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Final Teach-In

Attached are the geometric shapes and our attempt to represent them!
They have been scanned side to side so it is easier to see the original and the drawing on one single page.
Enjoy :)
(This is for Sruthi, Graham, and I )
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Description of Chosen Images
For our group's teach-in game/activity exercise, my job was to actually pick the images that were to be used by each pair in the activity. As per a conversation with Sruthi, it was decided that the best type of images to be used in the activity were to be geometric-based so as to make the act of describing and drawing significantly easier for the pairs. With the designs themselves I tried avoid anything too geometrically complex, such as some of the geometric art examples I was discovering in my searches, so most of the images were relatively simple images composed of circles, squares, triangles, etc. Although the shapes themselves were to be easy to draw I decided to throw in a few images that were in slightly complex patterns so as to provide some challenges in describing and drawing in the activity.
Based on the images Hira posted it seems as though almost every pair was able to roughly recreate each image. its hard to say if any deviations were due in large part to misinterpretation on the describer's part, misinterpretation on the artist part or maybe even misrepresentation by myself on what I expected each of the groups to do when they were presented with the images. I guess if this was to be tied back in with the ecology notions of the class, the images would represent information about the surrounding environmnet, I am suppose to be the person who designates what information is important and what isn't, the describer is suppose to be a teacher who interpets the information given to them and has to think of how to relay that information to others, and the drawer represents a student who is taking in all this information which has been shaped and formed by each step of the teaching process and must be able to figure out how best to use that information
Description of Activity and Musings = )
Here is the description/instructions for the activity which we had completed:
Students will be paired into groups of two and will be seated back-to-back. One student will be given a paper with an image (speakers). The other student will be given a blank paper and a pencil (listeners). The speaker with the image must then explain the image to the listener – who must then reproduce this image on the blank paper. The speaker may explain the image without restriction, however the listener may only say one thing “can you repeat that please.” The listener is not allowed to say anything else and is encouraged to not say much anything at all if possible. In summary - the listener must draw and the speaker must explain the drawing.
Personally, I was pretty astounded by the quality of the drawings which were produced - this means that our group has wonderful oral communicating skills - both speaking and listening! However, regardless, I think the activity was successful in showing that it is never possible to transfer a clear-distinct image from one person's mind/visualization into another's but we could come close! I think this has a lot of implications for the way that we engage with each other and brings up some great questions- are we really listening when we are listening? are we really speaking what we are meaning to say? Are we getting across our true messages or is something else being heard? And how do these questions affect our day to day lives and interactions - especially with respect to being in a classroom setting dicussing a wide range of topics and trying to gather shared knowledge from these discussions. I hope everyone enjoyed it, I think I can speak for hirakismail and r.graham.barrett as well when I say that we had loved sharing this activity with you all!