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The Breaking Project


An Evolving Anthology



Current Feature

Past, Present & Future

“Inhale the future. Exhale the past.”

Latest Breaking

by David A. Feingold, Ed.D
Aug 20 2015 - 4:13pm
by Medoza Ameen
Jan 22 2015 - 12:26pm
Brandy Snaps and Battlefields, Clare Mullaney

[image source]

What if, like the brandy snap, our own breakages prodded our supple shaping not just to the end of a spoon, but to those around us—those who too are afflicted with burdens birthed of deviation?

Feels of Time

Rumour has it that time goes in a cycle . . . 

Breaking in Six Degrees, Hallie Garrison

[image: Anne Dalke]

Someone’s marriage leads to someone’s birth, a death, a relation, twice-removed in a gene pool of obligation, or maybe true love, or perhaps legacy.   You can’t start over, because you can’t stop it, that forward march.

Guy Walks Into a Bar, Alice Lesnick

My friend, this is changing:
Suspense, you know, breath
Without rhythm

Breaking: A Life Story in 10 Fragments, Anne Dalke

But I was after the truth, which impels the searches I conduct both in my classes and in student conferences. That is the cause of my questioning, unremitting, my refusal of complacency, my insistence that, hard and deep as we may dig, we will never, ever get to the bottom.

Fascicle from Striatum0/1

Contents So Far . . .

Been a Long Time Leaving, Rob Goldberg
Walking Poem, Alice Lesnick and Emma Wipperman
Breaking Down, Samantha Matinez
Untitled, Jessye Cohen-Dan
Hungry Ghosts, Jody Cohen
Truth and Power in Education, Bharath Vallabha
Breaking in Six Degrees, Hallie Garrison