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Biology 202
2004 First Web
On Serendip
Pot, weed, grass, ganja and skunk, are some of the common words used to describe the dried leaves drug known as marijuana. Marijuana is a cannabis plant that is "usually smoked or eaten to entice euphoria." (1). Throughout the years, there has been research on the negative and positive effects of marijuana on the human body and the brain. Marijuana is frequently beneficial to the treatment of AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. However, researchers such as Jacques-Joseph Moreau have been working to explain how marijuana has harmful affects on the functions of central nervous system and hinders the memory and movement of the user's brain. The focus of my web paper is how the chemicals in marijuana, specifically cannabinoids and THC have an effect on the memory and emotions of a person's central nervous system.
Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons. These nerves respond by altering their initial behavior. For example, if a nerve is suppose to assist one in retrieving short-term memory, cannabinoids receptors make them do the opposite. So if one has to remember what he did five minutes ago, after smoking a high dose of marijuana, he has trouble. Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids, which are psychoactive compounds that are produced inside the body after cannabis is metabolized or is extorted from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids is an active ingredient of marijuana. The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is tetrahydrocannibol, or THC. THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana because it affects the brain by binding to and activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters."(2) Neurotransmitters are chemical messenger molecules that carry signals between neurons. Some of these affects are personality disturbances, depression and chronic anxiety. Psychiatrists who treat schizophrenic patient advice them to not use this drug because marijuana can trigger severe mental disturbances and cause a relapse.
When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. Marijuana's damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation. "One region of the brain that contains a lot of THC receptors is the hippocampus, which processes memory."(3) Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for memory, learning, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. It also converts information into short-term memory. "Because it is a steroid, THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits memory retrieval."(4) THC also alters the way in which sensory information is interpreted. "When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakness the short-term memory,"(5) and damages the nerve cells by creating structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain. When a user has a high dose of marijuana, new information does not register into their brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not able to retrieve new information for more than a few minutes. There is also a decrease in the activity of nerve cells.
There are two types of memory behavior that is affected by marijuana, recognition memory and free cells. Recognition memory is the ability to recognize correct words. Users can usually recognize words that they previous saw before smoking but claim to recognize words that they did not previously see before smoking. This mistake is known as memory intrusions. Memory intrusions are also the consequence of THC affecting the free cell of the brain. "Marijuana disrupts the ability to freely recall words from a list that has been presented to an intoxicated subject."(6) For example, if a list of vocabulary words presented to the intoxicated subject and few minutes later, they have to recall the words that were on the list. The only words that they remember are the last group of words and not the words that are in the beginning of the list. This is an initiation that their memory storage has been affected. "The absence of an effect at short term delay times indicates that cannabinodis did not impair the ability to perform the basic task, but instead produce a selective learning and/or memory deficit."(7) I did a study with two college students (Student A and Student B) who both smoke marijuana every other week. This particular study was done an hour before, while and after they were under the influence of the drug. Student A was watching television before she smoked marijuana, was asked which advertisement was splayed before the show started and she got four out of five of her answers correct. After this first section, she smoked a small dose of marijuana twice within an hour. Fifteen minutes after she smoked her last blunt, she continued her regular activity of watching sitcoms. When a commercial would come on, I would ask her simple questions like what happened before the show went to a commercial break. Her responses would be macro-answers about what was going on but when I asked her what the main character was wearing, she did not remember. This was ironic because the protagonist wore a bright yellow suit that my friend commenting on earlier when the show began ten minutes ago. Her short-term memory is weakening because she was only able to remember big picture information and not small picture. Though the results are interesting, I know that I would have had different response on someone else because it depends on how often the user smokes and if they have good memory prior to smoking weed.
Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next. This instant change in emotions has to do with the way that THC affects the brain's limbic system. The limbic system is another region of the brain that governs one's behavior and emotions. It also "coordinates activities between the visceral base-brain and the rest of the nervous system."(8) I am now going to use Students B to describe how emotions are affected by marijuana. Students B is an articulate and well spoken young woman who has a troublesome relationship with her best friends which gets her upset and tense up. But after she smoked one high dose weed, her body was relaxed however, she had trouble formulating her thoughts clearly and would talk in pieces and was jubilant. It has been researched that a person needs to have high dose of marijuana would be in the state of euphoria. High dose of marijuana is measured as "15mg of THC can cause increased heart rate, gross motor disturbances, and can lead to panic attacks."(9) Thankfully, Student A did not experience any of these extreme examples.
College students usually smoke marijuana because they are stressed over schoolwork and feel that marijuana can help them unwind. I have encountered marijuana smokers who are chilled and have no worries in the world but after the effect of the drug wears off, they're sometimes capable to tacking their problem or at the original state that they were in before the drug. The effects of happiness that marijuana usually cause to the user is not a lasting effect because even though a user smokes weed to get away from the troubles of his/her own life, they still have to face these problems after the effects of the drug wears-off. In a survey with college student, an organization called, parents: the Anti-Drug interviewed college students and found that "compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention."(10) This was evident through my second experiment with Student B but not everyone who smoke high doses of marijuana experience the same affect.
The chemicals in marijuana bring cognitive impairment and troubles with learning for the user. "Smoking [marijuana] causes some changes in the brain that are like those caused but cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Some researchers believe that has changes may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted to other drugs such a cocaine and heroin."(11) To prevent such harm, one must be cautious of their actions. Those who do not do drugs do not risk harm. So please the next day you light up, remember you that you central nervous system and brain will be at risk.
2)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
3)Mind Over Matter: Marijuana Series, A Good Web Source
4)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
5)Marijuana: The Brain's Response to Drugs, A Good Web Source
6)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
7)Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Learning and Memory Impairments Produced by Cannabinoids, A Good Web Source
8)Marijuana and the Brain by John Gettman. High Times, March, 1995, A Good Web Source
9)Alcohol Addiction & The Limbic System, A Good Web Source
10)Parents. The Anti-Drug. -- Drug Information, A Good Web Source
11)Marijuana: Marijuana Brain Effects, A Good Web Source
Comments made prior to 2007
I smoked pot straight now since I was 13 years old Im
25 now I smoke it everyday literally through a Bong. I do not smoke
well im at work but as soon as im off and for the remainder of the
evening till I end up going to bed I do smoke. Now I read your page
about the effects pot has on short term memory and brain function,
Since I started smoking pot my asthma has vanished my grades went up in
school my mind learns at quicker rates and my short term memory is far
from gone There isnt much I forget about, unless it is because of my
selective memory. Were the people that you tested on already marijuana
smokers and also there are diff things to be taken into consideration
when testing a substance for example the way it was grown marijuana has
to be grown with nutrients and fertalizers to become potent enough to
smoke for a high but when people use these fertilizers and such they
sometimes do not leech the foods out from the plants which could lead
to all kinds of bad side effects Im wondering if this kind of
inforamtion is taken into consideration when giving test subjects
marijuana to smoke or ingest.
I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all
nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones
your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006
Yeah...i disagree on a lot of things that you have to say about this. Like for one some of the things you mentioned only happen while you're high, but after the high goes away those things do as well. Marijuana is not addicting like other hard drugs or alcohol. Also marijuana helps people with ADD, makes them focus better, and sometimes learn better. Sometimes when you smoke your nerves are more dull, but sometimes they can be more alive, so to speak. You need to know that everybody reacts to marijuana differently. So these test that your doing don't go for everybody. You need to let people know that or else thats kind of false information. Something that really got to me is when you were talking about how people do it to relax and get their mind of things and once the highs gone all the problems come back. Well once again everybody reacts differently to marijuana. A lot of people when there high talk a lot about there problems and life in general. What I'm getting at here is that while their high they can figure out there problems because being high brings you into a new type of world and you think about everything more carefully. It's like it opens up your brain and lets you think more into your thoughts and about whats going on. A lot of times they can solve their problems like that, especially when there is someone there with them to talk to. Marijuana also brings people together. I know someone who hated a bunch of people, but then one day ended up smoking with them. Next thing she knew, they were all the best of friends. I know a group of people and within that group you've got your "gangster" type, Punk type, goth type, preppy type, hick type, and the list just keeps going. All of them probably wouldn't even talk if it wasn't for marijuana bringing them together. I have a lot more to say but, I'm not going to because I have pretty much proved my point. Also marijuana brings the creativeness out in people. Some of the greatest authors, poets, music artist, painters, and so on, get their great ideas or create there masterpieces by being high.
P.S I would also like to add that I am a chronic user and I could remember your whole entire report on it. I also have excellent grades in school, in fact better than when I didn't smoke. I also would just like to add one more thing: You will not understand or ever be able to know how or what marijuana does to you unless you do it yourself. Trust me I once was all anti-marijuana and always said that it does all these bad things to you and blah blah blah. Well now I actually know how it really does make people feel because I have experienced it and everything there is in that type of world.
P.S.S I do agree with a few things that you had to say ... Jen, 9 November 2006
Hi, I really found this information very useful because it IS a misconvention among most of the college/university goers that marijuana increases concentration and increases the work capacity of an individual. I personally believe that it DOES increase the work capacity of the abuser to some extent, that's when the drug abuser is not in a "stoned" state of mind, but then too, what is at stake is the brain and central nervous system malfunctioning, which degrades the intellectual, job and social skills. So in my opinion, it's not a good deal ... Ankur Gupta, 25 February 2007
allright tell me something if you say a list of say 20-30 vocabulary words and you were asked to read them over, then you were asked say 5 minutes later to remember as many of those words as you can, do you really think you'll be able to do that? no i bet if you asked 100 people to do that that around 90% of them wouldnt be able to do it.
also riddle me this batman, how many people die each year from drunk driving accidents? now dont im pretty sure you've been drunk, and maybe once smoked pot in your life right? well which had a more sever affect the weed or the alcohol? yeah the alcohol!
im a stoner i will proudly say that. but if i have the choice between alcohol and weed i'd take weed anyday. i've driven high that isnt a problem. when im high i drive a little slower then normal and im lookin for the nearest 7-11.
weed isnt a drug it has no addictive characteristics what so ever!!! ciggaretes kill more people then alchol,guns,and pissed off husbands who come home early.
now weed doesnt lead to other drugs what so ever, i've been smokin the stuff everyday for the past 4 years and i have yet to even think about trying other drugs. if mother nature didnt want us to smoke it she wouldnt have put it here!
its as simple as that!! ... Reader on the web, 21 July 2007
Hello, I was told about this site as a friend of mine was completing a research paper. As I looked over it, there seems to be lots of misinformation involved, and my friend has abandoned this site. I wouldn't mind if you read through all of my message carefully. To start off, the following statement is not backed by any scientific evidence what so ever. "Marijuana impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons." This has been proven to be false on multiple occasions since the 1970's. Cannabinoids to not not impinge on the nervous system what so ever, this isn't lysergic acid we're dealing with. "Marijuana plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids" This quote right here is misleading. Every plant is comprised of hundreds of chemicals. In fact, they're not even chemicals, they're just substances that comprise the plants' structure. Also, the majority of cannabinoids that are also found in cannabis are produced by the body naturally. Also regarding cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters." This is simply false, I do not know where this source came from. Your brain does not use cannabinoid receptors for memory, thought, or concentration. Next,saying that "When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered." is also blatantly false. Marijuana does not directly impact memory, but short term memory only when high off of THC or CBD is affected because the user may be 'distracted' if you will from the plant it self. Also, referring to a 'high dose' of marijuana is ridiculous. There is no such thing as a high dose of Cannabis because there is no possible way to overdose. It is strictly impossible. The most obnoxious quote that i've read from this site is, "Marijuana also impairs emotions. When smoking marijuana, the user may have uncontrollable laughter one minute and paranoia the next." I cannot believe that this would even be published. MARIJUANA DOES NOT CHANGE A USERS STATE OF MIND. PEOPLE CAN MAKE THE SAME RATIONAL DECISIONS AS THEY WOULD WHEN NOT USING THE PLANT. PERIOD. I am actually appalled by what I've read here, and I'm even more appalled by the sources you've used. Unlike true informational sites, you've only used web sources. That is completely absurd. If you look at any reasonable fact site about Cannabis you will see that the sources that are used are mainly from published books and factual citations. Please realize that much of what is on this web page is completely false and misleading. I wouldn't mind hearing a response soon to defend your case ... Spiros Thomas, 7 November 2007
You do not understand!
scientists are smart but still thay dont know much about what is good for you because they will never know the secret of how we breath our selfs. marijuana helps us reasoning and it sill protects our minds and gets it better even if it is slows down some parts of our brains in this crazy world.
some people may get crazy as an animal from marijuana but only when thay mix it with alcohol.
alcohol is the real destroyer!
I smoke pot but I dont think
I smoke pot but I dont think it should be legalized, and most of the people who left comments on this site are advocates for marijuana, which I find disguisting. Most people are peer pressured into smoking pot and then are later peer pressured into doing harsher drugs. I'm speaking from personal expierence. If it wasn't for mary jane, I would of never done ecstacy, acid, mushrooms, aderol, zanex, salvia, oxycotton, and Coke a cola.
God tells me it's ok to use
God tells me it's ok to use it, it's easier for him to speak through my racing mind when it's more relaxed.
God does not tell you
God does not tell you that!
I hope you change your life one day and ask him for forgiveness because you will end up going to hell with that additude!!!
I will pray for you!
i don't know about you guys,
i don't know about you guys, but pot is the best thing that ever happened to me. my life is just great all around, and it cured my asthma too. the only thing that sucks is that i have to keep my backpack with me ALL THE TIME. that gets old.
aww yeah.
You shouldn't have to use a
You shouldn't have to use a drug to make your life happier. Au Natural is the way to go!
All natural hey? Obviously you dont have a family member or friend who has ever wanted to commit sucide. There are brain chemicals that sometimes get out of wack...thats what LEGAL drugs are supposed to help. For me they didnt. When I was young I smoked weed and it helped me like lithium or prozac. Natural for some means death!
Sure when you don't ever
Sure when you don't ever come down, because you continue to smoke, you live in a euphoric state. EVERYTHING is WONDERFUL! Been there done that. DENIAL!!! Then when you can't find it, funds run out, or you get some bullshit all hell breaks lose in your life. Sound familiar? Quit letting that shit control your life. I have been smoking for 5 years straight. Up to 8 blunts a day. Sure it started with a joint at night before bed to help me relax and sleep. Next thing you know I got lazy, dropped out of college, spent all my money on weed, and the only motivation I had was to go get the next batch. I finally made the commitment to quit only 12 days ago. It really takes alot to get out of that rut. First I was irritable. Then I had trouble sleeping. My hands were shaky. I was restless. The most interesting thing I discovered. I didn't dream anymore while I smoked. Either I didn't remember them or I didn't reach that state of sleep. I would really like to learn more about how it effects your sleep. I am finnaly dreaming again. It is exciting to me. I missed my dreams. Of course I now smoke almost a pack of cigs a day, as opposed to the 5 or 6 I used to smoke, but one step at a time. My lungs got so bad in the end I hacked everytime I hit the blunt. I didn't have the breath to finish the fast part in the new radicals song "You only get what you give". I am proud to say I can now finish it even smoking a pack of cigs a day. It definately is worse on the lungs. I cough up brown crap every morning. The same color as those wraps I used, as if those wraps just glued right to my lungs. If you smoke I wouldn't recommend the blunt wraps. They took a toll on my lungs. I now have a ton more energy, and sleep less hours of the day. As far as legalizing the drug, have you seen Amsterdamn's society. What finally made me commit to quiting, was day one no weed. Same bullshit fighting with my now girlfriend. New enviorment, new relationship now with a woman (I was with a man), same old bullshit. I now feel more control over my actions and I love my woman more than ever. We haven't faught since day one and yes we have had our dissagreements, but we listened to each others point of view and talked it out. It definately affects the emotional state, as if my emotions were put on hold. Then when I didn't have it I was overloaded with emotions, which only reinforced my desire to smoke. I have tried to quit in the past and have wanted to quit for two years. I am proud to say I beat my record of quiting for seven days. I now have a mark on face where I had to have stitches to remind me that I don't need that same old bullshit in my life. I now desire to go back to school. I am better with my kids and my girlfriends daughter. She is now being punished for her laziness in school and staying up all night watching TV. We are alot harder on her now, but I asked her today "I bet you wish we were still smoking?" and suprisingly she said NO! In fact she told me on about day 3 if we bought some more she would bury it. Even being punished she likes us better now not smoking.
i've been smoking cannabis
i've been smoking cannabis for about 3-4 years now. Since then I graduated from a 4 yr university, i work everyday tutoring middle school to high school students in any and all subjects. i play basketball for 3-4 hrs 2-3 days out of the week. i'm talking 5 on 5 fullcourt and my favorite style of play is outrunning my opponents and i would definitely play more if i had more free time. and i'm currently studying for the lsat (took it once got a decent score but still want to improve).i also have a girlfriend of 3 years who i make sure to find time to hang out with, etc. These negative effects of weed i have read here are totally subjective and dependent on the individual. If someone says "weed makes me too lazy to move or it made me ruin my life" or something similar, its not the bud at fault, it is the individuals inability to handle weed. There are many many people out there who live normal, successful lives and also smoke pot, if bud fucks you up too much, stop using it; your body/mind cannot handle it. On the other hand, if you can still keep your priorities straight, weed smoking makes your life a little more enjoyable. I will never smoke before i go to work or any other important buisness; i always make sure smoking is the last thing i do in the day. All weed does for me is mellows me out, relaxes the aches on my body (knee pain from too much ball), increases my appetite, and gives me a good nights rest. With that said inhaling smoke is still really bad for your lungs, but while cannabis is simply a plant that is dried, cigarettes with all the chemicals and toxins that are deliberately put into them would be far worse. People who drink alcohol risk damaging their livers and people who smoke risk damaging their lungs.
When I get kids of my own i will not let them smoke til they're done with highschool or basically when they hit the age of 18-20 i think that they can make the decision on their own. But in the case my kids do end up smoking, i'd rather have them come home and smoke in the backyard rather than going out, not telling me where they are and smoking in a car on some random street. That's what i used to when i was younger with my friends because my parents thought weed was the evil and horrible and all that. I have been lucky enough to be living in cali where I can get bud legally with a cannabis club card and the offense for smoking is not so bad, but to those elsewhere be careful.
Bottom line is, weed can and is a great thing as long as it is taken in moderation like alcohol, tv, internet use, cell phone use, etc etc etc. Just keep your head on straight and keep that bong clean and roll them blunts nice. AND for all you fellow smokers out there, 420 is comin up hahaha!
I just totally related to
I just totally related to that. THank you.
Look, alot of you are saying
Look, alot of you are saying these great things about how weed is fixing your life, and a few of you are pretending it is tearing it apart. I personally do smoke, as my parents did. I'm a normal person, get above average grades in school and all that. When I'm high, I am the same person as usual, but i can feel the difference. yes it is relaxing, and i think the only reason people react slowly on it is because they don't feel as rushed. That goes both ways, there's been times where I, or my friends, have acted rushed, impatient and paranoid. Yes it makes people behave differently, but it doesn't stop you from making each desicion as you normally would. I've been stoned at school, home, court, you name it, and people don't look at me differently. whatever you think your facts are, my experience goes to show that you are still you on weed. It just provides a different outlook on the world. Memory wise, people have bad memory. period. I couldn't remember some yellow suit, and that doesn't exactly sound very controlled. She could ask you what color his shoes were and then who's the stoner?
against marijuana
Grass, pot, weed common names for this drug made from the plant called cannabis sativa. The main ingredient is thc also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, more than 400 other chemicals are in this plant. This drug use can affect jobs and personal relationships as you get so addicted that it becomes the most important aspect to peers life. Marijuana actually affects the heart more then tobacco smoke does is it increases the heart rate as much as 50 percent,causes chest pain, also affects the lungs as users inhale deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible, therefore the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages.This drug can actually cause cancer aswell, but smoke cigarettes and smoking pot combined can increase health risk. It has also been proven that marijuana smoking has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than found in tobacco smoking.
This is truth.. whether or not all pot smokers accept or not, it may be at first hard to accept but it is true.. You can disagree with me but I do not is only your lives you are ruining whether you see it or not..
Young reader.. I also did half the drugs out there.. so I do know..And if you thinking you can actually learn off this drug..what are you learning and showing to other people that hey! look at me I am high as a kite learning that I am not showing good examples for other peers cause this drug is actually more harmful then tobacco.. I think marijuana should not be allowed to buy.
March 24,2008
I Think....
that he has some points but as far as what ive seen it is my experience that people who smoke weed can be pointed out in a crowd of people. But it doesnt mean that weed is bad! I have been smoking since I was 12 and I am now 22. I have NEVER had any of those weird side effects, nor have I ever seen anyone experience these side effects. Almost all of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis smokes on a regular basis. I dont know very many people that dont smoke. Also I have ADHD and the only time that I am normal is when I smoke. And by normal I mean not having people tell you to slow down and breathe when you talk. I have so much energy that I can stay awake until 4:00am and wake up at 8:00 and repeat. I am normal because of Mary J. I think that anyone could tell me "hey go pop this pill and it will fix your problems" but what it comes down to is this...1. I dont trust pills because I dont think the FDA knows what they are talking about.(after all they think vitimans and minerals are toxins!) 2. If people can get vaccines with Mercury and Aliminum in them I can smoke. 3. If it grows naturally its better than anything over the counter. 4. I think that people would be alot less stressed if they would smoke alittle. 5. Because if you really want to fix drug problems then look at all the pharmaceutical companies and the problems they cause. I see a drug commercial 1 out of 3 commercials. Thats bad. Plus they have more side effects then any drug. And they also cause death. Mary J doesnt kill you. You cant overdose! 6. Because if you can let the FDA inject our food with growth hormones and let them tell you flouride is good for you and put it in your water and ALOT more then I can smoke. NEWS FLASH Flouride is bad for you!! Just like heavy metals and growth hormones! They will kill you! (Oh and by the way when your water is being purified they dont remove the pharmaceutical drugs so you get some more of those.) Obviously I think the world has MANY more problems than most of the population smoking some weed.
PS. It is also a known fact that HEMP creates ethenol fuel and that would save us worlds of money if the US could grow it.
well that is your opinion
this is true and not true i have done half of the drugs 2 wow now i must know every thing im from iceland and the thing that caused me to be anxious is the fear inside me of getting busted, weed is worse than tobaco because you inhale it and hold it down longer so more of it stays in the lungs.i read your theory and i asked my self is this guy a tobaco smoker or what? maybe you own shares in a tobaco company i dont know i have smoked pot for 6 years it has done some damage to my memory but after a while that i dont smoke it gets better. i liked smoking weed cuz it relaxed me and i didnt get into fights so maybe it even saved my life. if a guy drinks everyday for 6 years he gets realy sick if he dont get drunk he can even die just of not drinking and this is the truth alcohol is the one of the worst thing to go off.smoking pot for 10 years meybe make you slower or not memorizing many things but one thing for sure it wont kill you to go off it. im not high writing this wow the 1/3 of those who write here and he likes weed.anyways i dont think you will read this but did you know mdma is actualy good for you if you need it? if you didnt go online and find more about this.i like doing drugs and i like smoking weed did you see i out those 2 things seperate weed has many affects but they are mayd be the person smoking it and how his first time has its goods and its bads. everything has that your mom she can be good and she can be bad do you want her to be illegal?just saying we make our choices. and no one should say stop from trying suicide smoking drinking do drugs or sleep in our bed unless we are doing something bad to anyone else. and yeah sorry im not good at writing english.and one more thing you people that havent tryed something dont if you dont want to but stop saying its bad cuz your mom and dad sayd so.leave this to those who have tryed it and ask them do you want to do it still after all the warnings you have gotten?helllll yeaaahhhhh
thank you all for the nice thing i get to learn from all´ya
An observer's point of view
My husband smokes pot and has done so every day since he was 12 years old; he is now 45. I had no experience with pot prior to meetng my husband and did not smoke with him for many years, but after our children moved out I began to smoke with him. Lovely at first, but smoking pot has an effect on the older individual. I've seen changes in my husband over the years - He gets more "stoned" and he has developed anxiety. I believe pot should be legalized and yes, it is far less devestating than alcohol and other drugs. I have worked in the health care industry for many years and our clinic offers the methadone program - I've seen all types of addictions! Pot is the least benign of them all. However it does have its effects for long time, chronic users. Enjoy, but limit your use.
quitting marijuana
Hi. Responding to your comment: I agree with you.
I've been a smoker for years. At first, it made me feel good and all was well in my world. But then, the lack of motivation and the mood swings started. I've tried to quit in the past, but always relapsed. Now, I have made the commitment to quit. And I have a new tool to help me. It is this: I went to a meeting (not religious, but a spiritual one). The Elder who had spoken said,"Right now some of you may be battling an addiction. There's you and the addiction fighting for control. What ever addiction you are battling, remember this: Which ever one you feed is the one you will make stronger." This has really helped me, and has become my new tool. Sure, I still have a crave for the high once in a while, but I don't give in to it because I want my life back. I want to be the strong one.
To the ex-smoker, I commend you for dropping the drug. Weed is not an easy thing to walk away from after you've developed a bad habit of smoking daily. Listen some of you have extremely valid points, but some of you seem like you were high when you wrote your comments. Weed has amazing benefits, but it also has plenty of downfalls. The main bad effect besides memory loss is that it makes you really lazy. I made a bad choice of smoking weed every night for about two straight months because I couldn't fall asleep at night and weed was my only remedy. I did the trick perfectly and I slept like a baby and woke up very refreshed. I also noticed all of my back pain was gone and when I stopped smoking, some of it returned but not all of the pain. I had to quit because it gave me an eye strain for like two weeks straight and it still hasn't gone away. Kinda feels like a mild stroke on the left side of my brain. I get headaches daily and I haven't felt the same since. I wish I could take it all back, but I can't and I still get the urge to smoke. Weed makes me a genious in bed and I can last as long as I want to even for a few hours. But I cannot work while I'm high because it really affects my ability to concentrate and make wise decisions. I tend to make stupid purchases for stuf I don't need when I'm high, so I hide my wallet before I smoke or else I go out and buy stupid shit. I can drive better drunk than high, because weed makes me swerve and drive too slow and I look suspicious as hell. But it's true that it effects everyone in their own unique way. Weed is a really relaxing drug, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to really cut back or quit all together. I'm a music producer and I notice that I can get much more work done when I'm sober but the drug makes me freestyle sick as fuck. So there's a fine line for me, but I think I'll try to smoke less or not at all because I think it's fucked up my brain a little bit because the headaches don't go away and I'm afraid the eye strain might be permanent. I'm not saying don't be a pot head or smoke it up, I'm just saying everyone is different and weed has different pros and cons for everyone. Don't be stupid and think weed has no negative effects because that's just ignorant as fuck.
i dont think youve ever done
i dont think youve ever done weed, why would you hide your keys? your not that forgetful when your high, i can make the same decisions i normally can when im high it just takes slightly more thought and i dont care how unique your form of high is, weed does physically impair you so the only difference in driving when your high and driving when your straight is that you tend to go slower when your high
I like how you wrote your
I like how you wrote your reply. I agree with you in many points. Weed has its pros and cons, but use of it is not detrimental to your health. I think that using weed every so often is totally fine, but what does my opinion matter.
I simply wanted to point out that the reason that people have a hard time concentrating is due to a higher level of theta brainwaves. Theta brainwaves can cause: increased creativity, emotional connectivity, advanced problem solving skills (due to the creativity and letting you have a "different"/more creative look at solving problems), relaxation, decreased stress, anxiety, and neurosis.
As an ex-heavy user, I can relate to all that
I agree with some things. I
I agree with some things. I do not smoke myself, but am very close friends of those who do. I have noticed slower motive skill from the ones that use it most. There speech seems to be off. It seems like it takes them longer to process information and spit it out. I do not believe that pot is any worse then alcohol or any other drug for that matter. Thats just my two cents.
Get your facts straight.
Your study and report are very contradictive and do not show enough evidence to prove your points. You conducted an 'experiment' on 2 students. 2?! In order to get realistic results, you would have to conduct a real experiment on at least 10 students in order to classify patterns and reach results.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Every affect of marijuana you state only produces after a 'high dose'. A high dose, as you have stated, is 15mg of THC. Yet THC only composes 1%-3% of nonmedical weed. Therefore, consuming a 'high dose' of marijuana would be smoking at least 5 grams to your face. All affects are also related to continual use. Few pot smokers smoke 5 grams themselves in one day, never mind in one sitting, 3 times a day, every day.
MJ has been PROVEN to help cure Cancer, AIDS because it increases appitite, decreases nausea and has reduced tumor sizes, Glaucoma because it reduces pressure within the eye, Multiple Sclerosis because it relieves spasms and pain, Tourettes because it reduces tics and urges, and MS, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers because Marijuana forms neuroprotection against neurogenerative diseases and counteracts the activation of microglia.
There has not been one overdose on THC, ever.
It doesn't cure any of them,
It doesn't cure any of them, but minimizes the symtoms.
yea and all the story's of
yea and all the story's of people that have been cure by it is just luck some how it went away.
misinforming the public!
well, i have read all of you guyss replys,
i agree greatly,
we were suppose 2 be doing a report on drugs and their effect on your brain.
it is true that cannabis has a different affect on everyone.
so obviously the subjects tested had some fucked up immune system and didnt process the weed in some kind of way. every one has different experiences.
so calm down with all your scientific bullshit!!
get mroe worried about global warming and what the fuckin government isnt doing to stop that!!
anarchy, i suppose, will always be there 4 me...
Are you serious?
I think you should go back and take a few more English classes. I smoke Weed everyday, usually from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep. I have a Mental Disorder called PTSD. Weed is the only thing that has ever helped me with my anxiety and my depression. However, as much as I smoke, I was more distracted by how many times you improperly used a word, or formed a sentence, then I was by the Blunt I smoked before I read this bullshit. [...] I also have to agree with a previous statement that was made. You really need to try something before you deny something. Otherwise you should keep your thoughts to yourself if you can't handle a few rebuttals.
There are pros and cons to everything under the sun. That dosen't mean that you shouldn't try it all...
Besides marijuana is so much more beneficial then everyone realizes. The government puts out lies and no one is willing to throw the truth in there faces. Tell me how they ca make it legal for 8 people to smoke marijuana in the whole country and sentence people with jail time for possession of a plant? The cruel punishments and judgements need to stop. So much for a free country, LEGALIZE THAA SHITT!
marijuana is the BEST
hi! homes, joint is tha kind of shit which have their own style.
all we can do to salute such a beauty is by LEGALISING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Shit!
Are you ready this shit?
Marijuana and any other drug is bad for the body. So much for being healthyy.
just dont abuse it .
i have been smoking for the past 7 years and nothing they say about the good grade has been affecting me. 8 years now i been driving on highways nights and days and weed only makes me drive better . actually i have been able to explain more deeply in my studies . and understand more , but i also remember if u over dose your self thats when u might experience e affects but, ANYTHING U OVER DOSE IS NOT GOOD FOR U REMEMBER THAT NOT ONLY WEED , SMALL AMOUNTS WILL DO NO HARM, ITS A NATURAL PLANT WITH NATURAL CHEMICALS ... NOT LIKE CIGARET IT HAS 110 POISONS EX-SPECIALLY RAT POISON . RAT POISON I SAY AND THEY LEGALIZED IT DONT U SEEE THEY JUST WANT TO KILL US THE GOVERNMENT DONT GIVE A SHIT THEY JUST WANT TO MAKE ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD AND ALSO CONTROL THE WHOLE WORLD UNDER ONE WORLD ORDER .. ?? ITS TRUE I BEEN DOING ALOT OF RESEARCH
i think that weed might've
i think that weed might've made u paranoid about the government...
i agree with you i really
i agree with you i really think that they suld legilize it because it only effects surtin ppl and every1 makes a big deal out of it if u ask me i totaly 100% agree with who ever wrote this message!!
how in the world is there
how in the world is there pros to throwin' yo life away? duh they ain't liein' i no cuz i experienced it. y would yo leagalize dah shit dat could kill yo ass?man that shit could cause you to die and you want it legalized? you dumb as shit if you think that
If everyone would grow at
If everyone would grow at least five plants imagine how much fun it would be to try and stop it.
i am fifty and i don"t see anything wrong with smoking have a stomach ache take a puff your stomach no longer hurts drinking is the killer i think it should be legal i am a very smart lady so i don't believe anything you say about goodness maybe you should smoke it makes me very creative,exercise and take care of my beautiful body your research sucks......its a plant
In Reply to goodness
Yeah and so is Opium and your point is????!!
Dictatorship needs pot laws to keep power over us.
What would the guberment do with all those enforcement
funds if Pot was made legal?
Maybe, go after the perps who ruined our economy?
Perhaps go after those who waged a war on the people
of Iraq based on lies thereby jeopardizing troops in
the legitimate war zone in Afghanistan the much needed
material and support could be possible with funds now
spent on maintaining a large oppressive dictatorship?
Wonder if a study on the possibilities that could come
from legalizing marijuana? We spend a low estimate of
at least $10 billion a year on enforcement, which I think
is much larger considering now that we have the Border Patrol
and other overlapping bureaucracies formed merely to
keep the dictatorship going.
If pot were made legal:
Farmers in Afghanistan could grow pot as a cash crop
to support their families. This would eliminate the
poverty that the Taliban thrive in. It would also
eliminate the heroin that comes from the poppies that
they now grow to support the Taliban. The legal crop
of Pot could be exported to the US instead of heroin.
I'd think this simple step would save lives of our troops
and our treasury.
My advice get out of this country before it's to late.
Much like the Jews of the Nazi era, best to leave before
they get to do something more drastic to you. 850,000
people were arrested last year on pot charges. It's a total
waste of time and ruins people much. Pot laws are more
of a threat to free thinking than smoking pot. Get out while you can.
i think that the government and tv lies about how marijuana effects you because i smoke weed daily i dont smoke it while i am at work or nothing. weed relives you when you are stressed out and it also helps you focus better in when you are high you are just hungry, sleepy and happy and sometimes it makes you smart. i think that weed should be legal because it is just a plant that just have some little side effects when smoke it that goes away when your high is gone
hahaha come on look all the
hahaha come on look all the losers who smoke it say the same thing!
how funny i used to smoke when i was in highschool because i was immature and really i didnt care being high and looking all retarted.
i smoked since 13 and graduated at 17 struggling and taking night school
finally i quit smoking my lungs feel so much better and my life is great im a college student with a 3.0 gpa. i dont need and dont think anybody needs weed. I know all of my friends or relatives who do weed they are complete failures in life, cant have a nice job, they either work at a fast food restaurant or a retail store, no plans for the future, they cant even afford a pleasant living.
My boyfriend gets grumpy when i dont let him smoke, he's grades had gone down ever since he started smoking again he wants to quit college he still live with his parents and so does his 27 year old friend.WEED IS NOT AND WONT BE BENEFICIAL FOR ANY LONG TERM USER AS A "HOBBY" IT DOES NOT MAKE FOOD, MUSIC, SEX, TV, ETC BETTER. I feel sorry for those who think this way they do not have the ability to enjoy life with their own imagination and inspiration of the way their senses work normally. I have smoked weed, laugh like a crazy eat the food and ejoyed it but then reallity check the feelings gone, just like alcohol, and the side effects are not fun anymore. I HAVE MY OWN EXPERIENCE TOGETHER WITH OTHER PEOPLE AND I KEEP COMING TO THE CONCLUSION: WEED WILL LEAD TO FAILURE. END OF STORY. AND I MEAN IT FOR THE POTHEADS.
i cant tell if your serious
i cant tell if your serious or not, but i dont think anyone NEEDS weed, and i dont think my life would be awful without it, i think that weed should be a recreational activity like sports or going out to eat. i dont think you can decide if someone else is a failure, being a failure is all a state of mind, if you feel happy more than you feel sad then your successful. i see nothing wrong with a person that works at mcdonalds for minimum wage if they are truly happy with their lives. and it does make all those things better
Ive been smoking since
Ive been smoking since i was 11. i am in college with a 4.0 and graduated high school early due to summer courses and shit. pot made it easier to study and i love it. i am gonna be fukin rich. i thought of my business plan high with my buddies. so fuck anyone who is pesomistic about it. I agree with dumbasses who smoke to be cool or some shit like that. i am aware of the side effects. i don't give a shit its been working for me just fine. my older brother is the same as me and he gets a 4.0 and is going for a triple major so fuk off
You See?
Pot is a personal experience for everyone and the fact of the matter is that you let it control you and drive your life. If you chose not to do your school work or something that is your choice. Maybe you needed to quit smoking it, the nature of yourself is lazy and when you where high you chose to not do something and blamed your failures on the most obvious thing you could think of which was the pot. It's not fair to smear something that you could not handle, [...] , now your memory is better, you just need to stay off this internet when your ticked off by your boyfriend because he not your dog and will do everything you say
Weed does not lead to
Weed does not lead to failure. You can post any study that says it limits the mind, and then find others that says the opposite.... If you fail at life, you don't need weed to let you do it. If you're lazy, or productive, weed isn't going to change any of that.
It's hilarious how people attempt to blame cannabis for neglecting responsibilities. Neglect is neglect, whether it's drugs, video games, an obsession with anything even work causes neglect to other areas. Just because you've been conditioned and socially manipulated to accept certain things doesn't mean anything is right or wrong when it comes to the self. If you want to kill yourself, you're going to do it anyway. People are going to do what they want. Besides, in 12,000 years, there has never been a recorded death caused from cannabis. I'd love someone to try and argue this^^ :) Alcohol has killed many people, and is reponsible for many innocent lives lost, in a lot of cases the drunk driver was never scratched after ending the lives of entire families. You can find so much on this subject, but nobody complains about alcohol the way they do about cannabis. This is ridiculous, and is simply linked to how humans are trained growing up but they don't even realize it.
"Smoking cannabis can cause cancer..." There have been more people who have never smoked a single puff of anything in their lives get lung cancer than have ever been linked to cannabis smoke alone. Everyone is using studies from one side to the other but if it's good to you, use it and don't stop to think about it. I believe it is completely safe, and without a doubt in my mind better than alcohol (ducking fiscusting).
Do what ever makes you happy, and don't let people who can't live that life of smoking everyday bring you down, they're just jealous and they know it. You can get away with it? Good, do it. Your choice, educate yourself and have fun with life, and free yourself from all the people who are already pre-disposed.
i agree with you 100% the
i agree with you 100% the only thing i would change is that it is actually possible to die from marijuana, but it would be because you smoked too much, about 22 years ago a man died of a marijuana overdose. what happened was him and his friend lit up about 10 joints in their car and had all the windows rolled up, the guy passed out long before he died though so it would still be impossible for someone to die of marijuana out in the open because he would just pass out before he got that far.
Thank you very much
Finally someone with some comon sense. I agree 100%. WEED DO NOT MAKE YOU SUCCEED.
obviously weed will not make
obviously weed will not make you succeed, the only thing that can make you succeed is your own will.
weed does not change the way you think it simply makes you more aware of your thoughts
I used to smoke everyday and act completely normal around my family and friends who had no idea that I was high
if you are already a successful, hardworking person this will be made more prevalent when you smoke as was shown when my grades went up when I started heavily smoking in 10th grade
I have not smoked for about 3 weeks and in no way need to go back because I am exactly the same person I was before I began smoking however if someone offers me a hit I'm going to say yes because I have read numerous non biased studies on the drug and have had personal experience with it and therefore have a much better understanding of it than the ignorant uninformed people spewing hate here
it depends
i smoke all the time and it all depends on wat kind of person u r. if u never do good in school and smoke and still do bad then u cant blame weed 4 that. u will be fine if u smoke alot as long as u r a hard worker and stay ontop of ur life like in school. i smoke alot but i no that school comes first and work hard then get baked and have fun and i do fine. everyone is different and it depends wheather u r mentally tough enough to keep ur life in line and smoke
I have been smoking for
I have been smoking for 20yrs, after 7yrs of smoking i tested in to the 75th ranger regiment a top secret, special operations unit. The only thing wrong with weed is that the goverment has a communist view of this plant as it does with all drugs. What happend to our freedoms are we free or under some sort of communistic regime. NOT TO MENTION THE DOLLARS WE PAY IN TAXES ARE BEING SPENT TO JAIL FELLOW POT SMOKERS. When we finaly get weed legalized we can put people that murder, molest, rape you know the real criminals that jails were invented for. The jails are overcrowded and real criminals get out and hurt others again. The goverment can tax weed, free up some jail space and give freedom back for a change( ounce the goverment takes a freedom they never give it back) with weed being legalized this could be a first. I have also been working on a colledge degree as i am disabled form my time in the army. My g.p.a is 3.0, ya i do not smoke before a class or when i hit the books. Oh ya and the comment about pot smokers being successfull, first lets define successfull, some might say helping others is being successfull like the compassion act does every day. Peace out to everyone. Love.
marijuana is a drug and as
marijuana is a drug and as much as people use it i believe it is addicting..when i see people who r high they look stupid...they r sleepy and hungry...y would u want to be sleepy and hungry all the time? if u have that many problems i suggest u c a counselor and get some help because marijauna will only take ur problems away while u r high and then they return
ur not hungry you just like
ur not hungry you just like the way stuff feels and tastes in your mouth when your chewing, its not physically addicting, its addicting like video games are addicting, and they look sleepy because their completely stress free(you would probably refer to it as lazy). personally i dont do marijuana to get rid of problems, i do it because i enjoy the way it makes me feel and i would rather get high and think about my problems and try to fix them instead of going to some counselor who has a different opinion on what a good person should be like.