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aybala50's picture

Architecture and eating

I know I started my papers talking about the effects of a campus' architecture on regular habits such as eating, sleeping, studying etc. This paper I decided that it would be better for me to narrow it down to just studying the effects of architecture on eating habits. 

 My study is going to consist of giving a survey to students in the dorms Brecon, Haffner and Denbigh. The students I will give surveys to will all be freshmen. I want to see how living in dorms with different proximities to dining halls affects students eating habits.


1) Which dorm do you live in?


2) Which dining hall do you normally eat in?


3) How many meals a day did you generally eat before college?


4) How many meals a day do you eat now?


5) Do you think that the dorm you live in affects your eating habits?  


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