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Web Paper or Special Event


Porkchop's picture

My avatar is a picture of an egg. I was making brownies and I cracked one egg and there was a white thing in it, so I decided to open that up. There was another little white thing inside of that too. I couldn't sleep that night until I had a scientific explanation for this, so I learned that chickens can actually produce eggs that have eggs inside of their egg. If there is a blockage in the cloaca, eggs will move their way into another egg before the shell is calcified around it.

Short Posting #1

Kismet's picture

My avatar is a photograph I took on my iPhone this April.  On that particular day, my boyfriend and I decided to take my dog, Muggles, for a walk.  We walked into the woods and under oak branches dripping from the morning's bout of rain.  Muggles, who hates walking on damp ground, cautiously stepped through the dew-drenched grass.  My boyfriend and I watched and laughed at the pitiful expression on the pudgy pooch's mug as he snuffed around.  We casually discussed what we should have for dinner, and once we had decided, I tugged Muggles' leash so that he would begin walking home with us.  He didn't budge.  Annoyed, I turned to him but softened when I saw what he was so intently focused on; a single yellow daffodil, which had sprung up from the muddy earth much earlier than usual.

Entering the Global Village: Is World Wide Web for People with Disabilities?

Chewy Charis's picture

"Questions: why is it important that the web is accessible to people with disabilities? In short, why should we care? Then we can ask, in what ways is the internet inaccessible? What are some currently available technology to make computer and internet usage easier? What does accessibility even mean? Also, when we say people with disabilities, who do we include? Are there regulations around web accessibility? How clear and effective are they?


smalina's picture

Dis/appears (2016)

Permanent marker and chest binders on clothesline


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Words of transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, and gender nonconforming individuals with autism, included in piece:

“Mama, I think that I am half boy and half girl.”

Final Project: Autism "Speaks"

amweiner's picture

Hello All! So once again I have had issues with technology. So, I have attached the 9 blog posts I made to a journal I entitled Autism "Speaks!"

If there is any issue technologically please do let me know. Thanks!

 1. This project in a nutshell 

2. Autism "Speaks"

3. Autism Culture

Communicating Culture: What Neuroscientists Need to Know about the Neurodiversity Movement

lindsey's picture

Realized that originally I posted this accidentally as a book page and now I can't tag it/ mark it as a web event, so here is my midterm essay again!

“Although biomedical platforms are efficient at driving translational research forward, they are not passive and transparent, but actively entrench assumptions that may be deeply contested.”

            ~ Gills-Buck and Richardson 2014


Disruptive Symbiosis: A Reflection on Language and Representation

lindsey's picture

It’s hard to even know where to begin this reflection, the BioArt project seems like a fantastic the culmination of four years of scientific coursework, two formal courses in disability studies and disability studies, and lots of informative and thought-provoking conversations that have happened over the course of my time at Haverford.