Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

The Consortium for Excellence in Teacher Education is building a network for excellence in STEM teacher education at liberal arts institutions. This discussion begins at the spring 2012 conference held at Bryn Mawr College with support from the National Science Foundation, and will continue and expand following the conference.
Conference participants all have accounts for logging in and posting. If you would like to request an account to join the discussion or if you need technical assistance, please contact us.

Break-out Group Discussion
Yellow Group:
- Create a package (of information)
- Clarify what is common in network
- 'Market' at career fairs, try to collectively compete with TFA
- Encourage faculty to present teaching as option, plant idea early
- Video? market teaching when students choose major
- Hire undergrads as teaching assistants
- Make connections with science + math faculty
Sharing best practices for preparation+ induction:
- Where do we get resources?
- Website (?) for sharing ideas
- i.e. invite recent grads back to talk to undergrads
- look at CIRTL (Center for Integr. of Research Teaching and Learning)
- get list of grad websites resources
- how to choose/ support master/ clinical teachers
Preparing/ opportunities for teacher leadership:
- Invite new teachers to get together to share
- Building capacity for master teachers
Share resources:
- Summer program for contact specific pedagogy
Blue Group:

Welcome to the CETE Conference, hosted at Bryn Mawr College May 30 - June 1, 2012. I'm Ann Dixon, co-founder and webmaster of Serendip, and pleased to host online conversations among CETE participants during and after the conference. Serendip has been focused on interdisciplinary inquiry since its inception 18 years ago, and I hope you'll have the time to take a look around on Serendip while you're here. Some of the exhibits that might interest you are:
Summer Institutes for K-12 Teachers - with materials and resources spanning more than 20 years
Playground Activities - perhaps not what you expect
Alice Lesnick's Empowering Learners: Theory and Practice of Extra-Classroom Teaching - /exchange/education/handbook
Hands-on Activities for Teaching Biology to High School or Middle School Students and its companion resource, More Minds-on Activities for Teaching Biology -