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The Health Benefits of Fasting

Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip
The Health Benefits of Fasting
Will Carroll
There has been much contention in the scientific field about whether or not fasting is beneficial to one's health. Fasting is an integral part of many of the major religions including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Many are dubious as to whether the physiological effects are as beneficial as the spiritual promoted by these religions. There is a significant community of alternative healers who believe that fasting can do wonders for the human body. This paper will look at the arguments presented by these healers in an attempt to raise awareness of the possible physiological benefits that may result from fasting.
Fasting technically commences within the first twelve to twenty-four hours of the fast. A fast does not chemically begin until the carbohydrate stores in the body begin to be used as an energy source. The fast will continue as long as fat and carbohydrate stores are used for energy, as opposed to protein stores. Once protein stores begin to be depleted for energy (resulting in loss of muscle mass) a person is technically starving. (1)
The benefits of fasting must be preceded by a look at the body's progression when deprived of food. Due to the lack of incoming energy, the body must turn to its own resources, a function called autolysis. (2) Autolysis is the breaking down of fat stores in the body in order to produce energy. The liver is in charge of converting the fats into a chemical called a ketone body, "the metabolic substances acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid" (3), and then distributing these bodies throughout the body via the blood stream. "When this fat utilization occurs, free fatty acids are released into the blood stream and are used by the liver for energy." (3) The less one eats, the more the body turns to these stored fats and creates these ketone bodies, the accumulation of which is referred to as ketosis. (4)
Detoxification is the foremost argument presented by advocates of fasting. "Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin." (5). This process is precipitated by fasting because when food is no longer entering the body, the body turns to fat reserves for energy. "Human fat is valued at 3,500 calories per pound," a number that would lead one to believe that surviving on one pound of fat every day would provide a body with enough energy to function normally. (2) These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or growth, not excreted, and therefore converted into fat. When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it releases the chemicals from the fatty acids into the system which are then eliminated through the aforementioned organs. Chemicals not found in food but absorbed from one's environment, such as DDT, are also stored in fat reserves that may be released during a fast. One fasting advocate tested his own urine, feces and sweat during an extended fast and found traces of DDT in each. (5)
A second prescribed benefit of fasting is the healing process that begins in the body during a fast. During a fast energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism and immune system. (6) The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the body's search for energy sources. Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to autolysis. Furthermore, "production of protein for replacement of damaged cells (protein synthesis) occurs more efficiently because fewer 'mistakes' are made by the DNA/RNA genetic controls which govern this process." A higher efficiency in protein synthesis results in healthier cells, tissues and organs. (7) This is one reason that animals stop eating when they are wounded, and why humans lose hunger during influenza. Hunger has been proven absent in illnesses such as gastritis, tonsillitis and colds. (2) Therefore, when one is fasting, the person is consciously diverting energy from the digestive system to the immune system.
In addition, there is a reduction in core body temperature. This is a direct result of the slower metabolic rate and general bodily functions. Following a drop in blood sugar level and using the reserves of glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is reduced in order to conserve as much energy within the body as can be provided. (2) Growth hormones are also released during a fast, due to the greater efficiency in hormone production. (7)
Finally, the most scientifically proven advantage to fasting is the feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy. Part of this phenomenon is caused by a number of the benefits mentioned above. A slower metabolic rate, more efficient protein production, an improved immune system, and the increased production of hormones contributes to this long-term benefit of fasting. In addition to the Human Growth Hormone that is released more frequently during a fast, an anti-aging hormone is also produced more efficiently. (7) "The only reliable way to extend the lifespan of a mammal is under-nutrition without malnutrition." (5) A study was performed on earthworms that demonstrated the extension of life due to fasting. The experiment was performed in the 1930s by isolating one worm and putting it on a cycle of fasting and feeding. The isolated worm outlasted its relatives by 19 generations, while still maintaining its youthful physiological traits. The worm was able to survive on its own tissue for months. Once the size of the worm began to decrease, the scientists would resume feeding it at which point it showed great vigor and energy. "The life-span extension of these worms was the equivalent of keeping a man alive for 600 to 700 years." (8)
In conclusion, it seems that there are many reasons to consider fasting as a benefit to one's health. The body rids itself of the toxins that have built up in our fat stores throughout the years. The body heals itself, repairs all the damaged organs during a fast. And finally there is good evidence to show that regulated fasting contributes to longer life. However, many doctors warn against fasting for extended periods of time without supervision. There are still many doctors today who deny all of these points and claim that fasting is detrimental to one's health and have evidence to back their statements. The idea of depriving a body of what society has come to view as so essential to our survival in order to heal continues to be a topic of controversy.
1)"Dr. Sniadach – True Health Freedom 3
4)"Nutriquest, March 11th, 2000 – Ketosis and Low Carbohydrate Diets"
5)"WebMD – Detox Diets: Cleansing the Body"
7)"Fasting – Good Morning Doctor"
8)"The health Benefits of Fasting"
Comments made prior to 2007
The term for the breaking down of fat is lipolysis, not autolysis. Autolysis is the self-destruction of cells ... Paul, 3 April 2007
Fasting and more...
O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed upon you as it was prescribed on those before you so that you may learn self-restraint [2:183]
Revelations in following order:
Revelation to Adam, Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus, the holy Qur’an (Quran) of Muhammad (S.A.W).
Fasting not only has spiritual benefits but it also has immense physical benefits as well. The medical community acknowledges that regular fasting flushes toxins from the body, thus purifying it.
Intermittent fasting (IF): A specific form of IF is alternate day fasting (ADF), which is a 48-hour routine typically composed of a 24-hour fast followed by a 24-hour non-fasting period. (ADF is also sometimes referred to as every other day (EOD) fasting, or sometimes every other day feeding (EODF).
David (PBUH) fasted every other day. 'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn Al-'As narrated: "Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said to me: 'The most beloved fasting to Allah was the fasting of (the Prophet) David, who used to fast alternate days. And the most beloved prayer to Allah was the prayer of David, who used to sleep for (the first) half of the night and pray for one third of it and (again) sleep for a sixth of it."Sahih Al-Bukhari
Fasting is beneficial for humans coz
It sets our body clock if done regularly for a month.Being a muslim i can say that Since muslims fast from dawn to dusk everyday and eat at fixed times this helps the body to detox and rejuvinates better than other types of skipping meals whatsoever.Moreover fasting is prescribed by Allah the Almighty the creator who has more knowledge of his creatons than anyone in this universe.So follow his commands and be healthy phisically and spiritually,for doing this all one needs is determination.
First off, this is an excellent article. As a Christian, I've learned that anything that Christ taught his disciples to do was not only good for their overall well being but spirirually good for them. I struggle with a Hypothyroid condition so fasting is difficult for me but as long as I take suppliments, proper juices and vitamins, I should not have problems but once again, it's a good article.
my religion indicate fast beauty
Im very glad about your topic!
Im muslim
In my religion(shia) fast is one of our duty
I feeling very please during fast period
I think GOD award us a fast till grow our status
Because he love his creature
Because he is gracious
Because he is kindly
I feeling healthy when doing GOD directions.
Be successful dears
Fasting 30 days
Now is Ramadan..
I love the fasting month. Fasting is food for the soul.
When the soul is satiated thru fasting, praying, thru love - husband, kids, family, the soul doesnt need other kind of food eg going to pubs, discos, n such entertainment
The Health Benefits of Fasting
Ramadan Kareem
If a person does not avoid false talk and false conduct during Fasting, then Allah (God) does not care if he abstains from food and drink.
(Prophet Muhammad as reported by Bukhari & Muslim)
Ramadan Kareem
May Allah grant us all a life changing Ramadan this year. Ameen!
Make dua at times where your duas are most likely to be answered – before breaking the fast, during your salah, Qiyam ul layl, the last 10 nights etc. May Allah answer and grant all of your duas. Please make dua for me too!
I'm a busy mum of 3 little
I'm a busy mum of 3 little boys and have a husband who likes his food. I enjoy cooking, and now the boys are on summer holiday.
I started my fasting last night and went to the gym this morning (spinning class) so far, so good.
I have fasted for about 40 hours many times mainly to shrink the gut and kick start the diet, which worked many times especially after having all the babies.
Regarding people who go on about healthy eating and exercising.
Now there is my grief!
I exercise A LOT and properly and all it does it fuels my metabolism and I can't stop eating in the evenings, so I put on 5kgs in the last two months which is why I'm back into my starvo mode.
So to help myself mentally, this is the first time I actually looked into benefits of fasting and as a born again Christian know all about it in the Bible (fasting that is, not the benefits). I am amazed with the fact fasting is actually healing as well and that it's no big deal to do it
Can someone here who's done it for more than a day please tell me what phases you go through say are there any crisis moments and how to overcome them, especially bearing my very hectic family scenario.
So I just don't know how to strike a balance!
Anybody any tips?
I'm super fit and am not a glutton.
Tips on Fasting
I know you wrote this a while back, but if you get this reply, I just wanted to note a couple of tips for longer terms of fasting. 1) prepare your body before the fast. If you plan to fast for more than a day (say 7 days or more), prepare your body by eating smaller portions and cutting out sugar/grains. Eat leafy veggies and small portions of meats (try to avoid the denser red meats). If you eat fruits, eat berries only (low glycemic impact) and eat all fruits and veggies raw if possible. 2) During your fast, drink LOTS of water. If you are feeling horribly hungry or extremely weak, a small cup (no more than 3-4oz) of chicken broth/stock usually does the trick. Avoid milk as it is considered a food (protein) and will restart your digestive cycle, making you hungry all over again. 3) If it's for spiritual reasons that you are fasting, not just physical reasons, have some bible verses handy and make sure you are keeping your schedule cleared of activities so that you devote appropriate time to prayer, meditation and reading.
As a Christian, I cannot tell you of the numerous blessings I received and witnessed from fasting. If you want a recommended book other than the bible - read Fasting by Jentesen Franklin.
Hope your recent fasting went well and many blessings to you and your family!
Very good advice I am a
Very good advice
I am a Christian and in the 7th day on a 21 day fast
A good way to get started fasting is to
'prefast'- eliminate caffeine sugars carbs and red meat for a time varying on your bodies toxicity level. The headaches and sickness that come when people start to fast happens because of toxins in there body. I have done quite a few fasts and I used to not be able to get beyond the 1 st day and a have and I have learned to do up to 21 days water fast.
It's is also crucial in how you break your fast. I have found activia yogurt is a great way to restart the digestive process, I do that for a day then veg soups then salads and lastly breads and meats
Break your fast wrong and you will hurt yourself physically
I have three boys also, and a
I have three boys also, and a husband who loves to it, but I am not the best at cooking. I have found that it comes down to wisdom with fasting. There are different types of fast. Some people will only consume raw fruits and vegetables; or only juice; or only water; or even only cooked vegetables. A person could also fast from t.v,and other distractions. In the past I did a three day juice(from my juicer)fast, and the only way I could stay focus is because I desired to be clearer spiritually. When I feed the kids, I felt hungry because that is a usual feeling for the first 3 days. But I was aware of how certain emotions triggered a desire to eat also, and I would pray and pull from my Creator to keep focus. I have never had to fast for my weight, but I do it for spiritual purposes and it has and continues to be very beneficial. There are also sites like the Hallelujah diet, and raw food/living food sites that you could gain some helpful knowledge from. I hope this was helpful.
Hi there! First of all I
Hi there!
First of all I would like to say that I am a practicing Muslim (like some others on this forum) who fasts every year an entire month from sunrise to sunset. This fast involves abstaining from all types of food and drink. That includes water as well.
Nonetheless I agree with some of our fellow friends who have commented that fasting is indeed really good for the body and the soul. It really does make a person feel rejuvenated and refreshed. And for all of us who fast for religious purposes it does indeed make you feel closer to your religion and God.
Awesome work on a great article!
Impressive Fasting
I have heard a few pieces of the benefits of fasting, but nothing like this. I had fasted recently and it was not pleasant to say the least. It does sound good, but it can also be painful. For the past 8-10 years, I have basically eaten once a day but I think that hurts me because I am starving in the evening and I really do eat a lot. I think that it would be healthier for me, in terms of weight, if I eat twice a day. On the other hand though, I wonder that since I am eating once a day, if it resembles to some extent a fast. Would anybody out there know if what I am doing healthy for me in the long run?
In a world that is spiritually and morally insensetive to our toxic world and thinking
fasting is the only way i think to go. of all the teachings of Christ he was a big proponant of fastinwhen you think of genetically modified food, chemtrails,toxins in our drinking water depleated soil, possiable health care rationing, we have no other option but to utilize the ancient method though the medical community would disscourage us for there own benifit i believe God have given us all that ew need to beat the odds against us.
How long was your recent 'painful' fast and what were the parameters? I am currently 7 days into my first 20-day fast. I have previously done 8-10 5-day fasts as either water only or juice fasts. Because of the extended duration of this one, I chose a yogurt fast. For it, I have (3) 170 calorie yogurts each day, a multi-vitamin and coffee or water. I know that some will poo-poo this as not a 'true' fast, but my goal has been weight-loss and testing mental endurance. So far it has been great, but I did crave some calamari last night when I was out to dinner with friends.
As to your question of diet. People are going to tell you a million differnet things, so what I have found works best for me are two different regiments:
The first is to somewhat mimick body builders diets by having about 6 small meals each day and then no food after 8PM. Each of the meals runs about 200 calories (every 2 hours)until dinner, and then 500 - 700 calories. I eat anything that I want (unlike the body builder who would eat high amounts of protein). I do this during the week and then on weekends, eat whatever I want.
The second, which I do during cycling season, is to again break my habits down to weekday vs. weekend. During the week I limit my calories to 1,300 on days that I dont ride and 1,900 on days that I do ride, and then on the weekends I eat what ever I want (which includes all kinds of junk).
In both cases, I have found that just a little bit of regimentation, keeps me mentally focused, in shape, I rarely get sick, never have gastro issues, etc. Of course both diets take a little getting used to, but once I'm in full swing, it's super easy.
Fasting may not be the answer I first thought it to be.
I did the fasting thing, felt better for sure. But now it seems with a bit more education behind it, that fasting is not the answer. As that was just a way to allow the body to clean a bit. But the answer is in not eating meat, going vegan is a term many call it. There is so much one can eat that is not meat, that includes sugar and sweets as well, but dont over do them. Seems meat has a habit of causing toxins in the body and intestines, and thats all I will say about it. Eat what you like I say,,even if its meat, Im just not going to eat it lol.
So Steve, do u think eaitng more veggie soups and fruit juices are better ?
I think eating anything other then meat, is better. And most who have tried just that know the same. Frankly I miss meat, it tasted great and still smells great. But if my choice is the way I felt before and the health I had before with the meat, or how I feel now and the health I have now without it, Ill choose now and just do without it and feel better. Thats my choice, everyone else can eat whatever they like as far as Im concerned, I dont care, I just feel better and like it lol.
Fasting is a way to show that
Fasting is a way to show that food is not the only that matter, but we can also starve of God. It's really a good thing when done wisely...
About the fasting experience.
I am all in all new to fasting. but in only two days of fasting I went from several years worth of feeling half dead to actually feeling alive and younger again. I may have a vein a bit clogged being the cause of the half dead feeling Ive had for so long and I have my reasons for thinking that. As I said for years I went through this, no energy, little overall strength and things far worse Ill not mention. But in only two days of fasting, with mostly water and no food, and the occasional sweet coffee, which may not be the best thing for a fast, I feel alive again. So I think fasting may clean the veins, to what extent I dont know, but even a little cleaning truly brings a wonderious feeling. And it lowers blood pressure for those wanting to know. But I know it does this bringing someone from half dead to feeling alive again. Im not saying I feel 100% improved as I have some disk and nerve damage in my leg which still hurts terribly, but maybe less. But fasting is truly amazing and ive tried alot of alternative practices which seemed to really not work if any at all. So best of luck, and there is something for real to fasting.
Hi! To start with it is a great article!! The information is really great. Yes its true that some religious people do follow fast and its there respect towards there god. were as the fasting is concerned I agree what u have described in your article and fasting is also to keep one self fit in other way where eating 3 times a day is also indigestible. So we need to take care of our health n we need to manage that how to eat limited so that it digest’s properly and fasting is one of the good way to control over weight.
Well my experience about
Well my experience about fasting is following...and just clarify I am a muslim and I fast from sun rise to sun set about 12 to 13 hous of fasting in which we don't eat , smoke ,drink and stay away from our spouces also practice patience and avoid cynical thinking and vulgar and arrogant words.
Intermittent Fasting
Two points:
1. I also noticed that this essay does not have good scientific references for the claims made. This is too bad, as the references are available in the literature, particularly for something called intermittent fasting -- that is, fasting for one day and then eating one day. The health benefits include: better preservation of the central and peripheral nervous system, similar benefits for the vascular system (including the heart) and delayed onset and growth of tumors, with that said:
2. If you are older (above 40 years old (woman) and 50 (male) or are pregnant, you should make sure that your doctor knows what you are doing (even if he/she doesn't agree). This is because you can hasten the effects of such things as osteoporosis by not getting enough calcium or even cause other nutritional problems by not eating properly on the days that you are eating.
As far as losing weight goes. I don't think it matters whether fasting is the "easy" way to lose weight or not. What matters is that the weight is lost and that one eats in a relatively healthy way. My own experience is as follows:
I am not fasting for spiritual reasons. Before fasting, I did exercise and I did eat better than most of the people I know, I just ate too much. I decided to try intermittent fasting because I believe that I am "addicted" to food. In other words, if it is in front of me, I will eat it. It is easier to just say "no". This has been borne out by my not feeling very hungry when fasting (at least at first).
I try to get twice as much calcium on the days that I do eat (remember, I am fasting to lose weight and get some health benefits) and I try to eat a good amount of fiber (20 -- 30 grams). I do not take shortcuts (calcium pills or fiber drinks), I just do this the old fashioned way, by eating. Generally I find that by doing this, I get plenty of calories and feel full.
On the other hand, this is still not easy for me. I constantly want food the first few days that I fast, but not because I am hungry. After fasting intermittently for several weeks, I do get hungry while fasting and there are some days that it really takes a lot of will power to get through to the end. There have been times that I have failed, but I just get back up and start again (in other words, don't use a failure one day as an excuse to give up). My neighbors upstairs have a tendency to cook things sometimes that make me extremely hungry (such as the garlic bread one day and the pasta another). Keeping busy is a great way to keep on fasting.
I did this once, a couple of years ago for 2 months, and afterwards found that I had no inclination to eat the TV dinners that I had been eating. This time (I'm doing it again), I am finding that I am losing my wish to eat sweets.
In addition, I have an autoimmune form of conjunctivitis (pink eye) and it has essentially gone away. This is perhaps due to a drop in my T-cells, which the scientific literature says happens in fasting animals. While this is a good thing for me in this case, losing T-cells is not normally considered good (think HIV). Still, I believe that for me, the benefits outweigh the risks. Weight loss is slow, but that is good.
A word of caution: My father did this for several months and at the end had severe osteoporosis which is why I suggest getting a bone density check and making sure that you get calcium.
I fast for about 30 -- 36 hours (depending on when I eat my last meal and then the next day (starting at 6:00 am at the earliest) eat three meals and repeat. I sometimes do wake up with a headache on the eating day, but that goes away when I eat. I normally break my fast with whole grain crackers and cheese, followed by a bowl of yogurt and fruit.
My friends all think that I am crazy, but have been very good about indulging me and really try to plan dinner parties around when I will be eating. I am a microbiologist and all my friends are grad students or faculty, so scientists are not all against this. They just like to have decent references for things of this sort (which I am able to give them). Fortunately for them, they are all thin and therefore don't need to do this to lose weight. But they are understanding about my need.
My experience with my doctor was that he only wanted to make sure that I was getting enough calcium and then he even commented that there were medical studies showing that fasting once a week promoted better cardiovascular health.
Hopefully this is more than enough information to help anyone make the decision of whether they wish to take my path or not. I include a couple of references (out of the many I have found) below. Once again, it is a pity that the author of this article (who otherwise writes so well) did not bother to look for readable scientific articles on fasting benefits, as there are so many good ones out there. Please don't quote these articles out of context, as that will cause problems. I am trying to support this article, not tear it down.
1. Mattson MP, Wan R. 2005. Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting and caloric restriction on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. J Nutr Biochem.: 16 (3), p. 129 -- 137.
2. Kuchroo, Vijay K. and Lindsay B. Nicholson. March 6, 2003. Fast and Feel Good? Nature. V.422, p. 27-28.
wow thanks
i have started fasting from today feeling good. actually i saw a program on discovery chaneel. will continue for long.
My fasting experience
To start with it is a great article!!
I am an R&D engineer with a relatively strong scientific background and therefore I do not generalize based on lone events. The problem with any argument or conclusion with fasting is that there are not enough scientific evidences to prove what it can do. To test it out, I personally underwent 21 days water fast and I found that there is some amount of honesty in the fact that it does help you better your physical wellbeing and to some extent rejuvenate your psychological stance. The visible benefits that I witnessed in my own body were
1. My muscles grew like 3 inches more in diameter on biceps + triceps combined (I actually measured them a day before fast and 14 days after fast. After fast, I incorporated simple program of only pushups and pull ups)
2. Relatively Clear and radiant skin (I could see this in the mirror but I believed it when my sister asked me if I started taking facials)
3. I reduced the power of my spectacles from -1.75 to -1.00 (Now I dont feel like wearing my specs anymore)
4. I gave up smoking (This is the most important benefit, I had been smoking for almost 9 years that made my skin like rough leather and I really wanted to get rid of it)
5. I have relatively more ripped looks and I can now see my abdomen muscles( not all six packs but I can see 4 of them now)
I did this exercise 6 months back and I am currently again on 21 days fast to see if I can improve on my current situation further.
Your observation... inspired me... thax...
Odd Day Fasting
I am very impressed with the concepts here.
I am curious were the line is to be drawn.
If I were to Fast on Odd Numbered days and east normally on the Even Numbered Days, would I be in danger?
There certainly is a lot to be said for allowing the body to rest from the burden of constantly digesting. In ancient days the notion of continuous eating (heavy and indulgent food) and drinking was much rarer. By necessity human beings would endure period of fasting or little eating. Given the lifestyles we live, which often include highly processed and quick, convenient foods, we place a huge load on our bodies and organs, in digesting and breaking down what we put in them.
Thank you for sharing such a succinct, balanced and scientific article. The reality is that there is a lot of research and many studies in this field. If conducted with wisdom and moderation the benefits are a plenty.
Any benefits that starvation
Any benefits that starvation avails me is greatly outweighed (in several senses of the term) by how good food is...
Fasting to lose weight?
Instead of fasting why not try eating healthy, nutritious, low-sugar, whole wheat foods and exercising? Extended fasting seems like the 'easy' way to lose weight. My next question is, how long before the weight is back on? Returning to normal caloric intake when the body's metabolism is lowered will, naturally, lead to an increase of calories stored in the body, and ulitmately - fat. My final question is, why is fasting equated with discipline? I hear people talk about the 'control' they have over their bodies when they fast; that they have disciplined their bodies. Reducing caloric intake is a good idea if one eats unhealthy, perhaps the 'discipline' should be extended into daily life and watching what is put into the body, rather than putting in nothing at all. Fasting for religious purposes is not often done for weeks without ANY food. Many Muslims feast heartily while the sun is down.
To lose weight; eat healthy and exercise. Feel free to indulge in tasty delights but in moderate portions.
To get closer to which ever God you believe in; be a better person and love the fellow inhabitants of Earth.
These are just my thoughts, if you don't like them that's fine. But I accept your thoughts, so please accept mine.
Actually, you should eat
Actually, you should eat healthy and do exercise all the time. And fasting cleans your body from DDT and others, if the article says true.
Eat healthy.
Do exercise.
Be a better person. Love the good. Don't follow the evil.
benefit of fasting and fasting Ramadan even for diabetes
From an Articles by Shahid Athar, M.D.
Most Muslims do not fast because of medical benefits but because it has been ordained to them in the Quran. The medical benefits of fasting are as a result of fasting. Fasting in general has been used in medicine for medical reasons including weight management, for rest of the digestive tract and for lowering lipids. There are many adverse effects of total fasting as well as so-called crash diets. Islamic fasting is different from such diet plans because in Ramadan fasting, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. The caloric intake of Muslims during Ramadan is at or slightly below the national requirement guidelines. In addition, the fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily taken and is not a prescribed imposition from the physician.
Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self-training, with the hope that this training will last beyond the end of Ramadan. If the lessons learned during Ramadan, whether in terms of dietary intake or righteousness, are carried on after Ramadan, it is beneficial for one's entire life. Moreover, the type of food taken during Ramadan does not have any selective criteria of crash diets such as those which are protein only or fruit only type diets. Everything that is permissible is taken in moderate quantities.
The only difference between Ramadan and total fasting is the timing of the food; during Ramadan, we basically miss lunch and take an early breakfast and do not eat until dusk. Abstinence from water during this period is not bad at all and in fact, it causes concentration of all fluids within the body, producing slight dehydration. The body has its own water conservation mechanism; in fact, it has been shown that slight dehydration and water conservation, at least in plant life, improve their longevity.
The physiological effect of fasting includes lower of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity and essential hypertension. In 1994 the first International Congress on "Health and Ramadan", held in Casablanca, entered 50 research papers from all over the world, from Muslim and non-Muslim researchers who have done extensive studies on the medical ethics of fasting. While improvement in many medical conditions was noted; however, in no way did fasting worsen any patients' health or baseline medical condition. On the other hand, patients who are suffering from severe diseases, whether diabetes or coronary artery disease, kidney stones, etc., are exempt from fasting and should not try to fast.
There are psychological effects of fasting as well. There is a peace and tranquility for those who fast during the month of Ramadan. Personal hostility is at a minimum, and the crime rate decreases. This psychological improvement could be related to better stabilization of blood glucose during fasting as hypoglycemia after eating, aggravates behavior changes.
Recitation of the Quran not only produces a tranquility of heart and mind, but improves the memory. Therefore, I encourage my Muslim patients to fast in the month of Ramadan, but they must do it under medical supervision. Healthy adult Muslims should not fear becoming weak by fasting, but instead it should improve their health and stamina
Thanks for sharing. I have been fasting on and off my entire life. Most people do not agree with me. Most think I am crazy. I am 47 years old and look better now, then when I was in my twenties. Life is short and if fasting helps increase my I need to question anything? I am happy to know there others out there....somewhere who have the same kind of concepts. I work out almost everyday and feel strong. Thanks again.......LI Rockin Rachel!
I have read several comments
I have read several comments which described fasting as the "easy" way to lose weight. First, this paper was not proposing that fasting should be used as a weight-loss method. It was describing the various benefits that proponents have ascribed to fasting - one of which happens to be weight-loss.
However, there is nothing "easy" about completely abstaining from food. In fact, I dare say, it's probably the hardest thing to do. Given our modern, satisfy-indulge-capitulate to-the-sensual-desires mentality and paradigm, to abstain from food is definitely simple. But, easy?
There is an old saying: People laugh at or are afraid of things they don't understand. Well, fasting can definitely be seen as an enigma to the uninitiated. But, before becoming judgmental, research, engage with those who have done it, try it for yourselves. People spend billions on the "fountains-of-youth" out there on the high street and high-end shops. What if the proverbial fountain was literally just that - a fountain. Here's to happy hydration, and health.
Seems to be a lot of controversy... There seems to be a lot of evidence suggesting fasting can be healthy to a point and I suspect it is healthy once a year or so for a short period. I believe, the old cliche "moderation in everything" holds true. Glad to see a comment suggesting we simply choose healthy raw and whole foods combined with excercise. Too many people don't want to do the work it takes over the long haul. meditation and fasting take litte effort but on the other hand, choosing a healthy snack over that yummy bag of chips or some wings, going to the gym or a hike rather than hangen with your pals watching the game over a few beers are the really hard choices the time where real self disciple comes in.
"Too many people don't want
"Too many people don't want to do the work it takes over the long haul. meditation and fasting take litte effort..."
In response to your comment above: I don't fast for weight loss, as I have always been thin—just thin naturally and very active and athletic growing up. I started fasting for spiritual growth and I'd like to say that meditation and fasting do in fact take a lot of effort. Not that making healthy food and lifestyle choices don't, it takes much discipline to eat healthy and refrain from eating foods you love to eat but you know are not good for you. I know firsthand that a fast and spending the time meditating is very much an act of discipline and will power. It is not an easy way out.
I fast twice a month
It has been a practice to fast at around 11 days after new moon and full moon. It is these days when the lunar gravity is in full strength, making faster more effective. I fast for a full day, starting from 6 am to 6 am the next morning. I break my fast my salt+lime water, then an intake of fruits.
My fast
I'd like to add to the above comments. I practice intermittent fasting - that is fast for a day or two, then eat normally again. When I first tried it, I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it - that I would feel too hungry, get faint etc.
I didn't - and in fact, I found it very liberating - does that sound weird, lol?
On fasting days, I don't have to worry about what's for lunch, I save time by not thinking about or having lunch (or any other meal) - so not only does fasting help me keep my weight stable and allows for some indulgences on the non fasting days, but it allows me to focus more on my work. It also encourages me to eat healthily....oddly enough, the last thing I want to do when I feel 'clean inside' is to put junk in there, so my food choices have improved dramatically.
I have written some articles on fat loss and fitness, including one on intermittent fasting - hope it helps some of you out there.
Could you please send me the link to your articles? I would like to know more about your experience of fasting as I'd like to try it myself.
Happy and Healthy New Year!
Wonderful article. I believe
Wonderful article. I believe fasting is a healthy thing as well. Often times when I mention it to people, it makes them nervous. They think it is a disorder. When really over-eating is the disorder. We should eat much less. I really like your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.
This essay is a little bit worrisome. I think it's quite possible that fasting is good for your health, but this paper makes huge allegations with no supporting evidence.
1. I'm a little worried about the claims that fasting actually decreases the error rate in protein translation: I've searched high and wide for a way to even begin to verify such a claim, but could find none. Furthermore, your citation just referenced this very paper for evidence.
2. I also don't understand how wound repair occurs in increased amounts when stockpiling energy; all the evidence i've seen shows that fasting actually decreases rates of wound healing. This is the reason for contraindication of fasting while wounded: there is a positive correlation between body temperature and wound healing, within normal boundaries for health. Fasting, as you mentioned, drops your core temperature, slowing wound healing.
3. The earthworm study referenced a broken link to All it had listed were advertisements for some nonverified or alternative medicine treatments like colon cleansers. The paper also trails off into a suggestion that the earthworm fasting schedule might just lead to a 300 year increase in life expectancy. It might be nice to show a differential in age ranges of people who fast versus those who do not, rather than leaving the reader to guess.
I've seen a lot of evidence that calorie restriction does prolong life, you're right. However, it sounds like you need strong (actual) citations in order to support these claims. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but rather that the evidence doesn't support what you're saying. You need real citations. Best of luck to you.
I am fasting now
I'm on day 2 and 1/2 of fasting. It hasn't been as hard as I thought. I hope that there are health benefits. I'm hoping that it helps my allergies. I don't have food allergies, but have been told that the toxins in my colon and other areas are cleaned during a fast.
This is a good article, especially the part about the body removing focus from the digestive system to focus on other things.
its a very good discipline & it rejuvenates you, it nourishes you, it corrects all that there is, that needs correction, it clears your system & gives you the feeling that you cannot experience without actually going through with it, so just go ahead & trust me you will thank yourself. All the best
I grew up in a family that considered fasting one day every week a must in their lives. I never did it, but the older females did it. My mother is 70 and throught her life she has mantained a healthy weight and no diseases other than minor colds. My grandmother did it and was healthy until her 90's when she started losing her vision and submitted to an eye surgery. Sadly she died from complications right after the surgery ( same day). I truly believe she would have lived to be a 100 easily. So now I am considering fasting in my life for health reasons and my plan is to do it yearly. I will try my first fasting this week. I already started preparing for the fasting by having one day of leek soup only. Today I had an orange and tomorrow I will have nothing but water. I am still thinking of the benfits of water vs juice fasting though..
Good luck to all of you!
I would like to start off by extending a big hello to everyone! I am new to this forum and just so happend to luck up on it when looking for information on fasting. I'm dealing with a lot of things right now in my life such as stress, wanting to become pregnant, needing to lose weight and I think that fasting will help me in all areas. The only thing that I am scared about is that I may not be able to it. I have tried fasting once before and by the middle of the night I wake up hungry and this is at 2 or 3 am.
I really need to seek God, because I feel that I have tried everything else and I am completley stuck in this point of my life. I was talking to my husband about possibly doing a fast together, maybe this will help our baby situation. He said that he would, but the point of the matter is I don't know if I could do it.
I guess my questions for you guys would be, do you think that I should start with a one or two day fast and work my way from there? Or should I try to committ and do a seven day fast.
One more thing, and please forgive me for being so long wind(lol). Water is my problem, I do not like the taste of water at all. I don't drink it and I know that this is not good for me. Could I possibly put something in the water, or can I drink grapefruit juices?
Any suggestions are welcome and would be greatly appreciated.
I look forward to hearing from each of you soon.
To the lady that wants to get pregnant, lose weight, & relieve stress. I would recommend Paul Bragg's paper back book "The Miracle of Fasting".(It covers a lot more than just fasting & is not a boring read but is very inspirational) I would also say start with a short three day fast after reading the book. Paul Bragg walked with Ghandi and said he put some lemon in his water when fasting. Yes you will have some form of hunger pain, but it will pass in a relatively short time. Tell yourself when you are having a period of pain while fasting that it is normal, & is accomplishing a good thing for your health, also tell yourself that the pain is a lot less than the pain of sickness, poor health, & medical bills. The apostle Paul said to "fight the good fight of faith". So as a soldier to fight poor health, "endure the temporary pain of fasting, and have victory over the battle to receive your crown of good health as a reward for your fight" If you use juices, do fresh sqweezed only, and consider soda pop as one of the worst things you could drink. Get yourself a juicer if you don't have one. Remember to that Jesus said "let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" abide in Him. Cast all your cares and afflictions on Him, for He cares for you!
If you research the scientific evidence about the health benefits of fasting, you'll be amazed. It is for this reason that many religions require fasting .for example the muslims fast a whole month every year of their life.but this does not mean that they dont eat the whole month because this is not possible and i dont think that starving is healthy either. However , they fast from the sun rise until the sun set but then they can eat, also they do eat before the sun rise ( breakfast). so if you try to wake up before the sun rise and eat breakfast or what ever yo prefer you'll be ready for the day. it has an amazing healing power and it disintoxifies the body. If you are religious you n pray too especially before the sun rise god is so close. the tip is that it'll be difficult the 3 first day but then you'll get used to it. fast as you can then you can take a break if you want and start again . for sure you will loose weight
Muslim fasting
Well, Muslim fasting during Ramadan is fasting from sun up to sun down which equates to about 8-12 hours per day without food depending on the latitude and time of year. But most people in the world fast from sundown to sun up by virtue of sleeping overnight, which translates to 12 hours roughly... maybe longer if one does not eat breakfast. So muslim fasting is no big thing, and not at all healthy since it promotes bingeing which these people do.
So you are saying that the
So you are saying that the energy needs of the body are higher during sleep rather than day to day activities?
Think about it.
The fast of Rammadan is very
The fast of Rammadan is very healthy. You can eat a very small meal called the sahoor meal before the morning prayer and you do not eat or drink anything until after the sunset prayer (Mahgrib). The purpose of the fast is not to lose weight or to gain better health, but it is done for G-D and His Glory. It is also done to remind us of our fellow creatures who do not meet their own needs and what they suffer all year round. The health benifits are only added blessings!
Besides food and water are not the only things from wich you fast. You fast from argueing and displaying anger. It is a time to read the entire Quran and a oppurtune time to give alm and community service. It is also a time to strengthen community bonds and focus on your self improvement.
you have any proof to back up
you have any proof to back up your story? I don't see many FAT muslims, do you?