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Biology 202
2004 First Web
On Serendip
Pot, weed, grass, ganja and skunk, are some of the common words used to describe the dried leaves drug known as marijuana. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is "usually smoked or eaten to entice euphoria." (1). Throughout the years, there has been research on the negative and positive effects of marijuana on the human body and the brain. Marijuana is frequently beneficial to the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. However, researchers such as Jacques-Joseph Moreau have been working to explain how marijuana has harmful affects on the functions of central nervous system and hinders the memory and movement of the user's brain. The focus of my web paper is how the chemicals in marijuana, specifically cannabinoids and THC have an effect on the memory and emotions of a person's central nervous system.
Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons. These nerves respond by altering their initial behavior. For example, if a nerve is suppose to assist one in retrieving short-term memory, cannabinoids receptors make them do the opposite. So if one has to remember what he did five minutes ago, after smoking a high dose of marijuana, he has trouble. Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids, which are psychoactive compounds that are produced inside the body after cannabis is metabolized or is extorted from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids is an active ingredient of marijuana. The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is tetrahydrocannibol, or THC. THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana because it affects the brain by binding to and activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters."(2) Neurotransmitters are chemical messenger molecules that carry signals between neurons. Some of these affects are personality disturbances, depression and chronic anxiety. Psychiatrists who treat schizophrenic patient advice them to not use this drug because marijuana can trigger severe mental disturbances and cause a relapse.
When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. Marijuana's damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation. "One region of the brain that contains a lot of THC receptors is the hippocampus, which processes memory."(3) Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for memory, learning, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. It also converts information into short-term memory. "Because it is a steroid, THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits memory retrieval."(4) THC also alters the way in which sensory information is interpreted. "When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakness the short-term memory,"(5) and damages the nerve cells by creating structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain. When a user has a high dose of marijuana, new information does not register into their brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not able to retrieve new information for more than a few minutes. There is also a decrease in the activity of nerve cells.
There are two types of memory behavior that is affected by marijuana, recognition memory and free cells. Recognition memory is the ability to recognize correct words. Users can usually recognize words that they previous saw before smoking but claim to recognize words that they did not previously see before smoking. This mistake is known as memory intrusions. Memory intrusions are also the consequence of THC affecting the free cell of the brain. "Marijuana disrupts the ability to freely recall words from a list that has been presented to an intoxicated subject."(6) For example, if a list of vocabulary words presented to the intoxicated subject and few minutes later, they have to recall the words that were on the list. The only words that they remember are the last group of words and not the words that are in the beginning of the list. This is an initiation that their memory storage has been affected. "The absence of an effect at short term delay times indicates that cannabinodis did not impair the ability to perform the basic task, but instead produce a selective learning and/or memory deficit."(7) I did a study with two college students (Student A and Student B) who both smoke marijuana every other week. This particular study was done an hour before, while and after they were under the influence of the drug. Student A was watching television before she smoked marijuana, was asked which advertisement was splayed before the show started and she got four out of five of her answers correct. After this first section, she smoked a small dose of marijuana twice within an hour. Fifteen minutes after she smoked her last blunt, she continued her regular activity of watching sitcoms. When a commercial would come on, I would ask her simple questions like what happened before the show went to a commercial break. Her responses would be macro-answers about what was going on but when I asked her what the main character was wearing, she did not remember. This was ironic because the protagonist wore a bright yellow suit that my friend commenting on earlier when the show began ten minutes ago. Her short-term memory is weakening because she was only able to remember big picture information and not small picture. Though the results are interesting, I know that I would have had different response on someone else because it depends on how often the user smokes and if they have good memory prior to smoking weed.
Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next. This instant change in emotions has to do with the way that THC affects the brain's limbic system. The limbic system is another region of the brain that governs one's behavior and emotions. It also "coordinates activities between the visceral base-brain and the rest of the nervous system."(8) I am now going to use Students B to describe how emotions are affected by marijuana. Students B is an articulate and well spoken young woman who has a troublesome relationship with her best friends which gets her upset and tense up. But after she smoked one high dose weed, her body was relaxed however, she had trouble formulating her thoughts clearly and would talk in pieces and was jubilant. It has been researched that a person needs to have high dose of marijuana would be in the state of euphoria. High dose of marijuana is measured as "15mg of THC can cause increased heart rate, gross motor disturbances, and can lead to panic attacks."(9) Thankfully, Student A did not experience any of these extreme examples.
College students usually smoke marijuana because they are stressed over schoolwork and feel that marijuana can help them unwind. I have encountered marijuana smokers who are chilled and have no worries in the world but after the effect of the drug wears off, they're sometimes capable to tacking their problem or at the original state that they were in before the drug. The effects of happiness that marijuana usually cause to the user is not a lasting effect because even though a user smokes weed to get away from the troubles of his/her own life, they still have to face these problems after the effects of the drug wears-off. In a survey with college student, an organization called, parents: the Anti-Drug interviewed college students and found that "compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention."(10) This was evident through my second experiment with Student B but not everyone who smoke high doses of marijuana experience the same affect.
The chemicals in marijuana bring cognitive impairment and troubles with learning for the user. "Smoking [marijuana] causes some changes in the brain that are like those caused but cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Some researchers believe that has changes may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted to other drugs such a cocaine and heroin."(11) To prevent such harm, one must be cautious of their actions. Those who do not do drugs do not risk harm. So please the next day you light up, remember you that you central nervous system and brain will be at risk.
2)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
3)Mind Over Matter: Marijuana Series, A Good Web Source
4)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
5)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
6)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
7)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
8)Marijuana and the Brain by John Gettman. High Times, March, 1995, A Good Web Source
9)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
10)Parents. The Anti-Drug. -- Drug Information, A Good Web Source
11)Marijuana: Marijuana Brain Effects, A Good Web Source
Comments made prior to 2007
I smoked pot straight now since I was 13 years old Im
25 now I smoke it everyday literally through a Bong. I do not smoke
well im at work but as soon as im off and for the remainder of the
evening till I end up going to bed I do smoke. Now I read your page
about the effects pot has on short term memory and brain function,
Since I started smoking pot my asthma has vanished my grades went up in
school my mind learns at quicker rates and my short term memory is far
from gone There isnt much I forget about, unless it is because of my
selective memory. Were the people that you tested on already marijuana
smokers and also there are diff things to be taken into consideration
when testing a substance for example the way it was grown marijuana has
to be grown with nutrients and fertalizers to become potent enough to
smoke for a high but when people use these fertilizers and such they
sometimes do not leech the foods out from the plants which could lead
to all kinds of bad side effects Im wondering if this kind of
inforamtion is taken into consideration when giving test subjects
marijuana to smoke or ingest.
I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all
nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones
your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006
Yeah...i disagree on a lot of things that you have to say about this. Like for one some of the things you mentioned only happen while you're high, but after the high goes away those things do as well. Marijuana is not addicting like other hard drugs or alcohol. Also marijuana helps people with ADD, makes them focus better, and sometimes learn better. Sometimes when you smoke your nerves are more dull, but sometimes they can be more alive, so to speak. You need to know that everybody reacts to marijuana differently. So these test that your doing don't go for everybody. You need to let people know that or else thats kind of false information. Something that really got to me is when you were talking about how people do it to relax and get their mind of things and once the highs gone all the problems come back. Well once again everybody reacts differently to marijuana. A lot of people when there high talk a lot about there problems and life in general. What I'm getting at here is that while their high they can figure out there problems because being high brings you into a new type of world and you think about everything more carefully. It's like it opens up your brain and lets you think more into your thoughts and about whats going on. A lot of times they can solve their problems like that, especially when there is someone there with them to talk to. Marijuana also brings people together. I know someone who hated a bunch of people, but then one day ended up smoking with them. Next thing she knew, they were all the best of friends. I know a group of people and within that group you've got your "gangster" type, Punk type, goth type, preppy type, hick type, and the list just keeps going. All of them probably wouldn't even talk if it wasn't for marijuana bringing them together. I have a lot more to say but, I'm not going to because I have pretty much proved my point. Also marijuana brings the creativeness out in people. Some of the greatest authors, poets, music artist, painters, and so on, get their great ideas or create there masterpieces by being high.
P.S I would also like to add that I am a chronic user and I could remember your whole entire report on it. I also have excellent grades in school, in fact better than when I didn't smoke. I also would just like to add one more thing: You will not understand or ever be able to know how or what marijuana does to you unless you do it yourself. Trust me I once was all anti-marijuana and always said that it does all these bad things to you and blah blah blah. Well now I actually know how it really does make people feel because I have experienced it and everything there is in that type of world.
P.S.S I do agree with a few things that you had to say ... Jen, 9 November 2006
Hi, I really found this information very useful because it IS a misconvention among most of the college/university goers that marijuana increases concentration and increases the work capacity of an individual. I personally believe that it DOES increase the work capacity of the abuser to some extent, that's when the drug abuser is not in a "stoned" state of mind, but then too, what is at stake is the brain and central nervous system malfunctioning, which degrades the intellectual, job and social skills. So in my opinion, it's not a good deal ... Ankur Gupta, 25 February 2007
allright tell me something if you say a list of say 20-30 vocabulary words and you were asked to read them over, then you were asked say 5 minutes later to remember as many of those words as you can, do you really think you'll be able to do that? no i bet if you asked 100 people to do that that around 90% of them wouldnt be able to do it.
also riddle me this batman, how many people die each year from drunk driving accidents? now dont im pretty sure you've been drunk, and maybe once smoked pot in your life right? well which had a more sever affect the weed or the alcohol? yeah the alcohol!
im a stoner i will proudly say that. but if i have the choice between alcohol and weed i'd take weed anyday. i've driven high that isnt a problem. when im high i drive a little slower then normal and im lookin for the nearest 7-11.
weed isnt a drug it has no addictive characteristics what so ever!!! ciggaretes kill more people then alchol,guns,and pissed off husbands who come home early.
now weed doesnt lead to other drugs what so ever, i've been smokin the stuff everyday for the past 4 years and i have yet to even think about trying other drugs. if mother nature didnt want us to smoke it she wouldnt have put it here!
its as simple as that!! ... Reader on the web, 21 July 2007
Hello, I was told about this site as a friend of mine was completing a research paper. As I looked over it, there seems to be lots of misinformation involved, and my friend has abandoned this site. I wouldn't mind if you read through all of my message carefully. To start off, the following statement is not backed by any scientific evidence what so ever. "Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons." This has been proven to be false on multiple occasions since the 1970's. Cannabinoids to not not impinge on the nervous system what so ever, this isn't lysergic acid we're dealing with. "Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids" This quote right here is misleading. Every plant is comprised of hundreds of chemicals. In fact, they're not even chemicals, they're just substances that comprise the plants' structure. Also, the majority of cannabinoids that are also found in cannabis are produced by the body naturally. Also regarding cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters." This is simply false, I do not know where this source came from. Your brain does not use cannabinoid receptors for memory, thought, or concentration. Next,saying that "When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered." is also blatantly false. Marijuana does not directly impact memory, but short term memory only when high off of THC or CBD is affected because the user may be 'distracted' if you will from the plant it self. Also, referring to a 'high dose' of marijuana is ridiculous. There is no such thing as a high dose of Cannabis because there is no possible way to overdose. It is strictly impossible. The most obnoxious quote that i've read from this site is, "Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next." I cannot believe that this would even be published. MARIJUANA DOES NOT CHANGE A USERS STATE OF MIND. PEOPLE CAN MAKE THE SAME RATIONAL DECISIONS AS THEY WOULD WHEN NOT USING THE PLANT. PERIOD. I am actually appalled by what I've read here, and I'm even more appalled by the sources you've used. Unlike true informational sites, you've only used web sources. That is completely absurd. If you look at any reasonable fact site about Cannabis you will see that the sources that are used are mainly from published books and factual citations. Please realize that much of what is on this web page is completely false and misleading. I wouldn't mind hearing a response soon to defend your case ... Spiros Thomas, 7 November 2007
I have been smokeing for 6
I have been smokeing for 6 years and im now a senior in high school and i can truly say weed is not addictive. I also smoke cigarets and i have stopd both for a wile and the only thing i had trouble with was cigarets. I started back smokeing cigarets and stil had no bad urge to smoke weed. I have started smokeing weed again and im still a succesful student.
And another thing yea when your high you look stupid, well if your high enouph you kind of feel stupid but to me it depends on what kinda of weed i have. Uselly the higher grade weed gives me a cleaner high and tend to make me feel more entergetic than the cheaper weed. It kind of depends on the type. Sometimes I feel sleepy and most of the time are hungry but im not complaning im 18 and only weigh about 115 120 so i need to eat.
I do not smoke to take my problems away. I usely can deal with seriouse problems better when i am high. I seem to think about it more and not freak out.
I have smoked weed every morning before i go to school, and yes it makes me feel more lazy than usual but i still have that drive to do my work and not get behind, so i am makeing A's & B's. I seem to get a little tired when i am "comming down" or when i start loosing my high. But it is NOT enouph to effect my school work.
I do have to say it does affect your memory negitivly but not enouph to were i can not live everyday without a problem. Weed can be habit forming if you smoke everyday for a wile but from my experience it is not addictive!
y r ppl so illiterate to the facts
Sleepy and hungry are jus 2 of the many. let's not leave out the temper that is shown if you cant smoke when u want to. Dope smokers are crazy as hell and they dnt even realize it, what is so scary about it you have ppl with intelligence doing this shit and we wonder y society is so fucked up. their only focus is to get high that is the only thing they know. Damn stop limiting these actions to others its all u asses. Marijuna is marijuna and it does have a negative affect yall just too friggin high to c it
what temper are you talking
what temper are you talking about? ive never seen or heard of anyone EVER having a temper because they arent smoking weed. why are pot heads crazy? because your parents told you so? or because your too stupid to see that everyone is different so you just stereotype everyone by the majority and that if you smoke pot, your a loser socially and your doing it because your life sucks. usually if im not high im inside watching tv or something lazy but when im high all i wanna do is walk around outside and listen to music/talk to friends which in my opinion is a positive effect on my life. society has been fucked up ever since people started figuring out that it wasnt god causing good and bad things to happen and started to make rational decisions based on the physical evidence they have been presented but there are still people like you that dont question the your morals and instead blindly follow them
Duh, pot is a drug. So is
Duh, pot is a drug. So is alcohol. And what about medicine. There are plenty prescribed drugs out there that have more devestating side effects than weed. I agree that if you somke pot only to take your problems away, professional help may be needed. For me, getting high is soothing way to end a stressful day. I know there are healthier ways to deal with stress, but i find smoking very enjoyable. So what if i'm a little retarded before bed. I wake up refreshed and ready for another day of work.
Really? WOW. Sleepy and
Really? WOW. Sleepy and hungry? I hate it when people judge other people without even knowing them or having knowledge of whats going on. Like really, do you think that people that are "high" act sleepy and hungry. GEEZZZ.
Student Researching
I think Marijuana shoud be illegal but pepole should not get such a bad punishment for geting caught with it its just a plant in its not like drunk driving you dont see pepole getting killed from weed you see them getting killed form drunk driving...
I beleive that all drugs no
I beleive that all drugs no matter of the effects should be classed by there death toles, if people take drugs in order to deal with a particular mental or physical conidition that is there choose, dosen't make it right but right and wrong is something that needs much debate. The main thing is the majority of people believe LIFE its self is precious and that has the most outstanding vote beats all of the pros and cons of drugs, unless the con itself happens to be the end to some poor sods life even if that poor sod had his life taken by enoughter drug abuser. And i personally beleive boths sides of this argument has ground to stand on but the first statement is far from being educational due to the one sidednese, and most of what you said even my common sense picked up on but im not trying to attack you ,i do like where you from but thats what forums are 4 to be attacked from new directions.
I am outraged with the
I am outraged with the replies of these stoners. I can not understand why they think the way they do. ofcourse weed alters the way you think when using. Whenever my aquantence's are 'high', they are dellousional and can not piece togther a proper sentence. I think you will go far in life giving these knowledgable speeches about marijuana!
I totally agree with
I totally agree with everthing you said!!
I think its ridiculous and they all act DUMB when using the drug!!
They just dont want to admit it!
They don't act dumb
It's not that they act dumb, most people cant help the way they act while their high. it is a could experience, if you can remeber what happened.
From personal experience
That is true. I've smoked before and it made me lose sense of time and I felt everything I was saying was very slow and I wouldn't be able to complete my sentence correctly.
However, people who are too drunk can barely walk, and can't talk because they're too busy trying not to pass out on the sidewalk in front of bars and pubs. More often than not, drinking alot will make you throw up and will cause irreparable damage to your kidney.
A person who's extremely high might not have control over their thoughts and mind; however, they have good control over their body.
I used to be very judgmental against people who smoked weed and hash and used to give the same arguments you are giving. However, after being both extremely drunk and extremely high, the only reason I used to favor alcohol was because it was easily accepted by society and the hangover was only a physical one and not only a mental one as well. However, after extensively researching the effects of THC on the body and comparing them with the effects of alcohol, I realized that there was no reason to feel guilty at all when smoking weed. The only guilt I have is that the hangover it gives makes you very light headed the next day, which is something that can be easily overcome by a glass of milk or a cup of coffee.
I could be wrong, but I am speaking of my personal experience. Not everyone can go through the same thing.
I am proud to say though that I stopped smoking because I've been able to recreate the happy feelings I used to feel when high naturally. That is the ultimate state of mind.
I think you need to check
I think you need to check out what else your acquaintances are doing? I have been observing tokers for forty years and the only people I have ever seen incoherent when smoking have either been using another substance as well or they have been incoherent prior to their taking up the habit.
I agree. I have been somking
I agree. I have been somking for over 10 years. The only time anybody seemed real messed up, is under the influence of other substances.
I don't agree.
One time I made some really, really super potent pot brownies. Not realizing the potency, I downed one. I became so high that I could not complete sentences and it took 10 minutes for me to ask my friend where his bathroom was. I love weed, but I don't like it when people say things in defense of weed that are false, such as "weed can never make someone speak in incoherent sentences unless they are taking other substances or were already speaking incoherently before they used weed."
wow... i don't agree with you....
ok, 1st off.... yeah, if you eat a shit-load of bud brownies, your going to be stoned off your ass dude.... 2nd say a "normal" smoker, who smokes a bowl every 3-4 hours like me for example, can live life fine, Shit.... i can speak correctly... i always can and always will. I smoke all day every day, i got a 4.5 gpa in highschool, and i'm now going to UNLV. And 3rd off - smoking bud (pot) is not harmful at all... unless you shit face abuses it and make it look bad to every-one eles, so they can think it's bad.bud is only bad if you make it bad. Just like Drinking!!!! but not NEAR as bad.
well then that also depends on your state of mind and a lot of other unconfirmed mental states. Those people who you responded with your comment of: "I love weed, but I don't like it when people say things in defense of weed that are false, such as" ("weed can never make someone speak in incoherent sentences unless they are taking other substances or were already speaking incoherently before they used weed.")
Can you prove that statement wrong? I personally have never seen an person speaking incoherently and, or, with other negative effects mentally whle high on weed, and I've been near a lot of stoners... you have no scientific proof and neither do they so this so called argument we have here is pointless everyone will always have a different opinion.
"There are pros and cons to
"There are pros and cons to everything under the sun. That dosen't [sic] mean that you shouldn't try it all..."
Following your logic, obviously there are PROS to:
-jumping off the Empire State Building
-drunk driving
-smoking crack or meth
-child molestation
-Shall I keep going?...
Sorry, but not only is your drug-induced logic utterly flawed, but you don't exactly exude intelligence. Forgive me if I don't join your crusade.
Man -o-man , you really need
Man -o-man , you really need to lighten up , light up and be more tolerent and kinder to your fellow man !!
pro and con to everything?
I find it highly offensive that you think there is a pro to child molestation. As a victim of this I find it sickening to think there was a pro to this at all! You are the one exuding a lack of intelligence to say there are any pros to anorexia, smoking crack/meth and drunk driving (which I have lost family to). The simple fact is you know nothing about life. How dare you put that horrible stuff in the same category as smoking pot. Maybe if you smoked it would open your heart so you could realize how insensitive to your fellow humans you are. Your brainwashed logic is very much flawed.
Pros to Cons?
now see the things your are listing are CONS to things, and there cannot be pros to cons.. like for example drunk driving is a CON to Drinking but there are pros to drinking also. Anorexia is a CON to self appearence but there are pros to your self appearence too, shall i keep going?
but think about it you are naming these things and saying that there are no pros to these things and you are absolutly correct but the reason is, THEY ARE CONS.
I hate biased people who submit responses arbitrarily to things on a website at 1:15 in the morning! I have smoked for almost 15 years and, although I currently do not, I feel like I have a more balanced perspective than most people. I don't see any positive aspects of alcohol, other than the ability to take home very homely girls when you are severely drunk (beer goggles). And looking for positive side affects of crack cocaine is absolutely insane, period. And child molestation, really!!!!!! But whether or not you want to admit it, weed has never killed anybody (unless you include those who have been shot in an armed robbery in a conveinance store looking for FunYuns). Alcohol, crack, heroin, and CIGARETTES kill hundreds of thousands of people per year. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERDOSE ON WEED, PERIOD!!!! One cannot say the same for nicotine, it CAN kill you.
All in all, you can stay on your side, I wouldn't want you bringing down the side of the right anyhow.
Right side?!?!
Addicts and users will always defend their "friend"; never take responsibility but rather place blame. They're masters at spinning the truth. No one is trying to convince you. Keep smoking, snorting, shooting're the one who bought into the lie that escaping reality is better than facing it. So go ahead take another toke. There are people who would rather be educated, gain knowledge through facts. I'm just on the side who has peace and fulfillment without any substance.
a little extreme don't ya
a little extreme don't ya think? I'm 17 and I've been smoking marijuana daily probably 4 to 8 grams on a daily bases and on weekends about an oz every day on the weekend. (weekend would be Fri-Sun) i find my best moments I've ever had in life i was under the influence however when i experience depression smoking marijuana was a huge help BUT if something depressing happened while smoking or already "high" I'd have extreme thoughts some worse than others example fast heart beat to having suicidal thoughts. Now mind you I've never had a suicidal thoughts until i started smoking, but i feel there are way more benefits to smoking marijuana even though the few downsides there are, are much more extreme than the benefits. But what it all comes down to is the person there mental stability and how marijuana affects them and how well the person can handle their emotions.
everything under the sun
the article never brought up alcohol or tried to take an opinion on pot but he attacks it with dumb over used arguments - yes alcohol is legal - yes alcohol is dumb. but the point is what pot does to your brain and it does those things, i smoke everyday and if i said there are no bad parts i would be full of shit - just like you guys. Pot does degrade memory trust me. but the main point of this is that child molestation, drunk driving, anorexia, jumping of the empire state building and the rest of your list which i cant remember all do have pros; anorexia makes you skinny, jumping of the empire state building would be fun as hell, driving your car when you are drunk is fun and convienant, and molesting children gets people off sexually. those are all pros, obviously you determine if they outway the cons. everything has a benefit though, people wouldn't do them if they didn't have some good parts
Pros and Cons as per Lisa
LISA: There are many flaws to your logic, although you are justified in your feelings. Marijuana is not at all as beneficial as activists will say. Some MS patients will say, Marijuana is infact not NEAR as strong enough a drug to even come close to releving the effects of a disease that strips the protection off of your nerve's. This is quite simply put of course. HOWEVER I do see your comments portray you as someone who has been heavily influenced, by what popular government and media would have you believe. ie: comparing Marijuana to Crystal meth. I have smoked marijuana for many years. I excelled EXCEDINGLY well in MATH and PHYSICS, both on and off Marijuana, although I never did grasp Grammar too well so forgive my poor sentence structure's.
This comment would be disassembled simply by the fact you do not die from Marijuana use directly. IN FACT eating marijuana has very little affect on your health, smoking is not the only way to put THC or CBD into your system. Eating Pot may increase the amount of day to day toxins in your system such as Advil would or Tylenol. I would not recommend abuse of either of these drugs.
Eating disorders are generally not so much a choice, some people have problems with eating as a result of a physical ailment in there gastrointestinal system, which Ironically enough to your statement, Marijuana has been recognized by many to be somewhat of a 'cure', if you will for Anorexia as it stimulates your appetite. For some this is directly a result of increased metabolic activity. Marijuana affects the rate at which you Thyroid gland excrets hormones and other chemicals which directly effects your metabolizm.
Driving under the influence of anything, be it more than recommended dose of Advil, can inhibit your reaction time. Marijuana does not affect the speed at which Adrenaline is released into your system. Adrenaline is one of the main ingredients, in your bodies ability to react. That being said, marijuana has been known in some cases to increase heart rate. One could argue that this may in fact deliver Adrenaline faster to the brain receptors that cause a motor response to a visual stimulus.
I have smoked Marijuana for YEARS and have never even so much as had the urge to try either Crack or Meth. Marijuana is not a gateway drug, you are. You choose to smoke or eat pot just like you would choose to snort cocaine, they are 2 mutualy exclusive substances, with entirely different effects on your body.
5. CHILD MOLESTATION: This is one of the most disgusting comparisons to smoking pot I have ever heard. POT does not cause an innocent child to be raped by someone who should never have been around children in the first place. Legalized use of Pot would be victimless, unlike Raping Children. Of all your comments LISA this one made you seem the most unintelligable.
6. SHALL I KEEP GOING?? PLEASE DO. I would be amazed if you had the guts to respond. You are free to believe whatever you want, but your were the first of all responses to this VERY inaccurate report on Pot effects on the brain, that I had to Rebutle. You NEED to educate yourself. I am a devout spriitualist, I believe everyone on earth has a right to salvation or positive energy flow or Buddhist philosophy and I feel things good come from the earth, but not all things. I am reminded of an earlier response that refered to Pot bringing people together. The bible talks of a plant for the healing of all nations. In my impression it is to unite people, unlike your comments.
Sincerely ME
ya'lll needa check
ya'lll needa check yourselves.. i been smokin for 3 years.. i aint jumped off a building, smoked crack, drove drunk... n anorexia isnt a problem.. weed gives you somethin called the munchies... so get ya facts straight.. why dont you try it before you go off sayin shit bout it.. n it aint addiciting...
Been there and did it
Mate everyone out there needs a good fucken reality check!! Everything that everyone has said is exactly what I use to say about Mull. I started smoking pot on a daily basis from the age of thirteen years of age.. you know just kicking back and hanging out with my mates. Thinking we were all having this highly intelligent conversations because after all we were all on the same wavelenght-that being stoned. We went from there to smoking Mull from the minute we got up to the minute we went to bed. This went on everyday all day and if I didn't have a cone before I went to bed I couldn't sleep. This was a huge reality check. I knew I had a huge problem and had to stop and as hard as it was I did. I had children and moved on from my mates who don't even realise they are doing the same shit, hanging out with the same old same old.Just recently I was also in a great relationship with a guy for nearly six years. Everything was great except he became what I was years ago.. addicted to pot. Smoked from the morning he woke up to the minute he went to bed. Still hangs out with the boys from school(we're in the thirties age group)and things just had to change. As much as I love him I had to let him go. He knows he has a problem and yet he chose the easier way out... it was easier for him to keep smoking than to give it up and he knows it. You see. it doesn't matter what your into ..smoking cigarretes/pot,drinking alcohol,coffee,coke, eating sugary/junk food and you have to have this like myself once did and my ex still has, it's called Addiction folks.Plain and simple.
i agree...i find nothing
i agree...i find nothing wrong with mary jane. how many murders have you heard about were the killer is high on many husbands beat their wife or kill themselves when they are high...most crimes or deaths occure if the person is drunk or on a harder drug.even tabacco kills more people so there is the shit that they should make illegal.I smoke every single day of my life an i plan to keep it that way until i die (if i can)..and im perfectly fine..i get good grades in school, my memory is good, so mary jane doesnt seem to be having bad side effects on me and thats bcuz ive been smoking for a long when im high i dont feel lk goin out an killin people or myself i just feel lk raiding the fridge.
so if u a pot head...keep smoke and support the cure
1) (If someone would like to
1) (If someone would like to commit a suicide) it may be better to jump off the Empire State Building than to ei take an overdose. The experience would be much greater.
2) anorexia - as all other illnesses - only the best will survive
3) drunk driving - one is drunk. his/her child is dying. what should one do? to drive or not to drive?
4) smoking crack - the same case as anorexia and jumping off, but pleasanter in character; tell a drug dealer: he is wrongdoing!
5) child molestation - if there had been no child molestation, 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' would have probably never been made up; some people think positive molestation is good for child's development...
6) keep going, please!
we'd all miss alice
oh hell thats a good reason!
children suffer everyday- buts thats okay guys because without that we wouldn't have alice in wonderland!!
And could you give me one thing that makes molestation good for a childs development other than making them a stronger person cause the world is no longer a nice place??
yeah sure, keep going.
what the hell??? bro there is
what the hell??? bro there is no proof that lewis carrol was even a pedophile! u need to grow up asshole! and honestly LISA, u just need to smoke once. ur in what up users call "in denial" there is no comparison between pot and anything you said!
what the hell
Okay, what the hell is wrong with you. Why are you sitting there making jokes about that kind of shit, especially child molestation. And that it can be healthy, you are so entirely ignorant. You must really have a cold hard to say that kind of stuff, God will judge you accordingly.............
...I only wish that made sense.
First off, I'm not sure how a paper about MJ turned into this discussion, but here I go...
You're logic is twisted and nearly impossible to understand,
1) You're saying that a positive effect to jumping off a tall building is that it is a more thrilling experience than a drug overdose?
2)You're proclaiming that a positive effect of an eating disorder is that it kills off people in need of medical/psychological attention?
3)This example is just to specific to generalize drunk driving as a positive behavior...
4)Smoking crack is okay because we don't want to put dealers out of a job?
5)I honestly believe the world would be fine if Alice in Wonderland was never written and "some people think positive molestation is good for child's development." who are these people? professionals? no? just because a few twisted rapists think what they do is a-okay doesn't mean it is...
you disgust me.
"2)anorexia- as all other illnesses-only the best will survive" this is a disease and it is only a disease because of what our society has portrayed to be "pretty". Our society has told us men and women have to be a certain size or they will not be accepted in the world. They are not "pretty" but really how can someone define what pretty is. All sizes are pretty , open your mind and quite trying to be accepted in society.
3)drunk driving-one is drunk. his/her child is dying. what should one do? to drive or not to drive? first of all you have unrealitic situations but if this did happend that is why there is 911.
4)smoking crack- the same case as anorexia and jumping off,but pleasanted in character;telll a drug dealer: he is wrong doing! okay someone that is addicted to a drug isnt trying to always kill themself, yes the drug is bad for them and slowly killing themselves but crack is mentally and physically addicted. They are not in the right of mind to stop cold turkey.
5)child molestation- if there had been no child molestation,'alice's adventures in wonderland' would have probably never been made up;people think positive molestation is goo for a childs development... how somthing this cruel be good for a childs development. First of all they are a child, it is not right for someone to do somthing so disgusting to a child. They are mentally ill and this is a sickness that needs to be treated. no child should have to live or go through somthing this horrible.
our society is fucked up
our society is fucked up major us in the north american culture have things so ass backwards we think were still moving forwards but are we, weve made nearly every person in our society vulnerable by the way they look or sound or feel so they cancel out the emotions(mainly if ur male) becasue our society brought us up tht way men are suppost to be tough and nothing makes u cry or else your weak but that is an extremely false statement becasue being in touch with your emotional side makes u hell of a lot stronger. Our government constantly cheats us nd brings us down in our status any way they can. remember no rebellion = no revolution join the ever vast and growing popultion of us pot heads and defeat our corrupt government. legalize the Ganja!!!!
AMEN! I totally agree with
I totally agree with everthing you're putting out here!
The fact of the matter is
The fact of the matter is anorexia as well as every other disease is a way of thinning the herd. Humans are over populated. Someone's gotta die. Drunk driving will allways happen get over it. Suicide, survival of the fittest. Crack, meth, heroin, all are drugs that will continue to be used. those that die from it deserve to.
Marijuana has no addictive effects. Scientists across the world and throughout time have found both good and bad side effects. Hell allmost all drugs are like this. LSD is one of the healthiest drug choices a user can pick though. In most cases it doesn't cause suicide. Flash backs occur in minor numbers of one time users. The figure goes up only slightly for repeat users. So technically the best drug for your body is LSD.
I would have to disagree
I would have to disagree with that one. I know where you are coming from but as long as you can control your addictions, i find hallucinagenics to be the worst for onsetting dormant mental diseases. The only thing i enjoyed about doing LSD, Mushrooms, Salvia Dorin, is that i never wanted to do them again afterwards. Haha although I did but only because i like the rush of thinking about doing them and hate it when the effects set in. LSD stores itself in your spine and i know you said flashbacks are minimal, but if you ever want to do something like, being an airplane pilot, i could not let myself do it because i have tried these drugs,and would not be able to hold something like that in my consience. I once thought i had an ecstacy flashback, but thats somewhat of a functionable drug.....i stress the word somewhat.
none of that matters
its a disease you CHOOSE to have you can choose to stop having it, yes its fucked up and our society sucks but you only apart of society because you choose you don't have to be here. you choose to suffer. e with real diseases can't just will themselves off kidney failure.(actually you physically could but you would have to be very mentally strong and in control of the "reality" your mind creates which almost nobody can do
driving drunk is dumb but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a plus side , all of these arguments you make are done with societal connotations of morality. good and bad doesn't exist. if i don't believe something is wrong and you do does that make it wrong, does your opinion of evil hold more worth than mine? - maybe to you, but what makes you think that anybody else does or should give a fuck about your dumb-ass opinion.
There ARE pros and cons to everything
If you look hard enough you can find a positive effect to suicide(someone in pain), anorexia(someone needs attention), drunk driving (I need to get home), meth usage(adderal), child molestation(this one is tough... DUDE NEEDS TO GET OFF)
Anyway... This is a list of things at the bottom of the barrel. It would be much easier if you said roller coasters or something.
Anyway, regarding the article. The author used some -very- biased sources. "Parents against drugs"?? Why would a researcher use this unless they were trying from the beginning to make an anti-drug report? Unhonest sources = unhonest paper.
The 11 States that have decriminalized marijuana
Sorry to change the subject. But can a 61 year old once "toker" ask a simple
My hubby and I were watching a documentary about Marijuana (or Marihuana as
they kept spelling it). In the doc, they mentioned the 11 states that have
gone lenient on MJ. Anybody know which ones they are? Would hate to know that
we live in one and don't even know!!!
Thanks, kiddoes!
States that have legalized Marijuana
1. Alaska
2. California
3. Colorado
4. Hawaii
5. Maine
6. Michigan
7. Montana
8. Nevada
9. New Jersey
10. New Mexico
11. Oregon
12. Rhode Island
13. Vermont
14. Washington
kansa and up around there is
kansa and up around there is where it is and dc to
Well erik you don't know how
Well erik you don't know how to spell Adderall correctly; plus you made a joke about child molestation. How can you be taken seriously?
Whoopie! Does everything
Whoopie! Does everything have to be perfect these days. So what. He spelled a word wrong. This is not a comp class; no brain storming, no rough draft, editing, or final copy. Setlle down
he didn't actually mean everything
he didn't actually mean everything under the sun. OBVIOUSLY there is no pro to jumping off the empire state building. You think you're so smart trying to put this person down and you're just arrogant.
How do you know what this
How do you know what this person meant? Do you know them? All I had to go on was what this person said in print. And that is what I responded to. Call me arrogant if you will, but if having a clear head and understandable thought makes me arrogant, I prefer it to being a pothead. My father used to be a pothead, and he too prefers clear-thinking to the hazy pothead frame of mind.
Not trying to be overly
Not trying to be overly contentious Lisa however, it serves no real purpose in a debate to try to make points by attacking the form of a person's argument unless it speaks to the logical point being addressed. I don't know this individual but a cursory glance tells you that they are addressing,however inarticulately, a view with a high probability of a much narrower scope in argument than you have responded to, with little persuasive effect I might add, due to your self-indulgent sarcasm. Also, your fathers preferences lend no weight to your efforts of persuasion either. They are merely your fathers preferences and not evidence of any merit in your argument. One anecdotal example does not a persuasive argument make. In fact it makes no argument at all, neither evidentiary or logical. I don't think you are arrogant though, just undisciplined in your apparent satisfaction that your logic was fully developed which will almost always lead to hasty unsubstantiated conclusions. I am not denying your fathers experience only that his is simply his.
Take your time and determine your thesis then use only evidence that is authoritative and is borne out in analysis. You sound like a bright and articulate sort of soul so live up to that image and focus on what the research proves.
sorry to start a tangent
sorry to start a tangent outside of weed, but I'm impressed with your vocabulary, language is an art form to you. I smoke everyday, 4.0 GPA so far in my BS Biology degree, pre-med. Pot doesn't make you lazy, but it can facilitate lack of motivation from what I've seen in some people. Just depends on the user, have your priorities straight, get your shit and responsibilities done and then have a nice toke session in the evening :) Thats how I live life, and I absolutely love it.
I agree to a point with what
I agree to a point with what you are saying, I sometimes like to stop my drug use to clear my head but I hate the fact that you assume that all marijuana users are a certain way. I am not stupid and I have conducted extensive research on the drug. To the person who said marijuana is not a drug, IT IS, a drug is anything that you imbibe or inhale that affects the way your body functions. Back to you Lisa, I'm sorry, but MJ (I'll shorten it) is far less detrimental to your health than SEVERAL legal drugs such as Salvia Divinorum, Woodrose seeds (LSA) and Ayahuasca (one of the strongest hallucinogenics on the planet, if not THE strongest), these alter your perception permanently if they are over-used but not one of these is even close to Alcohol, a drug which I ASSUME you have no problem in using? It kills thousands, causes several murders, rapings and child molestations every year and that's without even considering public urination, violence and the general asshole behavior caused by it. MJ has not got a single recorded fatality on it's record as a direct result of the active chemical in it...
Firstly, since you like being pedantic and following peoples words so closely I'll do the same. Just because your father prefers clear-thinking doesn't make the drug worthy of being illegal; I prefer weed to alcohol so therefore should alcohol be illegal? I personally think it deserves said treatment far more than THC does, but then I know my sitting at home and watching films/playing music really does disturb so many people's existences(!)
I lead a VERY healthy student life and I get good grades while responsibly taking MJ, could I do better if I didn't smoke weed? Of course I could... Do you think all the freshers could get better grades if they didn't use alcohol???
What exactly is your argument here? A drug that has shows beneficial attributes in treating COUNTLESS different ailments should be illegal because it causes memory loss and hinders work? Wouldn't alcohol fit into that category? Oh wait, no, it's never helped anyone with anything apart from pain-killing and a good digestive tract and even that is only due to the grapes. The only other suggested effect that has any evidence behind it is that if your family has a history of mental illness then MJ can provoke schizophrenia, since I already checked out my family history I know I'm ok.
Or maybe what you are saying is that we should all be of clear mind...
Well to be quite honest if being a 'pothead' means that I question the nature of information supplied to me by crooked politicians, uninformed policemen and society itself then I prefer it to being a naive sheep.
Gordon Brown spent several million pounds on getting scientists to investigate the dangers of weed to see whether the proposed raising of the drug from a C to a B was justified... They come back and say they can't even see a good reason for it to be a C let alone a B, yet Gordon Brown still pushes for it to be made a B, I think it may have already been done. What exactly did our money go towards?
So why? Simple, for the same reason why tobacco and alcohol are not illegal; They have been socially acceptable for so long and they get too much damn money from both of these, the reason weed wont be legalised is simply because so many people have NO CLUE about it and still believe it to be such a dangerous drug, they scorn it while they pickle their livers. Scientists in Amsterdam have done TONS of research and it's still ''legal'', their mental health records show NO irregularities and people lead successful, healthy lives which still using the drug, the evidence is available to you, USE IT!
Feel free to argue with me about this subject but I think it's quite clear that my post is somewhat more informed than yours... But I thought potheads were lazy? Next time please don't condescend someone just because of the way they type or speak, that kind of prejudice is exactly the kind of attitude that begets all the racism and hate in this world.
Have a good one!