Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!
Break-out Group Discussion

Yellow Group:
- Create a package (of information)
- Clarify what is common in network
- 'Market' at career fairs, try to collectively compete with TFA
- Encourage faculty to present teaching as option, plant idea early
- Video? market teaching when students choose major
- Hire undergrads as teaching assistants
- Make connections with science + math faculty
Sharing best practices for preparation+ induction:
- Where do we get resources?
- Website (?) for sharing ideas
- i.e. invite recent grads back to talk to undergrads
- look at CIRTL (Center for Integr. of Research Teaching and Learning)
- get list of grad websites resources
- how to choose/ support master/ clinical teachers
Preparing/ opportunities for teacher leadership:
- Invite new teachers to get together to share
- Building capacity for master teachers
Share resources:
- Summer program for contact specific pedagogy
Blue Group:
- number of courses for major, certification, etc. (science+ labs) (state requirements)
- mindset, planning (recruitment)
- status of education/ teaching profession
- discipline focus of faculty vs reality of alums in teaching
- race; students of color in math + science (science as a filter, not a pump)
- weak STEM preparation for elementary certification
- math in major not math students need to teach
- pedagogy doesn't model inquiry based pedagogy in college STEM classes
- high-stakes testing limits curriculum + pedagogy
How can the network help?
- help support new teachers- networking, professional development
- expand current programs
- pool knowledge of foundations and organizations that may help with funding
- partner with other organizations that tap into underrepresented, minority groups
- summer teaching experience for students
- partnerships between colleges may help spur implementation
- create policies for changes that we see as necessary
- link (i.e. using technology) pre-service teachers in like fields (share/ critique common assignments) (online methods courses) at all levels- locally and nationally
- warehouse, for easy access, ideas that individual colleges implement so we can see what possibilities are out there (initiatives, partnerships, internships)
- summer program for STEM pre-service training/ collaboration (paid? credit?)
Red Group
- support for new career teachers and mid career teachers (network that icorporates ideas below)
- teaching Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program- include alums too
- conference for teaches or funding for teachers to attend conferences
- offer a summer course on ___ pedagogy
- publication? connect to ideas above
Orange Group
- Summer program
- involve preservice teachers (recruitment)
- involve 1-3 year teachers (induction)
- cooperating teachers (prof. development)
- content area faculty (content depth)
- Strategies for collectively influencing policy-makers
- Online network
- for us
- for students/ teachers/ alums
- Strategies for enhancing status of profession
Facilitator Ideas/ Whole group discussion
- teacher impact; show our graduates are "high quality" ( research initiative)
- statement of teacher peparation in STEM for 21st c. (Math Ed. of Teachers) CBMs
- alternative to present assessments for K-12 students focused o our liberal arts values
- (initiatives applicable to all types of programs)
- supporting positive of common core: standards of mathematical practice. link with national organizations
- outreach/ support initiatives for discipline faculty: on-line
- principles our practice (exact voices present) data
- keep on teachers in profession
Purple Group:
- teacher bashing
- low pay
- testing focus
- lack of support networks
- parental opinions and affordability ("go to state schools if you want to teach")
Good teachers:
- passion-- for content and for teaching
- personality
- smart people (who can and sometimes go off and do other things)
- tension at LACs re: teacher ed learning focus vs. prof. prep 'education as a liberal art'
- role of faculty in writin letters to editors, etc. to counter opinions
- scale-- creating a network of our grads for support
- develop local hubs: support for grads of any proram in region; summer P.D. opp's; geographic centers that serve teachers in region regardless of which institution prepared at.
- use collective voice of LACs to influence public opinion ( and politics)
- can we energize our alumni base
- what power can we collectively wield?
- what/ who do we want to influence?- people who make decisions re: ed policy (state boards of ed)
- balance required: ex- demonstrate how value-added approach is flawed and offer an alternative appropriate assessment based on standards
- caution for science relative to new standards; take lesson from math, where new assessments far overshadow standards... leading to greater prescription of curriculum and less flexibility for teachers
- students give teachers flexibility around core, but assessments dont follow that lead
- what kind of assessments, if any, could we create and share among network?
- how do you asess things that are not readily measurable? (effects of LAC experience on grads 20+ years later, etc.)
- good assessments important but not the only way to measure success in educ.
- we need to say this
- need to articulate what we currently do, particularly with regard to pedagogies
- how do our progrms help students develop pedagogical content knowledge?
- LACs lack ways to share pedagogies
- can the network create some sort oof shared speaking circuits
- send people to network courses
- Content/Education/Teachers: Need to work together and respect one another; teachers need to be more a part of planning, development and execution
- Success at serveral institutions when TA's take required pedagogy course - students go on to teach for 1-2 years before going on in sci/math. This didn't work at othr campuses
- Tutoring not necessarily comparable to teaching
- TFA and other programs offer limited options - LACs need to speak clearly about what alternatives we offer
Green Group:
- structure and name for this "beyond CETE" network
- visibility, power and influence in STEM Education; get support from our institutions
- strengths of STEM faculty involvement and content/education focus
- create a mechanism for sharing
- Ed Studies Program designs
- course restructuring ideas
- post-bac alumnae/i certification
- student persistence in STEM (Programs/courses)
- model pedagogies
- Flipped classroom
- technology enhanced learning
- cross-institutional workshops/PD for students and alumnae/i
- geographically close
- web-based
- sharing....moving towards co-design of successful school/university STEM education partnerships
- strategies for navigating and changing state educational policies
- bringing state ed. reps to the next conference
- policy briefs
- lobbying
- strategies for expanding students' awareness of and exposure to STEM professions with teaching as a respected and viable increase STEM major and potential teaching opportunities (TA's)
- gender
- diversity
- tutoring and other teaching options
- summer institute models for novice STEM teachers
- recruitment and retention strategies
- resume' building (aka TFA)
- "CETE Education Graduate" award/certification
- Network for Alums cross-institutional