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Week 6A - Local Data Gathering

This week we are asking you to design a survey in which you ask 5 questions of 15 subjects. By Thursday morning, please post those questions here and describe your subject group. Be sure to formulate your questions so that you can put a value on the responses and graph them (for example use a scale, 1 to 5).
1. What was your physical activity level in High School 1-5
2. What effect did you physical activity level have on your academic achievement. 1-5
3. To what degree has your activity level changed? 1-5
4 Has this effected your academic achievement at BMC? 1-5
5. Do you thnk this is a positive change? 1-5
Sleep Questionnaire for Freshmen Denbigh Residents
1. During the week, how many hours do you normally sleep each night?
2. Sleeping this amount,
A) how rested do you feel?
not at all 1 2 3 4 5 completely rested
B) Are you satisfied with this amount of sleep?
not satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 completely satisfied
3. From your personal experience, do you feel that adequate sleep or lack of sleep affects your academic performance?
no 1 2 3 4 5 yes
4. Please rate the following items in terms of importance: socializing with friends, academics, clubs and extracurricular interests, sleep, sports and exercise. (5 is most important and 1 is least important)
5. Have you slept less than 3 hours or pulled an all-nighter while at college? If you answered yes, for what reason?
Studying Habits of Brecon Residents
Dorm Room Environment Effects on Studying
00. Do you have a roommate? (Continue to number 1 only if answer is “yes”)
01. I generally try to keep my room very neat.
02. I find my dorm room to be a good place to study.
03. My roommate often does her homework in our room.
04. My roommate and I get along very well.
All four questions are followed by this series of prompts:
1. I disagree with this statement.
2. I disagree with this statement somewhat.
3. I neither agree nor disagree with this statement.
4. I agree with this statement somewhat.
5. I agree with this statement completely.
05. Regarding my academic achievement thus far in college, as compared to high school:
1. I feel I am performing worse.
2. I feel I am performing somewhat worse.
3. I feel I am performing the same.
4. I feel I am performing somewhat better.
5. I feel I am performing better.
Survey Question: 1. How
Survey Question:
1. How many hours of sleep do you get?
2. What time do you sleep?
3. If you still have unfinished work will you set it aside for the next day to get some sleep?
4. How much does socializing effect your sleep?
it doesn't 1 2 3 4 5 ALOT
5. How much does school work effect your sleep?
it doesn't 1 2 3 4 5 ALOT
6. How much are the numbers of hours you sleep affecting school?
it doesn't 1 2 3 4 5 ALOT
7. How often do you doze off in class?
8. How well do you think you are managing your sleep?
not well at all 1 2 3 4 5 very well
My target group will be mostly freshman vs Upperclassman. The surveys will tell me if students gradually learn to manage there sleep better as they go through college, and if they're sleepin patterns are affecting their sleep and vice versa.
So, my last paper was about how depression had risen over the past several decades in college students so I was going to focus on that in my survey by interviewing various adults around campus (such as deans, health center workers, etc). However, I realized that this wouldn't be very representative of the whole student body as most likely these faculty members would only have contact with the students with problems. I also was much more interested in the students' perspective as well as the changes that we must go through when coming to college. So, I decided that I would instead survey college freshmen at Bryn Mawr.
My questions:
1. Would you say you are happier in college than in high school?
2. Please rate your happiness in a) high school b) college on a scale from 1 (extremely unhappy) to 10 (extremely happy).
3. Would you say you are more stressed in college than in high school?
4. Please rate your stress level in a) high school b) college on a scale from 1 (extremely unstressed) to 10 (extremely stressed).
5. Were you ever diagnosed with depression before college?
6. If so, did you take medication?
7. If so, are you currently taking this medication?
8. Have you felt depressed since coming to college?
9. Have you been diagnosed with depression since coming to college?
If you haven't taken my survey please do!
<a href="">Click Here to take survey</a>
This Should be Interesting...
My health habit of interest is exercise and I've formulated these questions to poll the ladies of Rock 2nd 2nd (my customs group) with...
1.) On a scale of 1-5, how important is exercise to health?
1 2 3 4 5
(Not important) (Somewhat important) (Very important)
2.) On a scale of 1-5, do you consider exercise to be a priority?
1 2 3 4 5
(Not a priority) (Somewhat of a priority) (A priority)
3.) How many hours per week did you exercise for pleasure in high school?
1 2 3 4 5
(0-2 hrs.) (2-4 hrs.) (4-6 hrs.) (6-8 hrs.) (8-10hrs.)
4.) How many hours per week have you been exercising for pleasure now that you're that BMC?
1 2 3 4 5
(0-2 hrs.) (2-4 hrs.) (4-6 hrs.) (6-8 hrs.) (8-10hrs.)
5.) How many hours per week would you like to spend exercising for pleasure?
1 2 3 4 5
(0-2 hrs.) (2-4 hrs.) (4-6 hrs.) (6-8 hrs.) (8-10hrs.)
Sleep Schedule for College Students
1. How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
2. What time do you sleep?
3. What time do you usually get up?
4. Do you often feel tired during the day, if so what time?
5. Do you take naps during the day?
Sleep Survey
The group that I'm surveying is a group of college aged students ranging from 17 years old -19 years old. The group is comprised of fifteen people-12 girls and 3 boys. The participants are going to be asked to rate a statement on a scale from 1-5 with 5 being "i completely agree with this statement" and 1 " I completely disagree with this statement"
The statements are:
1) I feel well rested most of the time.
2) Sleep is of high priority to me.
3) Tiredness does not interfere with my daily routine.
4) Compared to my other activities sleep is less important.
5) I have to take frequent naps to keep up with my schedule.
I am going to ask eight
I am going to ask eight freshman crew members and eight freshman non-athletes.
1. I get enough sleep per night.
disagree 1 2 3 4 5 agree
a) How many hours do you get?
2. I am successful with managing my time.
disagree 1 2 3 4 5 agree
3. I am not worried about the effects of alcohol on my body.
disagree 1 2 3 4 5 agree
4. I am happy with my body image.
disagree 1 2 3 4 5 agree
5. I am able to cope with the stresses of my everyday life.
disagree 1 2 3 4 5 agree
Sleep study: Athletes v. NonAthletes
1. About how many hours of sleep do you get on a weeknight?
less than 5 hours
5-6 hours
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
8-9 hours
more than 9 hours
2. Yes or no. Do you think you get enough sleep each night?
3. Do you often forgo sleep in order to get work done?
4. How many hours each day do you spend studying/doing schoolwork?
Less than 1 hour
more than 5 hours
5. How many hours a day do you spend not working (i.e. on facebook, talking on the phone, chilling with friends, watching television, etc.)? This does not include classes and for athletes, does not include sports.
Less than 1 hour
1 to 2 hours
2 to 3 hours
3-4 hours
More than 4 hours
I will be surveying over 15 athletes and over 15 non-athletes and comparing the results for the two groups.
sleep in random kids i know
My questions:
my test group was of people on the xc team and some csem-ers. anyone who i could email if i knew their last name basically. im thinking of adding more people.
survey questions
1. Identify with one of the following:
2. Are you on a sports team?
3. How often do you exercise every week?
4. Did you exercise in highschool?
5. Do you feel exercise has helped you study? (In terms of time management, stress-relief, or other)
6. What is your average grade for school? (This is an anonymous survey so don't worry and be honest!)
restless in rockefeller
I asked the fine ladies of Rock 1st-1st and 1st-2nd these questions:
Circle one!
1. How highly do you value a good night’s sleep?
1= not at all/very little, 5= highly valued
1 2 3 4 5
2. How important is sleep to you in relation to your other activities (extracurriculars, academics, socializing, work, et cetera)?
1= not very important, 5= very important
1 2 3 4 5
3. How strongly does your amount of sleep correlate with your mood? (eg. If you sleep too little, you might feel groggy and moody the next day.)
1= weak correlation, 5= strong correlation
1 2 3 4 5
4. How many hours of sleep do you get a night (weeknights)?
(Circle one.)
9-10 hours 7-8 hours 4-6 hours less than 4 hours
5. Do you feel that you get enough sleep on weeknights?
Yes No
Additional Comments (not required, just curious!):
Amount of Exercise on Rhoads South 1st
The subjects for this survey will be the people on my hall in Rhoads South 1st.
1) How much physical activity have you been getting ever since you came to Bryn Mawr?
1 (none) to 5 (a great amount)
2) How do you feel after you come back from any kind of exercise?
1 (stressed and more tired) to 5 (satisfied and focused)
3) What affect has exercise had on your overall lifestyle? (Academic, mood, organization)
1 (negative affect) to 5 (positive affect)
4)What affect do you think exercise has on increasing happiness?
1 (no affect) to 5 (great affect)
5) How important is it for schools to require students to join a club sport or to take a year-long physical education class every year?
1 (not important) to 5 (very important)
Architecture and eating
I know I started my papers talking about the effects of a campus' architecture on regular habits such as eating, sleeping, studying etc. This paper I decided that it would be better for me to narrow it down to just studying the effects of architecture on eating habits.
My study is going to consist of giving a survey to students in the dorms Brecon, Haffner and Denbigh. The students I will give surveys to will all be freshmen. I want to see how living in dorms with different proximities to dining halls affects students eating habits.
1) Which dorm do you live in?
2) Which dining hall do you normally eat in?
3) How many meals a day did you generally eat before college?
4) How many meals a day do you eat now?
5) Do you think that the dorm you live in affects your eating habits?
My Questions
I decided to ask five questions to as many people as I could. I was getting great data and then my CSEM class responded and with all of the athletes and healthy eaters in the class, my last two questions were thrown off :) Here are the three remaining questions I am keeping.
How concerned are you of the Freshman Fifteen?
Not Concerned
Some what Concerned
Very Concerned
How important is body image to you?
Not at all Important
Some What Important
Very Important
How often do you go to the gym during the week?
Once a Week
A Few Times
As Much as Possible
Exercise Habits and Motivation
How often do you exercise?
Do you enjoy exercising?
Are you happy with your body?
Describe your exercise habits.
Have you changed your exercise habits since you arrived at college?
Pick which scenario best describes you.
Sleep survey of the volleyballteam
1. Did you get more sleep in high school or college?
2. Do you think sleep is important?
3. Do you sacrifice sleep to get school work done?
4. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
5. How many hours of sleep do you think you need? ( is it more or less than the amount of sleep you get?)
The Best Solution to the Freshman 15
Here is the link for my survey: (anyone in this class who has not taken it PLZ do because I am a few people short)
My subject group is college Freshman because it has to do with how worried they are by the Freshman 15 and what they are doing to counteract it.
my survey questions
or my survey, I decided to ask more than 5 questions and ask more than 15 people so I could get a better understanding of procrastination at bryn mawr college. I asked my soccer team specifically to fill out the survey so that I could compare how one's time management is affected by having a big comittment as oppose the other people I asked who may or may not have a big time comittment too.
in my first question, I asked the survey taker just to note any big time committment they might have. in the second question, i asked the person to state how many hours of sleep on average she gets each night. question three asked how many hours are spent doing homework each night.
the next questions were answered on a 7 factor scale ranging from never, rarely, sometimes but usually not, neutural, sometimes but usually, most of the time, and always. question four asked the survey taker to respond using this scale to "what time do you usually start doing your homework" with answers as "throughout the day during my free time", "early in the morning before breakfast or any classes", "after my afternoon classes are over", "after dinner", "after my favorite tv show", "late at night starting from anywhere between 11-1", and "other, please specify". Question 5 uses this same scale and asks "How often are you distracted from doing your homework and by what factors" with the factors being "tv", "internet", "friends", "family", parties", "phone", "food", "dorm activities", "other, please specify".
Question 6 asks the student to use the same scale to rate how much she feels "stressed when thinking about all the work [she] has", "anxious when thinking about all the work [she] has", "stressed to physically sit down and do [her] work", "anxious to physically sit down and do [her] work", "stressed when [she] is actively procrastinating (worry when watching tv, hanging out with friends, etc)", "anxious when [she] is actively procrastinating (worry when watching tv, hanging out with friends, etc)" and "(other, please specify".
question 7 and 8 both use the same scale and ask "when you put off your work , are you conscious of any future consequences?" and "when you put off your work, are you anxious about any future consequences", respectively. the factors of these questions to rate are: "little sleep that night", "tired the next day", "stressed the next day", "grouchy the next day", "a bad grade on the assignment", "a bad grade in the class", "having more work for tomorrow", "not having time for a substantial meal", "a cycle of procrastination developing", and "other, please specify"
The last question just asks the student to add any comments she feels necessary.
I feel that these questions will work well because they touch on a lot of different factors. It is very easy to ask generalized questions in a survey so if there are a lot of options and examples it is easier to get more specific trends and have less confusion. Also, using the same scale for most of the questions will work because it will make it easier to compare between questions. in this way, the answers I get will have more value because there will need to be more thought put into them. however, it will be difficult to create a single graph to represent all the data...i may have to do more than one.
a) less than 4
b) 4-6
c) 6-8
d) 8-10
e) More than 10
a) less than 4
b) 4-6
c) 6-8
d) 8-10
e) More than 10
I sent the survey to a random group of people - people in my classes, in my hall, people I work with and people I know in campus. I did not limit survey-takers to a certain group since I wanted the results to be varied and not be affected by my choice of a certain group.
I asked the questions to compare people's habits between high school and college. I also wanted to see if there is a correlation between perceived level of stress and amount of hours put into work. My questions made people think about how much time they potentially work, and reflect upon their sleep and habits after they came to college. In that sense, they may have acted as nudges since people will reflect on their choices and lifestyle pre and post college.
Sleep survey (Brecon 3rd floor)
1) On an average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night ?
2) What is your major/s ?
3) What is your GPA ? (on the condition of anonymity)
4) How do you spend the time you are awake (when you should be sleeping)?
a) studying, preparing for class, assignments
b) social networking
c) extracurricular commitments
d) other (please specify)
5) How much of that time do you actually spend on the intended activity?
The Motivation to Exercise on Erdman 2nd Floor
Questions asked to 15 people on Erdman 2nd floor (mainly customs group)
1. On a scale from 0 to 5, how many days a week do you exercise? 0 being none at all and 5 being more than 5 times a week.
2. On a scale from 1 to 5, on average how many hours a week are spent on a physical activity? 0 being none, 1: 1-3 hours, 2: 4-6 hours, 3: 7-9 hours, 4: 10-12 hours, 5: 13+hours
3. On a scale from 0 to 5, how motivated are you by athletics/competition? (Ex: winning, to do well in your sport, to move up in your sport etc)
4. On a scale from 0 to 5, how much are you motivated by body image concerns? (such as losing weight etc.)
5. On a scale from 0 to 5, how motivated are you to exercise based on health and fitness? (ex: healthy well-being, leading a healthier lifestyle etc)
It turns out that the people I chose to interview were a good mix of athletes and non-athletes. Therefore I was able to see if there were differences in motivational patterns between athletes and non-athletes.
Stretching Among Athletes
To be answered by 15 Bryn Mawr athletes:
1.How important do you consider stretching?
Not Important 1 2 3 4 5 Very Important
2. How much of an emphasis is put on stretching during your practice?
Not Emphasized 1 2 3 4 5 Very Emphasized
3. When do you think stretching is most beneficial?
Before During After
4.Do you stretch outside of practice often?
Not Often 1 2 3 4 5 Very Often
5.Have you ever had an injury that could have been prevented by proper warm up and stretching?
Time Management Habits on Pem West 3rd
1) Where do you study?
2) When do you study?
3) Do you plan ahead or procrastinate?
4) Do you lose sleep due to studying?
5) Does studying cause you stres?Hey, here are my
Hey, here are my questions
How often do you call your parents?
Once ever few weeks
Once a week
Once every few days
Once a day
Multiple times a day
When you call your parents, what percent of the time is it for...
General well-being check in
Homework Help
Laundry/Cleaning/Basic Skills Help
You're upset and need someone to rant to
Need something sent or brought to school
Planning trips home
How often do your parents call you?
Once every few weeks
Once a week
Once ever few days
Once a day
Multiple times a day
When your parents call, what percent of the time is it for...
General check-in
Asking what needs to be brought/sent
Planning trips home
Planning trips for visiting
Before you came to college, you would classify yourself as
totally dependent upon your parents
very but not totally dependent
no more independent than is normal at that age
relatively independent
Totally independent
Now that you are at college, you would classify yourself as
totally dependent upon your parents
still very but not totally dependent upon your parents
moderately dependent
relatively independent
parents? who needs parents?
My target survey group is college freshwomen at Bryn Mawr. As they have just made a huge change in their lives, I want them to assess just how involved mom and dad are. Have they made the transition well or do they still call mom to help with laundry? Are they homesick all of the time? Are they stressed? Or, are they flourishing in this new found independence. The research I did for my last paper said that our generation is incredibly dependent upon our parents to the point where we cannot function in the academic and working worlds on our own. I want to see if they are right!