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meggiekate's blog

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My Road to Bryn Mawr!



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My Education, Class, and Thoughts on our Discussion

When I first started to write about my education, I automatically knew that I wanted to write about some of my education outside of the classroom and school, partially because I feel that that part of my education has shaped who I am as a person more than my education within the classroom. I also feel like we have the semester to get to know each other within the classroom, but not necessarily as individuals around and off campus. (Even though, I know Anne is only one who is reading our papers as of yet). After thinking about what I chose to write about, I now wish that I had included a few more things that were central to my education growing up so I am definitely looking forward to the rewriting process for this paper.

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Hi All!

Hi All! I’m Meg Sumner-Moore and I’m from a small town in the San Francisco Bay Area. I would say that my education started at church camp during my middle school summers. That’s where I started to learn more about the world and living a meaningful and compassionate life in this crazy world of ours. My education definitely continued in middle and high school, when I attended a school that was founded by hippies in the 1960s. My high school has more of a “whole person” approach to education. In addition to preparing students for college, the curriculum also focused on unconventional subjects, such as outdoor adventure, environmental stewardship, and international and multicultural understanding.

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