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This Is Your Brain on Porn: Pornography Addiction, Society, and the Brain

Cayla McNally's picture

Many of my drug using, sex crazed friends have said at least once that having an orgasm and doing a line of cocaine create the same feelings within the brain. I am able to understand why there is a chemical change when participating in a sexual act, but I cannot comprehend how people can be addicted to pornography, which has virtually no interaction with the viewer. Sexual acts that one partakes in, like all activities that one partakes in, changes the chemical reactions and firing rates in the brain; so why is it that viewing pornography, which is a mainly optical activity, can change the brain, and even more than that, create an addiction? Simply put, pornography addiction is the “abuse and overuse” (1) of various types of pornography; however, on a deeper level it is a very complicated subject. It raises both medical and social questions, and it is uncertain if the answers to these questions will ever be agreed upon. It is one of the few addictions that are just considered to be a psychological addiction; possibly because of that, most doctors do not consider it an actual addiction, but instead as a sub-condition of obsessive compulsive disorder (1).

While it is not considered a legitimate disease by many, pornography addiction does have similar symptoms: those affected are not able to control how often they engage in the behavior, engage in it to rid themselves of stress, work up a tolerance to it, and engage in the behavior instead of having social and personal interactions (1). These symptoms, especially the ultimate, have been exacerbated by the drastic increase of internet porn, which makes the medium readily available in the privacy of one’s own home. The extra convenience has occurred hand in hand with increasing opposition, stating that pornography in the home has effects on not only the person viewing it, but also those who stumble upon it, such as children. Many see it as a perversion of the home, and not as a real disease.

Another aspect of the addiction that makes it scientifically legitimate is the changes that occur in the brain when one engages in activities involving pornography. When an addict looks at porn, testosterone, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are released, creating what Dr. Judith Reisman refers to as an “erototoxin” (2). The chemical change, which causes the person engaging in the act to have a temporary feeling of euphoria, becomes a necessity for the person to function. Like any other type of addict, porn addicts become trapped within their disorder, and the difference between casually watching pornography and being an addict hinges on the chemical makeup of the brain.

Pornography addiction is still very controversial, because the issue of its existence is still being constantly disputed. Scientists and moralists are entangled in a possibly endless argument, both publicly and privately, over the legitimacy of the addiction, as well as the differences between pornography addiction and other addictions, such as drug or alcohol addictions. While Dr. Judith Reisman agrees that viewing pornography causes a chemical change within the brain, she also believes that these changes will create a physical deterioration along with the psychological effects; however, as a critic of Reisman pointed out, “One unmentioned implication [of Reisman’s article] is the fact that, if sexual arousal from pornography causes 'brain damage', then so will real-life sex” (2). Since there is a reasonable possibility that having sex and viewing porn cause the same sort of stimulation in the brain, it would make sense that every time one engages in sex, one loses part of one’s mental faculties. Currently, there is no data to prove that this is true, and it appears as if there is no affirmative data about viewing pornography as well. Another issue of an addiction to porn is that while, with most drugs, it is possible to work all of the chemical out of the body after a certain amount of time, a pornographic image will stay in the memory as long as the memory exists. In a far more extreme interview, Dr. Judith Reisman stated, “[Pornography] could be more addictive than crack cocaine because cocaine can be excreted from the body. Pornographic images cannot. They remain, structurally and neurochemically, with a person forever” (3). She, as well as many others who believe that pornography addiction has more detrimental effects than other types of addiction, take the issue of addiction out of the scientific, and drag it into the sociopolitical. n

Personally, the research for this paper has raised more questions than it has answered. I am still unsure as to why it is considered a disease that branches out from obsessive compulsive disorder, as opposed to being on its own as a disorder. All addictions are obsessive, but not all are part of another disorder. It seems to me as if the squalor surrounding pornography addiction, not its scientific merit, has prevented it from becoming its own legitimate psychological disease. This has caused me to question how addictions are understood and proceeded with in both scientific and social realms, and also to understand that the variables of what determines a disease are not necessarily solely based on science or facts; much more plays into a disease than I had ever contemplated, especially ones that relate to something as that is discussed so much socially, morally, and politically, such as pornography.



Serendip Visitor's picture

you can do it

you can do it

Joe's picture

I've looked at a lot of porn

I've looked at a lot of porn in my life, and as best I can tell, from personal experience, porn hits the pleasure centers in my brain too hard. It's like there is something in my mind that keeps getting hit, over and over. And then it feels like my brain is dried out too much inside, and the overall effect of the porn makes me very irritable sometimes. For a long time, I couldn't even get out in the sun without the sunshine somehow making me extremely irritable.
And it seemed like the sunshine made it hard for me to feel normal emotions as long as I was out in the sun. My girlfriend and I went over the mountain one day on a trip while the sun was shining bright, and I was desperate to get out of the sun. Once I got into a motel room, I just started bawling my eyes out because I could feel emotions again. Or something like that. But I think the porn caused all of this.
It can really mess your mind up I believe.

And it makes people overly aggressive.
And don't forget the implied sexual violence or overt sexual violence that occurs in many porn pics.
This stuff can hit your mind hard.

manpreet's picture

remove watching porn movies

i have also same problem please tell me how to remove

Jack's picture

You are totally right.

My head feels like it is being sucked inside out. The feeling goes only when I try my best to engage in something else. Some would even consider that the stuff I look at is not even pornography, it's all fairly softcore.

I find it really hard to emotionally rebalance my life. I guess porn is why Hugh Hefner walks around in a bathrobe all day.

Serendip Visitor's picture


hello, im 18 and have been addicted 2 porn for almost 5 years. I would like to make it perfectly clear to anybody intrested in pornography, thinking about it, curious, already doing it, that its not just some passing phase we all come across as we live life. Its not a fun little side job we do just to ease stress. Its not. And please, please, please, nobody think other wise. Pornography is evil. It destroys lives, loves, will, happiness. It robs it user of the true beauty of life we were all destined to live. Women become no longer the beautiful, caring, mothering, creatures they all truly are. Only sex. Only toys. To every women ever hurt by the poisen of pornography, I'm so sorry. When i first started, it seemed like a fun, new exciting adventure. I was so young but during each session and climax. I had experienced such unexplainable euphoria that i just couldent let it go. I was very lucky though. My habit was pretty calm and i would only do it a couple times a month if even that. "watch out for this"!!! when porn seems like something you need to know more about, turn off your fucking computer and do something else. Eventually the guilt started creeping into the cracks of my mind but for some reason i just ignored it. But as the months went by along with typical high school bs, my habit grew larger. I sought pornography to experience what i dident even realize was being taking away from me. After losing all faith and respect for myself, and dealing with terrible depression, im at a point were any normal sexual intrests i once had are becoming morphed into sick, twisted, ideas i wish would just go away. I do it about once a day but sometimes 2 or 3. Its the same thing every time. Excitement, fantasy, euphoria, immediate shame. I feel lik i belong in a prison. Im scared. A few weeks ago i tried to make contact with one of my old friends who i hadent seem in a really long time, just to catch up. We met up and talked for hours, it was fantastic, but than i realized how hot she looked. Before i knew what had happend, my old friend who i just wanted to talk to was now another hook up. I felt absolutly terrible. Since that night, she has not returned any of my calls or txts. I know what i did hurt her and it destroys me how much i destoryed such a great potential for another friend. I know thats why she doesnt talk to me. i almost cry just thinking about it ...but my point of this pathetic rant, is for anyone just getting into this whole thing, even if you think your better than it, even if you think you can control it, for the respect and empathy of the lives ruined by this monster, please dont do it.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Dear "heroin", My brother

Dear "heroin",

My brother went through the exact same experience as you as a teenager and is now undergoing treatment for sex addiction in a rehabilitation facility. It sounds like you already understand how devastating this disease is, and I hope you have begun to get help for your pain. If you haven't already, I hope you will go to a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting to begin your recovery. Also, try reading books by Patrick Carnes: Out of the Shadows, In the Shadows of the Net, and Don't Call it Love. Good luck.

Serendip Visitor's picture

hi im a girl and i have been

hi im a girl and i have been addicted to lesbian porn for the past 8 years. i have a bf who satisfies me when hes around but sometimes when i see a hotgirl i thikn or porn and i go and watch it. i cant help it and i feel so ashamed afterwrds. what can i do :(

Former Porn Addict's picture

As a former porn addict for

As a former porn addict for two years, I can attest that at least the part about the brain is 100% true. The thing about porn addiction is that it is like a chisel hitting at a rock repeatedly, slowly breaking it down. That is what pornography is essentially doing to your brain through an extended period of time and it takes a long time for the effect to be noticeable, but when they are, it is devastating. I noticed that after one year of pornography addiction, I wasn't as rational and mature as I used to be, and that my attraction to women had declined. I was still me for the most part, but I definitely wasn't all there, so I continued on with my addiction unknowingly. After two years of pornography addiction, the effects were quite noticeable as I became a shell of my former self and my attraction to women was little to nothing.

Then I began the hard road to recovery, which was not an easy process, but completely necessary. After I quit, I noticed that I became very lazy and depressed, which was probably a result of my brain being deprived of the dopamine/adrenaline that it craved for those two years. I slowly began to return to normal, but I'd relapse after a month or so, which only made my recovery more difficult.

Then finally after 7 months, I began to feel like my normal rational self again. However, I still felt like I wasn't 100% heaed, it wasn't until after 9 months, that I decided to undergo a highly disciplined routine of meditation and regular exercise. After these habits were trained into my mind, I noticed significant improvements in my well being, spiritually, intellectually and physically. Then after months of doing this I finally felt fully recovered. That was 5 months ago, looking back it was a disastrous road I was heading down during my addiction and an incredible fight to recovery once I decided to quit.

I know pornography addiction is a very serious chemical addiction and what I've experienced in the past years is living proof of that. Being to able to overcome something like this has made me a stronger and wiser person, but in the other hand it has robbed years from me that I will never be able to get back. I wish luck to those that are suffering now and that there is definite hope to recovery and to have your brain returned to normal as I can now say that my brain is completely back to normal for the most part. I highly recommend you use meditation and exercise in your recovery as this can speed up the process. Also, controlling masturbation in general is a good idea as well, as this can give you more energy that can be used positively.

Thank you.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Addiction to Porn

Amen to everything you said. Many people do not understand the powerful impact of pornography on the brain. Once those feel good chemicals flow out of the brain you want more and more of it. I still cannot stop, even though I know it is not healthy.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thanks man, that really

Thanks man, that really helps. It's good to know it's possible to make a full, functioning recovery.

 Former Porn Addict's picture

Your welcome and good luck on

Your welcome and good luck on your recovery. I'm 6 months sober still :D, and I've managed to cut down on masturbation with just visualizing to just once a week. That should be a goal for you after quitting porn, since you get much higher energy and confidence from abstaining for a week.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Admitting to your problem

Well, I am a living example of how porn ruined my life...I should say I LET porn ruin my life...A little over 15 years ago I was introduced to internet porn, became addicted to being able to see beautiful women I could only dream about...It progressed to viewing it everyday for about an hour...It became so overwhelming that I let it destroy my job because I was looking at it on lunch breaks on the work computer...I was fired...Dumb ass...I got involved with a wonderful woman, got married after 4 years of dating, STILL watching and hiding porn from her...I let it control me so much that I didn't notice how it made me ignore my wife, made her feel unloved...To the point that she had an affair, just to be able to feel like a woman, a woman I neglected...12 years down the drain because I COULDNT CONTROL MY ADDICTION...It makes me want to cry to think of how I made her feel...I destroyed her because of porn, a fantasy I could never ever have...I have done alot of soul searching through all of this, tried to find a reason as to why I wanted to watch it, why I HAD TO watch it...I came up with a few reasons, right or wrong I dont know but they make sense to me...I was raised outside a small town, poor with no neighbors or friends near me...I lost my mom when I was 9 and had to take on the responsibilities of an adult as a very small child...It left me no time for building social relationships, friends or to just interact with people...That left me as a shy, withdrawn person who shunned away from meeting people...I had one girl whom I absolutely fell in love with in high school, we were only friends because I could not talk to her to ask her to be my girlfriend...She slipped away, I joined the military because of the Gulf War...I was a recluse there also...Never had a serious relationship because of my fears and being withdrawn...Not until I met my now ex-wife had I had a serious relationship...So I think that all the stuff I had to deal with and then being exposed to a way to have what I desired without interaction(internet porn) is what lead me down the road of destruction...None of it is an excuse for what I have done, I realize that which has allowed me to man up and deal with it head on...I never would have thought about what I am typing a couple years ago because I was in denial...Now I have a second chance, a chance very few ever get to have...The girl I fell in love with in high school has entered my life, she is the reason I have dealt with this head on...I WILL NOT LET THIS RUIN ME EVER AGAIN...I will never let her feel the way I let my ex feel...Its a damn shame I let it happen in the first place...I had to emotionally ruin a wonderful woman before I could admit my own flaws and failures...If there are any others on here who are doing the same thing as I did, STOP IT NOW!!! I will beg of you to look yourself in the mirror, see the man you are supposed to be to your wife/girlfriend and fix it...BE THE MAN and own up to what you are doing, fill up the pride tank and fight this shit with all your might, that is what you are supposed to do to for your other half...Its not sacrifice, its doing whats right...Take it from a guy who lost alot because of porn, find the man that is hidden behind all that which you think makes you happy...Make him step up, fight it and be the boyfriend/husband you are supposed to be...Dedicated to the one you love...Good luck fellas, its a long hard battle but you can do it...I look into my girlfriends eyes for inspiration, I see the woman that I would destroy if I were to continue down that road...NEVER AGAIN....

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thank you so much for sharing

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am a 36 yr old woman who is so disgusted with my boyfriend. I feel like I cant complain, because I have watched it with him before. But now I do not enjoy it at all. Last night we were on the bed naked, porn on and I never got touched once. I feel like he didnt even want me to touch him. I feel so neglected and un -lady like. I stumbled onto this website and have been reading it all. It makes so much sense. I dont think this relationship will last but at least I know Im not the only one that is hurt by this. He has every addiction, porn, drugs, drinking, gambling. This is his way of fun.....Im not having fun at all and it is breaking my heard and brain. Wish me luck and prayers for both of us.
The gal that wished I was enough.

A.J.'s picture

Thank you man

I want to thank you so much for writing this article. I have recently turned 21 and I've had a serious problem with porn for almost a decade now. I hate the fact that I've let it influence my life so much - I've missed so many great opportunities when it comes to occupations and relationships already and I don't want it to continue. The hardest part about it all is that its hard to talk to someone about it. I plan to read this article everyday until I can muster up the courage to express to my family what has been going on in my life. Thanks again for sharing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Well i think the root of the

Well i think the root of the problem here is the marriage setup. Once puberty is reached this boundary of having sex with just the one you married should be done away with. I believe sex is just sex and only rarely does it become platonic etc. So just as we like to have different food once in a while so should also happen to sex. And let men and women have occaisional safe sex outside of their married relationship and let this be not looked down upon. Even orgies and group sex may be desirable to some and I think its perfectly normal to have individuals experience it however with a safety and non-exploitation rider.

Secondly to allow this experience to carry them over the attraction of sexuality we must teach them methods like various prayer/meditation techniques which will give them a comparison that there is much larger pleasure which is both peaceful and non energy draining outside of sex and then gradually the pull of sex will diminish and the desire of higher virtues will rise.

However for this to function we must stop the constant artificialization and flavoring of sex as seen in media. Since this then adds fire to the already creative human mind and then the sexual desire become endless as no real women/men one encounters will be able to satify what is shown in media.
It is like creating artificial demand and supplying non-real goods to quench that demand so ppl are always thirsty and unhappy.

I believe as a society it is still better to allow an individual to go out and have safe sex with a real person then to have him/her virtualize that and keep it forever in the head. As he/she is already doing it virtually better do it in real and rest to peace those fantasies and then return back to your beloved as a peaceful settled person. There are chances that the desires may not end early but since they are doing it in real atleast it will not become a constant thing in the head and the real experience is bound to create some sort of understanding of the sexual mechanism in the human brain so as to automatically drop it some day.
There is more probability in this arrangement of making sexual addicts saner and saving families.

loretta's picture boyfriend before we boyfriend before we got together watched porn and never told me because I was completely against it. Than he snuck it a couple times... porn is a wretched thing. I have watched it a couple times with my guy since, to get fantasies in for him... it never helps our sex. Than I decided just to make home porn videos with him and for him, so it stayed faithful and real, but still he got the sexual tension release so many here are talking about. Honestly maybe thats what we all should be doing, to live out our fantasies without making anyone uncomfortable or feel worthless, making our husbands or wives our fantasy when we are alone or together. There are fantasies that may not be met, but I can tell you one thing... not only is it great to have the videos to keep my man attracted to me, but also its quite a confidence booster to feel like you are the star of the show and two it makes role playing fun at home. We can be our man's porn star, wife, housekeeper, baby mamma, mom, and actually turn him into our fantasy guy, husband, hard worker, and baby daddy. I ultimately hate porn I think its wretched nothing about it is pretty or nice. I know a man, that watched porn, but because he got bored just kept looking for younger girls and when I say girls I mean girls. I go to church with this guy whom watched porn and became wreckless ruthless man in bed, and bowed to God for it, because he had severely hurt a couple women with his illusion of porn. Yes,a responsible person should be able to watch whatever they want you are right, people should be able to "live" out fantasies... but at what cost. Is it really such great sexual stimulation to know that people are fantasizing rape seens or really not acting them out but truly raping the people in the video, drugging the people in the video or paying them money to do something that if they had a child they would never want their child to do. Is it really worth having men and women having sex with children or animals, or abusing eachother, because they hate their own skin so much they think the abuse feels good, because of the self hate, instead of actually getting help from it, they get a rush from it.
Porn is scary. Naked is not the issue, sexual acts that make even the devil cry, need to be secret.Someone said sex shouldnt have to be our "naughty" secret. No, you are right, it shouldn't be a secret, but the actual acts of sex=love and should be only between the one you love and yourself... Now the sex=no love is just a presentation that should stay secret merely because we dont want our children having sex with someone they dont we?


Joe's picture

Nice post. I really like the

Nice post. I really like the passion. I think you're right and porn does not teach anybody about love.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Yeah, I know exactlyy

I know exactlyy what you mean.. my older brothers and dad were obssessedd with porn and then that made me have a reallyyy negative mind set to it.. and now i have a boy friend.. and it wasnt really a big problem at first when we started dating...but now it is.. ive told him how much it bugs be and it makes me feel like im not good enough and it makes me feel like shit and im already self conscience and i guess i no im pretty but that just kills me.. i do everythngg to try and make him happy.. to try and replace that.. but nothing ever does.. i dont no why it makes me cry.. i cant explain it.. but i wishhh someone knew a way to make them stoppp and be happy with what they have before they lose it... i love him sooo much but he wont stop.. and i dont think i can leave him but hes just hurting me.. and he just says "o every dude does it.. and they might say they dont but theyre lying to ya...thats just what men do" and i cant stand it.. it makes me feel soooooo HOPELESS! LIke im crying right now..what do i do? idkkk

Serendip Visitor's picture

I understand how you feel

I know how you feel... My boyfriend is addicted to porn as well and yes it really hurts and makes you feel like you're not good enough. But don't for one second believe that. Because it is not your fault it has nothing to do with you. It is a struggle of theirs that is out of our control. You are perfect just the way you are. All you can do is try to the best of your ability to help him get through it. If he really wants to stop then that is good. If not it's a hard place to be in. Talk to him about how it makes you feel. Don't be afraid to be open and honest with him. And if he is a man that really truely deserves you he will take the steps to stop. One thing that is really important is to make sure that you don't find your self worth and your value in him. Because people are not perfect and they mess up. As far as crying and not knowing why I totally get it. I would cry about it and sometimes I do still. But God's really been showing me that it has nothing to do with me and that you and I are good enough. You're not alone... And to all the guys out there that struggle with an addiction to porn just know that it really does have an affect on those around you. I wish all of you the best. Good luck overcoming this trial in your life.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I just want to say you are

I just want to say you are not alone. I am going through a terrible time with my relationship. My husband watches it everyday. I have installed a spying software and have subjected myself to viewing all the porn he has watched. I have confronted him about it and he generally has nothing to say about it. He stops for a few days and then starts up again. We never have sex anymore.

Chris's picture

While porn addiction is very

While porn addiction is very real and as concerning as any other addiction, porn is nothing new, and, I'll probably be in the minority here, but I believe it serves a function in society. When I went abroad I noticed a difference between American culture and European culture (in many places but not all) concerning porn. In Italy for example breasts were a regular sight on billboards, posters, and on t.v, as were old people on nude beaches (the image of their leathery skin is still burned into my mind...ugh), anyway, Americans seem to think of sex as a dirty little secret everyone engages in but no one wants to acknowledge or talk about, very strange if you ask me.

Porn has been around since the dawn of time. If you travel to Egypt you might find hieroglyphs depicting all the sex acts found today on the internet, similarly if you travel to Greece you will find, in addition to artistic nudes, similar images. In Rome it was common for the man of the house to commission paintings depicting themselves with fantastically huge members engaging in all sorts of sex acts, or just posing as sort of a way to show off.

I believe the problem is not the porn itself, but the guilt people relate to it. Humans have intense sexual desires due to our hormones, it is natural to want to engage in sex, and because of our huge brains relative to other species we get creative. When someone starts watching porn, even if they don't believe in it, their bodies make it a pleasurable experience. I think it is important to recognize that we are sexual creatures, that sex is healthy and normal. For instance, not only is masturbation good for stress relief, it is also healthy for the heart and reduces the risk of various sexually related diseases, such as prostate cancer. Because not everyone has a partner and not everyone with a partner can have as much sex as desired, porn becomes a way to relieve sexual stress. I think, for one, addiction to porn would be less prevalent if people actually talked to their partners about it, and if their partners would be adults and realize the problem is that the sexual desires that are not being met for whatever reason. If you catch your partner being more interested in porn than you, you should discuss it with them, ask what's wrong, maybe ask them about their fantasies, be their sexual partner not their sexual inhibitor, otherwise their sexual desires will continue to grow into the realm of depravity. The reason porn exists is because, with our creativity, not every sexual desire can be met, especially since it is typical for men to have a higher "need" for sex than their partner, and thus they turn to porn to meet those needs. Even if I agree that porn serves a purpose in society, to relieve sexual tension before it turns into a problem, it can become a problem in a relationship if its not acknowledged. Sometimes it's even good for couples to watch porn together to spice things up a bit.

Also, the notion that simply watching or knowing that someone in the family that watches porn will damage a child forever is sort of ludicrous, there is no scientific basis, children have little sexual desire so they won't go "porn crazy", and usually they have no idea what porn is or what is going on in porn (unless of course a child is forced to or continually subjected to it, in which case the parents are sick and should be locked up). Like I said, in Italy porn was pretty much everywhere, and it didn't seem to me to be an entire nation of sexual lunatics.

Like all things pleasurable, you can be addicted to porn just as you can be addicted to chocolate cake and world of war craft, however, as long as the adult can distinguish reality from fantasy and has some self control, porn is not a problem, and for responsible adults it can be a good thing, as long as it doesn't get in the way of relationships or personal responsibility (such as taking care of a family or retaining a job).

Now, many people have the concern that it is demeaning to woman etc. For one, the actresses in porn can make more money in one week than most of us make in a year, for two, these woman went into the business because they enjoy sex and don't feel guilt about it, not to mention they don't have the prudish American mentality about sex, and those that take those contracts fantasize about that sort of thing, for three, trust me there is just as much porn depicting men being demeaned, by woman no less, not to mention there is plenty of porn depicting "normal" sexual activity between loving couples who find it arousing to be watched by millions of people (which is why some people enter the biz, its a fantasy for them to be sexualized by millions).

As long as people have sexual desire, porn will never go away, its better to accept that its here to stay and talk to you partner about it, and about how to make them focus more on you than on porn, than to kick them out of the house when you discover they watch porn or watch it regularly, because, honestly, I can guarantee you that a huge majority of men at least, and plenty of woman, watch porn, its because of society that you have to "discover" it, because they feel guilt where there should be none, and because they keep it a secret is why they delve into the darker corners of the industry.

Serendip Visitor's picture

wake up

Chris, what you should consider (for your own good and for everyone elses) is that a child watcing porn or anyone else, it is MUCH DIFFERENT than other addictions, be it chocolate cake or chemical addictions to drugs. The body will excrete the chemical addictions over time, but porn is a MEMORY that does not leave and can pop up at any time for ever.

porn addiction is as selfish as any other addiction, if not one of the most selfish, as the posts from gf's and wives will show you since it leads to ruined marriages and relationships and women feeling like they arent good enough and they are betrayed by someone they are faithful to when the guy stops having sex with them or showing interest, and basically walks out of the relationship on them. i think porn addictions are not the cause of this always, but they are very dangerous and only lead to evil things, since the act of masturbating to porn is supporting an industry where girls and women are doing things that they dont want to, but only do it for the money. it is rape, it is adultry, and it is wrong bc it fucks up a lot of lives, period. stop being delusional and selfish.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Chris, You obviously do not

Chris, You obviously do not love someone that is truely addicted to porn. Try looking into the eyes of your mate and seeing a blank stare when you are making love. Try getting the attention of someone that is a zombie after spending hours on a porn site. Try living with the irratibility of a person addicted to porn.

You say, "porn serves a function in society". True porn addiction does not allow you to be a wholesome member of society. Wholesome reaction with society was meant to interact with love and kindness. Porn addiction withdrawals all interaction to the outside world. They live a live of shame and withdrawal. It is not as if you are going internal and meditating a wholesome existance for your everyday life. It is a thief in the night. It robs your life of love and your loved ones of hope.

You obviously are not a porn addict. Or, maybe just in denial. I am the wife of a porn addict and I can clearly tell you that porn addiction destroys families and hope. After 10 years of dealing with this issue, I am going to visit an attorney tomorrow. After 10 years of talking to my parter about how to focus more on you than on porn, (your quote) it is not as easy as you state above.

Your post angered me. This type of mentality gets several young men and women tasting poison that destroys realtionships. Good luck buddy!

on recovery's picture

I agree with you

one thing to add to your comment is that over 90% of porn actresses and prostitutes were sexually abused as children. they , in their minds cannot see themselves as something other than a sex object. and that is one of the reasons for the high use and abuse of drugs in that industry. people turn to them to deal with the pain and hurt it brings to them but they cannot walk away from it. their self image is totally destroyed and it turns into this cycle of pain.

Serendip Visitor's picture

interesting, but counterpoints

While porn addiction is very real and as concerning as any other addiction, porn is nothing new, and, I'll probably be in the minority here, but I believe it serves a function in society. When I went abroad I noticed a difference between American culture and European culture (in many places but not all) concerning porn. In Italy for example breasts were a regular sight on billboards, posters, and on t.v, as were old people on nude beaches (the image of their leathery skin is still burned into my mind...ugh), anyway, Americans seem to think of sex as a dirty little secret everyone engages in but no one wants to acknowledge or talk about, very strange if you ask me.

Porn has been around since the dawn of time. If you travel to Egypt you might find hieroglyphs depicting all the sex acts found today on the internet, similarly if you travel to Greece you will find, in addition to artistic nudes, similar images. In Rome it was common for the man of the house to commission paintings depicting themselves with fantastically huge members engaging in all sorts of sex acts, or just posing as sort of a way to show off."

---None of those cause the explosive dopamine blast porn now in days does. The exposure to naked bodies just becomes the norm, and doesn't excite the sexual mind. That indeed is one problem of only associated being naked with sex.
I believe the problem is not the porn itself, but the guilt people relate to it. Humans have intense sexual desires due to our hormones, it is natural to want to engage in sex, and because of our huge brains relative to other species we get creative. When someone starts watching porn, even if they don't believe in it, their bodies make it a pleasurable experience. I think it is important to recognize that we are sexual creatures, that sex is healthy and normal. For instance, not only is masturbation good for stress relief, it is also healthy for the heart and reduces the risk of various sexually related diseases, such as prostate cancer. Because not everyone has a partner and not everyone with a partner can have as much sex as desired, porn becomes a way to relieve sexual stress. I think, for one, addiction to porn would be less prevalent if people actually talked to their partners about it, and if their partners would be adults and realize the problem is that the sexual desires that are not being met for whatever reason. If you catch your partner being more interested in porn than you, you should discuss it with them, ask what's wrong, maybe ask them about their fantasies, be their sexual partner not their sexual inhibitor, otherwise their sexual desires will continue to grow into the realm of depravity. The reason porn exists is because, with our creativity, not every sexual desire can be met, especially since it is typical for men to have a higher "need" for sex than their partner, and thus they turn to porn to meet those needs. Even if I agree that porn serves a purpose in society, to relieve sexual tension before it turns into a problem, it can become a problem in a relationship if its not acknowledged. Sometimes it's even good for couples to watch porn together to spice things up a bit."

---porn would SEEM to feed sexual hunger, but creates hunger. The constant dopamine stimulus will draw a user back over and over again past the point of normal frequency. It becomes much more than simple sex, but an addiction to the dopamine rush hidden as a sexual urge. This high level of dopamine is crossing marketing for every impulsive thing you could imagine, including eating and shopping. Once you begin to crave the rush, you will do what you can to seek it. Sexual fantasies to some extent that are odd to what one once thought, is just the result of trying to seek more. Satisfaction cannot occur, you forever chase more.

"Also, the notion that simply watching or knowing that someone in the family that watches porn will damage a child forever is sort of ludicrous, there is no scientific basis, children have little sexual desire so they won't go "porn crazy", and usually they have no idea what porn is or what is going on in porn (unless of course a child is forced to or continually subjected to it, in which case the parents are sick and should be locked up). Like I said, in Italy porn was pretty much everywhere, and it didn't seem to me to be an entire nation of sexual lunatics."

----Impressions in the mind still exist. Fear, excitement, are all registered in the brain long before you can remember what happened. Porn being everywhere for them is their baseline, they become numb to what is on the billboards. I am sure they experience the same escalation problems with internet stuff though.

"Like all things pleasurable, you can be addicted to porn just as you can be addicted to chocolate cake and world of war craft, however, as long as the adult can distinguish reality from fantasy and has some self control, porn is not a problem, and for responsible adults it can be a good thing, as long as it doesn't get in the way of relationships or personal responsibility (such as taking care of a family or retaining a job)."

---Even in the worst periods of porn addiction, I could tell reality from porn. The dopamine seeking though continues despite will power.

"Now, many people have the concern that it is demeaning to woman etc. For one, the actresses in porn can make more money in one week than most of us make in a year, for two, these woman went into the business because they enjoy sex and don't feel guilt about it, not to mention they don't have the prudish American mentality about sex, and those that take those contracts fantasize about that sort of thing, for three, trust me there is just as much porn depicting men being demeaned, by woman no less, not to mention there is plenty of porn depicting "normal" sexual activity between loving couples who find it arousing to be watched by millions of people (which is why some people enter the biz, its a fantasy for them to be sexualized by millions)."

---Internet porn these days is nothing except sport. No love or anything, consenting is a funny thing. You can have your ass torn, nearly choked to death on the vomit you are spewing being held upside down with a dick down your throat, or in some fetishes nearly drowned in a pool of water. This is a result of over stimulation that causes the mind to seek out more dopamine. Things that used to disgust a porn user become the norm. I don't care what you pay them, there is nothing natural or sane about many of the acts. I am not a prude, but once you get away from the junk you almost lose your mind thinking what the hell used to turn you on. It had nothing to do with normal sexual desire, but chasing an elusive high. There is porn for almost anything and everything, but what is mainstream that people find, is never going to satisfy, but rather intensify their search.

"As long as people have sexual desire, porn will never go away, its better to accept that its here to stay and talk to you partner about it, and about how to make them focus more on you than on porn, than to kick them out of the house when you discover they watch porn or watch it regularly, because, honestly, I can guarantee you that a huge majority of men at least, and plenty of woman, watch porn, its because of society that you have to "discover" it, because they feel guilt where there should be none, and because they keep it a secret is why they delve into the darker corners of the industry."

As long as people do not understand their own neurochemical process, porn will never go away. I won't accept it just as I won't accept meth. Should it all be legal, yes, should people avoid it, yes. You cannot stop people from getting it, no bother trying. Once people finally realize they are unfulfilled, perhaps then they will realize not only porn isn't the answer, but neither is excessive orgasmic sex. Why chase what you will never catch, when you would never have to chase at all?

Serendip Visitor's picture

the addicted person attemps

the addicted person attemps to make the object of addiction seem logical and scientifically a 'good' thing for sad but many holes in that theory it stinks.Of course the rebellious and addicted would simply say that a pychiatric study of the matter is'just somebody's opinion'..another sad and diluted excuse to continue in a state of denial.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Pornography - the death of joy, happiness, life, and joy

I applaud the comments here, and am thankful to God that I am not alone in my struggle either. Society is truly crazy and pornography is one of the reasons for that. I know how sick and twisted this world has become because mostly I look in vain for anything approaching a condemnation of pornography. People only glorify this sick industry and say that it is normal. Everyone has accepted it. But it is not a normal part of life. It is destructive and is destroying numerous lives, as many of the posts here and around the world show. The devastation wrought on children and all of our families is beyond understanding to those who apologize for the porn industry. They only look to justify their own evil impulses but in the process set up a dangerous standard of normality that ends up hurting us all. The real devastation wrought by pornography is only known by those numerous families who are destroyed by it, along with all the churches, workplaces which are damaged by it. Society is quickly being severely compromised by this poison known as pornography, whether the majority choose to acknowledge this fact or not. Porn has destroyed my mind and my happiness in ways that is so subtle and yet so profound. Every facet of my mind and every part of life that I formerly saw as beautiful is now twisted into a hideous and ugly shape. People here speak of watching it every day for 12 years, but I have watched it 15-20 times a year and it has been just as devastating. Once or twice a month I have watched porn on a monthly basis for a very long time. I seem to kick it for several weeks, and then inevitably I fall back into the cycle and the cycle of misery continues. My distorted mind fails to appreciate women for everything they are, as people, as human beings, with hearts, minds, dreams, and aspirations, and not as objects to be used for one's own pleasure. We are only human beings, including those girls who are foolish enough to engage in this heartless, evil industry, who only do so to cover up pains of childhood (the majority of the time). Others are worthless and don't even deserve comment. Despite the pain they are going through, they are setting up a snare for men all over the world and will end up paying for this one day. I sympathize with their struggles and I can identify, but it is no excuse to put your filth on camera for the whole world to see so that marriages can be destroyed and men weak in will can be tempted. They will pay one day for this. You cannot lead another person into sin without facing consequences for this.

I am so sorrowful because all these years I thought I was getting away with my sexual addiction but I wasn't. I was eventually caught by none other than my grandmother. Talk about embarrassing. God showed me that we can never truly get away with something like this. That which is done in secret will be proclaimed on the housetops in due time. We cannot escape the consequences of our actions. Neither those of us who watch this filth, even against our will, nor those who make, act, and promote these videos. They will all suffer for their deeds, as those of us have who have made ourselves a part of their lives through our viewing of these videos. I'm not talking about suffering in a future life, though I believe in that as well. I'm talking about suffering in this world, here on earth. The world is a less happy place because of the global proliferation of pornography. Porn apologists may deny this, but it is nonetheless true. I can sense it. I can sense the destruction caused by this industry through the testimonies of people all over the world and the statistics about how destructive pornography really is to families. Those of us who watch this crap are only perpetuating the cycle of miseries. We are harming our families and if we have children (thank God I don't) we are only setting the stage for them to engage in destructive activities when they get older, to cover the pain from what we are causing them. The porn industry largely exists because of the thousands of girls who looking for an outlet for their emotional pain. I cringe to read about the daughters on this board who have been subjected to emotional neglect from their fathers because of the latter's pornography addiction. It makes me terrified to speculate over what the potential consequences will be for those young girls as they move on through life and what outlets they may look for as therapy for their pain.

I could go on forever and ever, but just know that I am with all of you who have suffered on account of pornography, and I have made others suffer as a result of my usage. For those of you who use pornography still or harbor the desire to use it, just know that your actions cannot be made secret for that long. You will be exposed in the long run. I have learned this lesson the hard way. The world will be a slightly less happy place every time you fall into the addictive cycle. Your family and your sphere of influence will be affected by your choices. Please think of others before you make your choice. God knows this isn't easy. I am wandering into the future with no real way to know how I am going to kick this. But I have to. I can't tolerate this filth in my life any longer.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or just want to talk. We are all in this together.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I have OCD...which I think might be caused by the porno use I engaged in starting when I was 12. I beat myself up bad for it...and I have gone to get help from people in my church and counselors. My counselors have said to not feel bad about it: it's something that everybody does. My church leaders tell me I am being too hard on myself. I was so confused because it took so much difficulty to go and tell them, and then I started having all these crazy thoughts after I quit and that's why I got diagnosed with OCD. I felt like I did not get all the porn junk out of my mind and that's why I was having such evil thoughts. I became OCD trying to beat myself up for each sex thought I had, thinking if I did not punish myself, I would become porno crazy again. I went without porno for 5 years (from when I was 17 to 22). But, with my church leaders saying to not be so hard on myself and suffering so much guilt from other things gone bad in my life, I returned to porno to "blast my brain" from all the pain and suffering it was going through. I have been suicidal, but I thought going back to porno would be better than suicide. But my life is a living hell. I go to a religious university where we have to promise to not use porno in our apartments or on campus computers. I have looked up porno in library books, on the computers, and in my apartment, and have broken my word. I feel like a piece of crap and I want to die. And because I feel so bad, I go back to porn and masturbation. And feeling like crap about porn and masturbation is what got me back into porno and masturbation. I want to be an honest, upstanding person, but this problem seems so cynical that sometimes I tell myself, maybe it's okay and I just need to give in and not care. I am really in a bad way when I think this way. I wish I wasn't going to this religious school. I feel so hypocritical....but they tell me (I turned myself in) that many people struggle with this, which makes me think we're all going to hell or something. How can we get out of this mess. I don't want to talk to girls or think of getting married and having kids because I don't want to suck anyone else into my hell. Can I break this cycle of misery: (porn > misery > porn > misery)? You said to email you if I want to talk. I am an idiot for getting back into porn. I want to get out and be happy. What do I have to do to escape this?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Religious school?

What are they teaching you there? Are they taking it serious?

What you need is to get baptized and sprit-filled, only Jesus can help you, mate. (Acts 2:38)

I was a slave, too. I broke smoke, drink and porn through Jesus and the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Go down on your knees, accept Him as your Saviour and ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Get baptized by full immersion.
Pray in the Spirit (1Cor 14).

Best thing you'll EVER do. Trust me, I did it. "My yoke shall be light" says the LORD.

After five days I was fighting with nightly erections for two or three days, but after that, no, only a very slight urge (only when I deliberately remind me I'm a man). No urge for a drink, tried wine, did not give me anthing anymore. And smoking, that's just revolting, like inhaling the hellfire straight.

The truth shall set you free. I was freed. Instantly.
You can overcome too! Ask the LORD. He is still in the miracle business, we (our society as a whole) just have just been conditioned not to trust HIM and we have forgotten who He is.

Anonymous's picture


"People here speak of watching it every day for 12 years, but I have watched it 15-20 times a year and it has been just as devastating. Once or twice a month I have watched porn on a monthly basis for a very long time. I seem to kick it for several weeks, and then inevitably I fall back into the cycle and the cycle of misery continues."

This is called a relapse and this can happen with any drug, and I went through that phase for 9 months once I decided to quit porn, and I like you felt like every time I relapsed even if it was once a month, it was like pressing the reset button and having to start all over again. If you want to truly quit porn, you need complete abstinence for the rest of your life.

Watching porn everyday is devastating because you suffer chemical and physical damage to the brain, if you do it once a month when you were an addict you'll never let your brain heal chemically even if it is fine physically. I haven't watched porn 51 days straight and I feel like I'm born again and a new person. I exercise, meditate to keep my anxiety low and work and pursue hobbies to keep my mind busy. To quit porn for good isn't easy, it requires daily dedication for complete sobriety.

Good luck.

tara's picture

porn addiction

its been really interesting to read all the comments about addiction to porn here,my husband of 10 years is an addict and i am finally leaving him,
from a womens perspective its as bad as an affair or worse,my husband ,lies,has cybersex,slept with prostitutes,hides m,emory stick,mags u name it.
i know its an addiction but he refuses to see it as such and when i leave he will go back to prostitutes,admitted he loves the porn more than us its devastating,10 years of hell and all i get is basically oh well at least i have whores to go to.........
men who are addicted to porn are seriously messed up and selfish men who dont deserve decent families

Serendip Visitor's picture

porn addiction and the real cost to families

I have been living with my husband for 27 years, we have had 6 children together and I am finally leaving him due to this evil pernicious addiction.

My husband has been enslaved to his porn addiction for our entire marriage, once computers and the internet came into our home, the rot really set in.

Our sex life became non existent,( the past 15 years) and he retreated into his fantasy life full time. I have felt ugly, unloved and insecure, I believed if I tried harder, loved him more, changed myself that things could get better.

Everytime he told me he would try to change, I believed him, I told myself it was ok, he wouldn't really cheat on me, this was only fantasy.

The fact is I had hope, right up until I read all of the blogs like this one, I asked my husband the other night what meant the most to him in life, what force motivated him?, his answer said it all.

"I guess I'm motivated by the desire for comfort and pleasure." You see, my own primary motivator is the love for my family, I would die for them, I would do anything to make them happy, because I love them so much. His motivator is love for himself!!!!!
All these years, I have stayed and hoped and prayed for a miracle, that one day I would have the love of my husband. I now concede defeat. Love can't conquor all, I'm living proof of that.

Anonymous's picture

Why your husband couldn't admit it?

The reason might exactly be the last line of your message: "men who are addicted to porn are seriously messed up and selfish men who dont deserve decent families".

The thing about pornography is that unless you are totally brainwashed, you may have some misgivings or moral questions about pornography and its siblings. In all likelihood, at some point your husband may have never thought that he'd sleep with a prostitute, but as his mind got warped by the devilry of pornography, his morals and principles changed to the point of no recognition.

But, my point is, during this whole process, your husband may have had a decent job and family and outside life. These are things he didn't want to sacrifice, even if he knew what he was doing was wrong. Ultimately, you're right, watching pornography is SELFISH. And, by definition, a truly selfish person can never be an equal partner in a committed relationship. But, a selfish person still has wants - of family, friends, wealth - and he may even have hope of change, or not.

I'm sorry for what you've gone through. There must've been very difficult times for your family. And, since you know how devastating it is, part of you may want to completely move on, but another part of you may realize the severity of the problem and help prevent it from happening to other families (and I believe it is preventable - why else would there be loving husbands who aren't addicted to pornography?).

I don't know if people are intrinsically bad, but all have the capacity of doing bad. Or in other words, are some people meant to bad? I believe we all are part of destiny, but fate is not something we know, since, by definition, the future is not perfectly knowable or guaranteed, although it definitely can be predictable, probable, or work in cycles.

Ultimately, it's a trite adage that prostitution is the oldest profession on the planet. I don't really want to delve into the aphorism more than say that it's clearly an old problem, and one that probably can't be eliminated, but, nonetheless, I believe there is a solution. For me that solution is the submission to God, or in Arabic: Islam.

In Islam, cheating on your wife (and other inappropriate acts known as zina) is a major sin, for reasons you clearly have acknowledged: the capacity to break apart families and ruin lives. But, this is not to say that there are people who may profess to follow a certain religion or code of honor but not perform actions in accord with that religion. This is self-evident to anyone who has had an interaction with a religious person: self-righteousness, after all, is one of the greatest dangers of religiosity.

But, in an age of nihilism and extreme hedonism and consumerism, a divine order and injunction can help clear up moral quagmire and morass- even if it doesn't seem to answer questions completely, it can still provide a framework to tackle the challenges of life.

I'd like to leave you with one thought and the source for that thought:
"What is true of any man is true of all men; the only difference is in the degree to which it is true."
A Reflection on Divine Love - 3/4/2010
By Hamza Yusuf

Peace be upon all of you readers. Peace of mind, of soul, of whatever that means most to you.

Anonymous's picture


I think the reason why pornography is being blamed for the above relationships having suffered have more to do with guilt and unacceptance of self. Complete and total acceptance of oneself in this moment is extraordinarily difficult. Maybe there are still things like pornography because, as a society and as a species, we just are not yet an egoless creature, try as we might. Addiction in general has little to do with the activity and everything to do with the need to BE SOMETHING EVERY SECOND!
In order to get rid of something, give it room to flourish.
much love

Anonymous's picture

My Opinion on this TOPIC

I think that porn is Evil.
I like it for a while, then After I shake "it".. then I hate it instantly..
bad thing.. very bad...

Aspiring Youth Pastor's picture

the poison that affects the soul

I have been addicted to pornography since 8th grade and I am a freshman in college right now. About the mind that someone spoke up a few days ago. The mind is a powerful powerful tool beyond our total understanding. I am writing this from an aspiriing youth pastor's perspective so I can let the secular world that just as many christian's are affected by this soul killing poison. To tell the truth I have relapsed twice this week and it kills my conscience. The biggest thing I fight is self-condemnation. I don't know how many of you are church-goers or followers of Christ or if you even believe in God. THe biggest thing. I made my own self-quote and it reads as thus:

- God does not give us certain circumstances our Lives to destroy us. He gave them to us knowing full well that we are able to conquer it and bring glory to His name -

I sometimes wish ,if i had a choice, that I would've had a small episode to drugs or alcohol. I say that because as the science of addiction is drugs are an external source in which your body does not produce those chemicals it only mimics and eventually your body excretes them and with porn you produce it within yourself.

If you believe in the Word of God and are a Christian you can come to understanding with how the mind works. Anything that is addicting and harmful is not from God and with the confusion of it also for "God is not the author of confusion but of peace". I always question God why am I still addicted to this non-sense even when I know that I am delivered and have the power to say no. For those of you who doubt God or don't even believe in Him and you question asking "Why does your God not do anything?". That is not a right question to ask. Have I the mind of all understanding?

I'm glad that I'm not alone but when you don't see the testimonies of everyone and the comments of everyone you can tend to forget that and come back to the virtuality that you are in fact by yourself.

However, I do not regret this addiction because I believe everything happens for a reason and what kind of person would I be if this was not a road in my journey of life? Where would I be? Who would I be?

And one last thing that I hold on to is my ability to testify to people. I was prayed over twice by the same youth pastor at two different time periods that I would have a ministry of deliverance and help those people who are overcome with grief and shame.

There is always hope!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Bless You!

Bless You!

Anonymous's picture

Response to Aspiring Youth Pastor

I applaud you for your honesty. I just had one question: I'm not familiar with your use of the word "delivered."

What does it take to be delivered? Can someone who disbelieves in God be delivered in your faith?

I also have a some information regarding your view of the neurophysiology of drugs versus pornography.
You state, "I sometimes wish ,if i had a choice, that I would've had a small episode to drugs or alcohol. I say that because as the science of addiction is drugs are an external source in which your body does not produce those chemicals it only mimics and eventually your body excretes them"

Drugs and alcohol can affect "within yourself." I can give you the most generic or random example: "Long-lasting reduction in hippocampal neurogenesis by alcohol consumption in adolescent nonhuman primates." I've only read the title but it sounds like brain growth is affected in a mammal with alcohol consumption, so I presume the results may be important for humans. To find this article google Pubmed (its a database by the National Institute of Health to aggregate scientific articles) and then I searched "alcohol neurobiology" and it was top hit in the search as of today.

Anyways, I only brought this up to point out that drug and alcohol addictions are their own form of devilry, but can have even more or as severe repercussions as pornography, especially for people predisposed to any of these addictions - for genetic or developmental reasons.

Also, when you said this: "The mind is a powerful powerful tool beyond our total understanding." I thought you might find the neurobiology interesting. I strongly recommend taking a neurobiology course in addition, to supplement really, your religious studies.

Peace be upon you.

Anonymous's picture


ALL MEN WATCH PORN. (At least 99% of them do.) Sadly, this is the truth. It's sad not just for the women, but for the man who feels he's not getting enough in the bedroom...

We're living in the age of the PORN GENERATION where the youth of American has easy access to free adult videos, pictures and erotica and we are just beginning to see the effects of it. Young men grow up thinking that "this is how it is" and want to live out the fantasies that they are exposed to at an early age. It is my belief that this is not a passing trend or something that can be defeated.

As a male myself, I can tell you that NOTHING will ever suppress those fantasies except for actually doing them. I used to watch HOURS of threesome porn (most common male fantasy) everyday for about 4 years and it destroyed 3 relationships. I never had the guts to tell them, but my current girlfriend (who is bi) found out and brought home a stripper twice. Not only do I NO LONGER WATCH PORN, but I am over threesomes.

Anonymous's picture

Living with a porn addicted husband....

has been the worst experience in any relationship I have gone through. We have 2 beautiful children have been married for 4 yrs and been together for 6 years. I have caught my husband several times. I have found it in the history of his computer. His addiction has even lead up to him signing up for dating sites. When I found out about the dating sites that is when I realized he has an addiction. He gave me every excuse in the book on why he was even on those sites. The excuses kept changing constantly. I suggested we go to counseling, but that was a big N-O. I have left a few times for a few months and came back and things were good for all of maybe 2 weeks to a month and they start back up again. I thought for a while that things had calmed down and that he had actually stopped for good, but boy was I completely wrong. Now it has gotten much worse and I even caught him in the bathroom on the toilet a week ago. He is so addicted that he would turn me down for sex and wait until I fall asleep and watch porn and do his thing. My intuition constantly tells me that he is doing it and he says I am just being suspicious, but I know he is using that as an excuse to make me feel guilty for his addiction. Now it has escalated to his cell phone. He doesn't realize that I know about his cell phone usage. He has a pre-paid cell phone, so therefore he has no bill that comes in. Now he is trying to talk me into letting him get the cell phone that has more features, but at this point I am so numb and angry about the whole situation. Honestly until he realizes he is hurting not only me nothing will be able to be fixed. He doesn't realize how much he is destroying his life and ours. He is throwing our marriage away for his pixelated images. He says he doesn't care that I don't trust him anymore, but I know it must bother him in some way. I am trying to get my finances together so that I can leave and make sure that my kids don't find out about all of this. I know there is a good chance of them finding out about it one day in life, I just don't want it to be now since they are only 3 and 5. He has just let everything go and he is constantly hiding this from me, and he never wants to talk about what is going on with him. I just feel so hurt and angry. I know this can be stopped, but I am to the point where I am ready to quit trying and just worry about myself and my children. They are the ones that matter the most at this point and keeping my focus on them will help me in my healing and to get myself back on track. I was to the point where I was so frustrated that I am no longer the person I used to be.

For the ones on here who have realized that they are addicted, I praise you in your journey of healing and pray that you heal quick and recover quick too. Realize that you are making that step to helping your family heal.

Anonymous's picture

My husband has been addicted

My husband has been addicted to porn since we were first going out. I always wondered why I could not get him to be emotionally close to me. Also, our sex life and social life sucks! He never wants to have intercourse, only the same old thing. He is not creative in bed and I thought the reason was he needed viagra. I didn't realize that the porn thing that he has been hiding all throughout our marriage is the real reason we have not been close.
He is also not close to my girls at all. I want to leave him, but at times I see glimmers of hope. My girls are very unhappy with their relationships with their father. They are not close to him at all, he just doesn't put the effort into their relationships. I am trying to financially get my act together. It is very hard since I have spending a lot of time trying to bring our family together emotionally all these years.
I finally, this week, thanks to my older daughter, who is sick of being emotionally ignored, on top of catching her father looking at porn on the internet her and there, decided my husband's porn addiction has been the problem all along. God give me strength to leave him! I am so sick of being the only alive person in this relationship. The main reason is that I see the pain that my teenage daughters are going through, having a father that ignores them.

e. grant's picture

Re: Porn


Anonymous's picture

My Husband Has Been Addicted

The more you search and read the more people you find in similar situations. My heart goes out to you and your girls. I know exactly what you are talking about. My son, age 12 knows exactly how your daughters feel. I have been married for 19 years, and am in divorce proceedings. It's such a sad devastating situation. I married my husband not knowing about his problem. After a year I noticed more and more porn. I didn't quite thing there was a problem since porn is good for men in moderation. As years gone buy (5 to be exact) I noticed that it started to escalate. I suggest therapy and the answer was ALWAYS NO! I can stop whenever I feel the need. Well that is a farce. 11 years later were heading to divorce court. My husband "emotionally disconnected" from me and was non responsive to his only son etc. I tried for many MANY years, and always was told there is no problem or I can stop. As they stop and resume again, it goes to a next level. My husband was frequent at strip clubs, and then at parties hosted by us in the summer, he would start to go into a trans and try to seduce my friends. I knew this has gotten out-of-control. I pleaded for the last time for us to go to therapy, and again the answer was NO. I gave him a choice either we go for therapy or I file for a divorce as you asked. He said "I am not going to therapy." My soon to be ex mind you is a physician (psychiatrist) which goes to show you that it can devastate every profession. Just remember you are not alone, it is a very devastating road you must walk/crawl. I don't wish this upon anyone. The destruction it causes on the family, not to mention the poor innocent children is just unimaginable. You need to go to therapy for yourself to further understand this devastating disease. It helps you cope with the loss and the drastic sudden change of your soon to be new life.

Best wishes and always remember to keep walking, and don't look back. It's called the three (3) C's 1. you didn't COME in with it, you didn't CAUSE it, and you CAN'T control it.

igor's picture

dr??? reisman

'Since there is a reasonable possibility that having sex and viewing porn cause the same sort of stimulation in the brain, it would make sense that every time one engages in sex, one loses part of one’s mental faculties.'


'Dr. Judith Reisman stated, “[Pornography] could be more addictive than crack cocaine because cocaine can be excreted from the body. Pornographic images cannot. They remain, structurally and neurochemically, with a person forever” (3). She, as well as many others who believe that pornography addiction has more detrimental effects than other types of addiction, take the issue of addiction out of the scientific, and drag it into the sociopolitical.'

THE WOMAN IS A RIGHT WING NUTJOB- JUST CHECK HER WIKI SITE- EVEN HER SCIENCE COLEAUGES REGARD HER AS HIGHLY BIASED. (i know wiki isn t always reliable, but it s far more accurate than ppl would think)

Serendip Visitor's picture

Having sex with another

Having sex with another person in a relationship is not the same as porn addiction chemically. Sex with another person also releases Oxcytocin which cements relationships.

Probably not all porn images remain clear in memory but the experience does become imprinted.

Serendip Visitor's picture

variety stimulates the desire for more variety

'there is a reasonable possibility that having sex and viewing pornography causes the same sort of stimulation in the brain?'
no not acurate
viewing pornography causes high levels of dopamine that changes the brain in extremely negative ways like other substance addictions
having sex - if loving - produces oxytocin in large quantities which has a powerful and positive reaction in the brain

this is the whole point - it seems to me there is a lot of denial and justification going on here - those in denial will stay there if they need to but at least those being adversely affected dont need to be invalidated by falacious arguments as well
once i understood the negative realities of pornography i was able to move on from relationships with men who found a thousand clever justifications for their selfish and damaging behaviour.
in response to another piece of inacurate information sex with multiple partners will not cause 'satisfaction' and satiation, it will only stimulate the desire for 'more'vaiety and higher level of stimulation - this is the nature of dopamine /excitement related experience - oxytocin/ warm and loving experience generates 'satisfaction' and a desire for a deepening of the relationship - it is another fallacy that if we had more variety we would be 'satisfied' - the answer to a lack of satisfaction in sex is to nurture a loving relationship with trust, intimacy, honesty and self development - sorry guys your justifications arent going to cut it anymore - brain chemistry is upholding what thoughtful people have pointed to all through human history - satisfaction in any area of life - is something an individual creates through developing character.

igor's picture

Listen: this quote:'there is

Listen: this quote:'there is a reasonable possibility that having sex and viewing pornography causes the same sort of stimulation in the brain?,' was from the primary article on this site, i didn t make it up! And the very next sentence after this one says that there is no data to confirm either statment: whether sex or pornography cause the loss of certain mental faculties. So either u have some new info on this, in which case u should correct ur own published article, since u are a webmaster of this site, or ur simply making stuff up. In any case, even if it is somehow true that viewing porn is not as adictive as 'loving' sex, which is a highly suspicious statement in itself, it's definetely as adictive as viewing sexual situations in everyday life or masturbation. Or are u going to dispute that as well? And my comments on Dr.Reismann stand. She seems to be one of those ppl, that are mortified at the mere existence of something such as sex without love. And when these types find out that such a thing does in fact exist, it is to be in her mind completely eradicated: from the mind, body, soul, brain, history,... At the same time i am willing to bet she has no problem with the teaching of the doctrine of eternal damnation and the doctrine of an omnipresent being who judges every step u make in life to young children. So in her mind god and hell supposedly have an all-around positive effect on the minds/brains of human beings (despite evidence of the contrary), and even though these human beings had no real choice in the matter, since they were instilled with this belief through the use of fear and pychological abuse at a very young age.(i m not saying all religious people are abused in this way, but i do think quite a sum of them are,... if not most of them) But pornography on the other hand is in her mind so addictive, even adults should not do it. I m willing to bet this comes very close to the type of 'science' she teaches. And this is very close to the kind of 'science' that is found on ur site. And to that i say no thanks! I think u are hypocrites in the best case scenario and idiots in the worst case scenario. Or is it vice versa?... oh well, it doesn t really matter.. take ur pick.

Anonymous's picture

My thoughts on the matter

I'm a little unresolved when it comes to my thoughts on the matter of porn addiction.......or at least I was before I read a bit about it from different sources on the internet. I'm a woman in my early 20's & I've been watching porn ever since my pre-teen years....maybe even earlier, but I only remember doing it for sure in the pre-teen years. I decided to write a comment here to add a woman's perspective on the issue, as I've noticed that the majority of people who've posted here are men, other than the few women who spoke about their husbands' addictions. I often wonder if it really is that women just don't watch or get addicted to porn or they just don't openly admit it for fear of facing much tougher criticism for it than men. I intend to break that trend a bit today with this comment. I have been intrigued and fascinated by sex for most of my life, even since my early childhood. Because this is an area that, as a woman, I don't speak very openly about with other women, I have never known whether this was normal or abnormal. However, I feel that it may be more normal than we tend to think.

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Anonymous's picture

Porn addiction will ruin your life

I have been addicted to porn for a while, but I recently quit several months ago and my life has improved. The thing is when I first started looking at porn I was 14, but up until recently when I finally quit several months and have had a few relapses. I only did it when I got the chance, which was like once a week at most so it didn't affect me that much.

When I found a website that made it easy to watch it, I got addicted for about a year. In that year my life pretty much went downhill. I had a job, was at school and had a decent amount of money before my addiction. Afterwards, I was unemployed, not at school and completely broke.

Thanks to porn I have lost many chances to have relationships with women whether physical or emotional because I would feel no attraction to them and thus would not pursue the ones that were attracted to me.

Another thing porn did was that it would reduce my self control to practically zero. I would find it very difficult to concentrate on work that I had to do and would be very impulsive and only do things that were fun and easy, this would cause failing grades in school.

Now that I quit porn, I feel that my self control has come back and that I am now attracted to women again and feel interested in talking to them. It was one of the worst mistakes of my life, but I am glad that I found out about now and not several years from now when it would of really caused a problem.

Anonymous's picture

I''m a addicted to porn, I

I''m a addicted to porn, I cannot face it anymore, what can I do for change my life.