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Biology 202
2004 First Web
On Serendip
Pot, weed, grass, ganja and skunk, are some of the common words used to describe the dried leaves drug known as marijuana. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is "usually smoked or eaten to entice euphoria." (1). Throughout the years, there has been research on the negative and positive effects of marijuana on the human body and the brain. Marijuana is frequently beneficial to the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. However, researchers such as Jacques-Joseph Moreau have been working to explain how marijuana has harmful affects on the functions of central nervous system and hinders the memory and movement of the user's brain. The focus of my web paper is how the chemicals in marijuana, specifically cannabinoids and THC have an effect on the memory and emotions of a person's central nervous system.
Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons. These nerves respond by altering their initial behavior. For example, if a nerve is suppose to assist one in retrieving short-term memory, cannabinoids receptors make them do the opposite. So if one has to remember what he did five minutes ago, after smoking a high dose of marijuana, he has trouble. Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids, which are psychoactive compounds that are produced inside the body after cannabis is metabolized or is extorted from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids is an active ingredient of marijuana. The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is tetrahydrocannibol, or THC. THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana because it affects the brain by binding to and activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters."(2) Neurotransmitters are chemical messenger molecules that carry signals between neurons. Some of these affects are personality disturbances, depression and chronic anxiety. Psychiatrists who treat schizophrenic patient advice them to not use this drug because marijuana can trigger severe mental disturbances and cause a relapse.
When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. Marijuana's damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation. "One region of the brain that contains a lot of THC receptors is the hippocampus, which processes memory."(3) Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for memory, learning, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. It also converts information into short-term memory. "Because it is a steroid, THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits memory retrieval."(4) THC also alters the way in which sensory information is interpreted. "When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakness the short-term memory,"(5) and damages the nerve cells by creating structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain. When a user has a high dose of marijuana, new information does not register into their brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not able to retrieve new information for more than a few minutes. There is also a decrease in the activity of nerve cells.
There are two types of memory behavior that is affected by marijuana, recognition memory and free cells. Recognition memory is the ability to recognize correct words. Users can usually recognize words that they previous saw before smoking but claim to recognize words that they did not previously see before smoking. This mistake is known as memory intrusions. Memory intrusions are also the consequence of THC affecting the free cell of the brain. "Marijuana disrupts the ability to freely recall words from a list that has been presented to an intoxicated subject."(6) For example, if a list of vocabulary words presented to the intoxicated subject and few minutes later, they have to recall the words that were on the list. The only words that they remember are the last group of words and not the words that are in the beginning of the list. This is an initiation that their memory storage has been affected. "The absence of an effect at short term delay times indicates that cannabinodis did not impair the ability to perform the basic task, but instead produce a selective learning and/or memory deficit."(7) I did a study with two college students (Student A and Student B) who both smoke marijuana every other week. This particular study was done an hour before, while and after they were under the influence of the drug. Student A was watching television before she smoked marijuana, was asked which advertisement was splayed before the show started and she got four out of five of her answers correct. After this first section, she smoked a small dose of marijuana twice within an hour. Fifteen minutes after she smoked her last blunt, she continued her regular activity of watching sitcoms. When a commercial would come on, I would ask her simple questions like what happened before the show went to a commercial break. Her responses would be macro-answers about what was going on but when I asked her what the main character was wearing, she did not remember. This was ironic because the protagonist wore a bright yellow suit that my friend commenting on earlier when the show began ten minutes ago. Her short-term memory is weakening because she was only able to remember big picture information and not small picture. Though the results are interesting, I know that I would have had different response on someone else because it depends on how often the user smokes and if they have good memory prior to smoking weed.
Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next. This instant change in emotions has to do with the way that THC affects the brain's limbic system. The limbic system is another region of the brain that governs one's behavior and emotions. It also "coordinates activities between the visceral base-brain and the rest of the nervous system."(8) I am now going to use Students B to describe how emotions are affected by marijuana. Students B is an articulate and well spoken young woman who has a troublesome relationship with her best friends which gets her upset and tense up. But after she smoked one high dose weed, her body was relaxed however, she had trouble formulating her thoughts clearly and would talk in pieces and was jubilant. It has been researched that a person needs to have high dose of marijuana would be in the state of euphoria. High dose of marijuana is measured as "15mg of THC can cause increased heart rate, gross motor disturbances, and can lead to panic attacks."(9) Thankfully, Student A did not experience any of these extreme examples.
College students usually smoke marijuana because they are stressed over schoolwork and feel that marijuana can help them unwind. I have encountered marijuana smokers who are chilled and have no worries in the world but after the effect of the drug wears off, they're sometimes capable to tacking their problem or at the original state that they were in before the drug. The effects of happiness that marijuana usually cause to the user is not a lasting effect because even though a user smokes weed to get away from the troubles of his/her own life, they still have to face these problems after the effects of the drug wears-off. In a survey with college student, an organization called, parents: the Anti-Drug interviewed college students and found that "compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention."(10) This was evident through my second experiment with Student B but not everyone who smoke high doses of marijuana experience the same affect.
The chemicals in marijuana bring cognitive impairment and troubles with learning for the user. "Smoking [marijuana] causes some changes in the brain that are like those caused but cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Some researchers believe that has changes may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted to other drugs such a cocaine and heroin."(11) To prevent such harm, one must be cautious of their actions. Those who do not do drugs do not risk harm. So please the next day you light up, remember you that you central nervous system and brain will be at risk.
2)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
3)Mind Over Matter: Marijuana Series, A Good Web Source
4)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
5)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
6)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
7)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
8)Marijuana and the Brain by John Gettman. High Times, March, 1995, A Good Web Source
9)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
10)Parents. The Anti-Drug. -- Drug Information, A Good Web Source
11)Marijuana: Marijuana Brain Effects, A Good Web Source
Comments made prior to 2007
I smoked pot straight now since I was 13 years old Im
25 now I smoke it everyday literally through a Bong. I do not smoke
well im at work but as soon as im off and for the remainder of the
evening till I end up going to bed I do smoke. Now I read your page
about the effects pot has on short term memory and brain function,
Since I started smoking pot my asthma has vanished my grades went up in
school my mind learns at quicker rates and my short term memory is far
from gone There isnt much I forget about, unless it is because of my
selective memory. Were the people that you tested on already marijuana
smokers and also there are diff things to be taken into consideration
when testing a substance for example the way it was grown marijuana has
to be grown with nutrients and fertalizers to become potent enough to
smoke for a high but when people use these fertilizers and such they
sometimes do not leech the foods out from the plants which could lead
to all kinds of bad side effects Im wondering if this kind of
inforamtion is taken into consideration when giving test subjects
marijuana to smoke or ingest.
I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all
nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones
your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006
Yeah...i disagree on a lot of things that you have to say about this. Like for one some of the things you mentioned only happen while you're high, but after the high goes away those things do as well. Marijuana is not addicting like other hard drugs or alcohol. Also marijuana helps people with ADD, makes them focus better, and sometimes learn better. Sometimes when you smoke your nerves are more dull, but sometimes they can be more alive, so to speak. You need to know that everybody reacts to marijuana differently. So these test that your doing don't go for everybody. You need to let people know that or else thats kind of false information. Something that really got to me is when you were talking about how people do it to relax and get their mind of things and once the highs gone all the problems come back. Well once again everybody reacts differently to marijuana. A lot of people when there high talk a lot about there problems and life in general. What I'm getting at here is that while their high they can figure out there problems because being high brings you into a new type of world and you think about everything more carefully. It's like it opens up your brain and lets you think more into your thoughts and about whats going on. A lot of times they can solve their problems like that, especially when there is someone there with them to talk to. Marijuana also brings people together. I know someone who hated a bunch of people, but then one day ended up smoking with them. Next thing she knew, they were all the best of friends. I know a group of people and within that group you've got your "gangster" type, Punk type, goth type, preppy type, hick type, and the list just keeps going. All of them probably wouldn't even talk if it wasn't for marijuana bringing them together. I have a lot more to say but, I'm not going to because I have pretty much proved my point. Also marijuana brings the creativeness out in people. Some of the greatest authors, poets, music artist, painters, and so on, get their great ideas or create there masterpieces by being high.
P.S I would also like to add that I am a chronic user and I could remember your whole entire report on it. I also have excellent grades in school, in fact better than when I didn't smoke. I also would just like to add one more thing: You will not understand or ever be able to know how or what marijuana does to you unless you do it yourself. Trust me I once was all anti-marijuana and always said that it does all these bad things to you and blah blah blah. Well now I actually know how it really does make people feel because I have experienced it and everything there is in that type of world.
P.S.S I do agree with a few things that you had to say ... Jen, 9 November 2006
Hi, I really found this information very useful because it IS a misconvention among most of the college/university goers that marijuana increases concentration and increases the work capacity of an individual. I personally believe that it DOES increase the work capacity of the abuser to some extent, that's when the drug abuser is not in a "stoned" state of mind, but then too, what is at stake is the brain and central nervous system malfunctioning, which degrades the intellectual, job and social skills. So in my opinion, it's not a good deal ... Ankur Gupta, 25 February 2007
allright tell me something if you say a list of say 20-30 vocabulary words and you were asked to read them over, then you were asked say 5 minutes later to remember as many of those words as you can, do you really think you'll be able to do that? no i bet if you asked 100 people to do that that around 90% of them wouldnt be able to do it.
also riddle me this batman, how many people die each year from drunk driving accidents? now dont im pretty sure you've been drunk, and maybe once smoked pot in your life right? well which had a more sever affect the weed or the alcohol? yeah the alcohol!
im a stoner i will proudly say that. but if i have the choice between alcohol and weed i'd take weed anyday. i've driven high that isnt a problem. when im high i drive a little slower then normal and im lookin for the nearest 7-11.
weed isnt a drug it has no addictive characteristics what so ever!!! ciggaretes kill more people then alchol,guns,and pissed off husbands who come home early.
now weed doesnt lead to other drugs what so ever, i've been smokin the stuff everyday for the past 4 years and i have yet to even think about trying other drugs. if mother nature didnt want us to smoke it she wouldnt have put it here!
its as simple as that!! ... Reader on the web, 21 July 2007
Hello, I was told about this site as a friend of mine was completing a research paper. As I looked over it, there seems to be lots of misinformation involved, and my friend has abandoned this site. I wouldn't mind if you read through all of my message carefully. To start off, the following statement is not backed by any scientific evidence what so ever. "Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons." This has been proven to be false on multiple occasions since the 1970's. Cannabinoids to not not impinge on the nervous system what so ever, this isn't lysergic acid we're dealing with. "Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids" This quote right here is misleading. Every plant is comprised of hundreds of chemicals. In fact, they're not even chemicals, they're just substances that comprise the plants' structure. Also, the majority of cannabinoids that are also found in cannabis are produced by the body naturally. Also regarding cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters." This is simply false, I do not know where this source came from. Your brain does not use cannabinoid receptors for memory, thought, or concentration. Next,saying that "When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered." is also blatantly false. Marijuana does not directly impact memory, but short term memory only when high off of THC or CBD is affected because the user may be 'distracted' if you will from the plant it self. Also, referring to a 'high dose' of marijuana is ridiculous. There is no such thing as a high dose of Cannabis because there is no possible way to overdose. It is strictly impossible. The most obnoxious quote that i've read from this site is, "Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next." I cannot believe that this would even be published. MARIJUANA DOES NOT CHANGE A USERS STATE OF MIND. PEOPLE CAN MAKE THE SAME RATIONAL DECISIONS AS THEY WOULD WHEN NOT USING THE PLANT. PERIOD. I am actually appalled by what I've read here, and I'm even more appalled by the sources you've used. Unlike true informational sites, you've only used web sources. That is completely absurd. If you look at any reasonable fact site about Cannabis you will see that the sources that are used are mainly from published books and factual citations. Please realize that much of what is on this web page is completely false and misleading. I wouldn't mind hearing a response soon to defend your case ... Spiros Thomas, 7 November 2007
Marijuana is just as dangerous
High doses of marijuana can result in hallucinations. Marijuana smokers experience the same health problems as tobacco smokers such as bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. Extended use is associated with anti-motivational syndrome, lung damage, and risk to reproductive systems.
I agree with what he said,
I agree with what he said, because its true some people do have a bad trip out...and some dont, it just depends how you grow your shit or whos lacing your shit with bare chemicals or other substances in it..because those things play a huge roll to how you behave.
How Does Marijuana effect the brain
The test with student a and student b had no baseline to compare
Doesn`t sound like a proper test
Well I have to say that MJ
Well I have to say that MJ is simply an amazing thing.
My life has been horrible and when I started smoking I got a completely new view on things. I made me relax and truly enjoy life for what it is, it makes the simply mundane task seem so important.
If it wasn't for MJ I would probably have committed suicide.
If it was legalize think of all of the billions of dollars the government could make by taxing and distributing it.
And hey I have anorexia but thanks to MJ I have been getting a healthy appetite.
Sure it makes me feel like time is going crazy fast, and it makes me laugh a lot, and it makes me sleepy. So what? Isn't that the POINT of being high? To feel that way? If it didn't do that then no one would smoke it and we wouldn't be debating over it.
Now I happen to think that this was very well written and not dumbed down like all stoners apparently act like.
and I was high when I typed this.
Yeah, pwned.
The Effects are different for different people.
The effects of weed are different for everyone. It seems that most of the negative effects only happen when you're stoned. Some negative effects stay with you if you're a really heavy smoker, but they will eventually go away if you stop. Actually, I smoked weed a week before a huge science test that I did not study for, and I also have ADD. I didn't know anything on It, or so I thought... When I took the test, I knew just about every awnser, and I finished the test quickly. When I got the test back, I had received a 97 on it. Memory loss and attention problems eh? Not for me! And I have ADD on top of it. It was almost as if it was compleatly gone! And the same thing happened to a very close friend as well. He was with me at the time of the smoking, and took the test at the same time I did. he finished before me, but got a lower grade. Well that seems to happen alot anyway... But seriously! I paint posters and sell them. And since I have ADD, I procrastinate alot, so It takes about a couple of weeks to make them, Even though I love painting them, School just takes alot out of me. Especially in the winter. When I smoke pot, I'm like addicted to working, and somehow I end up finishing them in a couple of days! Hah! Motivation problems? Not me! And of course you wont be able to remember what happened five minutes ago when you've just smoked pot! You're High! You're not gonna care! But I remember long term things Quite vividly after I come down off of the High. Of course I don't remember everything that happened when I was High, but the stuff I do remember, I can see them like I'm watching a video now... Its like... regular memory before, no memory when Its happening, and Photographic Memory after!!!
wow everyone.
holy shit... people having a discussion on MJ.. yay lets have some fun. lets agree we all have tried it, and loved it. either for one reason or another people use MJ to cope, to socialize, or to simply have fun. we can all agree there are pros and cons to everything including MJ, but lets remember the great thing about being human is that we have free will. free will to smoke a plant that grows from the ground and use the effects to our benifiets. how can anyone judge another on only the basis of using MJ and sterotype one as a STONER. what does stoner mean?? i am almost 19.. could you believe i have smoked for 12 years? am i an ADDICT? i think not, being dependent on something makes you an addict, i do not need mj, but i do love it and want it. i can im agine how it could be the gateway drug...but is that not the persons choice to use another can you blame that on mj? anyways everybody just needs to relax..go load a bowl and take a puff =) smoke on
I'm Usually the one
I've been smoking quite chronically for 7 years now (I'm 23)
First off let me start by saying, Marijuana effects everyone in a different way
you have:
- The people who just get high and laugh and eat a fuck ton
- The people who use it for medical reasons (I have 3 hernaited spinal discs as well as degenerative disc disease)
- The people who get high and pass out
- The people who get high and freak out (My wife)
- The people who use it and actually do something with their life (I've graduated high school at 16, Working on my Masters in Bio Mechanics)
- The people who use it once and don't like it
I don't use it for an escape from reality, i use it for pain relief, I got addicited to Morphine for a while when I was written a nice little Rx for MS Contin
When I started to smoke weed (Just being a stupid teen and falling into peer pressure) I noticed my grades shot straight up, I could actually concentrate
I went from a 2.8 GPA to 4.0 made NHS, got a full ride scholarship to the Univeristy of Dayton.
Sure yeah you get hungry and laugh at shit
Sure you may freak out
It's all about composure, mind over matter, act normal, don't let anyone know you're high
I go through about a quarter a day, My wife says my mood improves drastically when I smoke, I'm more easy to talk to. She doesn't smoke because it just isn't for her. The only downside I see to weed is money, and legal issues. Personally I have a nice little farm for personal use. Oh did you hear? California is losing 14 BILLION a year on weed.Know what they're proposing? Making it Legal (Not decrim, actually LEGAL) So they can tax 50 an ounce on it.
I really don't see the issues with weed, some people don't like it some do...It all depends on the individual..
Ever try DXM? Now there is something we should worry about
I don't see weed as a major issue, like stated so many times..How many crimes get commited whilst smoking? (Besides the possesion, or consupmtion, or DWI/Intoxication)
You get pulled over for example... I've been high as fuck to the point where I can't even focus. Cop didn't know I was high, I kept my composure, and on my way with a nice warning to slow the fuck down in the rain.
It's almost 6am and I'm very tired cramming for a test
So all in all, I'm sick of seeing the flaming, this isn't the place in my opinion.
I'm tired of all the propaganda, everyone I've ever met that has smoked, does smoke, tried it once, doesn't think this, they know about the stigma and propaganda that exists. People that have NEVER smoked, about 80% of them say, well it's not bad there are worse things. and the rest are like
"OMFG are u sruiiz lol i r nub that duzznt know wtf im talkin bout and i listen to bullshitz from urrone omgomgomg pot is soooo bad"
So please....there are worse things out there...
Quit being fucking childish and learn that everyone has their own opinions
If you're really that sick of it start a fucking support group and go QQ to a fucking congress member
It's almost 6am and I'm sick of writing (I've been up since oh 11am, smoked all day, wow I've ate 2 meals and I'm not deadly tired, contrary to popular belief)
Sorry for spelling errors but I broke my glasses and I'm on a shitty laptop from the 90's
i am a marijuana toker! its
i am a marijuana toker! its natural its a buety! so legalize it dammit it will put drugdealers out of business and it well bring the crime down! and am not saying dat drugs r gud! i dnt consider weed as a drug but i do agree in the banning of crystal meth and otha chemical made drugs
Marijuana has it's goods and bads. It should be illegal it does mess it your system and your brain. You shouldn't get into that uch trouble for get caught with it but hey you do, right? Smoking marijuana isnt worth the trouble you get in, trust me. I mean it does help your feelings sometimes but find a different way to express yourself.
i have been on drugs before i was taking canabis but the effect hit me cupple of years down the line i had panic atackks i starting laughing over stupid things i dint no what i was talking about most of the time i started selling some aswell i got kicked out of school for it i couldnt get back in another school now i just live with my nan in the house at 30 i couldnt live with my mom i got kicked out and plus my dad didnt want me i have nothing to do i never done my gcses i wish i could go back in time so listen to me dont do drugs and this is not a lie
I've smoked grass for years
I've smoked grass for years now... It geared me towards more creative expenditures, and since then I've become lead guitarist / vocalist for a band, a strong creative and technical mind in the TV industry, and a health nut.. The greatest things I attribute to my marijuana use are works of art I've created while "inspired", as well as eating ridiculously healthy.. Thanks to pot, I've taken the time to research and understand things. I'm not perfect by any means, but I think pot smoking has helped me put the things I value most (outside of family and friends) into perspective, and I have no regrets!
I just want to say that i
I just want to say that i LOVE all potheads, peace be with you all. I just takes the edge of this fucked up system they call society
agreed. Keep it real
Pot has completely turned my
Pot has completely turned my life around, before I smoked pot I had no job, no home and no money. After i started smoking pot I took up college, got myself a fiancee, have a great home and I'm off to Uni soon and I owe it all to cannabis if it wasn't for this great plant I have no doubt I would never be where I am today. It's made me think with a more open mind, examine things more closely (such as media) and helped me to keep my head in a crazy cold world I love you mary jane.
Cancer cure? Hey fellow weed
Cancer cure?
Hey fellow weed smokers, I thought I'd share some information with you all about cannabis. I was stoned the other day and browsing the world wide web and came accross a video on youtube, the video is a documentry about a man who freely distributes cannabis oil extracted from the THC crystals. The man gave it to many cancer patients some with only months to live and all recovered. I believe the real reason cannabis is illegal is because cannabis is a CANCER cure, in the 1800's-1900's it was widely used as a medicine, the USA had millions of acres of the stuff but gradually closed it down and never spoke of it again. In study's on rats with brain tumours the cannabis made the tumour dissapear while protecting the surrounding normal brain tissue unlike conventional techniques. This needs to be looked into more.
Alright what I have to say, being a " pothead " for the last 8 years of my life. Yes sometimes it can affect the brain & yes sometimes you can't get words out properly. That doesn't say that it's a negative affect. If I'm stumbling over my words because I'm high well it's simply because I'm high. Not because my brains not functioning correctly. I know what I attempting to spit out. I don't exactly agree with all the " testing " eaither because like you said these people only indulged in the use of marijuana every other week. Well that's speaking for those few people that occasionally enjoy smoking. As I've heard other people say on this they smoke everyday and overall it doesn't affect their lives quiet like those who only occasionally smoke.
maybe you should redo some studies with a larger group of subjects more broad groups ranging from first time users to flowerchild hippie old heads because most people that just start smoking weed or don't use as much as others are affected wayy differently ie; anxiety/paranoia/memory loss. yadada. coz i can tell you what i had for dinner last night my conversations i had before i went to sleep what i did the second i woke up. common misconceptions of the way the drug affects the brain is how often the user uses. I can say like anyother stoner that yess we do grow a tolerance, so i can argue and say our potheadly brains aren't affected like occasional users or first time users. so i'm not bashing and saying your wronge im saying do more studies on more people and you might be a little surprised by how many smokers dont forget things aren't paranoid dont have anxiety attacks and what not. Marijuana simply makes my day that much easier and i'm positive alot of others can agree with me.
people who dont like weed
for one thing it might have bad side effects but they are so small they dont do shit to you. weed is good. i have fun when i smoke it. i have a better life because of it. Any drug can be bad if you abuse it but if u smoke weed like once everyday, or every other day that aint gonna do shit to you. but if your life is based around weed then obviously thats a problem. for one reason, you give up on shit cause ur to busy getting high. the only reason its not legal is for one thing people have no knowlodge of it. they frown upon u for smoking it all tho they dont even know what it is. Then u got the government. they cant make enough money off of it so why the fuck would they legalize it. yo straight up wweed is harmless.Oh and if you try to tell me im stupid cause of my spelling whatever i never have been good at it. Thank you for reading and....yea whatever
I'm 16 years old and have smoked dope for 3 years now. My dad is a very nice guy for letting me smoke pot with him. pot is not bad for you. I know what the effects of weed is on the body and i also know that it is illegal. but i think that the government should legalize it and then tax it like Amsterdam. Yeah I know that You all are thinking that I'm just a 16 year old trying to look big but i don't care. My father has tought me alot about marijuana. He's just teaching me the basics of dealing right now. But the only reason why he does is because i asked him too. Parents should smoke weed with their children at least once and if the kid don't like it then don't smoke with them again. But kids smoking pot with their parents is a great way to bond. The parent will be able to keep an eye on their kid and make sure the kid isn't doing anything stupid like breaking into a house.The kid will be at home safe and sound. So to all you parents out there, Smoke pot with your kid it's a very good way to bond.
Any parent who smokes pot
Any parent who smokes pot with their 16 year old child does not realize the impact that this drug has on the developing brain. This is a dangerous precedent to set for a parent interested in their child's success.
And, you're teaching your child that it's OK to break the law. When the child gets caught outside the home, the parent will deserve full blame for having sanctioned the drug use in the first place.
Fight low expectations.
In my opinion, smoking pot
In my opinion, smoking pot is a social thing for sure. Alot of teenagers do it because they don't know where they fit in yet, and it helps them "discover" themselves in a sense. You have to make the wrong friends to find the right friends.
I don't think smoking pot should be considered socially unacceptable. If people have a problem with other people smoking pot, they should keep it to themselves, because not everyone leads a white picket fence perfect life. In fact, I take that back- NO ONE lives a perfect life. Marijuana is a plant that comes from the earth. How do you defend pills that the government gives out to people? Take this pill if you have depression, take this pill if you can't sleep at night, take this pill if you cant get your dick up, take this pill if you need an excuse to take a fuckin pill! What harmful effects do THOSE drugs have on the human body? Does anyone ever stop to consider that? "Hey guys, I'm a pillhead, I just took 7 oxys and Im perfectly fine!" But they cant legalize a drug that, when used in moderation, can help you sleep and can help with a lot of things.
My 15 year old sister has ADD. She started smoking pot with me and some of my friends, and now she does fine in school. Her attention is more directed to things that it needs to be directed on, and she can concentrate on her homework, something she couldnt do before.
I dont understand what it is with you people who think that the world fuckin revolves around you... It's not cool. some people will smoke pot and that should be fine. Nobody is trying to infect your lives with it, we just wanna be calm and relaxed and in our own little worlds. So just chill out and smoke a doobie, you'll feel better about life.
if you smoke weed only once a week or every second week..its not going to affect you mentionally would it ? i am 15 and i been smoking with all my friends since 2 years ago now i think. anyways let me know, thanks a bunch
I think you mean
I think you mean 'mentally'.
If you smoke every week or two, the THC never completely leaves your system.
You will lose ambition and the chances for excellence in anything will likely become greatly reduced. IMHO. Good luck.
Hi guys my names megan i have bin smoking ciggarettes since i was 11 and im now 15. I have bin smoking bud for 2years now n i feel fukin fab haha. I love the feeling cuz ya jus dont care about anyfink n make a fool outa yaself hah !!!
I dont think there is anyfink roing with it personaly becuase most of ma friends smoke it and deal it :)
Ly xx
Ok, ive been reading these
Ok, ive been reading these comments and most people are on the same page...
For me, smoking weed is okay, as long as im not smokin in the day or when i have something i need to do. I used to smoke about 3 to 4 blunts a day, everyday for about a year and a half... n im talkin about that potent shit like the sticky green kind or the mid, the kind wit the red hairs. It was cool for a while, but then it got kinda old. I felt like i was always behind... i dont smoke as near as much as i used to but i smoke about 2 or 3 times a month now.. usually when im really stressed or when i just need to clear my mind. I used to smoke black and milds also and i dont recommend that shit to anyone.. it was harder for me to give up blacks than to give up weed. I dont smoke blacks anymore and im VERY proud of myself for that..
But weed on the other hand, im good with it as long as i dont get so high to where i trip myself out.. because im a thinker. Ive always been a thinker, even before i started smokin. After smokin for a few months, i would sometimes trip myself out.. mainly because i would be doing shit or ridin around wit my boyfriend and his lame ass friends.. and i would have unecessary shit on my mind. After i realized that smokin was gettin to me i stopped for a while...
Once i started again i was in a relationship wit a guy that i wasnt so sure about because he was VERY sneaky.. so after we broke up i was still smokin everyonce and a while. He used to fuck with me a lot though because he's the type that likes to play games and fuck wit your head.. so one day i was runnin errands and i had a lot of shit on my mind because i had my kids and i had to take my cousin a few places.. my ex was playin on my phone n shit.. when i would be out sometimes i would think that he was following, he had me shook sometimes for real... partially because of the paranoia from smokin and partially because of the type of guy he was... anyway, later that day i went to my friend's house to chill out and smoke a blunt... lets just say i started freakin the fuck out because someone kept callin the house FROM THE HOSPITAL I TOOK MY COUSIN TO EALIER THAT DAY, playin on the phone and we had just finished smokin n havin a convo about my crazy ass ex... im talkin about i FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.. after i calmed down me and my friend was just sittin there like "what the fuck...???" lol.. that shit was CRAZY.
I dont smoke that much at all now and sometimes i feel the urge because im tired from work, school, and my kids... so i just want to smoke, chill out and fall asleep... i have strong will power so if i really WANTED to quit i could... i quit tobacco all on my own and i was puffin on blacks every chance i got.
I feel like i can be okay smokin weed if my head stays clear and i keep it at a minimum.
"I have no side effects
"I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006"
Chris here, is living proof of what marijuana does to one after smoking it for 12 years.
After i graduated
After i graduated highschool, i smoked weed all Summer, and i even skipped out on college registration for the fall semester beacause i was too worried about meeting up with my buddies to buy some bud and roll a fat blunt. Yeah, i guess looking back to that summer things were all fun and shit but after a while all that weed was really fucking with my head. Its only fun after a while but you have to come to a realization that your just wasting your fucking life getting stoned all the time. I dont understand how some of my friends function at their jobs or school when they're always high. Well actually people i know who went to class high had no fucking idea what the teacher was taking about for the last hour. I always have that one person telling me how weed got them good grades and helped them concentrate, and i just think,.. what a load of shit! Have you ever read an essay that a kid wrote stoned? Its fucking retarded, and funny, but really poorly done. Im not trying to say you should stop smoking weed all together, but at least in moderation. Like seriously, burn outs are the most obviouse people to point out and they never have anything good to say besides talking about a new piece they purchased to get them fucked up.
reply to cranium dropkick
Yo man, too fregkin' funny, and totally true. Burnout chicks and dudes always want everyone to think that your screwed up because you aren't into weed. Fuck them! Let them hang out and get more burned out together! Has anyone tried to have sex with a seasoned pothead chick? Let me tell you, the cotton doesn't just go to the mouth! Chicks can get away with it while they are young, like 22-23, but it will affect them as they age...and I don't mean 30-40 years old. Yes, still in their 20's. Pothead chicks dress all sexy in their hot little hippy dresses, but they can't move for shit! They are like dead fish! Do yourself a favor, leave the potheads for other potheads. If you are clean, don't waste your time with potheads trying to tell you that their way is best. They talk so much shit and don't remember what they said, so they keep preaching about burned out shit.
the daily toke
ive been smoking daily for about a year now but have been smoking for about 2 or 3 years and ive noticed that many of you smokers are in denial or are too perma-fried to notice but thc is stored in the brains fat cells for two it doesent take much to sit back and look at the accumulative affects of it on your brain. but marijuana also takes its toll in a different way it can hault the maturing of the brain.....that means if youve been smoking since your early teen years and your 20 you still have the maturity level of a teenager(knew a 45 year old who paid 200$ a month to sleep on the couch in my friends house and all he did was smoke drink and crack penis jokes) not to mention the brain fully matures when your about 23. i might also add thier are many forms of addiction it doesent have to be chemical, cant figure out why you have to smoke everyday or stay regular this is why your addicted and just cant see it. i also see it as a gateway drug(would i really have tried shrooms,acid, or ecxtacy if i hadnt started smokin bud. these are all points too look at and you cant really contend with science no matter how smart you fellow stoners think you are. but you can roll up a fatty j, toke a big ol bong bowl outta ur quad perk, chief a tough platnum trip flavored blunt.....etc but pay attention to what i have to say too much of a good thing can be somewhat harmful
Everyone here is so hateful
Everyone here is so hateful and negative. People need to find something better to do than worry about a spelling mistake, or making sure you tell that guy off on the internet article about weed. Everyone on here that has said something negative needs to sit back and smoke a joint. That is a major pro right there. What about this one, laughing; lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Thats a fact, and frowning is the only thing I'm not doing high. Get yourself a vaporizer to alleviate the carcinogens, and youve got it made. Your not on this earth for long so you mightas well make a good time of it.
Just blaze!
Pot Smoking and Adults
I have been an avid pot smoker for quite some time now (Since I was 18) and I have to say that I love it, I would never quit because I dont believe its harmful to you, alright yes you can lose your memory and become "Stupid" not remembering what just happened some time ago.. and it might cause a problem for you. Although this is Temporary. The same with being Paranoid.. Smoking pot in my use has made me more aware of whats going on, I am able to be myself and still be under the Influence. I have drivin stoned and while at some times it has been a Total NIGHTMARE. I have learned when to drive and when not to drive being stoned, Same thing with being tired.. my loss of judgement I have always believed is in what I think of me having ADD.. Now being 25 Years old, Ive come to the conclusion that Pot is Only a problem if the person smoking it lets it become a problem..
If you know when to Quit then your doing alright.. sometimes I cant remember things that I have done years back or even a couple days ago or weeks even.. I dont think its the Pot, as much as I do my ADD.. perhaps there both to blame, The Government we have controlling our lives Needs to butt out.. Legalizing Pot would cut down crime and send less people away.. If your not in control and you hurt someone else or even yourself then you need to seek help, for those who have HIV/AIDS or just want it to Unwind because there stressed then thats perfectly fine, Pot is a drug that is only classified a drug by our Wonderful Government, and being stated as an Illegal Substance, Pot is NOT a Drug, it comes from the earth just like heroine and I believe cocaine. The effects last only so long and then they wear off.. just like with cocaine ( I only did Coke like 4 times in my life, More or less) but Ive never done herione so I dont know and I dont plan on it. Marijuana has been proven to help people with Incurable Illnesses, If this wasent the case they wouldent have made it "legal" to HIV/AIDS in some other state other than NY State. (Sorry cant think of it right now) So in Conclusion LEGALIZE POT AND FUCK OUR GOVERNMENT!!! HELL YEAHZ!!
Judging by the absence of both syntax and logic on display here, I'd have to conclude tahat most of these posters are completely burned out.
I fear for our country
healthy or unhealthy
the one thing unhealthy about marajuana, that i can
think of, is the effect it has on your lungs. i am not sure how bad it is
for your lungs, but it is definitely not as bad as tobacco or other types of
smoke. also, if you want to use marijuana and not damage your lungs, you can.
people make foods all the time with marijuana. i have a PHD, not that it means
anything (it just means i got an A+ in bullshitting) but as a licensed doctor
i can tell you some things that you might not know:
1. medicines/drugs that are perscribed or given to patients make them sicker
which requires the patients to take more of the medicine/drug.
2. almost every doctor i work with uses marijuana.
3. i see people who smoke cigarettes and die of lung cancer and i see people
who smoke marijuana and cigarettes and never develop a cancerous cell in their
body. i beleive marijuana kills cancer.
4. alcohol is literally poison. you can die if you consume too much alcohol.
5. we live in a society where everything and everyone is controlled. marijuana
makes you out of control because it makes you question everything. the people
that want everyone under control do not want you to use marijuana so they make
it illegal. that answers the age old question: why are cigarettes and alcohol
legal while marijuana remains illegal? bob marley once said: "...everyone who
call themselves governments and this and that, why them say you musn't use da
herb?...because it make ya rebel...against what?"
6. this website is another piece of evidence showing you that people do not want
you to smoke marijuana. i did a google search for "marijuana and the brain" and
this website was at the top of the page. obviously the author of the website
is amazed at the amount of responses he/she has recieved, but it sounds to me
that he/she has been lied to since he/she had the motivation to make this
as for the article itself (note that it was written for a class - biology 202)
it has some truth to it. yes, marijuana does effect short term memory, but as a
neurosurgeon what i'm trying to say to you is who gives a fuck? i really don't
care what happened five minutes before i got high. so if you are reading the
article and saying to yourself: "i'm not going to use marijuana because it
effects short term memory." then you are a fool plain and simple.
i hope that people who are not currently using marijuana will read this and start
using it. marijuana makes you use more of your brain's capacity as well so why
wouldn't you use it? everyone on this planet, escpecially people in the U.S.
need to open their eyes and free their minds of mental slavery. marijuana can
do just that. so live above the influence...of people that are lying to you.
P.S. not every doctor will tell you these things because most of them are either
brainwashed or just do not know.
so, Akudo Ejelonu don't post bullshit on the internet.
then again, you probably smoke everyday and the only reason you made this page
was to see how many responses you could get. touché.
Dr. P. Smith
Dr. P Smith
You're no doctor, let alone neurosurgeon.
2. almost every doctor i work with uses marijuana. Gross canard. Doctors (surgeons especially) must improve upon their best every day. How confident would you be upon hearing this chestnut from your 'neurosurgeon' prior to pallidotomy/thalamotomy for your Parkinsonian tremor relief...
i have a PHD, not that it meansanything (it just means i got an A+ in bullshitting)
so, Akudo Ejelonu don't post bullshit on the internet.
You too, "Dr. Smith".
OK laST COMMENT. people say
OK laST COMMENT. people say weed had a mental addiction and some people become depressed when they get off it and blah blah blah. I'd bet they had depression before the drug but didnt know it and were fixing themselves the whole time without realizing. If you only smoke pot to have fun thats dumb save it for weekends. On average after a month of not smoking pot there is no THC whatsever in your system. if you had no depression before you smoked it your fine after it leaves your system. IF you had depression before you smoked during your smoking and after then its unrelated to your mental dependency on marijuana. MILLLLLLIONS of americans suffer from depression. thats the people that marijuana had greatest appeal to whether they admit it or not. it works WAY better than Pharmacuetical drugs. Weed not legalized because it could put minor painkillers, some major painkillers, anti-depressants out of business at such a cheaper price. My favorite quote was from this scientist that said if 'Marijuana was discovered today on some remote mountain it would be hailed as the miracle drug of the millenium" Studies show that cannabinoids actually help deter the growth of tumors and this shit was supposed to give you luing cancer? iof FU**ING helps cancer people. still bad on your lung capacity and can make you cough but still ont that bad.
One last comment. I think it
One last comment. I think it should be legalized with an 18 year age restriction. my first bowl came when i was 19. im algad i waited till iw as older to smoke. i still have my purpose in life. the people who dont do shit with their lives starting smoking at age 10. that's bad. i never once smoked with anyone udner 17 i think. grow up then smoke is my philosophy. and SOOOOOOO many poeple who graduate high school dont go on the college so if some pothead doesnt go to college you blame the weed. what about the other MILLIONS of NON potheads who dont go to college and work dead end jobs. maybe the potheads who do this no college bad job, are doing this for the same reasons as these MILLioNS of other people who have no college and bad job. MILLIONS OF AMERICANS SMOKE POT. MILLIONS. 20 million i think but so many more that do it secretly.
ok so i was reading through
ok so i was reading through some more comments after i just posted my last one. True i am glad that i stopped smoking pot and came home to live with parents because i was trapped living that lifestyle of hanging with exact same people everyday and was satisfied with it. I plan to start my own little garden in a closet once i get money and just use that for myself. i want to illegally grow for my own use and not tell a soul. smoke alone but hang out with other people that may or may not smoke. thats because i personally do believe i was smoking for my own medical benefit. i dunno why people who aren't suffering from something smoke so much of it but at least the people who I knew, that smoked as much pot as me, about half of them had been at one point in their life diagnosed as depressed/bipolar. i think that the people who love weed would probably be clinically depressed and why this drug is so appleaing is because it allows them to be more themselves. people who smoke it and say its not that great probably were nromal to begin with. but im willing to BET that if you took most potheads before they smoked pot they could have probably been diagnosed as clinically depressed. they just never went to a doctor to find out. i was in my AP psychology class and when the teacher was describing clinical depression i was like oH my god that's me. i hope if it gets legalized in New York that it also gets legalized for depression patients who have already been diagnosed before its legaliztion(i realize people will fake it) I never smoked pot to be a rebel but because it helped HELPED my mental health enough that it was worth doing osmething illegal. i believe in government and laws but i also believe so strongly in marijuana that i am willing to risk getting caught and charged with a felony.
Ok so I have been on anti
Ok so I have been on anti depressants for 2 years now, Lexapro and Zolaf. I have clinical depression which runs in my family. I was raised STRICT mormon and Republican and thought that everything was bad. I went to BYU the mormon university and decided to write my research paper on the re-prohibition on alcohol. I found how stupid trying that was but it got my looking into legalization of marijuana. I was so ridiculously against it but I spent hours researching it from an 'against' it perspective and my mind was changed. I didn't go out and buy a bag the next day but I did write my BYU(strictest college on the earth) HONORS writing research paper on the legalization of marijuana for economic reasons. I still thought the stuff was bad but looking at why alcohol is legalized the same goes for pot. Now about a year down the line I had to oppurtunity to smoke weed and decided to see/feel it for myself. I smoked pot everyday for 7 months straight since that day. I stopped having to spend money on anti depressants or sleep aids. I could actully BE myself when on it. Wish legalization for depression was up there too cause they work better than anti depressants in MOST people like hundreds better. I then dropped out of BYU and moved back home to family. I have been home for 2 months now and have not toked once. I had to go back on pharmaceutical meds which don't work nearly that well. Take sleep aids and what not. It was the effects i had before pot so its not dependency issues. From day one OFF the drug i had no withdrawals or fiending. I have quit smoking cigs before and that hard os i know what addiction is. Sure 100% ONE HUNDRED PERCENT plan on smoking pot again when i move out of the parents house but i'm fine waiting till then. It allows me to be myself. I liked smoking a personable bowl when i woke up and more when i got home from work. I liked being high not so-crazy-baked-i-don't-know-who-i-am-anymore. I did get -crazy-baked-i-don't-know-who-i-am-anymore quite a few times but only weekends and such. Basically i saw myself as a pothead that smoked medically recreationally got really high. That's my story in a nutshell. This article was a joke. complete joke. no quotes or real references. weed affects everyone differently. i know people who tried it before but chose not to smoke again cause they didnt like it. but me on the other hand smoke almost 200 days straight from my first puff. that's all i have to say. wonder if a soul will read this too HAHA
p.s. i think researchers should look into difference form sativa and indica strains. i know the medical dispenseries know their difference but people don't realize that a sativa an up high that wants to do something and indica is couchlock. if some guys smokes 10 bowls of northern lights no one will be surprised when he calls in sick to work. so these anti drug adds that say 'the girl melted into the couch' she was smoking an idica. which i like at nihgt for sleep. If the commercial shows a girl having fun with friends in public that are not high and being very social and eating tons of food she smoked a sativa. not all weed is downers.
i have a friend that smokes
i have a friend that smokes mj and now he has gone
wako,,,i want to know if it is possible that mj wakoed him
wako-----mad,,,staked naked
I Have a friend that smokes
your friends promblem about MJ is that it affects his own state of miNd. ahaha and you should be super nice to him.
it's in the way you use it
First of all, any drug abuse is bad. I used to abuse marijuana, alcohol and other drugs. If you use marijuana to escape your life and use it to get rid of dealing with problems then you're using it wrong. If you use marijuana to enrich your life and don't abuse it then it will be enjoyable. Don't smoke up before that calculus exam. Marijuana effects logical thinking because the THC forms lesions on the hippocampus blocking nervous transmissions when you need to think logically. Marijuana enhances creativity because when you're stoned you enter a higher plane of consciousness. Only about 10% of your brain is used during normal consciousness and smoking pot opens up circuits of your brain that are otherwise unused. So smoke up when you want to enhance creativity. But if you need to think decisively and logically, don't take a toke. It's really in the way you use it. I graduated near the top of my class even when I abused it. It's a dramatically harmless drug, and study after study says it's much safer than alcohol and should be decriminalized and or legalized. But the truth is you should put Mary Jane in the coffin when you're done with her. Take her out of the coffin every once and awile and go on vacation with her, but her back in there when you're done.
i read most of these
i read most of these posts,
i im self concious about my marijuana usage,
but this was exactly the information i was looking for to get a correct bias oppion on marijauna, it has oppened my mind about marijuana and the effects.
And by the way i am 19 years
And by the way i am 19 years of age, i take my experiences into consideration when speaking on a subject as broad as this. There is only so much good in something as well as bad but its for you to judge and not another soul unless its about them their own experiences.
My experience......
Not one person that has replied to any form or topic about Marijuana can say if its beneficial or harmful to anyone unless its YOU expressing what it has done to YOU....I've ran into weed plenty of times which i regret but it has shown me a different side of my self as far as expressing myself and opening up, decreasing anxiety.(Just a pinch!!!) There has only been one time in my life where i used weed and actually had a good day, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I felt as if nothing bothered me, i joked and laughed on a whole different level. It really brought the best out of me to a certain extent. No, while i was in school that day high, i didnt sit down, focus and complete the work that was needed to be done. I was just high as fuck having fun. Able to focus physically but not mentally drawn to the thought of even careing about my work that day. I countinued to abuse the drug that summer and it left deeply imprinted scars within me emotionally and mentally. I am able to focus normally but not like i use to b4 i came in contact with weed. Symptoms suck as Paranoia, big emotional inclines, big emotional plumages, explinations of life in general, expressions of how im feeling are easier to put together,.....ITS Endless for me. I am also living with a spinal condition called scoliosis and i know that weed may affect me differently with this problem much differently than others, but i urge others to do what helps you. If Marijuana brings out your creative side, from freestyling some rap shit to just opening you up to a whole new world educationally, then DO WHAT FITS YOU. Personally, due to my latest encounter with weed, i will Never do it again. I wouldnt tell anyone what to do with their life and neither should anyone else. Different people have different opinions on what it does to you, but only you will know. Please remember, No one knows you like yourself.
anyone who smokes weed
anyone who smokes weed should scroll up and down this page and look at the green side art
People who honestly think pot is not an addictive drug are dilusional,perhaps that is another side effect of smoking the shit!I live with someone who smokes as often as possible and believe me if he has to go without for too long everyone knows about it.That is called addiction!
According to
According to based on a recent study the actual addictive qualities or marijuana are less than that of coffee. Is it possible to become addicted to marijuana? Absolutely. Just as it is possible to become addicted to tobacco, alcohol, hard drugs, sex, gambling, hardcore gaming, work, money... etc.
But simply because certain individuals don't have the self-control to responsibly enjoy themselves doesn't mean that zealous prohibition is any more preferable to moderation. Our police force doesn't arrest responsible drinkers or tobacco users, yet 430,000 people died last year from ingesting cigarette smoke.
PS. To the douche that implied that pot must be evil because it causes you to have bad grammar... I'm high... bitch
weed isnt meant for everyone.many where called few where chosen
evrybody is not the same so as to say the fingers are not equall. so that means if there is an advantage in you smoking weed .. JUST QUIT .. meaning it cant flow with your system. and for those who gets the message from it should make use of it and not to abuse it . its just you knowing what you doing particuarly in the society..
so as to say weed is good because evrything thing on earth is made to be good... and they are in diffrent ways..
Hey Mama If I Had Some M.J ...
God has been created marijuana ,
one of the greatest things that have ever been,
but, I think ,Its better to avoid using IT everytime,
one a week IS ENOUGH ,
AND flying in blue dreams
from me 2U
Long-term effect
I haven't smoked in 29 years.
I did smoke for about 6.
I both loved and needed it.
I stopped because I was about to become a father.
I now see this regular use in a different light, and
My memory stinks. I watched 'Castaway', saw Tom Hanks, and couldn't remember his name for about 5 minutes last week. This kind of thing occurs regularly.
I'm pretty successful guy. Been in business fot 31 years. Have a beautiful wife, family and magnificent home.
As indicated, this is my only regret. The highs weren't worth it. I could have been more complete without it.
that happens to everyone
everyone gets 'brain farts' every now and again. I don't think there's any proof that you can attribute that to your marijuana use. It could be just due to the aging of the CNS, or even stress can attribute to it!