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The Breaking Project


An Evolving Anthology



Current Feature

Past, Present & Future

“Inhale the future. Exhale the past.”

Latest Breaking

by David A. Feingold, Ed.D
Aug 20 2015 - 4:13pm
by Medoza Ameen
Jan 22 2015 - 12:26pm
Learning from Extinctions... and Life, Paul Grobstein

[image source]

Why are we so upset by death and other breaks, by losses that produce disruptions of the established pattern of things, when so many other things around us treat them with equanimity, even indifference?

How Not to Hassle the Unconscious, Paul Grobstein, Laura Cyckowski, and Alice Lesnick
Breaking in Six Degrees, Hallie Garrison

[image: Anne Dalke]

Someone’s marriage leads to someone’s birth, a death, a relation, twice-removed in a gene pool of obligation, or maybe true love, or perhaps legacy.   You can’t start over, because you can’t stop it, that forward march.

The Role of Smoking Cigarettes in the Education of a Young Jew, Jody Cohen

[image source]

She opens the Lucky Strikes and lights one, then another and another,
experimenting with how to do it until suddenly she’s
swaying in the buzzing morning heat.

untitled, Elizabeth Catanese
Truth and Power in Education, Bharath Vallabha

[image source]

If the teacher doesn’t stand for something, if the teacher doesn’t say there are some things which are good and some bad, then the students will not have the rupture which is essential for growth.

Contents So Far . . .

Been a Long Time Leaving, Rob Goldberg
Walking Poem, Alice Lesnick and Emma Wipperman
Breaking Down, Samantha Matinez
Untitled, Jessye Cohen-Dan
Hungry Ghosts, Jody Cohen
Truth and Power in Education, Bharath Vallabha
Breaking in Six Degrees, Hallie Garrison