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Creating self awareness in the classroom

I found that Allison's lesson was interesting. I'm not a biology person, so having a lesson that was grounded in my life experiences was a welcolmed change. Since I'm teaching kindergarten this year I will have to mofify the lesson. In the beginning of the year I will ask them to draw of picture of what they want to do in school. I will then ask them to draw a picture of what scares them about school. I then want them to draw of picture of what they want me to do in school. I will then ask them to share their pictures in a group and I will walk around discussing their pictures with the kids. Afterwards I will bring them to the floor and with volunteers, create a chart recording children ideas about their pictures. Finally, I will summarize the leasson and chart. What I hope to achieve is a better understanding of what my students need and my role in facilitating their learning. It also allows me to try to ease fears of being in school for the first time. The children can also see what they as individuals and a whole want to learn. I want it to become a living document that will constanly be modified as the year progresses.
Rachel and Stephanie show
We think back to undergrad when you are asked to draw a picture of your ideal classroom, keeping in mind the size, space, and layout of the room.
Creating space to learn means ensuring that a child has enough space to complete a lesson. A student will feel comfortable physically and mentally and is motivated by center zones. Center zones can help activate prior knowledge. Space also means to leave enough wiggle room in a lesson for students to explore, reflect and question.
You need space to carry out inquiry so students have enough space to physically do the exploring. Is there enough spatial areas for students to work in a cooperative, collaborative space? Is there enough room for supplies to be organized and manipulated?
Space also applies to inquiry by allowing students to inquire and explore their ideas and thoughts. Feeling safe enough to explore. Personal space.