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This Is Your Brain on Porn: Pornography Addiction, Society, and the Brain

Cayla McNally's picture

Many of my drug using, sex crazed friends have said at least once that having an orgasm and doing a line of cocaine create the same feelings within the brain. I am able to understand why there is a chemical change when participating in a sexual act, but I cannot comprehend how people can be addicted to pornography, which has virtually no interaction with the viewer. Sexual acts that one partakes in, like all activities that one partakes in, changes the chemical reactions and firing rates in the brain; so why is it that viewing pornography, which is a mainly optical activity, can change the brain, and even more than that, create an addiction? Simply put, pornography addiction is the “abuse and overuse” (1) of various types of pornography; however, on a deeper level it is a very complicated subject. It raises both medical and social questions, and it is uncertain if the answers to these questions will ever be agreed upon. It is one of the few addictions that are just considered to be a psychological addiction; possibly because of that, most doctors do not consider it an actual addiction, but instead as a sub-condition of obsessive compulsive disorder (1).

While it is not considered a legitimate disease by many, pornography addiction does have similar symptoms: those affected are not able to control how often they engage in the behavior, engage in it to rid themselves of stress, work up a tolerance to it, and engage in the behavior instead of having social and personal interactions (1). These symptoms, especially the ultimate, have been exacerbated by the drastic increase of internet porn, which makes the medium readily available in the privacy of one’s own home. The extra convenience has occurred hand in hand with increasing opposition, stating that pornography in the home has effects on not only the person viewing it, but also those who stumble upon it, such as children. Many see it as a perversion of the home, and not as a real disease.

Another aspect of the addiction that makes it scientifically legitimate is the changes that occur in the brain when one engages in activities involving pornography. When an addict looks at porn, testosterone, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are released, creating what Dr. Judith Reisman refers to as an “erototoxin” (2). The chemical change, which causes the person engaging in the act to have a temporary feeling of euphoria, becomes a necessity for the person to function. Like any other type of addict, porn addicts become trapped within their disorder, and the difference between casually watching pornography and being an addict hinges on the chemical makeup of the brain.

Pornography addiction is still very controversial, because the issue of its existence is still being constantly disputed. Scientists and moralists are entangled in a possibly endless argument, both publicly and privately, over the legitimacy of the addiction, as well as the differences between pornography addiction and other addictions, such as drug or alcohol addictions. While Dr. Judith Reisman agrees that viewing pornography causes a chemical change within the brain, she also believes that these changes will create a physical deterioration along with the psychological effects; however, as a critic of Reisman pointed out, “One unmentioned implication [of Reisman’s article] is the fact that, if sexual arousal from pornography causes 'brain damage', then so will real-life sex” (2). Since there is a reasonable possibility that having sex and viewing porn cause the same sort of stimulation in the brain, it would make sense that every time one engages in sex, one loses part of one’s mental faculties. Currently, there is no data to prove that this is true, and it appears as if there is no affirmative data about viewing pornography as well. Another issue of an addiction to porn is that while, with most drugs, it is possible to work all of the chemical out of the body after a certain amount of time, a pornographic image will stay in the memory as long as the memory exists. In a far more extreme interview, Dr. Judith Reisman stated, “[Pornography] could be more addictive than crack cocaine because cocaine can be excreted from the body. Pornographic images cannot. They remain, structurally and neurochemically, with a person forever” (3). She, as well as many others who believe that pornography addiction has more detrimental effects than other types of addiction, take the issue of addiction out of the scientific, and drag it into the sociopolitical. n

Personally, the research for this paper has raised more questions than it has answered. I am still unsure as to why it is considered a disease that branches out from obsessive compulsive disorder, as opposed to being on its own as a disorder. All addictions are obsessive, but not all are part of another disorder. It seems to me as if the squalor surrounding pornography addiction, not its scientific merit, has prevented it from becoming its own legitimate psychological disease. This has caused me to question how addictions are understood and proceeded with in both scientific and social realms, and also to understand that the variables of what determines a disease are not necessarily solely based on science or facts; much more plays into a disease than I had ever contemplated, especially ones that relate to something as that is discussed so much socially, morally, and politically, such as pornography.



Serendip Visitor's picture

Celebrate Recovery

I have suffered from Porn addiction since the age of 18. I am a 31 year old female. When I was at my worst I couldn't hold down a job, my marriage was in shambles, and I felt like I was all alone. I am so happy I came upon this site because the last few days I have really been struggling with not looking. I haven't but this will be a good site for me to come to when I am struggling. It is very hard to be a woman with an addiction that most people think of as a dominantly male condition. I am almost 18 months porn free. I would not have even gotten this far with out the help of celebrate recovery and a God who loves me. Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step Christ Based of recovery program. That helps people with their hurts, habbits, and hang ups. I have tried other self help programs not necessarily for this issue but this is the only one that I had left feeling better then when I came in... Before CR I was an angry sad and very lonely person. I pray that each and everyone of you will feel God's love some point in your lives while you are struggling and will know when to lean on Him. Porn addiction is a misunderstood condition and the more of us who speak up about in our programs the more we will realized that we are not alone in this situation. I want to thank the creator of this blog for such a supportive and comforting place for people who suffer from this addiction to learn and realize that we don't have to suffer in silence.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I'm a 26 year old female and have been struggling with lust and porn since I can remember. I can completely relate with feeling alone as society sees this issue as mainly a male problem. Up until a year ago I felt completely alone because I thought I was so broken and beyond help being a woman and addicted to porn. Now, I still struggle and honestly it currently seems to be getting worse...I know God loves me and is there but I feel like I need to take extreme measures to stop. I'm worried that its really going to do damage to my relationship with my boyfriend that I've been with for over 3 years now. Help?

Mondezir Alexandre's picture

Piece of Advice

Hello! I am sorry, but I suppose addictions don't have gender at all... so there is no problem if you're a man, a woman, a alien, whatever... that's not reason to bother at all, it's common to all of us.
Most of times, this urge for porn is correlated to other relevant unsolved issues you're carrying along with you, such as in your professional career, family relationship, feelings about your friends, partner, neighbor, anyone... Porn may be a consequence rather than a cause.

First, you should ask for professional help, like a therapy and have no shame at all to tell everything about it to them, because they are far more used to this than you can imagine, it's their job after all. Also, if you deeply rely on someone close to you (a friend, a relative, an internet acquaintance, etc) you can share your thoughts and possibly find out more about what you've been through, so as to get better prepared to face "lust" when it comes. Trust me, it can't virtually hurt you be acknowledged as a normal person with some difficulties concerning a natural behavior to most of us. Remember, it's not illegal, you can't be sued about it (at least, in my country Brazil, this is true LOL :) and most people you know, honestly, won't care much about it, as they don't care to other's problems that don't affect them directly.

I hope I have helped somehow... feel free to talk to me, because this is an alias I use in these sort of occasions, I'm on facebook and on other sites around.
Huge hugs and kisses :* Have a nice day !

P.S. By the way, I live here and I know for sure the country will be a huge mess during FIFA World Cup...better stay at home if you care about your safety.

Serendip Visitor's picture

If you are having sex

Then it won't help you either way. You need to stop the porn and sex all together. You should not be in a relationship until you can get practice self control and get your life right with God.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Po-n Addict

My friend, I have been largely porn free for a year. I had always used it for a month or two during the year to De-stress. If I was not in a relationship. Now, it is back with a vengeance!. This time it nearly owns me! Almost a full week, i cant shake it, and I am a follower of Christ! I believe movies and internet have hidden imagery, I know it has been used for decades to sell food, clothes and goods, but now it's being used to steal our 'life essence. The drug 'dopamine is released in the brain and becomes an addiction. It is very likely the dregs in the cup in the hand of the woman called 'Mystery Babylon... in the bible. The seed was planted in us many years b4 and quietly, slowly grew a deep root in our psyche/soul. I quit smoking, drugs, alcohol with Gods help, but this one is much stronger. I believe God is showing us we need His spirit and strong obedience in tandem to overcome this one. I have always been a Strong man, but now I know how weal I can be. We need More of God for sure!! Lions and Lambs

Serendip Visitor's picture

porn addiction

Sexaholics anonymous! Aka SA. It is a wonderful 12 step program for sex addiction. Yes that's porn too. I am a recovering alcoholic. Three years sober now. And I have plenty of friends (including a husband) who are clean and sober do to this program. Some of my friends have anywhere from 11-15 years sober. If you truly want to be free from yourself and your addiction then I suggest you work this program. And go to a meeting. They are absolutely free and they are everywhere. I hope this helps.

Serendip Visitor's picture

unexpected return

I am 18 years old and I am a Christian today. When i met Christ almost 2 years ago, i declared that i would stop watching porn because i believe that since he died for me, i no longer live for myself, but for him. I was almost fully successful in totally getting rid of my disgusting desire(of course with His help) but after a few months later, i started to feel hungry for porn again. Almost every other week, i would go to the computer to do some "research"(actually i really have a research to do) but then I would end up searching for porn. With God's help i would defeat this temptation, and stop it for a month. But it keeps on coming back! Until i realized that i would fall to this sin of watching porn every month! Every month i would keep this mind far away from porn as long as possible, but there will always be a day when i will fall. I try to not think about it but the random stuff in the internet make me wonder and remember all the porn i watched and then i would end up being hungry for it again! How can i fully stop it?? I know, with His help I can, but for my part, are there other ways to not fall?? I want to totally stop it.. I start to feel so ashamed every time i go to church. and the worst part is that i am a lead worshiper volunteer in church! please pray for me..

123456789's picture

We can overcome the PORN with help of AllAh

Hi Serendip Visitor , I am born in Hindu religion , I learned every good activities through fear of god, but i couldn't control Watching Porn videos . Same thing what happened in your life , it happened to me also every months one time i will fail in front of this porn addict.I will make a decision that if i watch the porn video next time in my life ,i will get punishment through god, But my thoughts didn't allow me to control this thing , it was continued in my life . then i started to search a real god if god is their he will help me to defuse this sin, While searching the i came to Know that idols are not a god . then i started to study the Bible ,i believed Jesus is my lord ,He will help me . But i don't Know changes in my life same thing have been continued in my life. I studied both Hindu's scripture and Bible both are explains that their is only one god. and also i am praying to Jesus and i started to going Church , but still i couldn't stop that , after watching that videos i will cry to lord , why i cant control this , i will pray to lord that please strengthen me, but i couldn't, then 1 year same thing happened to me even i not changed . one day , unfortunately i watched a one youtube video that bible is god's word nor not ? its a one type of debate b/w Ahmed deedat vs jimmy swaggart. finally i came to Know, that many of contradiction's are their in bible . Then i got one more news about Jimmy swaggart

On October 11, 1991, Swaggart for a second time was found in the company of a prostitute, Rosemary Garcia, when he was pulled over by a police officer in Indio, California, for driving on the wrong side of the road. According to Garcia, Swaggart stopped to proposition her on the side of the road. She later told reporters, "He asked me for sex. I mean, that's why he stopped me. That's what I do. I'm a prostitute. This time, rather than confessing to his congregation, Swaggart told those at Family Worship Center that "The Lord told me it's flat none of your business." Swaggart's son Donnie then announced to the stunned audience that his father would be temporarily stepping down as head of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries for "a time of healing and counseling Show less

He is the preacher ,He couldn't stop doing wrong things .then what about as. think it.













I HOPE YOU GOT MY ANS , STILL I AM NOT YET STARTED TO STUDY QURAN ,BUT "ALLAH " WILL GUIDE ME .when i started to pray Allah after that when ever that thoughts are come now i can control that through Allah.

Serendip Visitor's picture

For God so LOVED the

For God so LOVED the world.......

His love is eternal. Nothing you can do can change what Jesus did for you and me. I am 43 and am still batteling with this weakness. I love God and He loves me. I have overcome this battle and fallen so many times BUT the Holy spirit told me this one morning when I was in the shower crying why I kept falling to this deed( hope this sets you free like it has me.) is anybody living or past wiggly sin? Do you think it is possible to get to the point where we stop sinning. The truth is this - NO. ( here comes a smack in the evil ones face) No, no one can be so holy as not to "stumble" and fall. it is writen no one is without sin..... If it was possible for man to stop sinning, then Jedus did not have to die on the cross.
!!!! even Jesus fell a few times carrying the cross, BUT HE GOT UP EACH TIME AND KEPT ON..... When you fall, get up and run towards Christ not away.... He understands. His grace is sufficient. ........

Serendip Visitor's picture

Friend, it's true that none

Friend, it's true that none of us is without sin. Only Jesus can claim that distinction. But He offers to live inside us (Colossians 1:27), in our hearts. If we accept, it's no longer we who live; instead, it's Christ who lives in us (Galatians 2:20).

So although *I myself* can never stop sinning, praise God that I *can* stop—"yet not I, but Christ [who] liveth in me"! Living in me, He'll control my actions and my desires if I let Him.

Wonderfully, God not only forgives but also "is able to keep [us] from falling" (Jude 24). That's great hope for addicts like us! Full dependence on Him to live inside us, and zero trust in our own "bodies of death," is what we need.

Prometheus's picture

Food for thought...

That's precisely why I became an ex-Christian because the church never once offered a real solution to eliminate the desire, they simply made excuses and gave me cop outs saying "that's what grace is for" instead of just being honest and saying "I have no idea how you can overcome that problem and I'm telling you to just turn it over to God because I'm too dishonest to just admit the shortcomings of my beliefs as I don't want you questioning anything as you are supposed to be a sheep who thinks and acts like I tell you to act-besides, if you continue for the rest of your life to struggle with that problem with us always promising you that next breakthrough is right around the corner, you never question your sinner status and therefore you keep coming back to this alleged grace and hanging on by the skin of your teeth. Eliminate the problem and you would have no reason to do as I tell you to". If you want the desire to go away, YOU must do the job yourself-end of story. Keep waiting on "god" or whatever else you believe in to "remove this sin from your life" and it will always be hit and miss, hit and miss. I would go so far to say that whether you believed in "God" or not, assuming that you didn't and you wanted to quit looking at porn because it was causing you problems at work, you would have the SAME difficulty resisting it that you have "relying on God". You could try mantra chanting and focusing on a mandala which empowers YOU to do the job yourself. You could also use Neural Linguistic Programming which is still YOU doing the job yourself. You could go get hypnotized which is still HUMAN power overcoming the problem. So many options and without any ghosts and goblins or gods and devils (take your pick-maybe the Loch Ness monster or Big Foot even), you never have to ask yourself as I used to whether the obvious common sense solution was either "God answering my prayers" or "the devil tempting me". Talk about a confusing and pointless waste of the brain I was born with. The only way to totally stop looking at porn is to eliminate the desire which is one thing Christianity (as you have already experienced) is incapable of RELIABLY doing for you every day. Why else would so many Christians go to 12 step programs which look more like new age/eastern religions? If "Jesus" worked so well to eliminate-that's right, I said ELIMINATE the problem as though it doesn't exist, why do 12 step programs exist? He should be sufficient WITHOUT the 12 steps right? Of course we have to tip toe and tap dance around the obvious because we can't admit the obvious-saying the steps were "Gods way of answering my prayers" is merely a cop out instead of admitting that my "relationship" (but that' just my code word for religion) is incapable of fixing my problem because if it was capable I would have overcome that problem YEARS ago.

TomG. 's picture

Wow! A Passionate Comment Worth a Solid Response

Prometheus, your reply sounds like you understand a LOT about the shortcomings of Christians when it comes to living their professed morals in our sex-obsessed culture. Well written and well thought out. Seriously. I can tell from your comment you are a smart guy with a lot to say (no sarcasm intended, honest).

I also detected a deep reservoir of anger and disappointment with God over the issue of porn as well as other issues? Just a guess, but it seemed clear enough I wanted to respond to the feelings behind your words. Presumptuous, I know, but I hope you will receive these comments in the spirit they are intended.

I am a Christian who teaches men, many if not most of them Christian, how to overcome and eliminate their addiction to porn. It's a simple process, much like a placebo treatment like acupuncture, that interrupts the brain's habituated pattern of thinking/feeling/responding to porn triggers. It's simple, but it works.

Unfortunately, I find I must spend a great deal of time with my Christian clients explaining to them why God has not and will not simply "take away" or "eliminate" they're desire for pornography. The example I use is my own diabetes.

Hunger for food and the enjoyment of the same is a survival tool intended to keep us alive. Right? But for the first time in human history we have more than enough food for our survival and eating too much of it (the sin of gluttony, by the way) promotes a medical condition called "Diabetes". Of, as they have taken to calling it, "Metabolic Syndrome X".

Now, is it reasonable for me to pray and expect God to change my biological nature, the hunger mechanism that helps keep me alive, simply because I did not learn to exercise self control when I was younger? And don't want to learn self control now? Even though it could eventually kill me? (This of course assumes there is not something hidden in our "modern" foods promoting Diabetes that I could easy remove if I knew about it.)

I don't think so. Of course not! We are expected to learn and exercise self control. It's even listed as one of the fruit of the Spirit. God will not do what He expects us to do.

Yet that is what Christian men expect God to do simply because we now live in a world with unprecedented access to powerful, sexually arousing media. He's not going to do it, He's not in the business of changing our biological nature. Not yet. He's promised to later, but that's at the a resurrection. He does not alter our human nature just as He does not automatically heal diseases supernaturally as a matter of course.

Sometimes He does. That's why we call them miracles.

Still, I pray for my sick friends and anyone I am asked to pray for, and I look to God to work His will in their situation. But I do not assume He intends to heal them by a supernatural act every time.

The process for obtaining freedom from pornography I teach, sometimes called EFT, sometimes TFT (depending on who is teaching it) is so simple but powerful that it eliminates porn compulsions instantly. It did so for me over seven years ago. And it has for most all of the men I have worked with.

The problem that quickly becomes apparent after they obtain this freedom from their porn compulsion, a problem that I would have denied to my dying day, is this:

We are "addicted" to porn because we WANT to watch it. Not because we are FORCED to watch it.

And why is that? Because it feels good. And it feels good because it simulates sex (mirror neurons and all that) and sex is SUPPOSE to feel good. Sex is essential to our survival.

Why this distinction is important is because once we remove porn behavior from the realm of a COMPULSION we have no control over, it becomes a matter of moral choice. A challenge to our free will.

By what values will I live? By what rules will I govern my sexuality? And God can no more MAKE you choose sexual purity than He can make you love your wife. Or Him.

Once a Christian man has gained freedom from the compulsive aspect of his porn behavior it isn't long before he's asking me, "So how do I stop WANTING to use porn?"

And that was a question I did not have an easy answer for for a long time. Now I do. Unfortunately, I don't have time to go into that here. If you want, you can email me at and we can discuss it further. You sound like an interesting, articulate guy.

I hope you reconnect with God some day, Prometheus. You sound like you miss Him. I think I was once where you are and I know I did. Miss Him, that is.

God's best.


Serendip Visitor's picture

The Porn Freedom Process

OK. I'm going to go out on a limb here because it grieves me to see Christians struggling with porn like I used to and nothing seems to work. They think Jesus has to reach into their hearts and manipulate their desires and make them no longer like porn. It's not gonna happen.

Why not? For the same reason God isn't going to take away my desire for sugar and refined carbohydrates just because our world of plenty is awash in them and I'm now a diabetic. What He expects me to do is control my diet and use whatever medical means are a ails me to increase my sensitivity to insulin.

Do I pray and ask for His help while I do this? You bet I do! But I also take my meds.

What's that got to do with porn? Am I saying there is a medical treatment for porn addiction?

Sort of. Check out the veterans stress project and then go to getpornhelpdotcom. At the veterans stress project you will learn about a technique called EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique. This simple procedure is freeing war veterans with diagnised PTSD in less than SIX sessions. The work is now getting peer-reviewed. I used it to break my nearly ten year addiction to pornography and I wrote a couple books about it.

How The problem Christians have with it is how its practitioners say it works. I'm not going to go into all that, except to say I have a much better and simpler explanation. It works by interrupting the pattern of porn-seeking emotions and behaviors. That's all.

If you smack a dog on the nose for peeing on the carpet eventually he will learn not to do that. What people don't understand is you don't have to hit the dog hard. It's not the hitting that breaks the Dog's behavior but the interruption.

With EFT (and my application of it to porn, PCP - the porn freedom process), all you are doing by tapping on your face, chest and hands while feeling the feeling triggering you to run do porn is interrupting the connection between your mind thinking about porn, your brain responding by making your body feel lust and your body moving to go get the porn. It's that simple.

But it's not easy. I had HUNDREDS of habituated thought-feeling-action behaviors and each one had to be addressed.

But I am free of any porn compulsions today. I still have to deal with normal male lust, after all, both food and sex are essential to life. But I am no longer controlled or compelled or compulsed to watch porn.

Who could ask for anything more?

Serendip Visitor's picture

In due time.

Stop beating yourself up first, all things through Christ Jesus, so don't look to others for forgivness. Forgive yourself, work hard and take it one momnet at a time..

Serendip Visitor's picture


Hi there! I just got out of Bible study tonight and we were talking about this topic so I decided to read up on what porn does to the brain. I must admit that I was entirely surprised at how many people are trapped in this thing. As a Christian myself I read your post and decided to write you and advise you on a few things in this area. First thing, if I was in your place I would sit myself down as a lead worshiper at your church until I got victory over this thing. If you ask yourself why then ask yourself this would the pastor allow you to remain worship leader knowing you were watching porn? Be honest with yourself. Plus under the anointing, you can transfer that spirit to the congregation too. It's a serious deal.
Going back to what you wrote, you having a hunger for this stuff. Well to defeat it you are going to have to starve your flesh from watching porn instead of feeding it. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit w/the evidence of speaking in other tongues then begin praying in other tongues for an hour or work yourself up to an hour. If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit then get the free gift from God. He's your helper. As you pray in tongues you will be building your spirit man to the point to where your spirit is stronger than your flesh. This is what you need and the only way to build that spirit man up is by praying in tongues. You will also need to meditate on the Word of God. This is to get your mind off of porn and fixed on the Word. You will need to listen to tapes, CD's, MP3's, etc...of someone preaching the Word of God to you. Do this on a continual basis and regularly. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And if there are certain behaviors, places, or views that set off this desire to look at porn then don't go there anymore. Do yourself a favor and protect yourself. If you need software filters then invest in buying a good filter for your computer and block out those sites. And lastly, seek spiritual help or counsel from someone who is spiritually discerning. You will want someone who will not play any games but will help you.
Remember the Word states to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only deceiving yourselves. Far too often people ask for prayer but they aren't willing to do what is necessary themselves to overcome adversity. Yes this is work but its the Kingdom's way. Either you believe it or you don't...the choice ultimately is yours my friend. Stay strong and of good courage.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Too bad for God

Maybe we should all stay home and refrain from serving Jesus until we are "good enough". But hey, then who need Jesus. I think a person who knows they are struggling is a lot closer to God than you pompas "Jerks" who hide there sin or worse, are ignorant of it. Perhaps Paul should have resigned
"Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh,"

Serendip Visitor's picture

Just keep asking god for help

Just keep asking god for help and forgiveness he always comes threw. God came to
Save the sinners not the saints. Kirk Franklin is a
Wonderful gossip singer and he had the same problem
And he gives it to god. The enemy wont let you forget
But god will and can and he will give you strength
He is our strength. The bible says confess your
Sins out loud so others can pray for you, so I will
Keep you in my prayers. One more thing threw
Our sin god calls us to serve don't let your sin
Hold you back from worshiping him instead let
Worshiping our heavily father hold you back from sinning.
And with god we get better everyday(:

Serendip Visitor's picture

im in need of help

Hi everyone im 16 yr old girl and im addicted to watching porn amd getting sexual relief from it and its so embarrasing and i know that in the paat i was sexually abused and i think that nas something to do with the way i am

loveuall's picture

ah! i wish i could make u understand the proablem and solution

hi i had been struggling with this too for twelve years from the age of 18 to 30 but my struggle never stopped. i would feel so guilty conscious that i would leave home and would spend nights on the streets and fasting for long. ah! how bad did i make myself suffer, i cant even believe that i could do it.
anyways, finally i understood the root of trouble after 12 years struggle. it has changed me so totally. ah! my heart overflows with love and joy every moment of my life. the time has stopped and i am merged in peace and joy.
i am free from it now. and i can tell anyone interested the way out. and my experience shows that nothing else will work. all these people on the net suggesting so many tools are nothing but useless stuff in the long run. you may feel i am arrogant but that's not at all the case. these people themselves have no idea of the nature of trouble. they are still in mind, and anyone who has not gotten out of mind and mastered it can hope to understand and solve the problem.
well in my journey there came a time when instead of remorse i laughed at my guilty conscience and that was beginning of the end of my trouble. and beginning of totally new life out of ignorance.
well anyone interested to know more can please write to me. i would love to share with you everything about life, troubles, struggles and sunshine that finally descended.
know me to be your servant, your true friend you will find me. i always looked for one selfless person in my life who i could share the burden of my life with and found only two so far. and they own my heart and life. ah! they are such sweet gems. one of them lives all alone for months in a cave deep in Himalayas. he is the only person who understand me, i know what he is .
ah! selflessness and selfless care and love is the most sublime poetry.
please. all of you who struggle with porn, talk to me. i will give you everthing i can to help you. i want nothing from you. if you want i would even come to your place to help you. i would even help you with the strength of my will if you are sincere. as you may need that in beginning.
well! i have so much to share but let me see if you think you should ask my help.
wish you all the best. and let me tell you you really can stop it. you can email me also at

Serendip Visitor's picture

Husbands email

Please email him his issues go way back as a teen ager, very addicted to porn dating sites you tube pole dancing. He lies about it but I always am able to track it. It doesn't bother me anymore as I stopped caring a long time ago. 10 years in and I am not staying or dealing with this any longer. He needs serious help or his 3rd future relationship will fail. His 43 and no women should have to feel like their not good enough. Please share your ideas with him. He has every men's battle the book and tapes and he never has followed it. He lies to my face all the time.

Serendip Visitor's picture

same situation

hey i m feeling same problem.Last 7 year i was daily watching porn nd erotic story these stuff vanish my mind and i m feeling very high desire to .... girl that is very shameful for me and this is also shameful for social world. ok but nw i want leave these thing.

best of luck u

nd u bless me!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Help me

Hi everyone. I'm a 14 year old guy addicted to porn. Ironically, I stumbled upon this site while searching for porn. As I started reading this, I shortly afterwards closed all the tabs of porn I had. I've been addicted for a while. A couple years, 3 I believe. So far, my addiction hasn't affected me in a major way, but I just want to get over it. Please, pray for me and give me any suggestions. May your God(s) (if any) bless you all.

nanajosh's picture

i understand

porn can be a annoying thing to deal with. i've been dealing with it for i don't know 8 years about. longest stretch i went without has been 6 months about. yet with my OCD and constant thinking/over-thinking i went back into it. what ever the reasons for you be to viewing it i don't judge nor blame you and i certainly don't look down on you or anybody with problems. i know how it is to have a crappy life and to have porn ruin that life if not just muck it up a bit. no matter what you believe in or who you believe in to be a God is to be good and forgiving, loving and kind, understanding and accepting. theres other thing but know that God both loves and forgives you. he's in your head believe it or not so he knows you, he knows why you did what you did and knows how hard it is for you.

some people believe God gets mad or angry but he doesn't, he doesn't even get sad. he looks at you and sees his son, his child. someone that he would give everything for and depending on your views he has. always remember the rut you are in now will not last, there is always time for forgiveness, redemption, and so much more. if you believe in God then believe he can do anything. believe he can take care of you no matter how mucked up you are and no matter what may be said about him. he is selfless for us, our own guilt can be our hell.

know you can get past it, have patience, and never give up.

CC Chaka's picture


I'm sorry for your addiction but you see prayers are just like birthday wishes. They never come true.

Jorge Rivera's picture


Hi. Get over your addiction. It is very harmful. Porn is toxic sex. If you have a religion, tell me about it, tell me about your faith. You mention God... I will pray for you. I have a grandson close to your age and I love him very much...


Joseph's picture

There is a God my friend. He

There is a God my friend. He loves and is helping you, whether you realize it or not. I will pray for you. Pray for me as well. We both struggle together.

Jewish visitor's picture


The problem is universal.

Masturbation itself may have been common (albeit a sin), but pornography brings in its wake a whole new host of issues. As people have said already, the images are stored on the brain forever. No amount of returning to purity can take away those images; the damage is done.

Being left alone by a computer is too tempting to arouse the curiosity of another woman's body and especially as everything is so free. This is like curry to a drunkard, he simply cannot avoid without excruciating efforts. Perhaps this is what is being tested - whether we really have the trust and faith in the Lor- that we must not engage in these things. Why? Simply because He doesn't like it when we do. Aiii, "I am not hurting anyone else". Aiiii, "My life is stressful and I have A, B and C to contend with that noone else has to deal with, porn is my outlet...." Nevertheless, we need to tell ourselves that even though all our "aiiis" may be true we are not going to engage with porn because the Lor- tells us it is destructive and He doesn't like it.

I believe with this approach (together with the 12 Step Alcoholics Anonymous approach adapted to Porn Addiction):-

The 12 Steps

The 12 Step Program is basically a spiritual ladder. Since the alcoholic feels that he himself is unable stop his drinking and take control of his life, the 12 Steps are designed to connect the alcoholic with a benevolent "higher power" who takes control for him. AA claims that by following this program, an alcoholic can overcome his problem. Here are the 12 Steps (adapted to porn):-

We admitted we were powerless over lust--that our lives had become unmanageable.
We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of G-d as we understood Him.
We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
We admitted to G-d, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
We were entirely ready to have G-d remove all these defects of character.
We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
We made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
We continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, we promptly admitted it.
We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with G-d as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message to sexoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The main elements of the program are admitting the addiction; admitting that one is unable to overcome the addiction on his own; making a strong connection to G-d and believing that He will take the addiction away. The basis of this approach is summed up in a prayer that group members are encouraged to recite, called the "Serenity Prayer."

G-d, grant me the
to accept the things I cannot change
to change the things I can
to know the difference.

Gazing at Women - Torah forbids a Jew to gaze at women to enjoy their beauty. "Do not go after your....eyes" (Numbers 15:39) this refers to sexual immorality. The eye and the heart are the two instruments of sin. The eye sees, the heart desires, and the body completes the action." (Rashi on Numbers 25:39)

"Whoever gazes at a woman forbidden to him, and says to himself that there is nothing wrong with this, for he hasn't had sexual relations with her, or even touched her, he is mistaken. Gazing at women is a serious wrongdoing, for it brings a man to sexual transgression, as it says, You shall not go astray after your hearts and after your eyes." (Hilchot Tshuva of the Rambam, 4:4)

The Gemara teaches: "You should guard yourself from every evil thing - this means a man should not gaze at an attractive woman, even a single one, nor at a married woman, even if she is ugly." (Avodah Zora 20A.)

This is because, "A man shouldn't have sexual thoughts in the day and come to seminal impurity at night." (Avodah Zora 20B.)

Gazing at women, however, pollutes the highest level of the soul that is contained within man (there are two levels beyond man).In doing so, it damages the flow of Divine blessing emanating from the highest spiritual realms.

A person addicted to porn on the Internet has to realize that his physical and spiritual health and wellbeing, and the wellbeing of his family, depends on his behaviour. The pornography in a person's computer, and, by watching it, in his head, is in itself an unclean thing that drives G-d away from him and his home, and adversely influences his life and the lives of his loved ones.

Porn problem = moral decline. Certainly a man who is fired from his job and sits at home alone all day in his melancholy is a prime candidate for Internet misuse. While there are undeniable emotional and psychological influences connected with the succumbing to bad habits, there are deep spiritual causes as well.

In his treatise on the phenomenon of repentance, "Orot HaT'shuva," Rabbi Kook explains that the underlying cause of melancholy is a separation from G-d which is brought about because of our sins. Instead of feeling the light and love of G-d's presence, the depressed person experiences darkness and isolation. Clicking on to porn on the Internet gives the addict an imaginary feeling of connection, but because it isn't real, the connection doesn't last, and the addict needs more and more. This emptiness leads to continuing transgression and a greater disengagement from G-d.

Sensing that G-d is not in him, the addict falls into more self-destructive behaviour and eventual despair. In a deep, unconscious way, he uses his addiction to punish himself for his sins. In effect, he creates his own hell. In Kabbalistic terms, he draws a dark, impure klipah, or impure spirit, around himself that seduces him on to more and more evil. Kabbalists say that if he could see the punishment he brings on his soul, he would be mortified. The klipot that his transgressions create beat upon him mercilessly, both spiritually, mentally, and in his day to day life, interfering in everything that he does, and affording him no peace of mind whatsoever.

The only cure, Rabbi Kook writes is t'shuva which comes like a burst of sunlight after a tempestuous storm. In essence, the 12 Torah Steps are a pathway to t'shuva and to forging a loving and lasting connection to G-d that infuses life with transcendent light and meaning, banishing all of the impurity and darkness.

Getting Started

To break the addiction to watching pornography on the Internet, after you have admitted the gravity of your addiction and this is my absolute last fix and have made the firm decision to stop, the first thing to do is get your computer out of the house. It would be good if you could throw it in the garbage. Remember, we learned that an alcoholic has to keep away from booze, and a narcotics addict has to keep away from drugs and any people or situation that might lead him to drugs. This is not new advice. To make sure that a Nazir keeps away from wine, the Torah also forbids grape juice and grapes. The Sages even advise him to avoid passing a vineyard.
Thus, if getting rid of your computer is impossible, either because you need it for work, or the kids would go crazy without one, then at least cancel your Internet service. It is as simple as that.

If the pornography isn't in your home, you won't be able to watch it and get snared in its temptations. And if this too is impossible for whatever genuine reason, and make double sure that the reason is real, then have your wife, or a friend, download every porn filter they can without telling you the code. While these systems aren't foolproof, they will greatly reduce your chances of falling back into old ways.

Remember that part of the cure is telling other people, so even though you may be embarrassed by this confession, it is a necessary part of the programme. If you can't do it with your wife, then find someone else. Note that one can accomplish this stage without specific confession. Simply state to your wife and daughters: "Of course, I need a filtering program. I am a healthy man with all of my strengths and therefore, I, like any G-d fearing person, need a filter installed with a secret code." Someone once sat at the internet-enabled computer in the home of a great Torah scholar of our generation who has authored important Torah works . When locked out of a legitimate site due to the porn filter's over sensitive screening, he called over his daughter to insert the code and open the site. Only his wife and daughters knew the code.

Even with a filter installed, it is best not to sit down at a computer alone. Make sure that someone is with you, not across the room, but sitting at your side, so that you don't bypass the filters and sneak into a site you shouldn't see. Addicts tend to be clever people who have learned all of the tricks, so until the 12 Steps sink in, supervision is advised.

The Chofetz Chaim had an encouraging word for people who had a problem with speaking lashon hara (speaking bad about other people). He taught that if you are tempted to say lashon hara, yet keep yourself from saying it three times in succession, you are on the way to breaking your habit. This is true with every sin, and also with watching porn. As the expression goes, what is out of sight is out of mind. The more you keep away from temptation, the less it will haunt you. With the spiritual reinforcement that a person will receive by following the 12 Torah Steps, his abstinence will lead him to discover that he doesn't need his addiction at all.

Don't expect your addiction to disappear overnight, and don't fall into despair if you suffer a setback. Only true tzaddikim (righteous ones) do not have impure thoughts, and we are not on their level. The holy Tanya explains that when a person has a lustful thought and pushes the temptation away with both hands, every time he expels the wicked fantasy from his mind, he breaks the force of Sitra Achra (the Other Side), and brings about a great rectification in all spiritual worlds. When a person places his love and reverence for G-d over his passion for lust, his action sanctifies G-d more than any other praise. "Therefore," the Tanya states, "no person should feel depressed, nor should his heart become exceedingly troubled, even though he be engaged all his days in this conflict, for perhaps because of this was he created, and this is his service - to constantly subjugate the Sitra Achra" (Tanya, Ch. 27). Each time a person overcomes his inclination, he draws a sublime holiness upon himself from Above to aid him in his service of G-d.

Thus, when a person bent on t‘shuva sits down at a computer, even though erotic thoughts continue to rise up in his mind, he should be happy that he reverts his mind from them in order to fulfill the commandment, "Thou shall not stray after your heart and after your eyes which lead you astray." A person who abstains from committing a sin, receives a reward as if he had performed a precept. So he should rejoice in his lot and know that there is great value in his struggle, even though he doesn't become a complete tzaddik immediately.

One final note before the 12 Torah Steps in beating Porn. We learned in our study of Alcoholics Anonymous that a support group is an important factor in the fighting addiction. When it comes to addiction to pornography on the Internet, it may not be possible to find such a group. A possibility is to see if Sexaholics Anonymous has a group in your area.

But if you are religious, considering the taboo surrounding the problem, you may be hesitant to ask. Nevertheless, as we learned, confessing your addiction to others, whether it be to family, friends, a professional counsellor, or rescue organization, is an important element in your chances for success. Since our 12 Step plan is based on the Torah, it is important to find a rabbi who can guide you along the way. Breaking the porn addiction and the snare of sexual transgression involves a lot more than downloading a filter that will screen out things you shouldn't see. It means adopting a life of t'shuva and Torah. If you are already religious, it means committing yourself to a greater devotion to Torah and a more intimate reverence of G-d. If in the past, you forgot about G-d every time you tuned on the computer, now you have to think about G-d all the time. So being in touch with a rabbi, or Torah scholar who is familiar with the secrets of the guarding of the sexual power, is a vital part of your journey. In addition, if you can't find a group, you should endeavour to associate with people who appreciate your strivings to get closer to G-d and to Torah. If you put the same energy into your recovery as you put into your addiction, you will surely succeed. When a person comes to sanctify himself, even if a little, then G-d sanctifies him in a great measure from Above. So, remember, you are never alone in your quest. G-d is willing and eager to help.

If you are not Jewish which is likely, know that the Torah in certain respects is still binding upon you, not in terms of Kosher Laws or Sabbath Laws but other laws... Research for more information.


A patient, steadfast commitment to these 12 Torah Steps is sure to bring healing to ones eyes and ones soul. An important thing to remember is, "Don't worry - be happy." As Rabbi Nachman of Breslov teaches, "The whole world is a narrow bridge, but the most important thing is never to be afraid at all."

But this is just to get the beginner started. Once a person has made a commitment to do t'shuva, let's hope that he stays as far away from the Internet as he can.

Priapus 's picture

sex, lies, and ashamement

Good morning fellow self lovers. Ironically enough I happened across this site while looking for porn. My heart broke for you all. Especially the teenagers that have found this site. I am a happily married 27 year old woman who enjoys to watch porn and play with my battery powered love studs. I'm saddened to hear your stories. However, pornography itself is not the problem and it is not wrong, unnatural, or disgusting to watch and enjoy pornography. First things first. Watching porn is 100% normal.
I understand why some religions believe it's immoral because most ancient texts used in religion have interpreted porn to be an abomination. I could go on forever but I should probably make this short and sweet, in the hope that someone will read this and finally feel okay about themselves.
It is natural to masturbate. It's fun, soothing, and reduces stress. I'm disturbed to hear that in the year 2013 individuals are still ashamed of sex. Porn is made to be masturbated to. The women in the videos are not terrible sirens who have called you to their side in an effort to make you forsake your god and loved ones. You guys are reading way to far into this. As for masturbating lowing your libido.... I'm going to need to see some medical studies to back that claim. I know after I watch porn the first thought in my mind is oh I want to try that with my husband.
Just like any enjoyable activity you must watch porn in moderation. If you are struggling with how to moderate your time watching porn use some time management techniques. Give yourself an hour in the morning and evening and stick to it. The porn itself is not the problem. The problem forms when you use porn as a crutch to not interact with others around you. We all have crutches like these. Hell I should start a Netflix addiction site. I love watching shows on there and will sometimes cancel plans out to watch a new series.
I suppose the moral to my rant is that pornography is not an evil entity sent from Lucifer to damage the minds of men and women everywhere. Porn is a wonderful wonderful tool used for masturbation. Depending on your upbringing you may also feel that masturbation is wrong. I want everyone to know that masturbation is as natural as breathing. It's us who have made sex and masturbation feel shameful and dirty.
And for all you married men and women I suggest watching porn with your partner. It will speed up foreplay and also give you new ideas in the bedroom.
I'm interested in hearing more about the struggles associated with this addiction. I hope no one was offended by my ideas on the subject. I'd also like to make it clear that I am not underestimating how terrible addiction is. I know and respect that their are individuals who struggle with porn addiction. My post is more geared toward individuals that speak of normal masturbatory habits and feel wrong for watching porn at all.
I"m interested in hearing what everyone else has to say on my opinion of pornography. Please feel free to reply and I will get back with you.

P.S. I apologize for the spelling and grammar errors. My laptop's keyboard has chosen to disengage some letters so its a long process of copying and pasting words with A's in them. Also the backspace, left arrow and Colon/semi-colon buttons stopped working.

Serendip Visitor's picture

getting back.

Can I get ur email address. I feel compelled to discuss with you about ur above comments. Thanks.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Close, but no cigar

General porn use is normal. Using porn for hours at work, masturbating at work, not having sex with your wife, lying and going into the office on weekends to access porn, having had to go to counseling for excessive porn use, losing a spouse due to uncontrolled porn use, these are not things of pride, these are socially crippling issues. I don't feel it's a disease, I feel it's a biochemical and personal shortcomings issue. If the only thing you can think to do to bring yourself surcease from your sorrows is to spend thousands of dollars and hours on porn, you've got some much deeper issues. If your wife, who has suffered thru 8 long years, who is a very sexually open person who has experimented with you, even outside of her comfort zone, without judgement, who builds you up, compliments and thanks you daily, gives a large amount of physical non sexual affection, and is an open, committed partner can't seem to mean enough to you to at least moderate your porn use, then you have nothing to be proud of. It's not something of pride, it's a problem. My marriage is officially over now, thanks to porn. This issue is becoming a big problem, for couples everywhere.

Serendip Visitor's picture

porn ruining your life

I am leaving my husband due to porn use. He will watch porn every morning and then masturbate in the shower. He asks me to go out alone with our son so he can stay home and watch porn for hours. He has also made profiles at dating sites for whatever purpose. I was affectionate and we had sex usually 2-3 times per day. Anyway he still had to watch porn. It made me insecure and cut into our sex life and emotional connection. FInally I felt my husband would always try to get me to go out so he could stay and watch porn. He became really frustrated when he was with me, as if he hated me and wanted to get home. He was bored by everything except, it seems, watching porn.It became too uncomfortable and I left him. It is sad for me but he would not work on this issue.

Thomas's picture


You did the right thing. There was nothing you could do to help him and he doesn't appear to have wanted help. I think it must have been his choice because usually if a person has an addiction or a neurological or psychological problem SOMETIME they will come to themselves and almost cry out in another voice, "I know it's wrong. I can't stop. Someone help me!" Apparently, your husband has never said anything like that.

God's best for you.


Serendip Visitor's picture

Thank You

Thank You for your honesty, me to i watch porn 2-3 times a week and it does get all that tension away.
I am single , ands it releases my need for sex it has a good social effect as i do not stare rudely at womans shapes with a begging for attention attitude...whitch women hate. At least it is what they make you feel.
So porn also has a cleansing effect ridding people of theyr urges..I am not avoiding social contact at all, but i have learnt that people do not live in your head and when you adress to foreigners they do not always understand or are not always willing to be adresses. Finding love is something that happens in a moment very often unexpected..and to me watching porn as a release is far better than paying for sex. As that is human exploitation at a very low level and poor souls that have to sell theyr body to make ends meet...
Sexual pulsions and arousal are totally normal and should not be banned, what should be banned is wars and international conflicts etc..That is the real perversion , wageing wars for profit , killing people for money.

Serendip Visitor's picture


Ma'am, your opinion is valued. But, I don't think you understand what is happening here. These are people with a sexual addiction/compulsion problem. This has nothing to do with being ashamed about the act of sex or masturbation. When a person's life or relationships are negatively disrupted by this issue then it is not "normal." Addictions no matter what kind, substance or sexual, are a terrible thing to live with. The shame and guilt comes from the negative impact it causes. It is a real problem that is growing due to the easy access of pornography on the Internet.

Serendip Visitor's picture

True- Read more about How to eradicate pornography addiction

Hi guys, the best thing what i have experienced, how to avoid these nasty addiction.
Be away from internet , computer whenever there is an urge to watch porn. During working on computer, read as much about how to overcome porn addiction. Believe me when you read such forums, threads, experiences, etc. the urge inside your mind dies off and you dont feel to watch anymore. However it may be a time being. But repeat same whenever you have urge. At home involve playing with kids, talk with elders, play your hobby. I must say that it is the worst addiction above all addictions. As rightly said that taste on your tongue will die within minutes, any harsh words heard will fade within weeks, but the porn images will stay in your memory for years. Hence best way is to delete all that shit contents from your disk, throw away those DVD collections. Any thing within access will lure you back in.
Its not that once you refrain yourself over a period you will be totally become abstain. But as said repeat the same tricks whenever you feel overpowered by that vice. Keep a faith in yourself, as no one will be with you all the time to guide you. Believe me it is complex yet simple if you decide that it will no longer make you a slave.
Other best thing for married person is to just appreciate your spouse about their work, idea, looks, dress etc. The smile on her face will give you immense power to fight against this odds. If you kid , just look into their eyes, listen what they want to say, talk with them at length, play with them, be a part of their program. It will give you an objective to redefine your world with love and care.
Exercise daily, and feel good after your workouts. Be extrovert by interacting with people as much as you can and create a circle of friends where ever you go.
The basic idea is never keep yourself aloof or lonely from the world. Be in the real not virtual world ( internet).
Write articles how to keep such vices at bay. When you start all possible means, your mind will start rejected the urges to go back to pornography as used to be earlier.
Believe me its a saying "Practice before you preach", but it is somewhat true the opposite also that when you preach you are forced to practice by your subconscious mind.
The only reason I am writing here is I am training myself how to avoid these menace and I feel proud that I am successful so far. Just stick to the plan and the trick really works.
When you try to motivates others, it also gives a sense of achievement and this in turn motivates you again.
Its a try and never give up attitude that finally counts. So dont give up.
Thanks guys for reading.

Serendip Visitor's picture



Larry's picture

Porn Addiction

I completely agree with the above comment in regards to our specific choices to rid ourselves of "triggers" that draw us back into porn addiction. I would like to add that the addiction is real, because it's in the reward center of the brain, but the good news is, the brain can be retrained. Do can experiment; no porn for 90 days and keep a journal and watch the changes take place.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Porn is always with you

Interestingly, I have gone 90 days without porn before, only to see myself return to it. I have gone 6 months, even a year or more without looking at pornography, yet the images are still locked in my mind. I can instantly recall images that I remember seeing when I was 8 years old. Perhaps there's a more scientific reason, but the reason I believe those images are still ingrained in my mind is simply because I want them there. Will power will only get you so far; if there is some stronger, more scientific reason for the inability to shed these images, abstinence is made even doubly challenging. That said, those times when my mind is most reposed and in-desirous of pornography, or more so the resulting euphoria of release, is quite simply when I am no longer mindful of it. In other words, when I have found a substitution for those thoughts (concentration elsewhere), they recede into the caverns of my mind and do not burn for attention. The challenge becomes "rightly" handling those thoughts or images. I agree with other statements that pornography in and of itself is neither good nor evil; likewise, neither is money, drugs, or chocolate! The distinction is between the use and overuse of a thing. Again, the challenge is how does one "rightly" use pornography when one has a history of overuse and the associated euphoria is so deeply ingrained? How does an alcoholic take just one drink? As someone who has wrestled with a pornography addiction most of his life--from mental, moral, social, and financial positions, I think this is a healthy discussion and truly wish these topics could be discussed more openly, without the shadow of taboo. I for one appreciate everyone's thoughts on both sides of this coin. Blessings to you all!

Robert's picture

Sometimes trying hard doesn't work

I used to think the most profound thing in the world were pulsars, quasars and galaxies. No, the most profound thing in the world is your brain. It is composed of over one hundred billion neurons. One hundred billion. That’s as many stars as there are in the Milky Way Galaxy. Now your brain only composes two percent of your body mass but it uses twenty percent of your energy. It has a consistency of butter at room temperature and should be a smooth as a billiard ball.

There’s more neurological connections in your brain than there are stars in the entire universe. We discovered over fifty different neuro-transmitters. There are fifty combinations and permutations at least and possibly many more.

Your brain makes about five trillion decisions per second. And so most of the decisions you make you don’t make on a conscious level, it’s an unconscious level.

So, what is a thought? Neuron’s that fire together, wire together. You have neurological patterns in your brain; you have echoes from the past. This is where wounds from your past come to haunt you. We’ll come back to this later.

Your higher reasoning power is your cortex. It’s only 2.4 millimeters thick, as thick as six business cards. This is where you make conscience decisions for what is right and wrong.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Please continue 'sometimes trying hard doesn't work'

Your facts about the human brain are fascinating - can you please continue

Serendip Visitor's picture

how we can see this all action in our mind do by the hall world

how we can see this all action in our mind do by the hall world maker we can tell them god or any other religion says like a bird and all other life on earth in their mind work normal as god teach us how to live life like them.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Thanks for writing that. As a

Thanks for writing that. As a woman I went looking ftsor a solution to whay I feel is now a problem. So thanks again ahat you wrote really helps, givez me insight. I mistakenly when to my husband fod help and he just laughed at me :/ No jike.

Serenity Visitor's picture


Don't feel like you have to answer to some fictional being put together from stories written down over the course of over 200 years, the religious idea of god doesn't exist for we humans is the real god. The god you are taught about in the
holy books is in fact really the devil, a wolf dressed as a sheep, If we all are created equal, why does the books or priests teach you to judge and hate others that are different? Why do they tell you to force other people to believe the same things you believe in, and tell them that if they don't they will burn in whatever is your religions view of what hell may be or look like?
Throw away your religion, look at it from a different perspective, after having thrown your religion away can still believe in it again? All religion is flawed beacause man is flawed, some fictional god didn't create religion, man made up
the concept of religion. A system of laws, codes, stories and view on what is right and wrong, that says that all people must behave or act this way or else they will be punished for all eternity is not an religion of good. It is an religion that preaches evil, that don't allow you to think for youself.

Patrick's picture

Addicted to porn, now married and paying dearly - please pray

It all started when I was 12. Me and a buddy found a dirty magazine in the woods a neighbor boy had told me about. Porn was my addiction since then. Sex, prostatution, you name I did it. For the last 16 years. Now, I'm newly married and striving to live as a man of God. My libido is pretty much next to nothing. I'm trying everything I can to fix it. I do not want my marriage to fall apart. Now that I've been hospitalized due to the problems I'm facing I feel my life is going down the drain. If you can please pray and provide any support please feel free to email me. I am living a stage of my life I don't want to be.

robertjoseph's picture

porn addiction

First, i will unceisingly pray for you. I am in a situation too that I cant stop. this started when I was 3 or 4 years old not knowing what to call it but the feeling was so disturbing that i have to do something. No internet yet that time but only to play with it..Now that I am 56 years old and widow, the sensation remained the same all the more I have no partner and I dont indulge in any infidelilty or escapades. My guilt is killing me and Im hating myself. You dont want your marriage to fall apart, I also do not want myself to fall broken apart. Im into this web site they call and seems to do good to me. Try it. God is good There is always hope.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Stay strong, thoughts and

Stay strong, thoughts and prayers go out to you my brother.

Luke's picture

I understand

Hey man. I wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have been struggling with porn for about two years now. Understand that you cannot beat the addiction alone. You need to be accountable, and to do that, you need to tell someone about the addiction. I dont know how you access it, but set up a browsing monitor app on your phone/computer.
But more importantly, pray. You can beat any addiction or problem with jesus!

Serendip Visitor's picture

Hello Patrick, I stumbled

Hello Patrick,
I stumbled upon this as I was reading up about pornography addiction, as recently a friend told me of a problem he had and has been trying to overcome this.

I admire your willingness to change. Just this past night I went to church and the sermon was about God changing our hearts so He can change our behavior. I saw this comment, and immediately my heart felt such empathy for your situation. Many times I have been in a situation which was bigger than I which only God could overcome. I am praying over your life that you will give this to God and allow God to begin changing your heart. He is good, and He has such a great purpose for our lives! I wish you the best and will continue to pray for you!

youngSocialVagabond's picture

The ritalin for my male promescuity

since i was in middleschool to highschool, which was just around the corner a year ago...

Iv'e struggled[maintained my foolishness shit?], jumpin shit... hollerin at the chicks.. just doing whatever came to mind, to get away from it all, because i wanted to do something better with my life.

I guess i was doing something ok with my life i guess, i had "friends", people to chill with, hit the gnarly, play around with the other, ... and be envied?.. nah... just blow life away i guess... and be "doomed?" to a normal life path. eh i don't know.

this is what i want since i could build up the crude map for myself.. I want to be great medical researcher, and and extremely efficient computer systems architect [ leave details out].

but i can't get away from all this good poison, all the endorphin ridden drama, action, pleasing association of just being in the now and being the talked about. My genre was the prepster-hoodrat mix.
to be classy with our living-class roots as the star of our show i guess.

... anyways what im saying is that because of porn iv'e been able ditch the shit with a quick in and out and get over to the important work mostly study.. no it hasn't made me see women objectively though at any period in time you can objectify everything at once for needed reasons...

I left{got kicked} church cus i got in trouble with making out with the girls there, except for not passing taste xD, but mostly for getting called out for some fake rape shit that everyone new wasn't true cus she was a real bitch and her boyfriend who didn't like me. I dunno if the common description of God by mainstream christians[lots that think they arn't really are and fakk them] can save my ass.

So since porn Iv'e been able to grab a control of myself and had less time adressing my libido in match with the others who have the same insane amount.

Well i dunno about the not having anough libido for your chosen mate, but right now i have way way way way way to much of it, and a flick every 5 hour kills the power... or so it seems, until a friend comes over to help me with programming. I wish i had asked her out instead of the current, and it's so hard to hold but i manage to hold. Thank the forces for such a beautiful person with the same interests and a kind heart, and that stupid moral which dictates my promiscuity.

So bless you reliogous people in keeping the willer down, cus motherfakk i can't do it... unless i get casterated.. iv'e thought about in the cost of making my work more proficient.. sigh fakk it! here comes college >:[ and all you hot fakkin promiscous beaches :D, yay no stds... yet

Mike's picture

History lesson

Seven years after Jesus died this weirdo Muhammad popped up, and started to talk all this gibberish about a imam falling down a well and a kid living in a cave. Really weird stuff no help to anyone really, so wial the decipals where walking around healing in Jesus name and praying and blessing people with Jesus, Muhammad was in a cave righting. Sounds real holy and ritcheus to me!

Anyways enuph of this gibberish I have been doing holy communion on my own for about a week now, and it seamed to have broke something free! I still have the urge but when I plead the blood of Christ the enemy has no foot hold to tempt. I'm not sure it's something that you guys would want to try but It can't hurt.

And as for you guys feeling ashamed, Don't Jesus was nailed to a cross naked so he could take all the shame upon himself. This was a long hard road to walk to figure this out, I have been a porn addicted for ruffly 15 years that's half my life I came onto porn before I even new what I was watching. Satan has take. Something that God has created to be pure and holy, A way for a man and woman to connect on a eternally deeper level and worpped it! Lets take this act of love between a Man and Woman back to a pure spot where it's not sullied by lust, and return it to the gift that it was ment to be! I personally don't believe in sex before marriage, but I also understand we are people and we succumbe to our desires and that's where Jesus's love comes it he shows the father the sacrifice and not the sin! From a Christian Man to other Christian I make a call to stand tall and yell I WILL NOT SUCCUMBE! God will NEVER give you more than you can handle! This is a fight we have to fight on our knees Men! Lets put women back in the spot they where ment to be, by our sides! Lets love them as Jesus loves the church and protect them with our lives in need be. God bless you Men of God I will be praying for all from hear on in! I will stand in the gap! I make a call for a stand!