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lwacker's picture

This Should be Interesting...

My health habit of interest is exercise and I've formulated these questions to poll the ladies of Rock 2nd 2nd (my customs group) with...

1.) On a scale of 1-5, how important is exercise to health? 

1         2           3                      4           5

(Not important)      (Somewhat important)          (Very important)


2.) On a scale of 1-5, do you consider exercise to be a priority?

         1                 2                    3                      4            5

(Not a priority)           (Somewhat of a priority)           (A priority)


3.) How many hours per week did you exercise for pleasure in high school?

    1                    2                    3                   4                  5

 (0-2 hrs.)       (2-4 hrs.)      (4-6 hrs.)     (6-8 hrs.)         (8-10hrs.)


4.) How many hours per week have you been exercising for pleasure now that you're that BMC?

    1                    2                    3                   4                  5

 (0-2 hrs.)       (2-4 hrs.)      (4-6 hrs.)     (6-8 hrs.)         (8-10hrs.)


5.)  How many hours per week would you like to spend exercising for pleasure?

    1                    2                    3                   4                  5

 (0-2 hrs.)       (2-4 hrs.)      (4-6 hrs.)     (6-8 hrs.)         (8-10hrs.)


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