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Biology 202
2004 First Web
On Serendip
Pot, weed, grass, ganja and skunk, are some of the common words used to describe the dried leaves drug known as marijuana. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is "usually smoked or eaten to entice euphoria." (1). Throughout the years, there has been research on the negative and positive effects of marijuana on the human body and the brain. Marijuana is frequently beneficial to the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. However, researchers such as Jacques-Joseph Moreau have been working to explain how marijuana has harmful affects on the functions of central nervous system and hinders the memory and movement of the user's brain. The focus of my web paper is how the chemicals in marijuana, specifically cannabinoids and THC have an effect on the memory and emotions of a person's central nervous system.
Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons. These nerves respond by altering their initial behavior. For example, if a nerve is suppose to assist one in retrieving short-term memory, cannabinoids receptors make them do the opposite. So if one has to remember what he did five minutes ago, after smoking a high dose of marijuana, he has trouble. Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids, which are psychoactive compounds that are produced inside the body after cannabis is metabolized or is extorted from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids is an active ingredient of marijuana. The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is tetrahydrocannibol, or THC. THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana because it affects the brain by binding to and activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters."(2) Neurotransmitters are chemical messenger molecules that carry signals between neurons. Some of these affects are personality disturbances, depression and chronic anxiety. Psychiatrists who treat schizophrenic patient advice them to not use this drug because marijuana can trigger severe mental disturbances and cause a relapse.
When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. Marijuana's damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation. "One region of the brain that contains a lot of THC receptors is the hippocampus, which processes memory."(3) Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for memory, learning, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. It also converts information into short-term memory. "Because it is a steroid, THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits memory retrieval."(4) THC also alters the way in which sensory information is interpreted. "When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakness the short-term memory,"(5) and damages the nerve cells by creating structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain. When a user has a high dose of marijuana, new information does not register into their brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not able to retrieve new information for more than a few minutes. There is also a decrease in the activity of nerve cells.
There are two types of memory behavior that is affected by marijuana, recognition memory and free cells. Recognition memory is the ability to recognize correct words. Users can usually recognize words that they previous saw before smoking but claim to recognize words that they did not previously see before smoking. This mistake is known as memory intrusions. Memory intrusions are also the consequence of THC affecting the free cell of the brain. "Marijuana disrupts the ability to freely recall words from a list that has been presented to an intoxicated subject."(6) For example, if a list of vocabulary words presented to the intoxicated subject and few minutes later, they have to recall the words that were on the list. The only words that they remember are the last group of words and not the words that are in the beginning of the list. This is an initiation that their memory storage has been affected. "The absence of an effect at short term delay times indicates that cannabinodis did not impair the ability to perform the basic task, but instead produce a selective learning and/or memory deficit."(7) I did a study with two college students (Student A and Student B) who both smoke marijuana every other week. This particular study was done an hour before, while and after they were under the influence of the drug. Student A was watching television before she smoked marijuana, was asked which advertisement was splayed before the show started and she got four out of five of her answers correct. After this first section, she smoked a small dose of marijuana twice within an hour. Fifteen minutes after she smoked her last blunt, she continued her regular activity of watching sitcoms. When a commercial would come on, I would ask her simple questions like what happened before the show went to a commercial break. Her responses would be macro-answers about what was going on but when I asked her what the main character was wearing, she did not remember. This was ironic because the protagonist wore a bright yellow suit that my friend commenting on earlier when the show began ten minutes ago. Her short-term memory is weakening because she was only able to remember big picture information and not small picture. Though the results are interesting, I know that I would have had different response on someone else because it depends on how often the user smokes and if they have good memory prior to smoking weed.
Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next. This instant change in emotions has to do with the way that THC affects the brain's limbic system. The limbic system is another region of the brain that governs one's behavior and emotions. It also "coordinates activities between the visceral base-brain and the rest of the nervous system."(8) I am now going to use Students B to describe how emotions are affected by marijuana. Students B is an articulate and well spoken young woman who has a troublesome relationship with her best friends which gets her upset and tense up. But after she smoked one high dose weed, her body was relaxed however, she had trouble formulating her thoughts clearly and would talk in pieces and was jubilant. It has been researched that a person needs to have high dose of marijuana would be in the state of euphoria. High dose of marijuana is measured as "15mg of THC can cause increased heart rate, gross motor disturbances, and can lead to panic attacks."(9) Thankfully, Student A did not experience any of these extreme examples.
College students usually smoke marijuana because they are stressed over schoolwork and feel that marijuana can help them unwind. I have encountered marijuana smokers who are chilled and have no worries in the world but after the effect of the drug wears off, they're sometimes capable to tacking their problem or at the original state that they were in before the drug. The effects of happiness that marijuana usually cause to the user is not a lasting effect because even though a user smokes weed to get away from the troubles of his/her own life, they still have to face these problems after the effects of the drug wears-off. In a survey with college student, an organization called, parents: the Anti-Drug interviewed college students and found that "compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention."(10) This was evident through my second experiment with Student B but not everyone who smoke high doses of marijuana experience the same affect.
The chemicals in marijuana bring cognitive impairment and troubles with learning for the user. "Smoking [marijuana] causes some changes in the brain that are like those caused but cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Some researchers believe that has changes may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted to other drugs such a cocaine and heroin."(11) To prevent such harm, one must be cautious of their actions. Those who do not do drugs do not risk harm. So please the next day you light up, remember you that you central nervous system and brain will be at risk.
2)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
3)Mind Over Matter: Marijuana Series, A Good Web Source
4)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
5)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
6)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
7)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
8)Marijuana and the Brain by John Gettman. High Times, March, 1995, A Good Web Source
9)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
10)Parents. The Anti-Drug. -- Drug Information, A Good Web Source
11)Marijuana: Marijuana Brain Effects, A Good Web Source
Comments made prior to 2007
I smoked pot straight now since I was 13 years old Im
25 now I smoke it everyday literally through a Bong. I do not smoke
well im at work but as soon as im off and for the remainder of the
evening till I end up going to bed I do smoke. Now I read your page
about the effects pot has on short term memory and brain function,
Since I started smoking pot my asthma has vanished my grades went up in
school my mind learns at quicker rates and my short term memory is far
from gone There isnt much I forget about, unless it is because of my
selective memory. Were the people that you tested on already marijuana
smokers and also there are diff things to be taken into consideration
when testing a substance for example the way it was grown marijuana has
to be grown with nutrients and fertalizers to become potent enough to
smoke for a high but when people use these fertilizers and such they
sometimes do not leech the foods out from the plants which could lead
to all kinds of bad side effects Im wondering if this kind of
inforamtion is taken into consideration when giving test subjects
marijuana to smoke or ingest.
I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all
nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones
your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006
Yeah...i disagree on a lot of things that you have to say about this. Like for one some of the things you mentioned only happen while you're high, but after the high goes away those things do as well. Marijuana is not addicting like other hard drugs or alcohol. Also marijuana helps people with ADD, makes them focus better, and sometimes learn better. Sometimes when you smoke your nerves are more dull, but sometimes they can be more alive, so to speak. You need to know that everybody reacts to marijuana differently. So these test that your doing don't go for everybody. You need to let people know that or else thats kind of false information. Something that really got to me is when you were talking about how people do it to relax and get their mind of things and once the highs gone all the problems come back. Well once again everybody reacts differently to marijuana. A lot of people when there high talk a lot about there problems and life in general. What I'm getting at here is that while their high they can figure out there problems because being high brings you into a new type of world and you think about everything more carefully. It's like it opens up your brain and lets you think more into your thoughts and about whats going on. A lot of times they can solve their problems like that, especially when there is someone there with them to talk to. Marijuana also brings people together. I know someone who hated a bunch of people, but then one day ended up smoking with them. Next thing she knew, they were all the best of friends. I know a group of people and within that group you've got your "gangster" type, Punk type, goth type, preppy type, hick type, and the list just keeps going. All of them probably wouldn't even talk if it wasn't for marijuana bringing them together. I have a lot more to say but, I'm not going to because I have pretty much proved my point. Also marijuana brings the creativeness out in people. Some of the greatest authors, poets, music artist, painters, and so on, get their great ideas or create there masterpieces by being high.
P.S I would also like to add that I am a chronic user and I could remember your whole entire report on it. I also have excellent grades in school, in fact better than when I didn't smoke. I also would just like to add one more thing: You will not understand or ever be able to know how or what marijuana does to you unless you do it yourself. Trust me I once was all anti-marijuana and always said that it does all these bad things to you and blah blah blah. Well now I actually know how it really does make people feel because I have experienced it and everything there is in that type of world.
P.S.S I do agree with a few things that you had to say ... Jen, 9 November 2006
Hi, I really found this information very useful because it IS a misconvention among most of the college/university goers that marijuana increases concentration and increases the work capacity of an individual. I personally believe that it DOES increase the work capacity of the abuser to some extent, that's when the drug abuser is not in a "stoned" state of mind, but then too, what is at stake is the brain and central nervous system malfunctioning, which degrades the intellectual, job and social skills. So in my opinion, it's not a good deal ... Ankur Gupta, 25 February 2007
allright tell me something if you say a list of say 20-30 vocabulary words and you were asked to read them over, then you were asked say 5 minutes later to remember as many of those words as you can, do you really think you'll be able to do that? no i bet if you asked 100 people to do that that around 90% of them wouldnt be able to do it.
also riddle me this batman, how many people die each year from drunk driving accidents? now dont im pretty sure you've been drunk, and maybe once smoked pot in your life right? well which had a more sever affect the weed or the alcohol? yeah the alcohol!
im a stoner i will proudly say that. but if i have the choice between alcohol and weed i'd take weed anyday. i've driven high that isnt a problem. when im high i drive a little slower then normal and im lookin for the nearest 7-11.
weed isnt a drug it has no addictive characteristics what so ever!!! ciggaretes kill more people then alchol,guns,and pissed off husbands who come home early.
now weed doesnt lead to other drugs what so ever, i've been smokin the stuff everyday for the past 4 years and i have yet to even think about trying other drugs. if mother nature didnt want us to smoke it she wouldnt have put it here!
its as simple as that!! ... Reader on the web, 21 July 2007
Hello, I was told about this site as a friend of mine was completing a research paper. As I looked over it, there seems to be lots of misinformation involved, and my friend has abandoned this site. I wouldn't mind if you read through all of my message carefully. To start off, the following statement is not backed by any scientific evidence what so ever. "Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons." This has been proven to be false on multiple occasions since the 1970's. Cannabinoids to not not impinge on the nervous system what so ever, this isn't lysergic acid we're dealing with. "Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids" This quote right here is misleading. Every plant is comprised of hundreds of chemicals. In fact, they're not even chemicals, they're just substances that comprise the plants' structure. Also, the majority of cannabinoids that are also found in cannabis are produced by the body naturally. Also regarding cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters." This is simply false, I do not know where this source came from. Your brain does not use cannabinoid receptors for memory, thought, or concentration. Next,saying that "When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered." is also blatantly false. Marijuana does not directly impact memory, but short term memory only when high off of THC or CBD is affected because the user may be 'distracted' if you will from the plant it self. Also, referring to a 'high dose' of marijuana is ridiculous. There is no such thing as a high dose of Cannabis because there is no possible way to overdose. It is strictly impossible. The most obnoxious quote that i've read from this site is, "Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next." I cannot believe that this would even be published. MARIJUANA DOES NOT CHANGE A USERS STATE OF MIND. PEOPLE CAN MAKE THE SAME RATIONAL DECISIONS AS THEY WOULD WHEN NOT USING THE PLANT. PERIOD. I am actually appalled by what I've read here, and I'm even more appalled by the sources you've used. Unlike true informational sites, you've only used web sources. That is completely absurd. If you look at any reasonable fact site about Cannabis you will see that the sources that are used are mainly from published books and factual citations. Please realize that much of what is on this web page is completely false and misleading. I wouldn't mind hearing a response soon to defend your case ... Spiros Thomas, 7 November 2007
I find it interesting that it is always the addicts that respond to these studies.
I smoked pot from 14 yrs to 29 yrs old sometimes daily ..and then I got clean and sober and have been for the last 18 years. Let me give you some perspective.
Pot screwed my life up . Guess what? I did well in school too, thought I had it all together, had so much "fun" , had relationships and a great life. Then I got sober and looked at it from a clean perspective after the drugs got out of my system which took years.. Pot was the single worst drug. It was the gateway to destruction. I wasted my time and my college years. I was in a fog all of the time. I didnt have a clue how to form real relationships or make plans for my future. All I wanted to do was get high and veg out. I graduated from a distinguished university, got a high paying career and became a drug addict. When I got sober, I craved pot to check out. When I did the 12 step work necessary for my recovery I saw the pattern over and over of the harmful effects of pot. I know that I harmed my brain and my life. I missed out on so many things because I chose to get stoned and I defended all of it with the same vigor as the above comments. Pot is dangerous and will ruin your life. People who smoke it are lazy and and get mean when they cannot have it.. I know I have had the misfortune of working with chronic users. After 18 years of clean time I can tell you that these studies are true. The chemicals are harmful to your brain and the long term effects are true and permanent. The most prevalent symptom of addiction is denial and fierce opposition to the truth. Science is science and the truth is the truth. This is a dangerous drug with long term negative consequences. I am not alone in these findings..go to a 12 step meeting and listen to thousands tell the same story.
How did you finally see the light?
My husband smokes almost daily. And the days he does smoke it's usually a few times through out the day. He is always complaining about a sinus infection and he acts like its something in the air because I had a cold the week before. He has no perception of time. If you ask him how long ago something happened and he will say "maybe 4 weeks ago" when it was like 3-6 months ago. And he can zone out on a computer game and stay up all night and not relize it's 5 in the morning until the alarm clock goes off. He makes up these schemes in his head and he makes it out to be reality but it's not true reality. I left him 2 weeks ago and told him all this, it took almost a week then he says "I get it! I understand!" My kids and I have been moved back in for 3 weeks now and with in the first 2 weeks he started smoking again. If he goes 3 days with out smoking he gets angry at everything. I would compare it to extreme PMS. I don't understand how people can say there are no effects from Smoking Pot. You feel HIGH. So Hello! No effects from that. I use to smoke, years ago, for a couple years. I had a boss tell me I was as on my game as I use to be and that I needed to figure out what was going on and fix it. Since I have I am more out going and less worried about Minor Stresses in life. Please, give me some advice on how to get him to see the truth. Right now he has himself in check so it's not so bad, but from the past, I know he can only keep it up for so long, then I need to be armed with some real information!
This seems to be the only response to the article:
"Hey let me first question the validity of everything you are saying and then list my own personal experience with weed which has the highly suspect trait of being COMPLETELY positive! Then they state that they have smoked it for most of their lives.
OK this is soooo obvious. Stoner A reads this article and probably sees all kinds of truth in it but because life has gotten in some way intolerable to them they cannot accept that their joyous pot could possibly be harming them in any way because that leads to paranoia and the nagging feeling that they can quit met immediately with the dismay of actually considering this. So their only response is to turn on the author and attempt to contradict what he is saying so they can feel comfortable going on the same way.
I think the most amusing thing is they think they are in any way credible when they state their brain chemistry has not changed at all. As if their observations have been so keen as to keep this direct log of all senses lost and nuero transmiters misdirected. One really cannot be the best judge of their own mental facilities. All I really know is this. When asked if insane. it's the sane that answer "maybe" and the flat out nuts that deny completely.
No no you are liars. I smoke nearly every day and have for years. I have definitely observed these things happening from time to time and only accept that it is my vice and thats just the way it is. I think if I really tried I could quit since I did the same with ciggs about a year ago but right now just feel lonely as hell as I dedicate most of my time to rebuilding my life and never even found time to find love. So I sit in these few free momments and smoke up, knowing that in some ways it is bad for me, however, apreciating the temporary relief that comes not from reality but from the simple emotion of lonliness itself.
Most of these guys sound terrified of the changes their longstanding habit has had and are in complete denial over it. The dead giveaway is when they list nothing but positive effects. Everyone has one negative effect or another with pot its just a question of the extent.
MARIJUANA Does have a effect on the body
It is a scientific fact that smoke robs the brain of oxygen and reduces your level of comprehension by 25%. Smokers are 25% less smart than they think they are. No matter what the grade point average you would still be smarter if you weren't smoking. If the brain is robbed of oxygen so are the other major organs. The good thing about MJ is that if you are laughing and enjoying life, you create endorphins that help improve and boost the immune system. Thus the reason some people feel better. Young people should not smoke or drink. You're not wise enough to make an intelligent decision about it. You don't have enough facts. If you're getting information from someone who smokes that's already a bad source. Smoking depletes your cells of oxygen. Smoking MJ with paper is inhaling whatever the paper is processed in and the glue. Once again, smoking is not a natural process. For the over fifty who have smoked since they were young, you age by 10 to 15 years. Your skin is dehydrated. Teeth yellow, hair clothes furniture and car smell like a funky sock and you think no one can tell. Your eyes are dilated and glossy. You have a tendancy to be more irritable and unreasonable about the simplist things. My African American friends that smoked since teenagers also drink a lot and look really old. You also get grey at a younger age because smoking depletes the body of nutrients. Even though black don't crack, African Americans who smoke have darker circles round the eyes whites of eyes yellow (most people some exceptions), lips turn dark or grey. (Is it worth it?)Every day you look in the mirror you look at the choices you made for a perfectly healthy body to be forced to deteriorate long before it's time.
There are many people of all walks of life working in many differnt capacities, driving cars and operating machinery for years, like a functional alcholic, and some who can't function at all under the influence. As an adult you have free will to do as you chose. Children need guidance. You have plenty of time to grow old. Wisdom comes with experience. Enjoy life. Learn to laugh with out a stimulant. That's when you are truly happy and healty!!!!
I was searchng for more information on MJ because it has become legal to smoke it in Michigan if you are certified by your doctor with a chronic disease.
My problem with it is how the government was willing to make smoking MJ legal even for medicinal reasons, like chronic pain, cancer and HIV. Funny thing is, you can eliminate pain and manage those illnesses with your mind if the government would support and endorse medical hypnosis. It's your ability to use your God given natural ability to rid yourself of mental, phyiscal, emotional and spiritual pain. You Can heal yourself. IT COST A LOT LESS THAN A BAG OF WEED to learn how to use you mind to accomplish anything your heart desires and create happiness in your life. After all, the only reason why you feel depressed, anxious, overwhelmed or lack of confidence or self esteem is based on what you believe about your self. Are your parents positive or negative? Which one are you?
Love, Peace and Blessings
I am fully aware that yes it
I am fully aware that yes it does drain your short term memory, and yes mayb it affects the nervous system, BUT check it out, ive been smoking for a LONG Time. I have a bachelors degree in computer science, I served 2 1/2 years in the Navy. To this day, I still smoke (even at work sometimes) and it doesnt affect me. I mean it makes me feel good, but I dont feel any dumber than I did 5 years ago. I take I.Q. tests frequently (For fun) and my iq score is still the same as its always been (give or take a few points of course). So unless theres really any hard evidence of this "DRUG" (I quote drug, because not everyone see's it as a drug) hurting your brain, I would recommend everyone tries it. Society is set up in a way, where the average person is stressing A LOT everyday. Even our perception of time seems to put an entire race of humans under constant stress. Think about it, if we didnt monitor time like we do now, lived in natural time, how would we change? How would we change on a concious level of awareness if everyone in the world for 1 Day, ONE FUCKING DAY wouldnt have Anger, stress, fear, or any other negative emotion? I think its possible,even without the help of weed, but weed can't hurt? As far as iam concerned, the only real "Side effects" of Marijuana are
Mary Jane
The one thing that I can't stand is the people who have NEVER even seen a pot plant, let alone smoked it, have the audacity to express their anti-pot opinions about what it actually does to you and have an even bigger audacity to put it down. If you have never used pot, then you have no idea what it does to you, therefore you don't deserve to have an opinion. Just because you have witnessed your friend(s)doing it or read about it, does not make you an expert on it. Pot does not affect people in the same way. I am 24 yrs old and I have been smoking pot since I was 15 and I enjoy doing it as well. I am now best friends with a girl that I absolutly hated in high school, because we both found out that we smoke pot. Some people would say that is sad, but I see it as a good thing. Life is to short to hate someone just because your teenage mind is full of drama. It has been drilled into the public's mind that pot is bad, but if you actually think for yourself like your supposed to, you would think differently about it. Have you ever heard of anyone causing a car accident or any kind of accident for that matter, because they were smoking pot? Just pot, NOTHING else mixed with it!! I have never heard anything like that. And I do not think that pot is a gateway drug, if it was, then why do I ONLY smoke pot and do NO other drugs????!!!?? Another thing, I do not think pot is addictive, I stopped smoking it for two years; TWO YEARS, if I was addicted to it, do you think I would have been able to steer clear from it for two years???!?!?!?! No, I didn't think so! I started up again, because when I smoke, it takes all my worries away, even if it is only for a short period of time. I would rather have that short period of time of nothing but relaxation than always worrying about something all the time. I have no scientific info to give anyone here, but I did enjoy reading other peoples opinions. One more thing, don't ever let anyone tell you that you are a bad person just because you smoke pot, because 9x out of 10, those people have smoked it themselves once or twice in their lifetime.
First Hand exp. of using pot and its negative effects
I for 3 years was an everyday user of this drug. I was one of those kids who said i would never touch drugs ever untill my father died. I looked for a way to leave my worries behind. I tryed drugs, MJ being the very first. People say you don't get addicted to pot but let me tell you, pot is very addicting in a mental since. After getting high most people like it and want to try other forms of high. I did this, i tryed so many drugs because of this, pills, shrooms, opium, the whole 9 yards. Ive done every drug you can think of. But one day something happen to me, something in my brain changed. This drug changed my brain. I felt different i seemed to act different, and the thing is, i saw myself being different from what i use to be. I couldn't remember crap, I worked at subway and couldn't even put make sandwiches right because i couldn't remember shit. One day i have an anxiety attack because of MJ. My life has not been right ever since. I can honestly say MJ robbed me of a huge part of my life. I know its impossible to convince you stonned out losers to change your life around and actually stop smoking this drug with some of the worst side effects your brain can handle so im just going to tell you one thing. Look at your life, as it is, right at this moment. Is this really what you want your life to be, for you, for your family in the future, FOR YOUR CHILD. Think about it
i've been smoking since i
i've been smoking since i was 9 yrs old and im abt to be 21 this september. i'd first like to say im sorry that your father cant blame mary jane for the fact that you tried other drugs and couldnt function your own made the decisions to fuck yourself up because u didnt want to deal with whatever was in your life at that time. drugs dont change you you change yourself, its not the drugs fault that you couldnt control yourself.and as for you calling ppl who smoke weed "stoned out losers" just for your imfomation i have two kids of my own that i take care of and my mother...i go to school full time and work full kids never go with out..i pay all my bills on time and have all my shit together..and smoking weed does nothing to interfer with that see unlike you i know how to be responsible and control of life maybe you should try growning up and stop blaming your bad decisions on other things!!!
Sober view.
A sober person tends to have clearer view, even though I argue that there is no single clear view. We are a product of our experiences, our parenting and emotions all of which cloud reality; reality is a mere personal perception of a stage we all go through that is life. But if one has never smoked weed he is at right to express visible changes within another. We, the pot smokers go one route, all others go their own. And use builds sepparate character from that which could have been otherwise. To bash anothers path, well, is without merrit. We're upset at those who do as they see fit and not how we would like them to.
I'm not going to try and
I'm not going to try and convince anyone that they should smoke weed, because not everyone will enjoy it, just like not everyone enjoys playing basketball, or video games, or going to church. It just annoys me that people actually think its worthy of preaching against. Personally I have smoked reguarly since i was 18, and I am no dumber, lazier, or less functional than before. My eyes are still open to how the world works and that you have to make it on your own, no excuses. The fact that people are afraid of it simply has to do with being misinformed (thankyou U.S. government).
It is not a gateway drug, recent study confirms that certain chemicals in cannibus actually stop opiate dependancy. If you move on to harder drugs, it's because you meant to, or your pot was laced with something, which is another excellent reason to legalize it, get it out of the hands of dirty drug dealers whom we are forced to deal with. Another study has found that there is no connection between marijuana use and schizophrenia, and in alot of cases, those who consumed it got better faster than those in the study who did not. It's not addictive in any way, as there are no addictive ingredients in it. Memory loss is only apparent when you are high, and comes back when you sober up. It doesn't make everyone lazy, I actually get more work done after I smoke, however if you do feel like sitting around when high, then good, it's supposed to be relaxing.
Also, the positives are enormous and hard to ignore. Medically there are over 200 uses for this wonder drug, which cannot not be OD'd on, and the side effects are miniscul, both facts simply cannot be said for most prescription pills that anti-pot persons use daily.
Euphoria experienced by a cancer patient, war vet, or anyone in general is not a bad thing, and anyone who has expierenced this, cannot take away the positivity that comes along with it. Just take a minute to actually stop and realize what marijuana users stand for, how can anyone argue against peace, love and good times.
If you use pot as an excuse for why your not where you want to be in your life, then your simply refusing to take your life into your own hands, and should look in the mirror.
There are far greater tragedies in this world than people getting high, in fact, it's one of the few positives we have left
Cause and Effect
How can a person who uses pot as the illegal drug it is and claim they are not dumberfrom doing so? Just because the changes may not be as obvious to some of those who smoke marijuana, does not mean pot did not cause changes in their brain either. Everything in life has a cause and effect. A pot smoker has effected their brain when using this drug, but to what extent would have to be investigated medically to determine to what extent the brain was effected. But, what pot user do you know that is focused on their health to the extent they know themselves so well they can understand changes when they happen after they use it? I understood the effects pot had on me and it was not a good thing. It did effect my brain function and it was negative. I resigned myself to losing brain function to pot. Other pot smokers may see the aftereffects and not admit they were caused by the pot and, or may overlook or deny it completely. Instead a pot user blames the effects on something else. One cannot say they are the same as they always were because a pot smoker cannot have both a clean life/no drugs, and use drugs to say they are both the same. It's one way or the other. I remember marking a distinct change in my brain function before I used marijuana and realized the after effects from pot. Losing some of my brain function realize I am still able to function "normally." The effects were permanent though.
If a pot smoker had their brain evaluated before ever smoking to see their brain's makeup and status then used themselves as a "guinea pig" to test the causes and effects of pot on their brain would have a clearer idea of what changes may or may not have occurred as a restult. Or they may prefer to deny pot has changed them in any way. Speaking strictly from the experience of smoking pot will never know the full effects of what occurred to my brain as a result, just know it was not positive.
One can usually tell when someone is a pot user also. Read one of the blogs where someone asked why would Mother Nature make marijuana to smoke if it was not to be smoked. Irrational thought there because one could say that about any poisonous plant, but if one used it as pot is used likely it would kill the user. There are those who misuse and abuse all kinds of things in life and sometimes to their final destruction.
weed isnt safe no more
this is to everyone that smokes alpha...i started smoking ganja at age 14 and it was the best ever till i reached 18, then everything slowy moved down hill...after i smoked for the last time i had a panic attack and now im dealing with serious loss of memory, i dont even want to talk anymore, my socal skills are redicalus and a verry bad anger problem...i dont even care no more so i make alot of careless mistakes this is real shit no damn joke to u pot heads out there..some peoples different i guess u could say, i wished i started smokin weed when i was 18
weed is ful of shit
i also think that i should have not smoked weed,because i am finding it very hard to connect and share ideas with people. after smoking i feel so left out i my own world,i can't think like other people ad i take everything i'm told very personal...i think we need serious help even though it is late react on this.
You do realize that you just
You do realize that you just admitted that all your problems started after you stopped smoking, don't you?
Reality - My Life and the effect of weed on it.
First let me start out by qualifying why I know what I know. I am 34. I smoked weed in excess from the age of 16 to 30. I smoked every type of weed from the stress to the kind buds for 14 years day in and day out. I have eaten it and smoked it. I have rolled joints with over a half ounce of weed in one single joint. I have created gravity bongs out of 10 gallon jugs. I have smoked from bongs longer than I was tall. I had to stand on tall objects to be able to smoke from them.
I am not telling you all this to brag. Just to let you know that I have been there and done that. I am not just some person that is going to comment without background on the subject.
My purpose today is to help one person see that there is a better way of living. Many of you that are still smoking either cannot see the difference between sober and non sober living. That is because either you are in denial or just don't have a good point of reference to see the difference between the two because you are still smoking. Let me just say if you have smoked in the last year, you are still smoking. It takes a long time to see what it feels like and what you are really like once you get off of weed.
When I was growing up I was diagnosed with ADD, what is now termed ADHD. My mind raced and wondered. It was hard for me to sit in one spot and do any one thing. No one ever looked at my home life and saw that I grew up with a father that would get violent and smoked weed everyday to excess to help him cope with the pain of the Vietnam War.
I started smoking with my brother and friends at the age of 16. My brother was just as addicted as I was. He was calmer and could sit in one spot for lengths of time than I could growing up. He was a reader. He was in better shape despite a birth defect called spina bifida. His spina bifida was minor and was not sever like in most kids with the defect. His spine was still inside his body, it just had a defect in it that caused him to avoid sports and rough housing with the other kids.
I continued to work various jobs and struggle to maintain them. Weed was the most important thing in my life. It was even more important than food, sex or entertainment. I would get angry when I couldn't get weed. Either my connection would be out or I couldn't afford it.
When I was 30 years old my brother had a psychotic episode. He had been smoking since he was 16 like me. He was 35 when he had his meltdown. He turned into a bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies. Now I am not saying that this is the sole effect of the weed but I feel it had a big role in the occurrence of this terrible disease. I got mad and withdrew from my family.
I was so mad at the way my family was handling his meltdown that I ran from the situation, figuratively and literally. I didn't want to face this horrible reality that our family was faced with so I didn't talk to anyone. The day I found out I ran for about 5 miles. I didn’t just jog or run, I sprinted full out. I was so mad my adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wanted to kill someone. I have never felt like this before.
At the end of my 5 mile run I remember thinking to myself. I thought how the hell did I just run 5 miles nonstop. I used to get out of breath going from the refrigerator to the game room upstairs. I was 220 lbs. and 5 foot 7 inches tall. But I also remember feeling like I had taken over my own life. Not the one where I was still a child living at home. I no longer felt like the child that was helpless to what happened there with the beatings and the exposure to marijuana. I was my own man now.
All this being said I was still very much addicted to weed. I needed it and wanted it. One day I thought about what if I had a child. Would I be able to stop? That same day I say a special on T.V. about childhood birth defects and it all hit me at once. I cried like a baby. The show showed how drug use can really affect babies developing even before they were conceived. Defects like emotional and physical disorders. One of the kids in the story had been born blind and with a spinal defect. I could not stop crying because of the thought that I may have ruined my chance to have a normal child someday. One that would not have any knowledge of my past and would give e an opportunity to give another human being a fighting chance to have a normal childhood free of the burden of a dysfunctional father addicted to drugs.
I vowed to get off drugs at that moment. Now I know many of you have said I can quit at anytime. I said the same thing. It is easier said than done. I would stop but the feelings of anger and addiction to weed kept me in the game. Once I would get the drug I felt guilty, rot with remorse that I had failed to quit once again. Finally one day it all clicked. I had been running and made a goal to run a mile but couldn't quite make it without stopping for breath. I said to myself I would be much healthier and could run further if I would have quit smoking. So I did just that. I quit smoking.
It took me 4 months to finally quit. I went into withdrawal emotionally and physically. The physical side effects last but a short time (1 week or so), but my attitude and outlook on life was growing increasingly bleak. I was negative and emotionally cold to my wife. She had stuck with me for the last 14 years through my ups and downs and never gave up on me. Now she had her wish of having me free of the drug and I was an ass. At least on the weed I was funny and goofy. Now I was just a prick with a bad attitude. This lasted along with strong urges to start smoking again for years to come.
Here I am today free and clear. Do I ever think of smoking it again? Yeah of course I do. But I have more reason not to now. Number one I feel like I have gone this long without it. I am truly better at work. I am one year away from getting a B.S. degree in the field of my dreams. I am still crazy as I was on weed. I have quickness to my humor that sets me apart from anyone I work with. I am so sharp at my craft that I am told how good I am at what do by my peers and the public daily. I am able to talk to and deal with my emotions much better with a clear head. Especially now that I can deal with myself openly and honestly. I feel no shame for who I am. I only regret I had found myself sooner. How much more could I have gotten done? How many more people could I have made laugh? How many more things in life would I have noticed? Would colors be as bright as they are now? Would smells be as fragrant? Would I have put things before my addiction like having a child, like finding my career sooner? Would I saved my money one useful, tangible things that I would still have instead of saying that I probably spent $100,000 over the course of 14 years and have absolutely nothing to show for it except knowing I fucked up. These are the types of things you see after the storm. While you’re in it you see the clouds. In this case the clouds of smoke. When you look back they were really the clouds of fog, fogging up your emotions and perceptions. They were the clouds that accompany rain. The kind that brings sorrow and regret.
Please read this and know that there is a better life than the one you’re living. Each one of your lives will be different when you stop smoking. Most of which will be better I promise you. Some of yours may turn out bad but you need to remember one thing. At least you made your life you own, the one that you choose to lead. Not that you choose to let a drug lead for you. Be your own man or women. Do great things. Hell, do normal things, you won't regret it.
Good luck to all of you. I hope you use my message and remember it when you quit one day. Things will be ok.
Have to say...
I've only smoked weed for 4 years....from 14 until 18, quite heavily though, and still currently do, not stoned as i'm writing this though, but planning to have a joint afterwards. But i've noticed the effects thus far and the experience you described of your brothers....the meltdown... i can't be certain as i may have mistaken it with a panic attack, but this might have happened to me, because since then i've been exhibiting the characteristics of bipolar depression and schizophrenic tendencies, not diagnosed, but purely because i won't go expecting them to confirm my greatest fear, and after reading your post it has almost done just that. At the same time i can relate to your experience somewhat, in that i've hit a point, a transition from a boy to a man so to speak, in that i want to take control of my own life and enjoy the finer points without relying on THC to enhance the sensations. I want to take on the world in a positive manner and and embrace the opportunities that i believe are waiting for me to take on but haven't, opting for the immediate high instead of the long term high.
I guess the purpose of this reply is for the most part a way to vent/ admit the problems i have refused to accept until now....but also to act as another confirmation to both the experiences you described (both your brothers and your own), and to acknowledge that because of reading your post on here that you have directly helped me to make the decision to quit, that's continued to brew since the "meltdown" i had, and to thank you for sharing your own experience and insights here because they certainly haven't gone unappreciated and if no one else, then certainly i can say that it has helped me alot. Especially your description of "life after weed" was greatly valuable, because i've felt the hardships of withdrawal and clearly haven't persevered, and your strength to do so and confirm that you CAN come out on the other side a happy and successful individual... is something that has inspired me to take the same action.
Thanks again.
research supporting links
research supporting links between smoking weed and Schizophrenia.
A little old, but relevent
Marijuana!!!! hahaha man its GREAT i gotta tell you!!
at frist i thought it wa swack and all that stuff, but kno that i do it it just like beibg so relax and not caring aboutanything the world. people say its bad for you, well it could be but it all depends on how you take avantage over weed is not bad but just be careful and ..wat else can i say weed is the bomb..!! and all of you kno its true....
wow bro thats crazy im 15
wow bro thats crazy im 15 started last year but i gotta say so far i learned alot of things from pot things about life... its a a trade for ur old knoledge, u may think im young n not know much but im smarter then the average bear =] started wen i was 14 too on 420 to b exact.
Marijuana is an evil drug
this article is very informitive. a friend of mine told me that a friend of his had his life destroyed by marajuana he was in the airforce and had evertyhing but when he smoked the drug his life was lossed now hes homeless. stay sober everyone
Not for everyone
I have grown up in a marijuana smoking environment and i was taught growing up(i did not smoke then) that weed is not supposed to be used to enhance yourself, it is not like alcohol where an introverted person gets drunk they can change into a more outgoing person. Weed runs parallel to you. You supposed to smoke it, to enjoy it. You don't smoke it to be cool, or because u want to impress your friends. Not all people can smoke it because they do not realise how you are supposed to smoke it.
It is for relaxation and must be regarded as a special occasion, as it helps you to respond in a more rational way to the environment. What you smoke also plays a huge difference as some ppl have mentioned before. Sometimes it can be laced with harder drugs or it was grown in the wrong manner. For al the people that mentioned they get really paranoid>> i feel very sorry for you, as you cannot be comfortable in your own skin, if there is nothing to worry about then why force yourself to believe some irrational bull that your mind has made up and you blame weed for your own dissillusional mind. Clear your head, as you are clearly not well, then you can enjoy the pleasures of marijuana. As i have witnessed my whole childhood the benfits and consequences of smoking pot, i have nothing bad to say. As long as you are smoking to enjoy it and are doing it responsibly, then weed can only enhance your lifestyle.I wish there were less single minded people out there that believe their own beliefs and try and blame their own lack of openess on a plant, which has many good properties.
For everyone that smokes, i hope you have taken note of what i have said and can agree on this matter, and keep smoking responsibly.
For everyone that doesnt smoke and has some sort of hatred to the plant....
Get a life.
May peace be your journey and love your desination
Listen for all of you who
Listen for all of you who are saying marijuana is bad and that it's a drug you are sadly mistaken. It can't be a drug if it grows out of the ground. Just like peoples precious gardens, i guess if the doctor told you to eat more carrots, then he perscribed you to do so. So is that a drug too then? Marijuana is a herb in it's own form. If you decide to smoke and sit on your a$$ of course your going to end up burnt out. But if you do it in moderation and get out and enjoy life while smoking, why not smoke if you so desire? No it's definently not a thing for everybody, because I have friends that I know wouldn't do well with it. And I'm not saying it's this fantastic thing, but at the same time it's not bad if used properly. On top of that many people I know don't use marijuana to get wasted, they use it to releive stress and pain so they can make it through the day. I smoked every now and again, much less than I used to. Yes there have been times where I have just got high and sat, but that was by choice. There wasn't anything to do those days. That and it was late, so i had no intentions of doing anything anyway. The other thing is, anybody can stop smoking weed anytime they want. You can't get addicted to marijuana, you get addicted to the feeling of happiness. Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!
Wow it's really nice to see so many different opinions here, i smoke weed like almost every day after work. It helps me relax. Helps me with schoolwork too. I do agree with some thing with this article like the word test part and same with the short term memory effect sort of. The short term memory loss only really lasts when your really high but other than that, it goes away as someone mentioned earlier i do believe. People with any addictive personalities should stay away from it of course lol. Also please mention if you take into consideration of the fertilizers used to grow the maryjane that your subjects are smoking, and also if the test subjects are frequent pot smokers or not. Huge deal with that as well with your tests.
Good article though.
I don't know how I even got to this site but it made for some interesting reading. I can't help but wonder why people are in such a hurry to tell other people what they should and shouldn't do. I was brought up to under the advice of a certain saying that I have based most if not all of my life on. "If you can't look yourself in the mirror the next day then don't do it" All drugs good, bad, legal, illegal, made or grown. Have different effects on everyone. We all know that. So, why try to tell others how they are going to feel or what to expect? My point is if you want to do it then do it but if something bad happens then only you can blame yourself as well as if something good happens then you get all the credit. Not the government for making it illegal, not your friends for making you do it, and not this website for promoting or demoting it. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop telling others how to live their life. Just live your own.
May I just say that I used to smoked 2 ounces of weed a week and now i smoke about a half ounce and it has anything but done me the world of good, I'm more confident for one, I can write programs in fluent C and craft raw ethernet packets, ALL THANKS TO WEED BABY how else do you sit at a computer for 12 hours a day.
I love weed it is amazing. It cures a cold. Kills a hangover and makes dealing with articles like this that much easier.
As how many people DIE FROM ALCAHOL, DIE FROM TOBACCO and only a hand full of people have been badly effected by weed but how many get beaten up by drunks or hit by a drunk driver I mean when I drive 10 mph feels very fast lol
The the plant itself is A GIFT FROM GOD as you can get oil, wood, fibre superior to cotton and of course smokable oragnic weed, no added chemicles, AS tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals. At least 43 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans)."" so I'm happy with 600, you forgot to mention that little fact hay.
You can pick and choose any facts to make something sound bad so LEAVE WEED ALONE ..... 1010011010 || 29A or for a none weed smoker 666 PEACE
when i get hi and im not
when i get hi and im not drinkin alot i get extremely fucking paranoid,,,i basically turn schizophrenic 4real,,,,like tha dude said up there i think about shyt 2 much & feel like im goin 2 die,,,i still smoke da shit tho fuck it,,,led me 2 clinical depression 2,,,mary jane def. aint 4 everybody
yea same here. During
yea same here. During college I smoked with a group of friends and it was fine I got the high and was cracking up. Then I smoked with a different group of people and got extremely paranoid, you don't want to know that thoughts that were going through my head. I tell a few people and friends and they say "nah just relax dude it doesn't do that" but the fact is it has many negative effects. For all those people that say that it makes them focus more, gives them better grades in school, and has no health effects on them are full of crap and are just trying to convince themselves to justify this terrible habit.
Smoking anything is not good for anyone, anytime, anywhere,etc. Yep we are free to kill ourselves in the good ol USA but that does not mean it is right. Dont we do enough BS to cause harm to our bodies?
I smoked dope a few times and it wasted me more then 30 beers. I almost would crash driving on dope just as I would on the beers. I guess dead is dead if you hit someone. Free to commit Vehiculer homocide in the USA.
It is strange, I heard people say they drive better when they are drunk or high, they say they are more creative, more in tune. We are just freakin plain idiots trying to rationalize everything. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Wow isnt that an easy concept? Peace out.
You get real!
If you are dumb enough to smoke that much to feel that wasted and drive, maybe you are the harm to people not weed. It's just like a drunk driver, if you drive after getting hammered, then it's your own damn fault. I drive just fine high, and i make sure i dont get too messed up before i do. But i guess maybe you are just the type of person who would look down on someone for helping themselves by smoking weed. Idk if you realize this, but alot of people that smoke weed illegaly don't do it to be high, they do it to releave stress, and pain and they do it to a minimum. Not everybody gets wasted off weed. Maybe that's the problem with society today, so many people are ignorant and can't look passed the word drug. When in fact it is a herb, it grows naturally in many places just like any other damn plant. And by no means am I saying it's fantastic for you, but in no way is it harmful to you either if you can control the amount you smoke or eat or whatever you want to do with it.
Last saturday i smoked some
Last saturday i smoked some weed with a few friends who are used to it. i went all shivery. i sat down for abit then went into this dream thing. once i realised where i was it shocked me. i enjoyed how the day went and i was fine after. the next day my mouth was still a bit dry after saturday. it was now sunday and i wanted to try it again, i did not enjoy it this time i hated it. i went to my friendss house because i was realy it then everything seemed louder and close and i was scared. then my heart rate went up fast then i ended up being sick. its now monday i had the day off school buti still feel as if im in this dreamy world. and im only 13
i am 14 i smoke alot of weed and i have add and ever since i have been going to school high my grades have been going up
P.S i dont smoke weed to escape life ..i do it to enhace life
People who say that
People who say that marijuana has "ruined" their lives are full of shit. Some people cannot control themselves in the first place. 99% of the people who lobby against marijuana will turn around and use alcohol or tobacco, drugs that are proven to be very deadly and much more harmful than marijuana. The only reason some people think this way is because of the prejudices instilled on the "drug" throughout America's history, but for more detail on its history visit: Most lobbying against marijuana is done by powerful pharmaceutical and alcohol companies, who fully sponsor and fund projects like Partnership for a Drug Free America. The fact is, knowledge about marijuana's beneficial uses and general harmlessness is spreading, and hopefully will produce social change. On another note, I have been smoking marijuana for the past six years quite frequently and to this day have not incurred a single "side effect" that this article references. My memory has not been affected, I frequently partake in sporting activities while under the influence and my performance is not affected. And as food for thought, it has made my love life, hell my entire life, much more interesting and fun.
I have smoked weed sence i
I have smoked weed sence i was like 12 and Im 18 now.
I never had good grades and it made me lazy.
but without it life sucks, I mean it makes food,movies and sex better.
So i choose to smoke.
listen up
i've read people talking about a "dreamy" state of mind. THINK PPL. thats the reason a lot off people smoke anyways. im 17 and have been smoking straight up everyday for 3 years.the date is Mon June 29 and i got caught 3 days ago by my mom. she cried and made me feel bad. it was a pretty bad day and now im getting tested every week until i go to college. but i must say you could never replace every second i was high. i havent felt any short term memory loss other then my own stupidity. not everyone is smart and not everyone has good short-term memory function. so instead of blaming the drug, blame yourself. and u like to eat more to which is a plus for everyone.
Im 19 and smoked marijuana since i was 10, and i never had all that stupid shit you guys/people are talking about. You need to have control of marijuana, dont let it control you..
well let me tell you from
well let me tell you from some experience.
Marijuana can be a good or a very bad drug for you.
If your and anxious person like me you shouldnt take marijuana.
I used something simular to marijuana that does the same as it does.
And i couldnt sleep normal for a month and a half.
i kept waking up from sleep every day.
when i would wake up id have extreme memory problems like: i didnt know where i was and who i was.
then i had depersonalisation and thats when i had to go and see the doc
they put me on antpsychotics.
and just because you dont have memory problems you most likely will suffer with psychological problems later on wether you like it or not.
being high is the best thing for me
Ayo that's a lie I am 20 years old I have been smoking since 14years old and I've been able to focus I am active I think im smarter when im high I love being high and have no problems when im high.
that's the problem, you
that's the problem, you THINK you're smarter.
I have nothing against it I've been going at it for over 4 years now but I abused it to excape my problems.
it'll make you happy for a short period of time, but as soon as you burn out it's game over, for it'll then just make you slower, stupid, irritable, and bored.
This is true if and only if
This is true if and only if you allow yourself to sit on a couch while smoking. I really haven't been smoking for very long, but I can still function fine while im high. It's the person not the HERB that makes them slower, stupid, irritable, and bored. That's why I make sure when i smoke I have something to do, otherwise yes the couch is about the best place. Other than that I don't smoke to get wasted, I smoke to releave stress and get my mind off stuff thats all. I understand where you are coming from, and I respect it, but not everybody gets like that.
Recently, as in two days
Recently, as in two days ago, I smoked weed. I have only smoked weed maybe 10 times in my whole life and i'm 18 years old. every time I smoke weed I get this forgetful feeling the next few days as if I can not remember things that have just happened hence "loss of short-term memory". It is disgusting to me and I am no longer smoking weed, indefinitely. when you want to make a future for yourself and want to attain the edge in today's society that means retaining knowledge. how could you do that if you can't remember what just happened. I am not saying that people can not function on weed I am just saying, wouldn't you rather get it the first time then having to study 10 times harder than you would've had to? I have sat back and watched weed affect the lives of a close few friends. one in particular reeks of weed everyday and is one of the most non self motivated people i know. the only reason he is going to attempt school is for football. and as far as legalizing it, I don't know about anyone else but my mind turns immediately to the leaders in this country whether they be politicians, principles, CEO's, or your parents. weed has the possibility of affecting and hindering their decisions and that directly translates to a shift in the paradigm. Allotting space for human error and passing legislature that shouldn't be passed, false sentencing, uncanny punishments and the list goes on. If we allow weed and other mind altering substances to be accessed and used by the people of America then we also commence in the beginning of the fallout of a beautiful country. I am not willing to take that chance or support that decision. some things in this world, organic or not are just not meant to be.
if you want to fuck your life up through away your dreams and ambitons smoke pot.
Smoking marijuana causes no
Smoking marijuana causes no lasting effect on the brain, it does not make you more susceptible to trying harder drugs like heroin and cocaine. Marijuana is probably the most versatile plant on the planet and the fact that its illegal is just plain ridiculous.
Viewers, who are read this post, please take into consideration to read my comment. The whole reason someone would even read this article is because their probably worried about marijuana's negative effects. Well I can tell you from personal experience with this very substance, that cannabis horribly affected my life. Now I know many people would disagree with statements made by me and the author of this post, but the truth of the matter is marijuana affects different people, different ways. This difference can be split into three different categories, people with positive effects, people with neutral effects and people with negative effects. All I'm trying to say is anyone even being concerned about marijuana risks shouldn't even be using it! You either love it greatly with all your might or absolutely hate yourself for trying it. If you are one of the worried type, that thinks his or hers career, loved ones, state of mind, or overall enjoyment of life is in jeopardy, you should stop using marijuana completely. If you are one that loves to get stoned, that thinks he or she can handle their career, loved ones, state of mind, or overall enjoyment of life then you should smoke that sh** every dam day! Marijuana isn't for everyone, and sometimes your actions can cost you more than you think. I support both sides, legalize or not, you have the choice and decision to use Marijuana. It’s just a matter of time that will tell you if you really lived your life like you wanted it to be. Your overall outcome of life success will be vividly shown over the years to come. Peace & Love.... Remember LIFE RULE'S!
Thank you
hello ..
im not a common visiter to this website , but i was one of those worried ones .
i use to enjoy weed before . then a problem have happined in my life and thats where i stopped loving it or loving life in all . but i continued smoking pot .
now i think i understand that i dont enjoy that dreamy state anymore . because im not enjoying life in the 1st place .
i have to enjoy life to produce better dreams .
thank you so much ...
i hope each letter of THANK YOU turns into a 1000 000 US dollar for you .
Good Day
I am 16 years old.
I have been smoking since I was 12 years old.
I started with my old bestfriend Kassie and her mom.
It was amazing, it was like I was like in anohter world. I was having the time of my life and then when I got inside I just slammed on like 45 hotwings. ((:
I was trippen out, I got on Myspace and told everyone. It was something that I would never forget. HONESTLY.
A few days later my mom came to my school to get me because I had a Doctor's appointment, so I thought. As we got into the car she started crying and I asked her "what's wrong?" and she said "Lindsey what happen at Kassie's party?"
And all hell broke lose I told her everything that happend and her and my father were very mad, sad and the worst, dissapointed. It was one the worst/craziest times of my life.
Well Im going to be a Jr now and weed has been a HUGE part of my life. These days its anywhere and everywhere. And so many people can get it, easily. But its a matter of how you think honestly weed is addicting but you have that choice to say yes or no. So be yourself and dont follow your heart and not your friends like I do.
I smoked weed for a month
I smoked weed for a month
kids teens people dont smoke it it will screw ur life up
u get that feeling once u really get "high" then ur brain functions suck ur reaction times suck and ur life feels "dreamy" dont smoke anything not even cigs
I need to find out how to reverse this dreamy feel... anyone help?
It will go away, just give
It will go away, just give it time
Think positively..your
Think positively..your thoughts dictate your actions, etc.
I've experienced the same thing
Yeah i've experienced that same "dreamy feel" as you are feeling. Infact it lasted for a while. Just don't smoke anymore and it will go away. I've talked to people about the feeling and most people don't seem to relate. I guess either its rare or people are just insensitive to their consiousness. It does alter the chemicals in your brain but it should go away. Tell me If it goes away at all for you or how things work out