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The Health Benefits of Fasting

Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip
The Health Benefits of Fasting
Will Carroll
There has been much contention in the scientific field about whether or not fasting is beneficial to one's health. Fasting is an integral part of many of the major religions including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Many are dubious as to whether the physiological effects are as beneficial as the spiritual promoted by these religions. There is a significant community of alternative healers who believe that fasting can do wonders for the human body. This paper will look at the arguments presented by these healers in an attempt to raise awareness of the possible physiological benefits that may result from fasting.
Fasting technically commences within the first twelve to twenty-four hours of the fast. A fast does not chemically begin until the carbohydrate stores in the body begin to be used as an energy source. The fast will continue as long as fat and carbohydrate stores are used for energy, as opposed to protein stores. Once protein stores begin to be depleted for energy (resulting in loss of muscle mass) a person is technically starving. (1)
The benefits of fasting must be preceded by a look at the body's progression when deprived of food. Due to the lack of incoming energy, the body must turn to its own resources, a function called autolysis. (2) Autolysis is the breaking down of fat stores in the body in order to produce energy. The liver is in charge of converting the fats into a chemical called a ketone body, "the metabolic substances acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid" (3), and then distributing these bodies throughout the body via the blood stream. "When this fat utilization occurs, free fatty acids are released into the blood stream and are used by the liver for energy." (3) The less one eats, the more the body turns to these stored fats and creates these ketone bodies, the accumulation of which is referred to as ketosis. (4)
Detoxification is the foremost argument presented by advocates of fasting. "Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin." (5). This process is precipitated by fasting because when food is no longer entering the body, the body turns to fat reserves for energy. "Human fat is valued at 3,500 calories per pound," a number that would lead one to believe that surviving on one pound of fat every day would provide a body with enough energy to function normally. (2) These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or growth, not excreted, and therefore converted into fat. When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it releases the chemicals from the fatty acids into the system which are then eliminated through the aforementioned organs. Chemicals not found in food but absorbed from one's environment, such as DDT, are also stored in fat reserves that may be released during a fast. One fasting advocate tested his own urine, feces and sweat during an extended fast and found traces of DDT in each. (5)
A second prescribed benefit of fasting is the healing process that begins in the body during a fast. During a fast energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism and immune system. (6) The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the body's search for energy sources. Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to autolysis. Furthermore, "production of protein for replacement of damaged cells (protein synthesis) occurs more efficiently because fewer 'mistakes' are made by the DNA/RNA genetic controls which govern this process." A higher efficiency in protein synthesis results in healthier cells, tissues and organs. (7) This is one reason that animals stop eating when they are wounded, and why humans lose hunger during influenza. Hunger has been proven absent in illnesses such as gastritis, tonsillitis and colds. (2) Therefore, when one is fasting, the person is consciously diverting energy from the digestive system to the immune system.
In addition, there is a reduction in core body temperature. This is a direct result of the slower metabolic rate and general bodily functions. Following a drop in blood sugar level and using the reserves of glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is reduced in order to conserve as much energy within the body as can be provided. (2) Growth hormones are also released during a fast, due to the greater efficiency in hormone production. (7)
Finally, the most scientifically proven advantage to fasting is the feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy. Part of this phenomenon is caused by a number of the benefits mentioned above. A slower metabolic rate, more efficient protein production, an improved immune system, and the increased production of hormones contributes to this long-term benefit of fasting. In addition to the Human Growth Hormone that is released more frequently during a fast, an anti-aging hormone is also produced more efficiently. (7) "The only reliable way to extend the lifespan of a mammal is under-nutrition without malnutrition." (5) A study was performed on earthworms that demonstrated the extension of life due to fasting. The experiment was performed in the 1930s by isolating one worm and putting it on a cycle of fasting and feeding. The isolated worm outlasted its relatives by 19 generations, while still maintaining its youthful physiological traits. The worm was able to survive on its own tissue for months. Once the size of the worm began to decrease, the scientists would resume feeding it at which point it showed great vigor and energy. "The life-span extension of these worms was the equivalent of keeping a man alive for 600 to 700 years." (8)
In conclusion, it seems that there are many reasons to consider fasting as a benefit to one's health. The body rids itself of the toxins that have built up in our fat stores throughout the years. The body heals itself, repairs all the damaged organs during a fast. And finally there is good evidence to show that regulated fasting contributes to longer life. However, many doctors warn against fasting for extended periods of time without supervision. There are still many doctors today who deny all of these points and claim that fasting is detrimental to one's health and have evidence to back their statements. The idea of depriving a body of what society has come to view as so essential to our survival in order to heal continues to be a topic of controversy.
1)"Dr. Sniadach – True Health Freedom 3
4)"Nutriquest, March 11th, 2000 – Ketosis and Low Carbohydrate Diets"
5)"WebMD – Detox Diets: Cleansing the Body"
7)"Fasting – Good Morning Doctor"
8)"The health Benefits of Fasting"
Comments made prior to 2007
The term for the breaking down of fat is lipolysis, not autolysis. Autolysis is the self-destruction of cells ... Paul, 3 April 2007
Comments the beggining
A Simple Goal
1. burning out fats.
2. detoxify for healthier system.
3. feeling light.
I'm on my second day fast aiming to a 30 days fast.
Anyone ever heard of Carb Cycling?
So interesting to read of everyone's spiritual, emotional and physical journeys with food and weight. It is so true that anything we want to manifest, on an energetic level, if we are clear (detoxed), the manifestation will be accelerated. When we are weighed down by extra pounds and toxicity, it will take longer and be more of struggle to bring into being our truest and highest desires.
I am inspired by many of the posts on fasting to try one myself, particularly the 3 day water fast followed by 2 days of fruits and veggies! In the meantime, I have discovered an alternative to fasting. I have been reading about the concept of eating no carbs for 3 days, (while eating healthy meals of protein and veggies) then on the 4th day adding in a serving or two of healthy carbohydrates like brown rice or yams.
Eating carbs on the 4th day keeps the metabolism revved up. If we went straight through for days or weeks without carbs, our bodies would go into "starvation mode", the metabolism would slow down and weight loss would plateau. Carb Recycling is a hidden and until now secret weapon used by body builders.
To Your Health & Fitness!
Fasting article
Thanks for the article, I agree with a lot in it. However, one is not "technically starving" as soon as muscle protein is broken down- muscle protein gets broken down from the first days of a fast ()
I'm also pretty sure that the release of HGH is not due to "greater efficiency of hormone production." The body always releases HGH when stores of glycogen are depleted, as far as I know.
Fasting for Healing
I was doing research on the benefits of fasting when i came across this page...i loved what i was reading...i've been having problems with my blood pressure for at least the past 5 blood pressure was 160/120...thats when i knew that i had to try the "Water fast". I did a 3 day water wasnt easy for me...i hadnt done a fast in at least 2 or 3 years. I use to fast periodically for religious purposes. I never thought about the health benefits of fasting. After my 3 day fast my blood pressure went down to 136/97...i ate fruit,and salads the 2 days following my fast, my blood pressure after a week from my fast start date was down to 115/87...i am 48 years old and i dont do medication...there are too many side effects. I will fast more often now because i do believe that our bodies were built uniquely to heal themselves, if we take care of them and, fasting is a part of taking care of the body.
the best way to lose belly fat
Great article!Love this post!Let lose weight or belly fat for the sake of our health.Be healthy is great and health is wealth.God bless you.Amen
I am so hungry
I am struggling with food. I am slightly under average weight. (5'9 131 lbs) Recently I have been addicted to sugar. It's really gotten out of control. I'm an athlete, and my diet and training is extremely important to me, but lately all I want to eat is sugary products. I cut juice out of my diet years ago, but lately I've even been craving juices! Sugar has been a huge distraction for me lately, I really feel as though I can't help myself and I have no will power. I will tell myself not to eat something, and go ahead and eat it.
I tried to start my water fast yesterday on Monday, but someone surprised me and brought me a grilled cheese for lunch. Money is very tight, so I ate it and decided to fast for the rest of the day. However, I couldn't make it. By 7:30 my stomach was growling so loudly I simply couldn't ignore it. I started to feel very sick, and I made a small portion of noodles to eat, (which was more carbs, but all I had in the home.) I decided I would try my water fast again today, and include one meal a day before noon. I figured this would give me plenty of time to digest.... I had a serving size of egg salad before noon, but now it is 6:45 and my stomach is growling again, growling very very loudly. I am skinny, and I work hard and play harder. I'm a dancer and a martial artist, and I feel very uncertain of what to do. I feel hungry, like I need to eat, but I feel ashamed for not being able to stand my ground for a minor water fast. Does anyone else go through this? How the hell are you sticking with your water fast? Am I just totally weak spirited?
induce ketosis before you start your fast
When the body gets into a state of ketosis hunger is greatly reduced. I would suggest eating just roast beef, cheese, baked chicken and eggs for two days. No carbohydrates at all, just the foods I mentioned, and as much of them as you want. After two to three days of that your body will be in ketosis although your digestive system will still be running. This would make it easier to start.
Please get a book written by
Please get a book written by Paul Bragg "The Miracle of fasting" It will answer many of your questions.
And yes we do go through the "growling" of the stomack too, but it depends on you how you prepare your self mentally. You must have great attidute during that time. Occupy yourself with something.
DRINK LOTS OF WATER, at least 64 oz, that will help (some what :) )
Do other things that you enjoy very much.
Trust me , we all want to eat, we are humans too, but it's a mindset which help to get you through.
Also depends on you: Why are you doing the fasting?
Do you see value in it?
Is it important to you or not.
And then again: NEVER< NEVER jump into longer than 24 hr fasting a week if you have not been doing it on a regular basis for the last 6 months to a year
no way...please stop worrying
Holy crap, what do you have to feel bad about. You are fit and obviously work off the calories you intake. I'm 5'7" 236lbs. And have been up to 260 at 1 time. I'm jealous that you have the control to be as active as you are and stay at your weight...just enjoy who you are and know there are a lot of us trying very hard to get where you are now. ;)
The first three days are
The first three days are always the hardest in a fast. Stomach growls and rumbles. I find that when you go with water if you drink more it fills your stomach so it doesn't feel as empty. Sort of tricks your mind a little. Also drinking juices like apple juice, and grape juice even tomato juice. Though if your not eating any food stay away from orange juice, the acid in it will mess your stomach up bad. Another trick with tomato juice is to put it in a bowl and heat it up in microwave and drink it from a spoon. Sort of tricks the mind to thinking it's eating food when it's not. The juices also will keep your body from depleting vitamins important to your eye sight. I've heard of someone going blind because of fasting. Another way if your going with just water though. Is take some fresh vegetables and boil them. Afterwords take the veggie's out and then drink the water. The nutrients in the veggies will be in the water, so you can stick with your water fast, while not having to worry about not getting vitamins. Hope maybe some of this will help you with trick your mind and help you stand your ground on your fast.
how to reduce weight in natural way
Actually the main concern is your weak will power.You take it as a goal and have to decided that when you are hungry you eat more vegetables and fruits. You can take 6 meals a day ,after every 2 hours in small quantity. Get rid of all sweet items,bakery products and eat whole grain cereals. Drink 10-15 glasses of water.
I am so hungry
Dude try a honey and water fast. You can drink tea too and put honey in that. Honey is delicious and really good for you too. Its so easy. I started mine today and I've had no problems so far, I just feel really light and kind of euphoric. At first you might feel a little irritable but once you break through its amazing. I'm pretty determined though and I think this is essential when fasting. Just try it for three days and eat only fruits and veggies for 2 days after, preferably blend or juice the veggies. Remember that YOU always have the choice to eat and YOU can always say no. Mind over matter bro!
I found that in order to fast, I have to start at the beginning of a day. If I ever put food into my mouth, then I cannot do it that day. But if I do not start eating, then I can do it. I think this is your problem. If you do not start your stomach working on food, then you can fast. So instead of eating something in the morning, just start your fast then and you can do it.
for me it is diffrent if my
for me it is diffrent if my mom wakes me up i can fast with ease but its worse with out eaating first mabey its because im still young
Yes, I must say that it is very hard to fast. I am on my second day of a fast and struggling although I have fasted on and off for years. This time I am doing a 30 day fast. You must remember that flesh is dumb and does not know whether you are feeding it or not. Also, the good thing is that your appetite will go completely away around the 6 or 7th day. I fasted 21 days 2 years ago and on the 15th day I had so much energy, I just wanted to run and run. I only drink distilled water and nothing else. There are days like today that I must just clench my fist and my teeth and grin and bear it. But when I know that all my systems are relaxing and resting and healing themselves, it is much easier. I brush my teeth often.. that helps and as soon as I get home from work I take a nice tepid bath to relax. Also, if watching t.v. I look away at food commercials. It is so very tough but the results are so worth it. My skin and eyes become very clear and it seems to clear the cobwebs away. I really can say that I enjoy it and feel that it is the best thing for healing. I hope this helps.
Hungry for sugar? You probably have yeast/fungus/parasites thus your cravings for sugar. Definitely fast-commit to healthy food choices-Do not fast on water alone! Drink freshly made veggie/apple juices, take spirulina for protein, add green powder(all natural) to your water-this is not easy-one reason fasting is also a spiritual practice-takes discipline and strong will-You are strong you can do it! Start with a day and work your way up! Try starting your fast after dinner some evening, easier when you are sleeping! Good luck
adjust slowly
yeah i too have the same issues. but i think there are ways to make it easier.. i'm 39 5'7" @143lbs. i would say to compromise. first hydration is critical when fasting especially if your active like myself. i have 32oz of green tea in the morning. then i work out in the afternoon but i too have fatigue issues but fight my way through. i start with cardio cuz it gets my adrenaline moving. il jump rope for 30 minutes and do my weight workouts. nothing extreme just light weights with hi reps. and alot resistant exercises like pushups, chin-up, sit-ups. i use weights for my legs. but here's the compromise. i usually have around 50 to 60 ouces of water that i boil than cool off. i squeeze 2 limes and put 1 tsp of himillayan salt and that really replenshes me. il have it during and after my workout. so i usually end of with 90 ounces of liquids since i work out i have to make sure to replace water and salt loss. the limes take the pings away in your stomach and really does refreshen you. i usually last 4 to 5 days then eat only soft boiled eggs for the day when i break my fast. try that.
My Hunger Management Story
I have been "IFing", eating & fasting on alternate days, for approximately 3 months. Today I finished a 45-hour fast during which I drank only non-caloric liquids. My discomfort during fasts is not due to hunger, but rather to my love of food and boredom in the absence of it. Simply put, food, and carbs in particular, are my drug of choice, period.
In my personal experience, the fewer carbs that I consume during eating days, the less hunger I will have on my fasting days. Conversely, the more carbs I eat, the hungrier I am. The secret for me, in limiting my food weaknesses, is to avoid carbs as much as I can. Sometimes I do better than others. I accept that this is a lifetime struggle with my food addictions and, sometimes, I fall off of that wagon. It is not easy, and sometimes I have to take one day at a time.
I hope that my experience is of some value to you. Keep your chin up. Good luck! :-)
water Fasting
Hi, I have read your story , which was quite touching, and would love to help. ~You need to increase the intake of water - at least 8 glasses spread out during the day , while eating more fruits instead of sweets. There may be a deficiency in your diet if the craving continues. Try changing your diet to higher levels of protein and fibre such as oat meal( if you are not wheat intolerant) and try and increase your level of greens and salads. Ensure you start your day with protein or porridge that is a slow release carbohydrate,that is makes you less hungry. Each time you feel hungry , try having a glass of water or fruit juice( fresh juice), you may get more advise on Thanks
intentions of fasting
To put simply fasting is considered spiritual when you intentions are good. Try saying to the Creator " please accept my intention to fast "Creator" or whatever you concieve him to be and watch your life transform. Also he doesn't want you to starve so just do it during daylight or night time. Good luck as this builds faith regardless of religion.
I am having a hard time with
I am having a hard time with my water fast. I am on day 15 of a 30 day water fast. The reason I am doing it is because I am terribly obese and I need to create a better eating habit and this will teach me control and patience. Back to my question, my weight lose has hit a plateau. I havent lost a pound in many days. What could be happening. The sole purpose of this water fast is not to lose a ton of weight really fast but I am a bit worried because I'm not eating anything. I've still been experiencing hunger pangs is my body telling me that I've taken it too far. I really would appreciate a speedy response. I dont want to make things worse for myself.
I have fasted for years (water only), There once was a fasting farm in New York State and I went every 6 months religiously and learned much about fasting under the owner-physician's supervision. Since it closed, I do it on my own. That is why I know that when fasting, usually you hit a plateu of weight wherein you do not drop a pound but seem to stay the same. It lasts a few days but weight loss resumes. Always check your tongue. If a white coating appears on the tongue, it is time to stop the fast as that is a warning that the next step is starvation, which stage you never want to enter. I also learned there that everyone has a "fasting limit." and each body is different - some can go a week, 3 weeks, etc That is why you check the tongue;;the white will appear when your particular body has reach its fasting limit. The fasting farm broke our fast with oranges.
White coating on tongue
I'm not sure who has told you that white coating on the tongue means break the fast it means starvation. I think there is a reason your fasting farm closed down.I know you said it was under the care of. Physician but from my experience there are many/ most GP's that know about nothing about nutrition let alone fasting!! I am now studying holistic nutrition and already studyied Ayurveda and detox in India. . The white coating does not mean starvation! Please stop telling people this. When you do a fast toxins come out from everywhere, in your body including the tongue. In Ayruveda the white coating means you have Ama , which is undigested food in your digestive system. When doing a fast( or even if your not) You should scrape your tongue and then gargle with rock/ sea salt to kill the bacteria. IF ANYTHING you should break the fast when your tongue is CLEAR of the white oating. Also your system is fragile after fasting, it should not be broken with oranges! They are far to acidic for a sensitive system, it should be broken with some non citrus fruits, vegetablse, and veggie soups( no dairy or meat) for approx 3 days. Then you an add in other foods slowly but avoid sugars , processed , fried and fatty food. No fast food! Fasting can be dangerous if not done properly, please everyone do your homework , talk to someone QUALIFiED before going on a fast. There are many " fasting farms" jumping on the trendy money wagon and not teaching how to do things properly.
If I were you I would seek
If I were you I would seek medical advice before continuing the fast further. I am NOT an expert on fasting, but I have been reading a lot about it and in one highly scientific (sounding) paper, a doctor said that extended fasting for morbidly obese people may be dangerous, because although you have ample fats to burn, your muscle mass may not be high. You do lose some muscle mass during fasting and it may be hard on your heart muscle to do this for extended periods of time. Take my comment with a grain of salt because I know very little on fasting. I applaud you on your 15 days!
I've been fasting on and off since I was 40 years old. I am 71 now. Fasting is really needs a lot of well power and faith. I started on distiled water alone but I found out that you can do juice fasting also. What I do I mix a little amount of fruit juice to a glass of distiled water. If you are christian and you believe in god then think all the time that our body is the temple of our soul. Our soul belongs to god and so therefore, our soul deserve a clean temple. I always put in my mind that Jesus Christ fasted 40 days and forty nights. He is a living being like us. Gandhi fasted also for many days to liberate India from colonizer ( England). Also put in your mind that walk by faith not by sight. I am going to start fasting again tomorrow. I feel that I need it again. Make a habit to fast one day a week. If you want to know more about fasting then buy book. I recomend " The Miracle of Fasting" by Paul Bragg. Go to his website and buy book.
When in doubt, eat something.
When in doubt, eat something. Don't just NOT eat because you didn't get a fast response.
15 days without eating?! Thats extreme. Why don't you try intermitten fasting. One day on, one day off.
I made a simple calculator in excel that estimates how long it would take me to drop anywhere between 1 - 100 pounds.
You can do the same thing. But for fucks sake... eat something dude.
Wikipedia "starvation" I
Wikipedia "starvation" I remember reading something about plateaus during a fast, and typically there are different periods of "starvation" mode that your body goes into, and they explain how to monitor this. Technically, they say, a healthy person should be able to go 30 days, drinking water only, with no impact on body function, immune function, etc. You may have an underlying health condition that is keeping you from reaching your goal, or , you may just be going through an adjustment which is normal. The body does not burn fat at the same rate all the time.
In Reply to the Article
I tried getting as much info about fasting as I could before I started fasting. As anyone can tell you, there's good, bad & some down right criminal advice out there so it's hard to find relevant & helpful info on the subject. Thank goodness for growing awareness of fasting in the medical world & people wanting to share their experiences. I hadn't fasted until a few years ago because I used to smoke a great deal, loved to drink & was sure I would do it wrong. My 1st fast was for 4 days & I thoroughly enjoyed it. I no longer smoke but that wasn't the reason I started to fast. I feel extremely lucky as after 30 yrs of smoking I just said one day "I'm gonna quit. Doc, what'cha got for me?" I was on the patch for 2 weeks then just forgot to put them on. It's been 4 yrs in June. I still drink but when I plan to fast I stop completely for a week before I even begin my preparation. I lose 1-2 lbs from that alone. I'm on a 14 day fast right now. It's day 6. I continued to work out (yoga, elliptical & dynamic weight lifting.) but have eased up on that a lot. I do my entire yoga routine but just my joint therapies. I did 2 days of juice then water/lemon/honey & cayenne pepper 4x a day. I'm drinking a ton of water & still feel I'm not drinking enough. Lots & lots of green tea. I have an alarm set for every hour for 6 hours of the day to make sure I drink my H2o. I did a colon clease yesterday. The body temp they talk about is for real. I usually do @ 20 mins on the elliptical & my heart rate would be in the 180s. Now it's hovering around 145 & I don't break a sweat. I'm having a hard time w/ cravings because my boyfriend doesn't know how to cook for himself so I do it. Plus my down stairs neighbour fills the hallway w/ aromas of red meat, cookies & home made soups. I've found that if you really try you can have tunnel vision when you're in the kitchen, in the pantry, in the fridge. I know what my water & honey look like so... They say you experience bad breath, check. Slimy skin (more than just perspiration), check. Pimples, check. What I haven't experienced is the foul body odor. I just smell like me, no better no worse. I'm doing all things mentioned in the article & am doing well. Believe me when I tell you a hot soak in Epsom salts, a loofah scrub down & a massage puts the cherry on the cake? Cherry on the yoghurt. The whole experience calms my mind, eases my discomfort & makes me a nice person to be around. I've read a lot about breaking the fast. Some people say raw fruits & veggies. Some say cooked veggies because they are soft. What I do is for the 1st 2 days I drink broth like miso. Then I go on to soft fruits & veggies, tofu. Pears, plums, bananas, watermelon (no skin of course & no citrus, this means tomatoes too) avocados. I mix in yoghurt. Almond butters. Rice. Tempeh. Then I move to all the raw veggies & fruit. And finally eggs & raw fish. I don't like sweets & I'm not a fan of meats but they are so easy because they are always around. My weaknesses are crackers & cheese, popsicles & pasta. Oh lord, give me the strength to know the difference between craving & real hunger. Good luck to everyone. I hope you find what you're looking for.
when breaking your fast, eat
when breaking your fast, eat 2-3 dates, they can be found at many supermarkets or middle-eastern stores
Thank You
I appreciate your article, very informative.
Basis of Fasting
While one may find examples of fasting in many disparate 'religions', fasting traces its root back to ayurvedic medical principles (as far back as the written word can trace it, via sanskrit). It likely existed long before that, as common sense dictates that if your health or mental wellbeing are out of balance via food, then perhaps a break from said will aid in restoring balance.
Currently on day 11 of a 45 day fast, and then a two week tapering long as knawing hunger does not return.
Reasons? Uncontrollable anger (sugar rage) has cost me my family. I was slightly overweight, but weight was not the reason. With fasting my body has balanced blood glucose to normal within days, whereas it was in the mid two-hundreds before. Clarity of thought and balanced reactions to lifes occurences have also returned.
Via fasting I wish to get rid of all glucose stores and re-establish a valid baseline going forward.
As to 'spiritualism', do you know that the word Faith in Sanskrit means...Reason?
Heres Hoping
Hi. My name is Danny. I am on the 2nd day of a "Water fast." I am doing it for 4 key reasons. First, I am constantly angry and I hear fasting helps to help with things like that. Second, I have never been a spiritual person and I have been so lost since my mother passed. I am hoping that during my fast something will happen to help me find a point. Third, I have never really completed anything in my life. So if I complete this, I am hoping it will boost my confidence. Lastly, I weigh 324 pounds... Hears hoping to change that.
Seek Jesus
I was deeply moved by your desire for help! I too have struggled with emotional issues and weight issues. Life can be very difficult. I tried so many things and it wasn't until I began reading the Bible (good old fashioned holy bible) that I found real help!!! Jesus is real and He will help you!!! If you have never prayed before I would love say/type a pray for you:
Heavenly Father,
I pray right now for Danny. God I ask that you would reveal yourself to him. I pray that he would come to know how much you love him. I pray you would make what Jesus did on the cross a reality for him. I thank you God for your awesomeness and strength. That you God help those who call to you. Please comfort Danny and give him a hope and a future according to your word.
In Jesus name amen.
I am going to continue to pray for you. I believe it was no accident that I stumble across this webpage. I know God has a plan for your life:)
Your friend,
I can't encourage you enough with this, Danny. I used to be 265 lbs, at 5'4". I now fast 3 days a week for health-- no idea how much I weigh, but I have a 34 inch waist. but it's not about wt loss, it's about health, happiness... Might also encouage you to consider Jesus--- not nessarily any denomination, but just Jesus. It's written "He knocks at the door of heart"
Good luck Danny, believe in
Good luck Danny, believe in yourself and you can achieve anything! Just take it one step at a time.
Thank you
for the author for an informative article, and I'm sorry for my negative burst. I'm just sad to see these parasitic religious people try to make every decent place into their playground of psychotic madness.
Effing religious freaks
What the eff are you discussing your sick bullshit in here for? This is not a religious forum. Go spread your schizophrenia somewhere else.
- Not religious, on my 7th day on fast now. I feel very peaceful and calm, except just now, when I saw your bulls*it.
-Sincerely, a fasting atheist who is quite happy with her life without imaginary ghosts up in the sky.
your hate?
I wonder why you atheists expect US to be tolerant of you and sin, and yet you have none for us, who love Jesus and people? When WE speak of our God and his love and help for others, we speak out of LOVE. Why do you hate this love? Why are you so mad at US for speaking what we know and feel, and expect to be able to spew out your venom? When you enjoy food, air, water and life, you are existing on the very things Our God made; yet you hate him. God is everywhere, in the air he made, so why not speak of him everywhere? You have no exclusive right to have it your way all the time.
a rather foolish comment
As I have researched the topic of Fasting, I have found that most people who do this consider themselves "Believers" of a Divine Being. As for me, I absolutely believe in a Heavenly Father, Some call him God... With this is mind, I believe your comment is the equivalent of an atheist walking into a Church and saying "You effing religious freaks need to quit bothering me with your BS". Wouldn't it be foolish to do that? Many of the people who fast, and comment on these forums are having a deeply religious experience. I would say that an atheist who fasts is certainly in the minority, hence the analogy of walking into a Church...
Fasting has many benefits for many people, atheists and non-atheists alike. We can respect each others perspective without being negative. Please don't insult other people for sharing their positive experiences.
I would wager that anyone who
I would wager that anyone who starts a comment with "effing" is not "quite happy with her life."
religion has nothing to do
religion has nothing to do with ghosts up in the sky! lol i doubt that you know anything about religion
Take a chill pill. Your little rant came across just as religious and pretty intolerant. My advice: take all that stored "fat" and metabolize it into something more beneficial... maybe say like a... more comprehensive vocabulary where you don't find yourself having to resort to obscenities and profanity in an attempt to make your point. Have a better day!
Raw Food Detox Retreat
I am planning to attend an upcoming raw food detox retreat in Sedona, so, I really enjoyed this article. My weight goes up and down, and I'm definitely an emotional eater. I eat mostly for entertainment and out of boredom. I'm not depressed, by, being fat makes me feel depressed.
So, this Bodymind healing retreat is coming up, April 6-10, 2011 in Sedona, and I'm going. I'm looking forward to detoxing, and using this as a jumping off point to change to a healthy lifestyle.
There's still open space in the Body Mind Healing Retreat. Here's a link to the info for anyone who's interested Maybe I'll see you there!
Nice to read this article. Fasting in our modern world is not "hot" but has got a lot of benefits. Maybe a new trend in 2012 ?
Very Good Article.
Very well written article on a complex subject. All the biological benefits of fasting are laid out in an articulate manner. And as one pointed out, once in a week is also one of the best ways of fasting.
However, the turning of comments from physio/psycho-logical benfits to an argument over religious practices and preachings, is very sad. Appreciate the author for this brilliantly informative blog.
Very good advice I am a
A good way to get started fasting is to
'prefast'- eliminate caffeine sugars carbs and red meat for a time varying on your bodies toxicity level. The headaches and sickness that come when people start to fast happens because of toxins in there body. I have done quite a few fasts and I used to not be able to get beyond the 1 st day and a have and I have learned to do up to 21 days water fast.
It's is also crucial in how you break your fast. I have found activia yogurt is a great way to restart the digestive process, I do that for a day then veg soups then salads and lastly breads and meats
Break your fast wrong and you will hurt yourself physically
Just my input, fasting is for
Just my input, fasting is for you to focus on God and what you are asking him to do. We fast so we can put our attention on a problem we have or something we want from God. Somethings only come by fasting and praying the Bible says. We should strive to fast, also to pray and to read the Bible when we do. The Bible says that he is the living water and also that he is the bread of life so we should pray and read when fasting. It also gives opportunity for God to speak to us through his word (the Bible) and when you are talking to him in prayer.
I am a Christian and I have fasted many times, I have done a forty day fast and many twenty days. I was told that I would be weak and tired in my fasting, and yet on my 40 day fast I had to exercise two hours a day just to burn off my excess energy.. I have never felt better in my life. I also do the Daniel fast that Daniel did in the bible.. that is veggies and water, while this fast seems like it would be easier it is not but it is a good fast for those who can not do a no food fast. And those who do it, just wait until you see how your body is actually supposed to work.. it is wonderful.
Other suggestions
Hi Sharon, I was planning to go on a 40 day water only fast like Jesus did. Twice I attempted (as a start) a 7 day fast only to give up twice by the end of the third day. This is because by the middle of the third day, I would have a combination of vertigo, headache and vomitings even though I have not eaten for almost 3 days. When the vomiting starts, any liquid I consume will come out through my mouth.
I tried just a fruits and vegetable diet as a suggested preparation but after 2 days of the fruit and vegetable diet, I was already feeling slight dizziness and vertigo, and I haven't even started on the fast.
It would help if you have any other suggestions?