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The contact zone- Becca Essay #2

Penguin18's picture

When I first started reading about the contact zone, I immediately thought of it in a negative sense.  A contact zone makes me think of fighting and aggression, rather than just a place where cultures are mixed.  After our class discussion, I began to think of the contact zone as neutral.  If the two sides do not accept each other it will be seen as negative, but if they can live in harmony together, then the relationship is positive.  I have experienced many different contact zones throughout my life.  I grew up in a very diverse school district, teaching me the importance of learning about other people and their cultures.  Over the years it has become part of my nature to accept people for who they are and I am interested to learn about other people’s cultures.  I have also learned th

Women in Sports, Revisited

Lebewesen's picture

Growing up as a military child, my life and my identity are the product of contact zones. Contact zones within the various countries I’ve lived in, within the countless schools I’ve attended, and even within military bases themselves. However, one of the most prominent and distinct contact zones was definitely the one I experienced in Armenia.

Women in Sports, Revisited

Lebewesen's picture

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Growing up as a military child, my life and my identity are the product of contact zones. Contact zones within the various countries I’ve lived in, within the countless schools I’ve attended, and even within military bases themselves. However, one of the most prominent and distinct contact zones was definitely the one I experienced in Armenia.

Walking Away From Catholicism

Rellie's picture

The embodiment of guilt in “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” is very interesting to me because I have always had trouble with feeling overly guilty for small actions that in my mind my parents would disapprove of. So what If the world operated without guilt? Would I have the majority of the problems I have today? Ursula Le Guin has decided that guilt is what keeps the world from being a blissful place and in my personal account with the priest guilt was the guiding force.

Through the Looking Glass

MadamPresident's picture

Princess Jefferson


Through The Looking Glass


My identity has been shaped since my junior year in high school, in Houston, Texas. I was “privileged” to take part in a news segment that was intended to be on cultural diversity within the classroom. Instead this segment turned into one of the most emotional raw cut videos you will ever see.

The 'another me'

Cathyyy's picture

Just like how Jordan shifted her consciousness from race and class and gender, I’ve never stop finding who I am, but from different aspects.I’ve always wondered if there’s somebody on earth that share the same thoughts and interest and characteristic of mine. If there’s really an another ‘you’ on the planet, what should you say when the encounter happens, like a miracle? Without being aware of that question, I said ‘I like your dress’ when I first met Jing, at my age of 12.


My dearest sister

Iridium's picture

I have a best best friend. We’ve been friends since first grade. We went to the same class in elementary school and became desk-mates. We went to the same middle school though her classroom was very far away from mine. During my first year in high school, she went to Sydney for further study.

As June Jordan mentioned in her work, “The contact between two individuals is less obvious and, like the weather, not predictable.”Many people lose most of their friends of childhood when they grow up. So do I. However, she is the one remained there and the one I most treasured.

There is a song named “I’ll always be with you.” We are exactly always “stick” with each other.