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Let's Chat About Clothing

onewhowalks's picture

For my 6-Week Contact Zone project, I researched the role of clothing style on campus. My project write-up can be found here. There should be more talk about clothing and style on campus, especially for style as a vehicle for emotion and identity.

Ecological Intelligence at Bryn Mawr (Revision)

bothsidesnow's picture

In the Mission on the Bryn Mawr College website, one of the statements says, “the College has maintained its character as  “a small residential community which fosters close working relationships between faculty and students.” An example of this out of the classroom is the Community Day of Learning. While scrolling through the archive of articles on the Bryn Mawr website, I found a post about this year’s Community Day of Learning in the winter. The blog post mentioned this was the second time this event is being held, last year’s being the inaugural one.

There but for Fortune: Reflection on Prison Experience

Shirah Kraus's picture

A vivid experience:

On the last Thursday, the guards were especially thorough as we made our way through metal detectors and pat downs. They paused at one student and asked if she was wearing a bra.

"No," she answered uncomfortably.

"Can you put one on?"

"I don't have one."

"We have rules here. You all have been here before, right? …. Even though they [the inmates] are females, they are still predators."


Time Banking at Bryn Mawr: A Dream

GraceNL's picture

Time Banking at Bryn Mawr: A Dream

"My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." –Steve Jobs

Time. We all have it. Sixty seconds in a minute. Sixty minutes in an hour. Twenty-four hours in a day. Seven days in a week. Fifty-two weeks in a year. But what do we do with our time? We work, we eat, we sleep. And sometimes we have an hour here, an hour there that we have nothing to do. So what if you could use that unproductive time for something good? What if you could use that unproductive time as currency? That is what TimeBanking is.