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Paul Grobstein's picture

The risks and potentials of thinking

"Serendip is a gathering place for people who suspect that life's instructions are always ambiguous and incomplete ... an expanding forum and a continually developing set of resources to explore and support intellectual and social change ... in how one makes sense of life" .... Serendip home page

An interesting/satisfying Serendip couple of days ... 

Paul Grobstein's picture

Science and art, art and science, and .... life

My old colleague and friend Eric Raimy posted some interesting thoughts in Facebook recently.   Some excerpts for those who can't get there directly, followed by some thoughts of my own ...

Evolution as Story III

Evolution as Story III
10 Feb 2009 (PG)

Switch in story telling style from non-narrative foundational to narrative foundational to emergence

Serendip's Science and Culture Forum

Welcome. This open forum is for postings and discussions relevant to Serendip's Science and Culture resource page. Comments on materials linked to from there as well suggestions for additional materials are welcome here. Visit to find postings from others that you might find useful in your own thinking, and to leave postings that others might find useful. Postings may be delayed in appearing while they are checked to avoid spam.

Evolution as Story II

Evolution as Story II
3 Feb 2009 (PG)

Adaptive diversity can result from undirected variation and "selection" (= differential persistance, regardless of intent)

Paul Grobstein's picture

"Institutional thinking" and "thinking for one's self": finding common ground

In the 27 January 2009 New York Times, columnist David Brooks writes
"I thought it worth devoting a column to institutional thinking because I try to keep a list of the people in public life I admire most. Invariably, the people who make that list have subjugated themselves to their profession, social function or institution."
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