working my way up to LSD, but I have some concerns. When I was 11, I was in a terrible car accident with my dad and brother. We all were injured to different degrees. I sustained a traumatic brain injury in that accident, resulting in my falling into a coma. I later fell into a depression but I don't know if it can be attributed to the TBI. My body has healed since, but I'm unsure about my brain. I was clinically depressed for six years and think that I have an anxiety disorder now.
tl;dr: I had a traumatic brain injury about 14 years ago, but I want to do LSD. Can anyone tell me whether or not this is a bad idea, preferably because you've experienced something similar?
Psychedelics are not a toy for fun. Please understand this. they are not something to use as a thing to take and go be stupid with your friends.
When this sacred respect is not there, these 'bad trips' and negative life alterations will occur. They have been used in ceremonies for thousands and thousands of years and have been incredible for countless individuals, exposing many to frequencies that the average western human has become unaware of.
Once again, they are not something to be taken for fun like mdma or cocaine or anything like that.
Intention is everything. "Why am i deciding to consume these mushrooms? What do I want to get out of it?" Having a reason for something instead of just popping a couple tabs and waiting to see some visuals with trippy music. Focus on your energy! It is amazing if respected and approached with the correct mind state.
Graham Hancock speaks on this very well
The Juice Of Truth
I saw the almighty snake god and he told me and Satan about all the awesome goodness that happens when we sip on the magic shpongle juice. Gotta keep sippin' cause one day I will have acquired enough immaculate knowledge to become the next great legendary prophet and therefore I shall lead the human race into a new era of spiritual awakening! Free your mind and join the revolution!
Im sitting here trying to make sense of all these comments. But the only thing i came up with is that YOU ARE ALL ON DOPE!!!
the only reason
By the way, the only reason I read this is because my friend thinks its fine to do drugs, I wanted to know all the facts. Now that i do nothing has changed, DUH drugs are bad for you everybody knows that. So quite trying to convince everyone that it is harmless or natural, yeah among like a tone of other things on this planet that is natural............ wanna eat that too? Go ahead its natural lol
Give me a brake
geeze louise
Good lord! i cant believe just how many people do drugs like this still. I'm only 23 and NOT a prude, but its sad that there are people so bored and their lives that they would ingest these drugs just to "see something" i also don't understand the certain types of people who claim to be "all natural" and spiritual, but you have to eat poison mushrooms and LSD to see something and enjoy yourself?? schnickies i truly feel sorry for anyone who thinks that its okay or harmless. Get real my uncle is now a paranoid schizophrenic because he also wanted the same sensation, smart huh? totally worth it don't ya think? NEWS FLASH! It's not, if you're so damn bored read a book, go on a hike, get a job, go to school. Anyway all i'm trying to say people is just stick to weed lol
My Two Cents
For those who claim that LSD is a God experience. I would like to share with you the effect this God like experience has had on family. My 16 year old son had decided that LSD would be his drug of choice. Being a mother and an observer on the outside I have not found that LSD has done anything in enrich my sons life on this planet. As a matter of fact I have found that it has done the opposite. What LSD has done for my son is to give him the vision that he dislikes his parents. His parents are hard working people that keep a job and a marriage in tact, take family vacations, have family sit down dinners, hired tutors, drove him to sports, coached his sports and gave him lot's of praise and encouragement though out his life. After his trip on LSD, it unleashed a vision that his parents are materialist and don't live a life that encourages soul development. It is his dream to live a life traveling the world with a back pack. Although he has no vision of the fact there are very bad people in the world and traveling with a pack back is not safe. Maybe if the drug had useful properties, he would have made a change with in himself. Do something positive to help others and felt the love his parents and sister have for him. Instead he has ran away from home. He sofa surfs at other families homes, never thinking that using their water, electricity, soap, etc. is a burden to them. So please explain to me how this experience is something that can help the planet?" I also want to state that because of this drug use, he suffers from random anxiety attacks. These attacks are caused because he see's people turning their heads and staring at him, even at times following him. None of this is actually happening and this has occurs randomly and without warning. All our family councilor can do is give him breathing exercises. So please be advised if you plan to take the drug that anxiety can plague you for the rest of your life.
Being advised to take hallucigenic medecation by physcyatrist
I live in Scotland and due to childhood trauma I have been advised to take these drugs. I am in a state of dissacociation and have heard and seen deceased family members. Some want me to hurt myself and another wants to help me. I am terrified to take these drugs but the voices, night terrors and visions wont stop. PLEASE HELP ME Abigail
reply to Abigail
You don't need drugs to be normal, just be yourself and normal with time will emerge.
Introduction of any of drugs will devastate your present state of mind.Be at peace with
yourself,the good energy source ( GOD ) in you will cause a balance.
Alternative to Psych meds
Stress can be released naturally through the Ishaya Techniques. Teachers are all around the world. If you having dissociative experiences, you may need professional help to reintegrate. What I mean by a professional is a healer who works in the subtle realms. I have experience with the Ishaya techniques and have an interest in this site since my 33 year old son used hallucinogenic(s). I do not have experience with this process of reintegration, and I think you may want to consider reaching out and investigating a natural process. I have read about Barbara Brennan and her school of healing – you can read about it here: (remove the spaces and you will be on the site). The woman who wrote about Barbara Brennan can be located here:
You have the divine right to your optimal potential. Learn more here:
God Bless you Abigail
The truth behind a bad trip
Hello, I've been researching LSD and hallucinogens in general today after running across an article explaining how they effect your mind. I happened to come across this article and read the comments. It seems there is and always will be a massive argument as to if LSD is a good or bad thing. I am 20 years old and will admit that i've made a few mistakes in my life. Something you should know about me is that I've been through more than my share of bad experiences, I was raised in a very unhappy miserable home and whether it shows or not, i have made very few bad choices in my life, as I have always learned from the mistakes I as well as others have made. I was raised very well despite my unhappy home, by my WONDERFUL mother who has always loved my siblings and I unconditionally, whether they were truly her children or not. My father was an addict. He was no addict to any particular drug. He did so many drugs I honestly couldn't name them all. He attempted suicide, Mentally and emotionally abused us and nearly ruined my entire childhood. He was controlling, schizophrenic and was very rarely calm or kind. Not to say my father was always that way, at some point before I was old enough to remember, he was a good man. He passed away when I was 14, due to a brain aneurysm caused by an overdose of multiple drugs, and guess what? his own family just let him die, because they were too doped up to understand that they could have saved him had they not been so worried about going to jail for drug abuse. so they put him outside and called his parents to come get him. He was removed from life support days later due to absolutely no brain activity, by his parents. The point is, I've been through so much in my 20 years on this earth, but I have never and will never use my past as a crutch for the things i've done as i've seen so many people do. I had never done a drug until a month before I turned 20. I had never smoked, or abused any substance, even been in trouble with police. I started hanging with some friends who smoked pot and did LSD. This was not new to me, as i'd grown up around weed and LSD isn't as rare as you'd expect in high school. One of my friends was an LSD dealer at local raves and he finally convinced my best friend and I to join him. I have to say the rave was absolutely terrible, so strange and the people were pretty scary. (im from the country, the rave was in a huge city so it was a huge scene difference.) Well, i was convinced to try acid. It was actually pretty amazing. The happiness it can give you is out of this world. See, I am an artist therefore I tend to see beauty in almost everything. Acid literally just enhanced that in me. I absolutely loved it. I eventually also tried weed and immediately decided it was a much safer drug. it did not alter my vision, which acid definitely did. It did not confuse me, make me feel as if my whole world had changed in the blink of an eye. Nothing moved that was not actually moving... etc. Months later we tried shrooms. This I can say was the most fun I've ever had on a hallucinogen, granted i've only tried them 3 times. They altered everything to be such a happy, fun place. the trees swayed, music was insane and human interaction was better than ever. we literally sat in a car for 2 hours without even realizing how long we'd been there we were having so much fun. I never tried acid again, until a few months ago. This experience literally changed my life, but not how most would expect. I did not meet "God" and I did not find inner peace. I did not discover the world in a new way like I had hoped either. In fact, it was the absolute opposite of that. I had a "bad trip" which if you've heard of LSD you know exists even if you haven't experienced it yourself. Basically, I got really sick really quickly. I started seeing things, my stomach was literally just in knots. I was sweating and literally burning up in the middle of the winter, in the middle of the night. My boyfriend ended up coming to get me and taking me home because I was starting to have anxiety attacks for no reason. I didnt know why I was scared, or what I was so afraid of. 30 mins after getting home, the acid had convinced me that I was going to die. I could actually see my skin turning purple, I was freezing. I started panicking, and no matter what he told me, i just knew I was going to die if i didnt get help. Something was really really wrong. So after begging to go to the hospital because I was dying and I could not understand why he couldnt tell, he finally just took me to the hospital. I called my mom telling her I was dying after midnight. Now, if you know anything about LSD or hallucinagens you know that they cause you to feel, hear and see things that are not there at all. I did not know that in this state of mind and i did not care what anyone had to say. I knew my body was shutting down because thats what it was telling me. It wasn't. I was never going to die. I sat in an emergency room crying and begging people to help me, but they all just started at me like I was absolutely insane. They stared at me like they could see my very soul. they looked so evil, so terrifying. I blacked out every couple of minutes, i don't remember talking to my mother in the hospital, I dont rememember most of the night. The hospital did nothing but check my heart rate and sent me out. My mom finally got me home and I did not even understand what world I was in. I literally thought a Ouija was the cause of the way I was feeling because I was in the process of making one in my room (weird i know, but i dont use it at all, its simply art) anyway, the point is... These mothers on this website, they are not wrong. If this drug is not carefully used, if someone gives you a drug that is not natural but synthetic (like what happened to me) things could go horribly wrong. I put my mother through hell that night, and if i could go back and change that night I would in a heart beat. These drugs are no joke and as much as you like to think they're fun and do wonderful things, they can also do very terrible things. I was not in the right state of mind for days after my bad trip. I was crazy sensitive, crying over every little thing. I was confused and I actually felt like a very small child completely new to this world, as if everything i'd known before wasnt there anymore. It genuinely turned me into somewhat of a small child according to my mother. I've NEVER been so scared in my life. Ever. I wouldnt wish the way i felt that night and after on my worst enemy. That being said, yes I did have a few good experiences, but that bad one was a life changer. I will never do a hallucinogen again.
Its been months and I have anxiety attacks every time i get in a car, I've been severly depressed and I am just not starting to feel normal again, 5 months later.. I am so lucky that I did not lose my mind as some others have and yes, my mother actually knew people who had this drug took their minds from them. The reality of the fact is that I could have lost my life that night had I not had my loved ones there to take care of me. Please think twice before using drugs like this. Yes, it can change your life, yes, it can show you a wonderful time and do so many amazing things... But the negative effects are not a joke. To me, its not worth the risk of hurting my family again.
Try ayahuasca for yourself and you'll perhaps have a better understanding of why your son changed like that. Perhaps he saw something beautiful and meaningful and thus acted in a manner that seemed confusing to you. You will never know why he's doing what he's doing until you try for yourself. I took psychedelics too when I was 16, I can relate to his experience to some degree. Don't misjudge him or misconceive him because of his actions or vision that might seem superficial. Some people chose certain paths to find inner peace, his escape might've been his path. You will never know his view on you and your husband and it matters not what you think you've done to him. What matters is what he's going through and how he perceived it his past. If he's spoiled, then it might not be self-evident to both of you. Anyway, to make a long story short, if you truly cared about your son, you would take the case up yourself and see for yourself what he saw. Until then, you will never have a clear understanding of why he changed like he did.
And by the way, LSD is something quite different than DMT. I've never tried it myself and I wouldn't because of the fact that it's synthetic and therefore I cannot comment on the LSD experience. Psychedelics is the key to unlock the mysteries of life though, all who've tried it cannot deny what I'm stating here.
DMT is not synthetic your
DMT is not synthetic your body produces it, it is one of the main chemicals that causes you to dream. Many plants contain DMT as well. DMT is awesome and will change your life.
Religious books
I think all religious books where written under the influence of some drugs being taken at those times,studies also suggest that religious and mystical experiences observed during LSD sessions appear to be phenomenologically indistinguishable from similar descriptions in the sacred scriptures of the great religions of the world and the secret mystical texts of ancient civilizations.
People who do these tend to follow God Shiva and other Hindu Deities..If one truly wants a spiritual experience,he should start reading the Vedas,Bhagvat gita and other Hinduism religious books..It can also be used to heal those who are suffering from drug abuse.
I am telling this by experience,Have read a few comments and i seriously felt to share this..I was a christian but once i started exploring hinduism I was truly amazed by the fact everything what any other religious book teaches is already their written in the Ancient hindu text.
If one cannot do these they should definitely do Yoga
I hope this helps..!!
LSD, tripping
After reading several pages of comments here is my 2 cents. I grew up in an unhappy home, and left when I was 18. I was attending a local university and met a man, a master manipulator, and I was trapped and the relationship was a constant torment for 5 years. One night he brought some LSD home and we "dropped acid", as it was called back then. Wow!!! Blew the top of my head off. Except for the asshole boyfriend trying to freak me out, it was a wonderful experience. I learned that I am part of EVERYTHING, and I saw that EVERYTHING is connected in ways that we cannot imagine. I started to block the boyfriend out over the years, but every time we dropped acid I had a wonderful experience. I "spoke" with GOD and I can tell you that GOD is not a person, not female or male, not anything. But, GOD made everything and everyone and GOD has absolutely no connection to what is in the Bible. Hell does not exist except in your mind. When we die we all go to "heaven", if you want to call it that -- really where we go is back to GOD and it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I wish I could tell you about all the wonderful things I learned during my 4 years of tripping. I also took some mescaline and some mushrooms, but LSD was always my favorite.
Proper mental preparation is key to a productive experience. My attitude was that I was going to connect with the wonderful, with nature, and I learned that life is a wonderful trip -- no pun intended -- but lots of work, but work that is worthwhile. We are here on earth to make ourselves better human beings, we are here to love each other, we are here to experience something that we cannot experience when we are with GOD. I never had any flashbacks, although I found that I could remember what I had experienced on my trips and I could willingly see the energy fields around people, around plants, etc., and it is not scary -- it is wonderful. I also learned to do yoga from Shiva during one of my early trips and since, at the time Yoga was just being discovered in the USA, I have been able to attend yoga classes on a regular basis for the past 35 years.
For people with unhappy homes, I recommend plenty of exercise to release the natural endorphins in the brain, and I recommend finding a good yoga studio and learning as much about yoga and practice yoga as much as you can. Yoga will help a person get grounded and see that we are all one and destructive behavior will stop. We are each responsible for our own behavior, and the people who are jerks know they are jerks -- it is their path and if they want to change that path, then they, and they alone, will have to change. NO amount of prescribed medicine will change that.
For some who seem to have mental problems after a trip -- get help from a psychiatrist. My horrid boyfriend who first introduced me to hallucinogens had his first psychotic break when he was 29 and I thought maybe that would happen to me too, but then I realized that it was in his genes. His mother was schizophrenic and so was his grandmother, so there was probably no way he would not be schizophrenic. It was an experience.
Also, for people who are young these days, think about your diet. What we eat today is radically different from what I ate as a teenager. Stop eating processed food. Try to eat as low on the food chain as you can. That means fresh vegetables, fresh fruit. No Cokes, no McDonalds, no Burger King. Start growing some plants if you live in an apartment, if you have a yard start your garden. Get outside and see what GOD has created and enjoy!! Stop thinking about yourselves, stop being selfish. Think about helping your mom or dad around the house. After all, you live there too, and you will be happy if you help your parents. To the people in abusive relationships -- get some help and follow through with getting away from the manipulation and anger and control.
If you take hallucinogens please realize that they are not recreational drugs. They were created by GOD so that we can spend time with GOD, so that we can see the wonder that is our planet. The drugs are not meant for partying. They are serious business and cannot be approached with less than pure intentions. Taking drugs to escape the miseries of life is a waste of time and is nonproductive.
A very good book about LSD was written by STANISLAV GROF, MD, PhD., and he has some very good experiments in his book. His theory was that we could reshape our personalities and heal our wounds through proper use of LSD. I believe he is right and that is what my trips were about. I reshaped my personality (threw out all the negative things that I had been told as I was growing up) and started on the path to becoming a whole, loving, productive human being.
Peace and Love,
She is 100% right but I don't
She is 100% right but I don't consider them to be drugs more like tools of enlightenment you have to be mentally in a good place before you take them and also just roll with wherever it takes you I have tried shrooms and acid I prefer shrooms the shroom trips where a little more intense and seemed to be higher in the god aspect of the trips where acid was more of a mellow trip but still had the same type of expierence for me the experiences where amazing its like your brain can dig deeper into things than ever before including yourself and its almost like someone is answering the questions that are coming to you
If used properly and in the right environment everything will be great and you will come out feeling reborn but state of mind and environment can be the difference between a good trip and a terrible one my advice to someone interested is do your reseach trust the supply and do it with one or more ppl that are really close to you and you really trust in a peaceful place like camping or just you and a friend at their house without anything going on like people coming over or parents finding out because that could make things turn bad really quick
The first time I ever tripped I split a quater of shrooms with my friend at bonaroo and they where really really strong and at times was a little too much but turned out great but now with a lot more experience with this I wouldn't advise anyone to do that I definitely almost freaked out a couple times but like I said just roll with it and you will be fine your not going to die just calm yourself and enjoy where it takes you
''GOD and I can tell you that GOD is not a person, not female or male, not anything. But, GOD made everything and everyone and GOD has absolutely no connection to what is in the Bible.''
So could you say that 'God' is mother nature?
''we all go to "heaven", if you want to call it that -- really where we go is back to GOD''
We are burried and are put back into the earth? I had a similar trip to you however I didn't speak to 'God' but I was at one with nature, me and a couple of friends were out in the countryside looking at the natural beauty and felt as if i should be back with her.. I saw auras around plants and it was as if i could see wind, my friends looked angelic and it was as if i could almost see their halos haa.. it was the first time I had taken acid and it was amazing, however this good trip did turn bad, once we had left the countryside we got home and i'm not sure whether it was the weed on the trip back home causing anxiety but it just went so wrong, and once i had been consumed by the bad trip it was very difficult for anyone to tell me different. This trip which nearly led me to harm myself made me feel as if i had to die because of what i had saw and felt, everything looked dark and devilish, my boyfriend couldn't bring me out of it, no one could, i just freaked!
After a few weeks of not letting go of this bad trip my mental state deteriorated, my boyfriend took me to the doctors to see if i can get some help (now I think my mental state was not all due to this bad trip, I believe I had been under alot of stresses at the time of taking acid, so I not not blaming a drug for that, I just believe it enhanced depression within myself that was already present) I saw some really horrible things and I felt hate, shame, disgust and anger towards myself. I'm not sure whether this is something to do with how I have always been felt about myself, and maybe I haven't dealt with that yet. I have decided to be proactive now though, doc said to try anti depressants but I didn't really want to go down that route, so I'm trying exercise, good diet & cutting out alcohol, which only seems to make my mindset a whole lot worse. I've also got a number to call a therapist so I'm hoping some support can come from that to make me feel that I'm not so alone.
Your post just made me want to reply because that is the attitude I need from now and always, my boyfriend keeps telling me, if i hold on to past hurt and negative vibes i'm always going to feel bitterness & anger. So by letting go, I can be better.
Soph x
It is all about throwing away past hurt and letting go so you can be a better you. I believe in that so much!
Okay the
God is a physical being he walked through the garden he is not the cosmos or the holy spirit which is what some trippy people believe he created the cosmos and no one is good enough for him so a actual man who was righteous died screaming God is real believe me you need God Jesus and the holy spirit which is the connector it's not that hard of a concept it's free will you can believe or not do right from wrong you know what made me believe Jesus was the son of God was he was righteous like some of us but he had the balls to die for God all he had to do was denie he doesn't believe in God and wouldn't have died but he didn't this scripture helped me before he was put on the cross he told the people who were persecuting him for your blaspheming bc i never said I was God I said I was the son of God you see the works of my father yet you still don't believe. I've done acid shrooms research chems and all that shit did was bring out the paranormal it can bring God but don't forget about the devil it goes both ways and I'm a shallow asshole who would lay my life on the line for a random person I was that cool kid in school those drugs gave me anxiety and I never had nothing but good trips I know most of you guys believe in God I'm not trying to offend anyone I just want y'all to have salvation I didn't even believe in God or didn't care about a year ago I know all the science but God is not the universe he is God. the holy spirit dwells in the universe tho so you can receive Jesus message was basically just believe in
God and he died for it my God is Elijah and his son my Lord and savior Jesus Christ if some of y'all know or believe in astrology imma Gemini who finally knows what a peace of mind means peace to all y'all please understand jahh feel
food for thought ... :)
Dear one, I came across your comment while doing research on LSD so that I could help my son who is suffering from an LSD-induced psychosis and brain damage caused primarily from LSD. However, admittedly, he did other drugs as well. But the kicker that started the problems which affected his ability to live and have any type of normal life was the LSD. He is currently doing wilderness therapy, which we are all praying will help him, as he has been suicidal and very despondent -- believing that he is doing to die and is in torment -- not AT ALL like his personality before LSD -- I cannot speak for anyone except our family's situation, and I have never until now commented on the internet. But I felt compelled to let you know of my son's condition, because I wouldn't want to wish this on anyone. Knowing that I may never have my son back in his right mind -- and that it didn't have to be -- is almost more than I can bear. I love him so much and we always got along so great, but now because of the effects of LSD and other drugs, he is delusional about me and has even refused to see me. The pain, loss and grief that has been caused to our family and friends is so surreal. Yet in his current state, he believes that LSD was a good thing. But I can tell you from the outside looking at him, NO ONE on the outside believes it was good at all. We pray to God that He will turn this thing around about bring our loved one back to us. I pray for you too, that you will reconsider and not take drugs anymore. My son never thought he would reach a point of no return, but in fact, he may have. I say these things not in any way to condemn you, friend, because I don't appreciate people condemning my son. But I daresay that if he was in his right mind and knew what he was causing himself and his loved ones, he would not have used these drugs. I wish you the best and appreciate you sharing your story, but I hope you will love, hope and peace without chemical/drug aids, but in our loving Savior, Jesus, instead.
Don't worry
i had the same problem because of psychedelic trip. I thought I lost my mind became crazy and all that. I was like that for 2 months then i took Deanxit for only 10 days (because its a short acting antipsyhotic medicine) and then bam i started working out again and got my mind back. I wish for him luck, and thanks for the heads up
my son is brain fried from hallucinagenic od
plz help me,my 18 yr old son is totally out of touch with reality form dmt.....Desperate for advice...
what is the progress after
what is the progress after going through wilderness therapy. has it helped? going through the similar experience. please reply
Greetings Ma'am: I have
Greetings Ma'am: I have had no need for hallucinogens or any other illegal drug for over 30 years, but thank you for your concern. Illegal drugs today are not what they used to be and there is nothing in this world today that would convince me to take illegal drugs again. The purpose of LSD for me was to clean out the garbage in my head from my upbringing and to help me become a fully functioning adult, which is what it did for me. My young years were filled with chaos, then my adolescent years were not much better, and I was not a whole person. My trips helped me to see that all is connected and that I was not just another person on earth who did not know why they were here. It helped me to see that things that happened to me during my growing up were not my fault and that I could resolve those things and be a whole person. I recommend that you read Dr. Grof's books and find out more about the effects of LSD on the brain so that you can help your son or at least find some peace. I hope and pray that your son will find his way and I hope and pray that some positive resolution will come to you and your family. One question in my mind, though, is why do you believe he has suffered brain damage? Did medical personnel tell you this? My boyfriend in college had his first psychotic break at 29 years of age, which is typical for young adults who have inherited a schizophrenic gene from their parents or grandparents, but I would not categorize this as brain damage. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. Brain damage, to me, means something more on the order of what happens to someone who has had a stroke, or had some sort of traumatic event that results in a physical deficit. Is there schizophrenia in your family? If so, then I don't know what to say except that it is a tragedy for you and your family and you have my sympathy. As stated in my original post, young people should think twice, even thrice, about taking hallucinogens in our current time because drugs today are not the drugs of the 70's. These drugs are not to be taken lightly, but are very helpful when taken with the right intention -- which is self-exploration and growth, not to party simply for the sake of a "good high".
Love and Peace
I have never heard an
I have never heard an explanation quite like this I would appreciate a conversation with you at some time convenient for you.
What would you like to talk about? Sorry this reply is so late. I only today saw that I had replies to my posting. I did not really expect anyone to reply, except to scold me for tripping and for stating my perspective.
Love and Peace,
foolishness of one man's life & his remarkable claims. True?!
Jesus is at the right hand of the father, you won't see him. People tell you things because they love you. A 'Hedonist" is someone living just for the kick, the pleasure, the emotion and the feeling of reaching into a new exciting dreamlike state, a counterfeit spirituality. God and heaven beats out drugs on any day. You can have God today. Just obeying him, and we're here for a brief while, is the way I build up treasure up there.
How do you know it was God you spoke with if you are out of your mind
And as you put it the LSD blew the top of your head off. How do you know
It wasn't the deceiver? If you are out of your mind you can hallucinate
About anything.. Not being sobar is being out of your mind temporally
Insane. You can connect with God and the spiritual world without
Being under the influence of a chemical substance that will damage
You DNA.
Visit With GOD
There is no explanation I can give you. I knew it in my heart. As for "the deceiver" -- that is what I was writing about when I said that what is in the Bible is not particularly real. There is no deceiver. There is only GOD. You believe that not being sober means a person is temporarily insane. Do you think people who get drunk are temporarily insane? I was not insane. LSD was the most wonderful event in my life and I will always remain convinced of that. My DNA is fine!!
Peace and Love Tammy
you've got nothing on acid...or do you?
What did this drug do for other folks? It is one way to appease the self--only sin. Mind-altering drug's never help maturity and development. you may want to slap my face, the drugs got you all up in fuss where no one crosses lines that you yourself have drawn! If you turn others on to it they will be in the same sinful rut. Good people stay away from weed, acid, etc. I hope that you will become emotionally mature someday, and work for some one, serving others. I hope you will understand one day. May God bring you out and into terra firma. Sensible solutions will come your way if you place it all in God. I have no beef with drug users. They needn't apologize.Remember I was (entirely) one of you, and I can't keep hidden when the time has come to lend a hand. Today is the day of salvation.
Quit trying to push your
Quit trying to push your beleifs on people and don't judge them or their actions until you've walked a mile in their shoes and experienced what they have experienced. I'm not trying to disrespect you or your beliefs. That's not how a well minded adult acts.
Look inwards
Why are you so afraid to think for one second that just because somebody doesn't believe the same thing as you that they are doomed for eternity? I was a Christian for most of my life and it's amazing how much more peaceful my life is now that I can open my eyes and see the beauty in everyone without condemning them for seeing things with a different perspective than my own. If you believe that I am stuck in some sort of sinful rut then let that be my problem. Your criticism is not constructive and has an ugly tone of distaste. I hope that your beliefs bring you joy and peace. That is the most important thing in my opinion. Not that everyone believes the same thing as I do, but that what they do believe makes THEM happy!
Replying to the person who
Replying to the person who said: " Mind-altering drug's never help maturity and development."
I absolutely & thoroughly disagree.
I've taken only mushrooms when it comes to psychadelics. There are different strains, some were really just funny experiences, but one time, one strain hit me extremely spiritually. I remember happily crying during that trip because I realized a truth about my purpose here that I still believe and live through to this day. The whole time, I felt like I was so important but so small in this vast world, it was something I can't compare.
I'm by no means a "regular" drug user. I take drug use very seriously. However, and unfortunately, some kids really are not smart or just get caught up in the wrong crowd and end up not being careful about it. A good analogy is like handing two different people 1 million dollars. Their level of maturity and development, as you say, will not change just because they have the money or they don't. It's how they handle that money. So, like anything else in this world, HOW you handle drugs is extremely important. If you gained nothing from your experiences, then that's sad, but at least you're good now. But I've walked away without abusing any drugs, and think it's amazing that I got to experience something like that.
Also, that statement about "good people stay away from weed" is just ignorant. You know people like Michael Phelps, who has won *how* many Olympic medals now openly does marijuana? Many good and accomplished people do it. If you abuse it, that's another story. You should understand the difference. Same thing with things like alcohol. There are people who enjoy a night out, or an occasional drink - then there are alcoholics. Learn this.
any advice from one parent to another?
I just learned yesterday that my 18 yr old son has been taking large amounts of acid and other hallucinogenic drugs for about 2+yrs. He has just opened up and I believe recently tried to commit suicide from a trip he was experiencing. I'm not angry or disappointed, but concerned and afraid. He last took something on Friday and I think he's still suffering and basically high. He wants help and I will do anything for him. Suggestions? God bless you and your family. Thank you.
Pray pray pray
I am not a parent, however I have one and my mom did the best thing for me when I was depressed after using acid. After I sat down with her and told her of the negative view on life I had and how I was worried and depressed (I left out the use of drugs) she told me the most profound words that have changed my life, she said, "Pray". And not having any hope or understanding of how or why, praying was my last option. For about a week I would pray to God and ask Him to help me and give me hope, give me peace, give me the ability to love because I felt I had lost it. I remember everytime I would pray a peace would come apon me and for a brief moment I would have no worry. After a week of praying on my own I would see signs from God everywhere, reminding me of His love for me. Since then (3 years later) I am actively involved in my church and am finishing up with school.
Prayer is the only remedy, God can and will lift him, just tell him to pray and God can and will lift him.
Acid was the worst thing I could have done, what most users wont tell you is the after effect of the drug, the trip itself is mindblowing, but the coming down is depressing because you realize how the Real World is not lalalooney love land, there are real issues to deal with in life. I pray God the redeemer saves all from the enslavement of the drug.
Ma'am: Are you a
Ma'am: Are you a stay-at-home mom -- it is important for you to spend lots of time with him now, not interrupted by you going to work. Maybe you can take a week vacation to stay home with your son. Do you have a good relationship with your son and are you aware of any issues he has been having, such as anger, frustration, etc. Have you asked him in a nonconfrontational manner what his motivations were/are for taking hallucinogens? See, the basic issue with hallucinogens is the person's motivation. These drugs are very dangerous if taken simply for the fun of it. The person taking the hallucinogen must have a very clear idea in mind for the reason for taking the drug. Have/can you sit down with him and ask why he has been doing this? I strongly advise reading a book written by Stanislav Groff, but after looking at Amazon, I don't see this book listed and cannot remember the title of the book. It was the first book he wrote about using LSD to re-integrate the personality. You must get through to him that he can choose what he wants to see, what he wants to explore. Sit down with a cup of tea such as Earl Grey, not ordinary Lipton tea -- choose a tea with flavors. I love Earl Grey because of the bergamot flavor. Ask him to focus on the taste and tell you what he tastes. Lead him to understand that LSD opens the mind and breaks down the walls of our perception and it is important to focus on positive. Get some flowers that have a scent, either from your garden or from a friend's garden, and have him smell them and focus on how wonderful the flowers smell and lead him toward thinking about how wonderful nature is that God (or whomever, the ineffable is exactly what it is) created for us. Is he breathing properly, i.e., calming breaths are best, not hyperventilating or shallow breathing. You must realize that he is taking drugs for some reason, not for spiritual growth, and you must redirect his attention to the positive. Also, try to keep the TV turned OFF -- TV has some really horrible programs on it and what you must do now is get him "down" from his "high" and keep out negative influences such as the TV. I personally have a great love for classical music and if he has been exposed to such music, put some classical CDs in the CD player and lead him to focus on the music and have him describe what he sees and feels. Do not play any loud harsh music. Keep his environment peaceful. When he returns to normalcy, you must see to it that he starts an exercise program, get off sugar as much as possible and eat unprocessed food. No meat for a while would also be good, because most meat offered in the grocery store is not really fit for consumption. You, mom, must be the foundation of your family and it is your responsibility to create a peaceful atmosphere for your family. Do you have a garden? If you live in an apartment, get some house plants, and you might even consider a small container garden of herbs growing in a sunny window. The point is to see "life" -- plants growing, wonderful music, good food, etc., not "ugly". Some people claim that they suffer from flashbacks, but if that is true (which I do not believe happens but there are some who claim that they have flashbacks and it freaks them out), teach him to focus on positive alive things such as trees, the wind, flowers, etc. I also strongly recommend that you and your son start learning yoga. This will calm the mind and help him understand what is happening to him. Also, a difficult subject is sex. Many people get caught up in sexual activities when high on drugs, and this is a waste of time for your son at this point in time. I don't know what to say more than that hopefully his issues are just that he is frightened, and his fright comes from not controlling the environment and not having a clear purpose for taking drugs. You must teach him to keep himself grounded (plants, eating healthy, exercising), and you must somehow impress on your son that drugs are not for just to see what will happen. If reading the Bible helps him, then by all means read the Bible, but focus on the psalms as they are very comforting. Genesis is wonderful, as it tells us that we were created by God in his image and made the earth with all the animals and plants. God breathed life into us, and your son must realize that he has to learn to be inspired in his life. If reading spiritual books helps him, then do that. I hope and pray that your son will understand what has happened to him and that you will be able to rebuild your family in a positive and growing and loving manner. As I said, one must have a clear purpose before embarking on a trip, and there is a time in a person's life in which tripping is good and times in which tripping is not so good. I hope you will write back and let me know if your son and your family gets going in a positive manner.
Peace, love, blessings,
You are wonderful
This comment is great, a lot of people take this to have fun and see things; you're absolutely right. This is for reconstructing, loving, and learning. The words you have sewn together are perfect for describing what LSD is used for. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
This comment is awesome, I
This comment is awesome, I use it for same reasons and have the same theory. God bless
Just a little afraid of what might happen....
I'm little afraid of what might happen when my boy friend who will be taken shrooms for the first time. I'm very supportive of what he wants to do but after reading the long term effects it scares me. Wha5 if he one day forgets about me or something important or forgets when he was born etc. I just want some reassurance that everything will be ok because I askk him questions just to learn more about it he answers with I don't know and leaves it at that I would feel better if he just says hey there will be side effects with what I'm taking but it's going to be all right.... I just want some one to reasuure me that it wont be as bad as they say when he takes it again. I wish I could express my fears to him but he gets all upset and say if I show him what I'm feeling it will effect his trip I don't want to do that but I wish he would just comfort me and studied this a little bit more so he could reassure me that everything will be ok and all of the perminate( sorry I cant spell) effects wont take effect I hope he just does it once in a while like he says I know he wont be addicted but he is going to do the ayhuaska sorry I cant speel it, and I hope he wont get the long term effects. I don't want him to lose his memory or have violent outburst. That's all I love him very much and I don't want him to die from any drug I had so many deaths in my family and if he does I don't know what will I do. Thanks for listing guys I just needed to write how I'm feeling because I feeling some vibes that he needs to be more at peace with him self and more open and not so angry with the world before he tales it for the reason he is taking it for. I feel much better now getting this off my chest and sorry for the spelling
Peace, love, smile, happiness....
Don't be afraid, but be careful
You're boyfriend will be fine. The most recent research states that psychedelic drugs basically do more good than harm. I'd also probably let him be on his own for the most part or just around other people on psychedelics. My understanding is that sober girlfriends don't necessarily help with the safety of a psychedelic trip. Maybe let him learn about his own mind on his own. It'll truthfully probably be best.
While it can be harmful to have an overly anxious girlfriend making you nervous throughout your entire trip (speaking from personal experience) as it can make your boyfriend more focused on keeping your anxiety down than his own, I want to say that it is almost NEVER ever ever a good idea to leave people on psychedelics unattended or amongst themselves. It is very possible that during a trip you may completely lose sense of what kind of things are okay and what aren't, and it's absolutely critical to have someone you trust with you to help make those differentiations. Especially for someone inexperienced with psychedelics. As for long-term side effects, I've never met anyone whose had "violent outburst" caused by previous trips, and unless you have a flashback to a particularly terrible trip they don't tend to be nearly as intimidating as they sound. Flashbacks generally last a couple of minutes and are basically like a very very very very weak trip, so if he's able to handle a full on psychedelic experience a flashback to that should feel more like a refreshing free mini-trip than a cause for alarm. I just want to emphasize again the importance of having a sober sitter that's sincerely accepting and preferably exited about what the person who will be tripping is about to do. Any anxieties or fears that a sober person has while babysitting someone on psychedelics will be felt and multiplied by the person tripping. As a sitter your job is to comfort, NEVER to be comforted. Remember that your boyfriend will be in a state of emotional and mental vulnerability and it is never pleasant to have to muster up the strength to comfort someone you care about while in this state. I've had to spend one of my most intense trips convincing my girlfriend and best friend that i'd be okay and I still remember this as being one of the most exhausting and debilitating experiences of my life. On the other hand I've been in situations where I was babysitting an individual who was having an absolutely terrible trip (she was someone with a lot of problems before hand and having all these things surface right in her face although unpleasant ended up being incredibly rewarding and life changing afterwords) and through simply telling her she'd make it through this and maintaining a sincerely positive approach she was able to eventually get better and now sees the experience as a good thing. The important thing is that while someone is tripping, always associate the trip with positivity, love, and acceptance. NEVER make someone feel like you're disappointed or bothered by the fact that they're experiencing the world differently than you are.
You just need a release
If you are working all the time and feel stressed out? LSD can help with that. I am a full time student and on a waiter so whenever I have extra cash flow I dose the fuck out ( take acid). It changes a lot of things but not who you are as a person. don't act like your world is coming to an end just relax escape from your surroundings we will see you in a few hours. Just take it for whatever you can from the trip don't be a pussy and have some fucking fun. Blast space cadets enjoy ride see you on the other side. Peace out girl scout.
Yours truly
read my post
Submitted by Serendip Visitor (guest) on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 11:07pm.
Amen, I became a follower of Christ after years of drug abuse.
I used LSD Many times but TRULY regret it now. I honestly believe it has affected the way I think in such a profound way.
I think about things in such great detail and depth. Which sounds great but my mind does not rest. I think and think and think about things that don't really matter. I see things in ways that many people do not, and it is a burden to be a part of society at times with people who have not altered their minds in the ways I chose to.
I suggest if you're thinking of doing acid, be aware there are consequences that will affect the rest of your life. Be wise and move forward with your life. there is life without drugs, without hate. There is hope and goodness and beauty without the escape.
Where the trip takes you. God can give you an even greater experience. I've done every drug in the book just about and there is NOTHING greater than the name of JESUS
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain
You are already on a drug which christians call Jesus christ mr,hmmm,what si it?,hhhhhhh ok ok Mr Serendip Visitor
Drugs are not bad - the way people abuse them is. Experiencing with your own conscience is a beautiful effect of drugs. The world we live in is so preoccupied with time and money. In reality, one cannot be defined by age or money. Rather than judging someone by looks (age) or the size of their house (money), we should judge one by who they are on the inside. Personality is the key to life. If you are negative, bad things will happen. Positive people release energy that will eventually be the result of the good things that happen in their life. The world must realize drugs are not only for people who are unhappy and need to escape reality. Happy people can escape reality to discover how positive energy changes the world. Moderation is key and knowing when it is acceptable to use drugs is what separates people from drug addicts. To me, drugs are a way of emancipation from mental slavery, a break from this world that never sleeps, and most importantly a reminder that the only thing that matters is life itself.
I do not abuse drugs. I smoke marijuana. Let me rephrase that...I smoke A LOT of marijuana. Although I do not believe marijuana is a drug, most people do. If everyone ended their day with a blunt, they would be a lot more relaxed. I have tried numerous drugs in the past - cocaine, MDMA, xanax, percocets, name it I've probably tried it.
LSD is the reason I do not abuse drugs. After taking LSD, I realized these other drugs I have tried were just part of my story and a new page has began. I feel absolutely no need to do any of those drugs again. I do not feel a need to do LSD again, but out of any drug I've ever tried, LSD was the most awakening experience of them all. My perception on the way the world works changed, and I believe that we are all one. No one animal/person/plant is greater than another because we are all a form of life who needs another form of life to survive.
So just remember if you decide to try not fear a bad trip. The first and only time I did it, my driver got pulled over and the officer had no idea. I was not worried about him knowing because I was so preoccupied with the flashing cop car lights. I knew everything would work out and be okay. The officer let us go without any charges. At that moment, I realized that life works similarly to an acid trip. Everything will be okay in the end. Life has a way of working itself out to the point where everything we do will affect our lives in one way or another 50 years from now. Experimentation is a beautiful thing, and staying positive is the key to a good trip.
Lucy was wonderful in the sense that she made me aware of how beautiful this world is. I'm sure that someday I'll feel the need to take a vacation again, but what good would a vacation be if it didn't escape you from stress. By saying that all I mean is that until the day I feel stressed and need an escape I'll stick to my girl Mary. She seems to get the job done just fine.
That is so very well written,
That is so very well written, thank you! You have such a good point and I can't agree more. I hope people start to realise the positive effects of psychedelics and not judge them too quickly because of the taboo that drugs have. I'm 16 and despite the fact that I've been so terrified in my bad trips, I've also learned a life lesson. I used to be a really mean person, but after I saw the horrors in these parallel dimensions or the DMT world, I began to love everything. Appreciate life for what it is, and be thankful for the things god has given me. I'm not complaining anymore over small things anymore. Psychedelics is truly a method to reveal the true world we live in. It increases your awareness so profoundly, that it will be life changing. This is not a drug and it's certainly not fun either, in my opinion. It can be fun, but it's not meant to be used as party drugs. The main purpose of psychedelics, is to be teached about certain things, see life from other angles, get a bigger view of what 'life' really is. Get a greater awareness of what the 'I' is and get to know yourself better. My first trip was a bad trip. I made an overdose of psilocybin with tons of lemon. A lemon TEK, I believe it's called. I locked my door in my room, and covered the curtains, so it was COMPLETELY DARK. After that, I've never been the same as I was before. I'm a much better person, now that I finally saw the meaning of everything. And no I'm not delusional, what you see on a mushroom trip is not an illusion. It's a tool to see the true reality. But I won't get deeper into that, due to the fact that the experiences are quite subjective, EVEN though there's many familiar experiences on ayahuasca and salvia, the two most powerful hallucinogens. Much love, Michael <3
Totall agree with this
This totally explains why I (in the past, in my younger days) would feel a seretonin (almost ecstacy like) rush when getting high on mushrooms. Very interesting article and definitely sheds some light on the matter.
I have to say though, be careful with drugs you guys. As someone who experimented quite a bit in my youth, remember that the key to a good life is a sober and clear mind. Drugs are a great way to expand your mind and broaden your vision but they must be taken very carefully and should not be taken for granted, or great harm can come.
Wishing you all the best in health, life, and safety.
Tom from
My remarkable childhood
Hello all,
My names Slender and im here to tell you about the magical land of milk and mushrooms. :D
Okay whatever.
On the real, Im 18 years old, my last trip was exactly 17 months ago. I've come far from my rebellious
childhood, I've learned alot. Most people wouldn't even begin to understand my experience. I did my first mushroom when
I was 14 years old. I had never smoked weed, Never smoked a cigerette either. I'd never even heard of LSD before. I was
a confused adolescent who just wanted an escape from my daunting parents. That would cut me off at ever turn I made to
tell me I was inadequate and crazy. Cause mom had any room to talk. Women thought horses were eating out her garden at 2 in the morning, while she was standing in it. Crazy bat. Anyways, I learned that day, I was gay. No it wasnt the mushrooms, I had suspected it for a long while but I was 14. 4 years ago homophobia was a big fab and everyone who valued their life would NEVER be gay. Well, Starting that day, I realized that my existance here isnt because I have to follow all my parents walks and be what they want me to be. I need to be myself, I opened up like a safe and my personality shot out like a rainbow. My parents held me back, My moms an alcoholic, and my dads addicted to Methephetamens(How the fuck ever you spell it) METH. So I was alone in the world. Well the next 2 years of my life, I was the farthest from alone, I had over 20 best friends when before I only had 1. That seemed like a myrical too good to be true. But, unfortunatly, every dog has his day. I started doing mushrooms again, ALOT. I had only done them one time, Hell what can a few more do? I was completely dead fucking wrong. My world came tumbleing down, I had anxiety like noones business, I had depression, seizures, dumb thinking, You name the side effect, I absorbed it like a sponge. I dropped out at the beginning of my junior year, 16 and i was a drop out, working at mcdonalds, living with my cousin and 4 other teenagers that took drugs like skittles. And I was the only one with a job, Theres the dumb thinking I was talking about. I deserved the "Most likely to become an EMU" award. Well after being kicked out my dads house 3 times, I finally quit it all. I felt so withdrawed from reality. Nothing was how it used to be. It was like I had jumped into a time warp that blasted me 20 years in the future and everything I had known didn't exist. Depression at its worse. Well, Like I said, I am now 18, 17 months sober, Seizures stopped, on the lowest dose of anxiety pills, living with dad, waiting for Pharmacy Tech courses to open at the local community College. Basic moral here folks, Don't do them, Unless your not gonna do them again. Every now and then is fine, Moderation is key. Consumption is chaos. Thanks for reading! (: